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Lithe is more used than DS......said the devs



  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Then do it yourself.... No one says you can't get your own stats

    Plus I use lithe over DS in the lower ranks cause I do have DS teachable yet (don't play that much survivor to begin with)

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    But if multiple players did get their own stats then the numbers would be a hell of a lot bigger and cover more of the playerbase

    With the way the game is now the stats I want to see are relevant enough to be gathered and shown

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    Pretty hard when the devs don't share half their information or how they went about getting it.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I would bet everything BBQ is used more than DS or Lithe.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    It would take a very large potion of players over multiple regions and platfroms along with weeding out seeing the same survivors in game which on pc is harder since you can change names all the time and then accross multiple ranks.

    Even with 10 players doing it this would only potentially show 0.4% of a playerbase of 1m. 100 would be 4% and so on. All these figures really show is what those players saw at what time they played.

    Since we don't know what size the player base across all platforms actually is if 100 players did it it could be the 4% or 8% it may be 2% so any stats shown would not show anything that is really relevant apart from each ones personal experience.

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    edited October 2020

    The devs posted some perk percentages May 2019 (see below). The top survivor perks at that time among ranks 1-4 were (percentage of all perks used in these ranks)

    Self-Care 13.6%

    Dead Hard 9.9%

    Adrenaline 9.7%

    Borrowed Time 8.4%

    Iron Will 5.5%

    Lithe was not on any of the top five survivor perk lists by rank (they didn't show ranks 13-20 though because those lower rank players tend to have fairly random perks or just use the starting perks of their survivor.)

    P.S. Obviously this list could have changed since then, this is just the most recent one I could find.

  • Member Posts: 5,605


    There's the general stats: Perks, killers, maps, kills, gens completed

    Then there's specific ones like: the times of the first chase, first hit/down/hook, first gen completed, heals, unhooks

    (trying to get all players involved so some stats can be done by survivor players)


    With cross play enabled platform shouldn't matter (only to the player on the platform) we are all players of this game

    The more players get their own stats the devs (might) make adjustments to their stat tracking or release more (like R6 Siege)

  • Member Posts: 158

    She's free on switch base game too. Sorry if someone said that already, lol, Im late.

  • Member Posts: 235

    If this helps here you go lol

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    Never late!! Believe it or not I forgot about the switch, sorry about that.

    The Switch is only missing Freddy and Quentin right?.

    Thank you! I will use that list as a "how to do a list of perks", I appreciate it!

  • Member Posts: 515

    Yea it sad to whine about them because it never get fix.

  • Member Posts: 30

    I mean, I'm one of the weird survivors who almost never used DS BT Unbreakable in my three years of on and off playing of this game. But ever since crossplay, toxicity seems to intensified to the point that I started put on BT to help the team from the camps. If I also pack DS, I would have got myself out of so many tunnels (or at least extended chases). Now I'm considering to also use it as well because of that.

    Whose fault is this? I don't think it's fair to say it's only killers. If both sides can be more respectful to each other, we wouldn't be stuck in the never ending cycle of toxicity.

  • Member Posts: 875

    Imagine still being salty about Ruin, when it’s dare I say....better now

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Just because Feng is free, doesn't mean DS isn't any less popular than on PC.

  • Member Posts: 383

    Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but is that infinite myers with tombstone? If so, did you ever even need to hook anyone?

  • Member Posts: 994

    Console maybe. But in my own statistic and every other one i saw, there are the same 9 meta perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    They know DS is a problem, why they don't change it is not information I am privi to but they know. Perhaps there is some grand game changing update on the way that will overhaul tons of base mechanics and DS gets changed then, or maybe they think they will lose out of money if it's nerfed, who knows.

  • Member Posts: 79

    Facts. Every Rank 1 game I've ever been has had DS in it but Lithe is a rarity because everyone uses DH or SB. They really need to look at Ranks 1-10 because hardly anyone uses Lithe in them and that's when balance actually matters. I'm sorry, Rank 15s will lose because of their lack of skill and not because of balancing issues.

    I also want to point out they calculate DS on a one person basis like a Killer but don't realize that they have to count four people for Survivor for it to be an actual fair comparison to DBD. If they actually calculated Survivor perks right, I can guarantee that DS would be seen just as much as Ruin in Red Ranks. I don't even want them to nerf it, I just want them to admit that DS is used a lot because it is and stop pretending it isn't.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    The top 9 definitely feels correct. After that it becomes a little more random (you have flip-flop in there but ive never seen that) but the most used 9 are definitely correct.

  • Member Posts: 57

    As you're a ps player I will say this in terms that's understandable, ds is only spooky scary if you're literally chasing down the same person non stop, don't wanna deal with it? Either get it over with fast or wait it and find another player, a survivor gets downed 9 times outta 10 even if it's not a SWF someone will try to come help if they've been on the ground for a few seconds. You'll get there buddy just keep playing killer till you're better no biggy

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    Of course it matters as we can only see peak numbers on steam, the other platforms we do not know how many players there are so we cannot determine anything from a number from personal stats apart from what that player alone sees.

    The devs do track almost everything from characters used, kills, escapes, usages of perks, time in game, gen being done before kills, items usage, length of a chase, maps and loops times etc etc.

    They probably dont show them anymore as each and every time they are ridiculed, this very thread is an indication of this. If the playerbase wont beleive them as it doesnt fit what they see then why bother?

