Am I toxic for slugging survivors and never hooking?

After having a losing streak as killer and seeing many survivors with BT/DS/Deliverance etc, I realized that these are all perks that revolve around the hooking mechanic. Knowing this, I decided to never hook survivors until everyone is slugged and/or have the survivors die from bleeding out, because those perks would never work unless I hook them. I started to see more success in my games, but after matches, survivors would start to call me toxic for not hooking them and keeping them slugged the entire match, and it was my "responsibility" to make the game fun.
Although I've been winning more matches for not hooking all survivors until they are all slugged, am I a toxic killer for doing this strategy? Is this a bannable/keeping the game hostage?
Perks I run:
- Hex Undying
- Hex Ruin
- Hex Haunted Ground / Deathbound
- Deerstalker
If you have to ask if something is toxic then chances are it is toxic. Also in what world do you live where Deliverance is more common than Unbreakable??
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It isn't reportable, but it is kinda scummy.
My advice is to stop worrying about those perks and just hook them.
Besides, if they have unbreakable, you're screwed.
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you can btw guess if a survivor runs DS by not running obsession perks yourself. DS does trigger the 'make them the obsession' effect. while it's not a definite (it could be OoO or both) it's an easy way to pick your targets.
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Toxic. Yes.
Bannable. No.
Farming Salt on profile. 99999999999
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Still kinda new to the game, but isn't Unbreakable only used once per match? I'd just slug them again, and that perk would be an empty slot.
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Never hooking survivors is* reportable. If you make an effort to at least hook one survivor once everyone is incapacitated, then it's not reportable. Your goal as killer is to sacrifice survivors to the Entity by using whatever tactics necessary. Mori's are permission slips to not do that. If you aren't sacrificing survivors, you aren't performing your goal. It's the same thing if a survivor always runs straight to the killer and then a hook and gets him/herself killed straight away in every match.
*99.9% sure
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Wait. You're doing this to new players?
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I imagine that OP got a dose of survivor meta perks i guess
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Not really. But if someone DC's and I'm slugged and another person is slugged and I get slugged a second time, I'm probably Disconnecting. Sorry, but I don't want to wait out being slugged if the last guy leads you on a 4 minute chase.
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It Is definitely toxic. Slugging everyone just to slug is extremely boring for the person being slugged. If you slugged because some one is right there and you know you can get a hit on them then its fine. Even better is if you hook them and the survivor decides to loop around hook.
There are ways around those perks or to take advantage of how they play with those perks. If someone is obviously trying to body block after being unhooked they probably have bt. Try to get around them and if they don't let you wait for bt to end and then just hit them. If they jump in a locker for ds after doing this or working on the objective or unhooking someone instantly take them out if its there second hook and tunnel them off that hook if you are near or just wait the 60 sec if its their death hook.
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Yep. And if you keep on slugging them, and farming them, it's also holding the game hostage as you are not allowing them to die.
Unbreakable was made meta because of situations like this.
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35% recovery speed increase. If the team is co-ordinated or good solos trust me this eats into slugging potential massively if a few of them have it.
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Sounds like you should just start maining Pyramid Head. You don't wanna hook anyone and deal with unhooking perk nonsense? There's a killer for that. ;)
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killing all 4 survivors is not the entire goal as killer. I imagine that your BP and emblems are not great with that play style. If you don't get multiple hooks on each survivor, multiple chases, and aren't kicking things/using your power much in a match the rewards are going to show that you did poorly.
from the survivor perspective it makes the game extremely unfun and frustrating and will lead to them abandoning the game entirely, which is harmful to the health of the game.
so all in all I would say that slugging everyone is a losing strategy. sure you get the kills but you are driving away fellow players for little reward. can't play king of the hill if you are the only one that wants to play
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It's only hostage holding if there is no way for them to leave unless they DC.
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Thanks for making that clear, I thought I was "winning" the game by just killing the survivors. This proves why I haven't been ranking up as well.
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From the Survivor perspective, I don't really see how this makes the game less fun - it just changes it. If someone wants to slug, they are trading a ton of BPs and making it effectively easier to pick people back up in hopes that they can just get 4 down at once.
If they down someone and camp, you just do gens.
If they down someone and roam, you just pick them up really easily... and they have no consequence.
I've honestly only remember losing to one fanatic slugger before (I don't run into them often), but the game took about as long as a late game win or loss would, and I got a ton of BP. I don't really see the problem.
