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I opened the gate for you why t-bag?

Anyone else have this problem? You go against a really good survivor team and they do gens quickly and efficiently. They finish all the gens and you know your not gonna win the game at all so you head straight to gates and open so the survivors can leave and you can finish the match quickly. But instead they sit their and t-bag until you get close to them or the EGC timer starts to run out.

Why do they do that I've completely given up but you still want to waste my time by t-baging I don't get it. (I didn't even tunnel, camp, or slug all game.)

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  • Member Posts: 424

    I wouldn't say it's much of a problem, really. Like, I legit prefer that than the paragraphs of hate I receive in purple ranks as a survivor in a uncoordinated team. However, I understand that it is tacky and of poor taste.

    As a Killer, I am not great, honestly. I play one match daily for the extra experience and in an attempt to see if I can do one of the dailies for the Killers if I get the chance, but it's super obvious I'm never going for the 4K and just trying to enjoy a casual game and still experience some bad manners every now and then.

    It's just the community really. It's not on you.

  • Member Posts: 1,652

    Try not to let them bother you. I know its hard, but that's what they want. You bugged.

    When I get people like this I just use this time to find pallets that might need breaking. Even if you cant find any pallets...just walk around the map and let your killer finally get some peace in their souls. Look at the sky or a buring fire. My Doctor is interested in looking at cars when they are on his map. Also he has a fun time running up and down stairs while laughing. He's such a good guy. 😊

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Maybe they were doing "thank you squats"?

  • Member Posts: 681

    What is a nice Killer? You mean the pepole who first hook Mori, Camp, tunnel? Yes Killers are so nice guys who Just want to have fun... Sure.

  • Member Posts: 681

    Survivors got so many nerfs how should they be in the Power role?

  • Member Posts: 4

    I always give the killer some squats before I leave the gate. I thought it was a sign of GG? It's better than pointing at them or gesturing them to come closer. Sometimes I use it when I get cornered as a "please let me do this one thing?" And killers tend to respond with either a nod or a shake.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    It's because everyone ignores the giant elephant in the room , gen speeds have always been the main problem with this game

  • Member Posts: 34

    Yes this is what I do when a killer lets me live. The so-called t-bag is simply a thank you squat from me and I leave them the item I’m carrying as a gift lol

  • Member Posts: 36

    thats sad because it even happens when you just let them win. I was playing as Myers doing some killer challenges, hooked everyone once (for bbq stacks), killed ace (because he t-bagged mid chase), and waited by the door, no gens done so far. Still they waited till 3/4 egc to leave :(

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    They may not have been born that way. They could have been a player who never face camped or tunneled. Then too many SWFs bullied them, flashlight them, teabagged them, abused DS+BT+UB+Adren. After having that happen enough time they just snapped :P

  • Member Posts: 832
    edited October 2020

    Thats like shooting someone with a Glock after they surrender to you

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Those types are why survivors have a bad rep. It ruins it for the players who are decent and don't disrespect killers like that.

  • Member Posts: 629

    Probably because you given up trying and basically thrown the game?

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    If I have to explain how that combination can be abused you are obviously new and wouldn't understand.

  • Member Posts: 681

    I alredy exlpained so often why this perks are ok and not unfair at all. You have to be a Rank 12 Killer or just bad as Killer to say that this perks need a Nerf.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm a Johnny-Come-Lately to this thread so I'm sure others have already given this advice, but NEVER give up. You should fight every game to the bitter end. I've been a Survivor before with (3) other Survivors disconnecting and four Generators left undone. The hatch got kicked shut. Did I stand there and wait? No. I do my best to get a gate open and loop. Every second still in the game is a learning experience. If the Survivors Gen-Rushed me into near oblivion, I remind myself that I'm not gone YET. Every second I have to keep hunting is a chance to improve hunting and looping. And who knows, I might earn enough points in chases or get a down and prevent a loss of Pip. Every blood point counts; why would you leave money on the table?

    If you want to get good faster, you don't shy away from a losing game. You dive into it and fight harder. Practice makes perfect, and ditching a game to start the next one doesn't help you. You want that practice when all is lost and things are hardest. You get more out of that than you do the start of a new game where targets are fresh and you feel no pressure.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I go against survivor who try to blind me has they leave.... like no you had your chance for that and failed

    When I play survivor I do it once (not any more then once)... like to show (and probably not taken this way) respect to a killer who tried... or I let the entity get me

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    think it how they do it also they do it more then twice.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Next time tunnel camp and slug. If youre going to get tbagged anyway might as well do what you can to win

  • Member Posts: 146

    You talk like everyone wants to play this game 24/7 and learn every little detail about how things work. It's just a fact that there are a lot of casual players that dont waste every hour of their life on DBD. Some people occasionally wanna come on and have a good match which often doesnt happen, because more often than not the game is one big bundle of frustrations.

