I never thought I’d say this but...

Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Spirit needs a nerf. Yes, I’ve been around Dead By Daylight for quite a long time so I’m already aware that she already got “nerfed” as in fixing her vaulting animation, no collision hitbox, and prayer beads but... she’s still almost uncounterable if a player has Stridor and at least $15 headphones. It’s literally dumb how Stridor counters Iron will that’s just my opinion. Yes I get it she’s the supposedly “Only viable killer at red ranks” but c’mon. There’s already killers like pyramid head and deathslinger who make the game unfun and I agree now why people in 2020 still want her nerfed.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    Yeah I definitely agree. I was watching Ayruns stream today and they went against a spirit and they couldn’t hear the phasing sound and by that time the spirit already phased on them and downed them. It’s almost like her phase sound is bugged or something so yeah a visual to tell when she’s phasing would be nice.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Mute her TR, and play her white noise when she's phasing. Done.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    It’s all about the BBq.

    99% of players run it.

    Understandable if they wanna take a SWF to task, but a top tier player (can’t say red rank anymore) w BBq on Solos makes for a quick n easy 3-4K.

    Spirit tend to be some of the most boring matches for survivors, as they’re ALL the same, save for that 1 percentile who can play w/o the ‘que.

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    Spirit is not OP. Without any addons you can hear her coming and plan in advance where she might pop up. The coolest thing you can do is to drop a pallet on a Spirit before she got out of her phasing. I will not say that a good spirit can't rip you to shreads, but the same goes for most killers. I was once facing a clown main without special addonds and he just stomped our group.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Yes, even weak killers like clown can win some good games every once in a while. However, Spirit is definitely OP, or at least uncounterable in the right hands like deathslinger. People who don't use addons on spirit are uncommon if not, rare. The reason that people think spirit is not OP is because many bad spirit players exist (not trying to be mean). Even iron will without stridor can be countered as a good spirit. If the spirit player has some nice surround sound headphones and know how to play her, there is nothing you can do to get away from her. Every single little thing you do makes noise even with iron will. If you vault a pallet or window, you make noise. If you crouch around while she is phasing, you make noise. If you hop in a locker with quick and quiet, guess what? You leave dust for a half second and make noise. With a good headset and good player, the spirit can hear these tiny little things and completely ignore your resources. Now, these players are quite rare, but that is the proof that she is OP. I myself don't even have the best headset and usually demolish a survivor team because I can still hear the survivors' footsteps and smack them. This is only without addons, with addons like the duration ones (which double as a recovery speed addon for some reason) she becomes overwhelming. It is also unfun to go against a killer who gives no feedback to survivors as to when she is using her power.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    Dude would you chill out for like 2 seconds please? No one is talking about his SWF’s and how they win “99% of its matches” I’m saying that I realized she almost makes no sound when she phases and I so happened to see that on a streamers stream. Holy crap ma dude.

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    With "without addon" i meant the one that let's everyone hear her phasing sound. When this is not active, you can hear her coming and even where she is. More or less. As i said, you can even drop pallets on her while she is phasing just by sound.

    The best trick not to get killed is not to be seen in the first place. I know this is easyer said then done but this is how red ranks survive. When i play against mixed groups, the red ranks are almost always the last that i spot because they keep their distance and play carefully. Or at least a little bit more then less experienced survivors who get hooked first.

    Once you got hit, it is just a matter of time till she get's you. All you can do is to prolong the chase as long as possible so others can do gens. This is the best strategy against any killer. And also basic.

    When you got hit, run to the next secure pallet loop you can spot and run her as long as possible. When you hear her phasing, run into one direction and backtrack the same direction cou came from. With good timing she will miss you. Try not to run throu grass, because then she can pinpoint your exact location. Don't stand still. When there is an obvious location te be (window, pallet etc) you can be there but stay 2 or 3 meters away from the pallet.

    Best way to learn countering a spirit is to play her by yourself and don't do what everyone does.

    Same goes for Nurse counterplay btw. For example: When she is following you don't look behind and break sight with her. Behind a wall or something. Then go back to that corner and watch her teleport into nirvana. Good nurse players are experts in guessing. Use this habit to your advantage and throw them off.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    BBQ has tons of easy counters.

    Hiding your aura behind a gen, lockers, getting inside the radius, etc.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    It’s not so much the number of counters as it is the number of players in a Solo match who never use them.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I don't think she does but if she gets one it only makes me happy.

  • Gaala
    Gaala Member Posts: 51

    Never had any problem with Spirit.

    The reason? Spine Chill. Outside chase, he let me know when she is coming for me, and i can escape before it reach my gen (if phasing, i simply walk in his direction. No one check the spot where she started phasing). In chase, i know if is behind me or not and i can doubleback and know if it's still behind me. Rarely, i let the spirit think that i jumped in a locker with QeQ (specially on Haddonfield) and escape.