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Not hooking people isn't reportable. It won't score you as many points as hooking survivors, and it is kind of boring if you're on the ground that long, but slugging and never hooking is definitely not bannable provided it's not preventing the game from ever ending.
(For example, if a killer is intentionally leaving survivors on the ground and picking them up and dropping them over and over and over just to extend the game well beyond the normal bleed out times that would be reportable. But simply leaving survivors to bleed out is legal.)
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Never mind toxic, is that not the most boring play style for you? Slugging and waiting for them to bleed out?
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Slugging everyone isn't a losing strategy, assuming you're going by endgame score or total kills or some combination of the two, provided that the survivors have lower scores than you in the process. If I score 18k as a killer by slugging all the survivors, and they only score 10-15k each, then I still win the match. It's just a low scoring game all around.
Personally I don't do the "slug everyone and never hook" strategy because I think it's more fun hooking people than just letting everybody bleed out the whole match. But I wouldn't call that strategy ineffective, in fact it might even be more effective in some respects than hooking survivors over and over. And slugging is an intentional part of the game, as evidenced by certain perks and add-ons and killer abilities that emphasize slugging.
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Like never hooking them?
Because that happened.
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You’re going to have trouble when someone has soul guard and unbreakable
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I do it on Pig with Knockout as my main perk, Facemask traps cause even more confusion because nobody can see any auras. I usually let them do gens unimpeded so the traps activate and it makes reslugging super easy.
Deathbound is also interesting if you plan on leaving your slugs far from you, once you get good at memorizing the speed and movments of aimless slugged survivors you'll never need Deerstalker again usually when they see no auras they panic and stay still, its super easy to find them again.
It doesn't make you toxic it just hurts your pips, if you dont care about rank then do whatever you want as long as its not cheating.
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This is the equivalent to 4 survivors hiding the whole game and not doing gens. Would you enjoy that as killer?
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It’s not necessarily toxic. Only if they’re also behaving in an obnoxious way in addition to slugging (standing over them, staring/nodding for example).
Some games a killer simply can not afford to regularly hook. Too much time is wasted.
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Mmm not toxic, but as one of your 4 Survivors, i would definitely chalk up that trial as a very boring one.
Purely for the slugging btw, idc about anyone else's Perks ever.
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Boring compared to how wonderfully interactive hanging on a hook is?
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I dont understand survivors. How is hanging on the hook less boring than laying on the floor? Atleast on the floor you can still move around.
Plus the killer gets into a chase quicker, which is the only exciting part for survivors - the chase.
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That's fine.
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Compared to that?
Yes, absolutely boring.
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They eventually die if they are left on the ground.
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not toxic just boring for both sides I'm sure.
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You must be fun at parties
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Idk that I'd call it "toxic," but I doubt its very fun to play against. On the flip side though, you're kind of giving Survivors extra chances if you can't get a full 4-man slug, and its not very efficient. You're essentially giving them a mobile hook(crawling while downed), with a faster unhook(tap to pick up, at full recovery bar), that's undetectable(no explosion notification) and has more than 3 attempts(potentially far more) depending on how much they bleed out. Seems like a bad strat all-around(unless you just camp downed Survivors, but like hook camping, that has counters, too).
Plus, 4 hooks a match is probably going to de-pip you quite a bit.
The best use of slugging is, imo:
1. You know a Survivor has DS and you're waiting it out.
2. You know other Survivors are in the immediate area and decide to go for multiple downs(snowballing).
3. You're down to 2 Survivors and want the 4k.
4. You have some Iri add-on that shows auras and you're using a high-mobility Killer(would recommend actually playing a bit before you go nuts, though...mainly for fun and extra points).
Anyways, I don't think you're holding the game hostage either, that'd be like downing all Survivors and letting them bleed out intentionally, or as a Survivor, hiding indefinitely and not doing Gens. You have the intention of ending the match and hooking, you're just going about it in your own way, which is still playing the game. I'd recommend not doing what you're doing, but do your thing, man. Unless a Dev/Mod says otherwise, I think you're good.
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It's very toxic so when you run into swat team swf dont expect sympathy nor come on these forums and complain.
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To be fair, he's new. Doesn't know.
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New or not he acknowledges what hes doing isnt fun. He then justifies it by saying it's not his job to make it fun for others. I'll just wait for a good swf.
