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Why *Shouldn't* Killers Camp, Tunnel, Mori, NOED etc. ?



  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I typically bring a mori for the last couple of games of the night. Its just a bit of fun. When they get used is often dictated by how much its snowballing for or against me in the match. If its 2-3 gens and I'm on 1-2 hooks then if I find a hooked guy he's probably getting mori'd, nothing personal just business.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah, I'm not an especially good chaser. Which is why I prefer less sweaty, more tactical killers like Hag, Doctor and Wraith. I tend to pick a three gen position right off the bat and defend it while patrolling out when it feels safe. I tend to drop a lot of chases after one hit and focus more on disruption and attrition. Doing decently off it too, and the reactions of people when I just won't commit to a chase warm my heart.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Camping is - in a large number of cases - self-defeating. Really, unless it's securing a hook during the endgame or knowing another Survivor is close by, there would be no solid meaning in doing this. It's definitely allowed but it would only disadvantage that one Survivor. The rest can blitz through to the endgame, easily beat the Killer and basically give the Killer a boring match.

    Tunnelling can help. If I get the chance, I'll down an unhooked survivor, but won't rehang them. DS is always a probability. Yet knocking them out delays the game and is a good tactic to keep people off gens. Plus, Survivors have the option of BT, or their savior taking a protective hit. There's also the idea of out-playing the Killer to escape a down.

    NOED has been discussed so many times that it's just dull to talk about. It's a powerful endgame perk which may/ may not be used and has counters. Nothing wrong with it.

    Moris. Now, I wouldn't be unaccepting of a nerf, providing Keys are too. Both add-ons provide the player with a way to end games early. It wouldn't work if either were nerfed but not the other. In the meantime, there's no reason not to use either.

    Basically, in a game of survival such as this you use whatever you have to achieve your objective.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    Yeah, nah. Screw that. Killers aren't survivors babysitters or vice versa. Either side is not obligated to provide a fun experience to the other side.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I'm a survivor main and it really upsets me when I see other survivors being toxic as ######### to killers in the chat after a match for things like so-called "tunnelling". I always call them out on their bullshit and I hope this helps the killers in these situations to feel less upset by it. If a killer tunnels a survivor, it's because someone unhooked the survivor at the wrong time/in the wrong way. Or the person who was unhooked just started running and leaving scratch marks everywhere/fast vaulting like a loony and then blames the killer for "tunnelling" when they find them and down them again. So frustrating to see killers essentially get screamed at for that. I'm not a fan of games where the killer camps, though, I must say. Only because it feels like a really boring and cynical way to play the game and it diminishes the fun for me. Killers can and do win without playing passively all the time, so it just feels really unnecessary to me. Having said all of that, I don't think it's my place to tell killers they shouldn't camp. They can make the game boring if they want.

  • Member Posts: 629

    Untold rules, survivors seem to have them as well.

    1) Not allowed to bring keys

    2) Not allowed to play with friends

    3) Not allowed to play aggressively with BT & DS

    4) Not allowed to run the killer around for more than 30s.

    5) Not allowed to play as Blendette

    *Breaking any of these rules makes you liable to be camped, tunnelled or be mori.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    You should do whatever you want all this over powered add on perk item crap needs to be toned down on both sides. Until then just play however you are able to enjoy this mess.

  • Member Posts: 179

    A killer can play scummy if they want to. 9 out of 10 killers I face at rank 1 camp, tunnel, and mori off first hook. There's no consequence, I just have to deal with it.

    The problem is the devs thinking this is okay when really they should want a survivor to live longer than 2 minutes in a match. Camping and tunneling should not be promoted, yet they consider it a legitimate strategy.

    Killers playing this way has only caused a tremendously negative impact on the game and community.. but the devs just.. don't care? Yeah.

    They'll release band-aid perks and incentives to killers to not remove a survivor out of the match in the first 90 seconds, but killers do not care and will just continue to be rewarded for playing this way - proven by the fact rank 1 killers play this way.

    In fact, just yesterday I faced a rank 1 6,000 hour clown that tunneled Nea off hook both times, ignoring me body blocking the entire time just to kill her. She disconnected, rightfully so. No toxicity by survivors, he did it to everyone. I killed myself on hook to not deal with it but if I was Nea I would have also disconnected.

    This isn't a one time thing. This is 98% of my matches and it makes the game terrible to play. Thinking survivors have the power role or are favored is idiotic.

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    Woah, sorry there. This wasn’t meant as an insult in any way. (Message lost in text and all that...)

    What I meant was that killer’s are self-serving — from a lore perspective. OP used that angle to frame his question, so that’s how I meant the answer.

    Strategically, there may be reasons to camp, tunnel, etc. Lore-wise, a killer’s mindset is to spread around pain and anguish to the greatest extent possible.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    You're not expected to follow any code...if you want to win no matter how you go about it, then that's on you. I personally don't camp, tunnel, mori, noed, etc. because when I win I want it to be because I was good enough to do it myself without having to use any of those easy mode tactics.

    It's an asymmetric game, which some people like to only remember when it is convenient for them to do so. It's why survivors do what they can to survive, otherwise their play time is over...they are out of the game. Killers are never at risk of being eliminated from a match.

    Camping, tunneling, mori, whatever is pretty much equivalent in joy to facing a fully coordinated SWF - sure fight fire with fire, but most players are not in coordinated SWF, yet many killers will treat all survivors as if they were. Now you get that kind of treatment several games in a row, and you start to question why are you even bothering in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 830

    I'm really sorry to hear this :(. I always appreciate killers that play fair and don't constantly go after the freshly unhooked survivors and camp, but not everyone will. Just know that a lot of players are happy to have people like you and that it's ok to cave in and maaaaybe camp the toxic ones lol! I don'y have post game chat, but I always assume someone is ready to yell at me for not healing them fast enough or messing up a gen, or even playing nice as killer to help them get points between matches, because ignorance is bliss in this case!! Good luck in your future matches and I hope survivors appreciate you more :)!

  • Member Posts: 875

    Why do you seem so bothered by this dilemma you find yourself in?

    Play how you want right? Cool. So please, let’s stop projecting penis envy (small pp build!), whining about exhaustion perks, DS, unbreakable, etc.

    if you’re like the killers I’ve played vs. today, who feel the need to camp a 3 v 1 after an insta DC, with an ebony mori, and still lose 4 gens, go right ahead. Nobody will stop you.

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    Thanks I know they have survivor's like you who do appreciate a fair game out thier so I'll do my best to maintain my honorable hunting status.

  • Member Posts: 473

    I personnaly tunneled unintentionally, thing is, I'll try to go for the unhooker and I don't see him, if I see scratch marks leading to the unhooked, I am sorry but I'll go after you since I see nobody else!

    I try to avoid Tunneling or camping unless I need to, IE: Getting genrushed and only having one hook

  • Member Posts: 436

    Seriously who gives a ######### what survivors think. You can play 100% fair and show empathy to the guy that just got hook farmed and they'll still teabag and trash talk. Sometimes it's fun as hell to just facecamp and ebony mori everyone cause all of your games that night have been survivors sending you to ormond while they're all running DS/BT/UB/DH and treating the game like it's the major league gaming championship

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    but survivor are the big evil imo

    I say play how you want because most survivor not going to care if you have fun.

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