Impossible skill checks Freddy is becoming one of my favourite builds

Option 1: The safe option
You have the default 10% regression + 6% from Huntress Lullaby + 4% from the blue dress. 20% regression penalty and the paintbrush add on ensures that survivors don't wake up from all these failed skillchecks. Pop and bbq aren't neccesary just there if you want to play it safe. You could swap out BBQ for Overcharge if you want to combo with Pop.
Option 2: Extreme
10% base regression + 6% lullaby + 4% Blue dress + 4% green dress = 24%. I heard Overcharge may be bugged when working with other penalties, if not that's potentially another 5%.
So with this one you're sacrificing your snares since survivors will be waking up a lot. However you now have a terror radius so we can take unnerving presence because an impossible skill checks build just isn't the same without it. :) It's essential to use the Gideon meat plant or hawkins offerings with this, 1) so your totems aren't gone within 30 seconds and 2) to make use of the terror radius.
Been using this at rank 1 and been doing ok (only because I used map offerings 😄). Is it viable against the 3k+ hour tryhards? no probably not. Is it fun? yes very much so.
Yeah, I'm not so sure about these builds..
Huntress lullaby is a worthless hex, not to mention it will lose all stacks if it respawns with undying
Most people on red ranks will hit the skillchecks anyway, even if you get huntress lullaby to 5 stacks (which is rare)
Overwhelming presence also won't work half of the time, because asleep survivors are not in your "terror radius"
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*cough* use doctor *cough *
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Or "how to turn Freddy into Doctor."
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in my experience 4 stacks is the most difficult cause the sound throws you off but 5 stacks just is easy for some reason
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I've always found it way easier to hit the Great check with UP. Granted, they aren't worth going for anymore. Just out of habit now.
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Just don't do gens to counter this build. ezclap.
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@MrLimonka Honest people miss plenty even at red ranks. Bearing in mind even missing one causes a huuuuuuuge regression penalty. Basically free Pop.
You could use Doctor but everyone uses Doctor. Doctor doesn't have the dress add ons though which give you more %
In all honesty it's fun, gimmicky builds like these that make Undying fun which is why I hope it doesn't get nerfed just due to Ruin.
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Seems fun. Killers don't always have to run a sweaty tryhard build.
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Only problem I see with this is freddys lack of TR on sleeping survivors - does unnerving presence work then?
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That's it really. Running the meta gets stale after a while. I'm trying to find new builds that synergize well and are a lot of fun. This build is high risk/high reward.
If anybody has any more let me know. It's fun to use non-meta builds for a while to make a change, if you get a few bad games you can always go back to a meta killer with a meta build and kick some booty.
I've recently been doing Trapper full totem builds. Got Devour active both times 🤣it's only the DS/DH/Unbreakable sweat lords that kind of ruin the builds. Your average survivors aren't too difficult and it's probably nice for them to have something different to play against.
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Probably not but ideally they'll be missing so many repair/healing skillchecks that they will mostly be awake.