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Not toxic at all, it's just another way to play the game. Remember you are not responsible for anyone's fun and neither are they responsible for yours.
This does not mean you go out of your way to grief and abuse but slugging is part of the game, I've layed there for 3 mins and bled out too and its nothing to get worked up about, if people get upset at you for doing it that's a them problem not a you problem.
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To add, I'm pretty sure you actually don't get much points for bleed out concerning the kill of the survivor.
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I barely have patience to wait for a possible DS timer to end, i would be so bored and impatient waiting for a team bleed out lol
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You can play how you wanna play ,it's very interesting I can say that .
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It's not toxic and I don't know why so many people think it is. I main survivor and honestly if everyone gets slugged then we played poorly. Slugging is not hard to counter... just recover and crawl away from each other.
If everyone gets slugged it means 1) the survivors were all in the same location not running away (which by the way is a main objective for survivors), or 2) no one is reviving the downed survivors while the killer is looking for someone else to slug.
OK so maybe at low ranks it will be annoying for survivors because new players won't know what to do about it. But honestly, if you enter a high ranked game with a plan to slug everyone, it's unlikely to go well for you. Slugging is a good tactic, but it's a situational tactic. If the survivors want to stay in close proximity to you and not do gens, then go slug em. Otherwise, hook em. If you hook survivors and don't tunnel, then Unbreakable, Decisive Strike and Borrowed Time will never be an issue for you.
P.S. If you slug everyone and then do nothing but watch them bleed out, then that's against the rules. You must hook them at that point.
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NO Says Plague
Your the Killer and you have to prevent survivors from escaping, do your absolute best to get the 4k.
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Survivor find that kind of strat toxic for me its probably one of the best strat you can use to win. And the killer is not responsable for the survivor fun
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If you feel the need to ask this question then you already know the answer. Now are you wrong to do it? No. You aren't breaking any rules. But you clearly know that you are ruining the gaming experience of other players which is the very definition of toxic. This is the kind of thing that pushes players away from the game. So if your goal is to kill off the playerbase of DBD then keep it up.
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Yeah. It's a bit toxic. You're trying to punish survivors for previous encounters with different survivors.
But does that make it wrong? I'm not going to tell you how to play the game, nor should you value anyone's opinion in this thread more than your own. If you are having fun, keep at it (though it sounds like you're slugging out of emotional distress rather than for satisfaction from playing).
Arguments in dead by daylight are pretty bad: case and point killers hate ds/unbreakable/(insert "OP" survivor perk) and thus say nerf/change perk because they dont want to change their playstyle for how others play. And survivor's do the same (just look at everyone crying over undying, ruin, and tinkerer perks altogether).
So all in all, just remember at the end of the day it's a game. Play for fun.
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Okay, well allow me to enlighten you. It takes 4 minutes to bleed out. That is 4 minutes of earning 0 bloodpoints or doing anything meaningful. It takes far less to die on a hook and if you aren't enjoying the game experience then you always have the option to sacrifice yourself and move onto the next game with no disconnection penalty or loss of bloodpoints. There. Lesson over.
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Does this strategy make you toxic? Well as someone who believes that if its allowed by in game rules, then it isn't toxic, imo, no that doesn't make you toxic. Some would tell you that its holding the game hostage...not true. Holding the game hostage is a bannable offence but that isn't what you are doing, the survivors will eventually die when they bleed out, you are not forcing them to DC in order to end the match.
That being said, it does make you (personal opinion) fairly boring and unpleasant to play against. It's also not going to do very much for your score in any way and things can go to hell in a handbasket for you if one or more people have unbreakable or soul guard, a perk that allows survivors to fully recover from dying state if they are cursed....and you appear to have a lot of hex perks in your build.
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Toxic is subjective. What you're doing is allowed, but it's also pointless imho. You'd be better off learning when it's time to hook and when to slug.
As for your responsibility to make the game fun for the other side, of course you're not responsible for that. That's not even debatable. However, there's also a difference between making something fun for someone and going out of your way to make it as unfun as possible. The fact that you even asked suggests to me that you already know what's going on.
Moreover, the kicker is that ensuring the fun/unfun of the other side works both ways. So, do your thing, but don't come here looking for sympathy if that backfires eventually.
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Well that’s a contradiction.
Regularly slugging is a necessary way of dealing with SWF.