    You either invest a lot of time to learn things and be frustrated at how good this game //could// be if any sort of love went into making it and listening to the fanbase instead of corporate greed.

    Or- you play ocassionally which means you're okay at it but it's still frustrating because of the many balance issues and rng elements to it.

    its a lose loose situation, really.

  • Member Posts: 6

    TB is communication. Plain and simple. The person was probably saying thanks with it.

    As a surv main I say hello at start to fellow survs with TB. We tell each other, hey you shanked the skill check with TB. We say hey my chest with TB. etc

    You'll know when you're getting truly bagged when it's slow and probably on other side of a pallet. In the open TB is baiting. Don't take TB for always being BM.

  • Member Posts: 6

    When this happens and I'm survivor, I do crouch repeatedly but I don't do it as a form of teabagging, I do it as a way of saying "thanks" and "gg" since theres not really other ways of doing so

  • Member Posts: 4

    Use noed

    or maybe we should talk to the creators to make something with the timer when the killer opens the door (Maybe be faster)

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    It's weird, but you can sort of get a "feel" for the different crouches, teabags are usually super fast and frantic, like someone having a seizure on their crouch button. A "thank you" crouch is usually like two slower (but still quick) crouches while the survivor looks behind them.

    I think the only reason I "know" (If I'm even correct here) this is because I also get it sometimes when I'm showing mercy/giving hatch, etc.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Moonwalk into exit gate with a Leatherface saw revved...or bring Deathslinger, they'll DC or get harpooned out of the gate.

  • Member Posts: 122

    With the rarity of a killer deeming the good one and they spare me by letting me open the gate and escape (im always shocked) I do one thank you squat lol

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Allow me to introduce myself

    Honestly, when I play Survivor, its not rare to face Killers who camp,tunnel. But I believe more than half of them was caused by toxic Survivors. I used to be a toxic Killer because of toxic Survivor.

    But Im still trying to be nice and stay above them.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Hi. Survivor main here.

    Me and and all my friends who I play this game don't Tbag to be ######### and I don't see why people see all tbagging that way? I Tbag if killer gave me hatch. I Tbag if killer catches me and gets me stuck in a corner, where he will 100% hit me. I Tbag if the killer lets me live or farms.

    I'm doing it as a friendly gesture. I feel like more survivors do this than you all think. There's a bad rep that all survivors are toxic when imo that's not true. My swf group literally just play to have fun and we don't Tbag as an insult, like someone else said. Thank you squats.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Whenever I see 4 identical loooking survivors, I am gonna prepare for the worst. Unless its 4 Dwight or Aces, then I know its a meme-squad.

  • Member Posts: 7

    The survivors that teabag when I give them something always seem like they're trying to say "thank you" because there's not a real option for that

  • Member Posts: 41

    A lot of the -very- new survivors don't get to escape very often, even some of the boosted ones around rank 1. When they get a chance to escape they'll most likely want to show it off and take it out on the killer.

    Don't stress, it's not you doing anything wrong, they're just happy they won a game for a change.

  • Member Posts: 15

    A bunch of us do that as like were saying thank you being that there is only come here and go there emotes. There is nothing to say thanks..... For the most part there is usually a clear difference between ######### and thank you. Its usually 2 squats for thank you.... Squat 1= thank. Squat 2= you. Anymore is uncalled for and if you do it a ######### load of times and run in circles doing it youre an ass hole.. If you want to be a real man step away from that door and try that #########. Not next to the exit like a candy ass.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Play ghostface and teabag them back.

  • Member Posts: 330
    edited October 2020

    I have lots tbag hatch when I give it to them.

    It's a thank you. Not many ways to send and receive information in the game, so I assume the best if it's unclear.

  • Member Posts: 125

    I recently discovered that some survivors tbag as a way of apologizing for failing skill checks. I always thought it meant "**** this gen and YOU too!"

    Two tap-tap style crouches mean hi or thanks. Anymore or less or in any other context get difficult to interpret.

  • Member Posts: 46

    I like to think I'm a nice killer. I kill everyone then let the 4th guy get hatch (usually carrying them to it) but if they're remotely toxic at the end I'll close the hatch and mori them. And I play console so they cant really ######### at me.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Personally, when a killer has opened a gate for me/the team. I stay and "t-bag" to kind of say thank you? I also try and let them chase and hit me too for the extra bp.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    Don't forget streamers influence on how some may act. Like Sattilizer. Takes every opportunity to tbag.

    I use to find him funny, but he's different, solo playing, as apposed to when with another streamer SWFing. Like when with Ohmwrecker.

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