    I will still go down with an experienced Spirit. But it's fair that an experienced one beat me. Every killer should be able do down a survivor. If not, it's a skill problem. And no one can win a spirit alone. Obviously, the teammate that go down so fast doesn't help, but this is not related to the killer.

    What i don't like is the people that deemed "unfun" every killer that find hard without changing ONE BIT their strategy of looping and go around a pallets with their unshacken perk. Try be more stealthy, and try, when she stop moving, to NOT GO near a pallet. It's the first place where she will try to hit.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Good nurses don't "guess". they blink to corners. Try to counter that bud.

  • firedagodc
    firedagodc Member Posts: 26

    No She doesn't. I've lost so many games trying to use her. It takes skill to use her and pyramid head and Deathslinget so the few that are good enough to use her. Cheers to them. Theyvr earned it. You have three other teammates and three exits and a ton of second chance perks and keys. Huge maps with spread out gens? Survivors already have so many unfair advantages. You Can talk to other Survivors see the killers auras and share perks with other survivors. You get a speed boost for getting hit and hour before you die on the hook. Now you want to nerf another killer smh

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Welcome to the club. I see the blueberry I hit the dc tech unless it's a baby then its cute. All jokes aside spirit needs a change her entire powers encourages heavy gen focus because it lacks real 1v1 counter.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Oh that's my favorite tech. I wish I could do chases though. Yk the fun thing about survivor.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Spirit porbably will get changes in the future. I think sth like you see here barely passive phrasing where she's going.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "without any addons"

    Thing is, addons are part of killer gameplay. The only reason they cannot be relied on for killers is due to bloodweb RNG.

    "and plan in advance where she might pop up."

    Kinda, but her phasing sound(if its not bugged) is only audible within 16 meters of range. 20 if you have higher quality headphones, thats a 8 meter difference from her terror radius when she is moving 40% slower. Meaning that 1. She is faster and 2. You have much less time to react.(thats a difference of 6 full seconds if you hear her terror radius down to 3 seconds if you hear her phasing). Let alone that in most cases, you have 0 visual indication of which way she might be coming from. And that is only her main power being used in the most basic way. That isnt including loops, that isnt including the fact her husk is practically the exact same, that isnt including the fact that she can do everything a normal m1 killer can do.

    "the coolest thing you can do is to drop a pallet"

    Sure, if it works, but its a 50/50 coinflip. A lot of chases end up with a 50/50 coinflip here and there, but that coinflip is the difference between having a 40 second chase to having a 60 second chase. Spirit's coinflips are the difference between a 5 second chase and a 20 second chase. Let alone that it punishes the individual, rather than the group. While a lot of killers punish the group more than it punishes the individual. And that is probably the biggest issue with spirit. She is the strongest 1v1 killer that has the lowest skill floor in comparison what her ability does. If iri shards werent a thing, I would have called her a P2W character.

    Huntress, Doc and Nurse can already be quite annoying in having guaranteed hits, but at least the player needs to perfect the timing, angle and mindgaming to get the guaranteed hits in the first place, meaning it requires actual skill to perform well, while spirit performs well, without skill and addons. And you dont thing thats OP?

    With facing the spirit, its gonna be a 50/50 coinflip at best, or a 100% guarantee of being hit at worst. That should not be in the game. Period. Survivors need information to be able to predict, Killers use that information to mislead survivors. That is the equation that makes playing this game interesting. Removing information on either side breaks the game. Which is why Demogorgon is quite weak, and why his addons are absolutely terrible. Demogorgon gives a lot of information that survivors can predict with, but has very little use of using it against them. Every other weaker killer has ways to hide their information, which is why they perform well. Spirit is not one of those weaker killers, she has no reason to remove literally all the information.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Guess what tho? His SWF team often deranks on purpose too for easier to get content. How often have you seen JRM and Ayrun with a purple rank above their head mid-season while they are clearly rank 1 players? They could easily get rank 1 if they wanted to. That only leaves the option that they dont rank up on purpose.

    I can win 99% of my matches if I were facing purple rank killers only too. The only exception being Mori's.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138


    I thought you already knew this?

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I used to use Stridor on most of my killers because I just personally like the perk. I don’t have it on Spirit yet though because I never play her but I might figure her out down the road.

    I just had a match where I spawned into The Game (Gideon Meat Plant) and slapped Stridor onto my Pyramid Head. Afterwards my iron will suspicions were correct because 3 of them were running IW but I think I’d be lying if I said Stridor didn’t help me land most of my prediction shots since the walls and staircases are definitely not safe against Pyramid. That tiny bit of Iron Will being countered felt like it helped a lot. It’s likely not worth running in general but I might keep it on just to see if sound only blind shots have potential to become somewhat consistent on other map and loops.

    Addons we’re both common.. 0.5m reach increase Black Straps and Dead Butterfly.