  • Member Posts: 5,605


    The dev's themselves called their own stats useless

    This thread only seeks to improve and show what we want to see

    Why does it matter the platform... to split the players into their platform for what? To say that PC players do this and PS players do this etc...?

    Since the dev's have all the stats then show us every so often... like R6 Siege does every season

    If they do show stats then dont also say that those stats are not good and dont read into them

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    That's a straight up lie from them.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    They Said the stats we saw on kill rates included dc but the ones they use themselves are far from useless as they can see them without that.

    I am not separating the platforms I am saying we do not know how many play on others so to get a metric is not possible. Its like asking 300 peolple in the street how many prefer burgers over hot dogs and stating it as fact for a country from the results of one city.

    As I said they did show stats but then people do not believe them. Again take this post as an example of what happens when they release a stat and state lithe is used more than DS which is an easy one to get. They are basically damned if they do and damned if they dont as it does not fit into what some want to believe.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Cuz you have to stalk for like 30 seconds up close and prolly like a whole minute from far away and your moving even slower then tier 1 Myers cause one of the add ons

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I'm on pc though, but people think that I'm complaining about DS when in fact I'm just complaining about the the total usage of that perk.

    I'm not new at the game as well about 2.5k hours adding ps4 and pc, I just hate the achievement as well (did it on ps4 now still trying on pc).

    But I appreciate that you were kind.

    P.S, I guess I'm just dumb for caring about achievements lol

  • Member Posts: 3,001
    edited October 2020

    For everyone in this thread, I just read every comment and read my post/thread however you want to call it and realized that it may have sounded salty.

    In fact no, I just want to point out that there are a few things that the devs don't look at, these survivors were good and I think they were a bully squad didn't worked for them but didn't worked for me as well.

    I want a simple discussion just like how you are currently doing with each other.

    That match made me do an experiment which a lot of you have done already and I understand that just because it happens to me it will happen to everyone.

    Keep up the great discussions and great job for keeping it civil to everyone.

    P.S: this is not a "I hate the devs" post, I don't hate them for anything, I may disagree but never hate them, again they made this game which has been my fav game for 2 years with all the flaws it may have.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2020

    Did they actually say that? If so, that's the most cherrypicked dataset I've ever seen. How about look at everyone above Rank 10... or filter out anyone who hasn't unlocked Laurie or the Teachable first (at least!), then tell me what perk is used more than DS. lol

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    They said it a while ago, I want to say around 6 months ago? Or even longer, probably when ruin got changed.

    They said that Lithe is used more than DS.

    I can't recall which dev said it though.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    That achievement needs a rework, tbh. I tried for it and 3 times didn't get it because the last person would DC just to spite me and end the game before the mori finished or I'd get Ormond with lockers every few meters so that I couldn't do it to the last person who again was trying to spite me. That I've earned it fair and square multiple times and have still been unable to get it, because the other people wanted to annoy me is incredibly bad design.

    As for the DS thing...their stats don't lie. I don't see any more than 1 DS per game in EU, except in very rare occasions. Hell, often when I play survivor, there is literally no obsession. DS won't stop you getting this achievement, though. Just spiteful survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    This achievement and the 3 blink grab need a rework, and yeah I have it on ps4, I just wanted to 100% on pc.

    And that is weird, I usually see it 3-4 per match but I'm in US servers, good to know EU players don't have to rely on a perk to play great.

    Also, this achievement is turning into my bane of existance again, I don't remember having issues when I did it on ps4.

  • Member Posts: 2,789
    edited October 2020

    I agree; 3 blink grab should just be blink grab in general, imo.

    More people know about it now, especially on PC. I'd guess that's why. Idk, though, at the point where I'm last person I'd just let the poor guy going for it to get it.

    When I played on Oce servers, there were a lot of sweat squads running it, but I find EU is definitely a bit more laid back on the survivor side, for the most part. There are factors such as countries. For example, I find Russians are awful to have in my games for either role; always so toxic. And it doesn't help that the killers from there are being boosted by the fact they play on high latency. :)

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I've been thinking of farming the 3 blink grab right now, like put a cake, let the survivors know that I just want to farm, grab them and let them take the ez w.

    Are russian servers that bad? Or they just have bad internet?

    And yeah from what I've heard EU servers are more chill, less toxic and mostly play for fun without sweating for the W, don't get me wrong, I know that there are players like that anf EU have amazing competitive teams but most just seem to play for fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,789
    edited October 2020

    There are no Russian servers; they connect to the EU server, meaning they have ~110+ ping, which means they get a LOT of hits they shouldn't. I also find this happens with console killers, which I think is related to their frames/hardware limitations.

    Honestly, the devs confirmed a while back they have no plans to make a server closer to Russia despite the number of players there being similar to that in Australia, so it's not going to get any better. Just boosts bad killers.

    Yep, don't get me wrong, when you get the sweat squad you'll hate your life just as much as any other killer but man it's just so more chill. Toxicity is still rife, though.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh it IS definetly better... for survivors.

    Old Ruin required survivors to have skill in hitting skill checks. They took the skill out of skill checks (oh the irony).

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    4 killer objectives in a nutshell:

    • defend gens (totally not in the killers hands)
    • hooks n kills (it takes points away, if survivors escape your grasp or get up from dying. With the DS/Unbreakable meta...)
    • run in circles (ironically the longer you run, the more points you get)
    • spam m1 (if you use m2 to down survivors, or by a miracle manage to grab a survivor, you won´t get points/less points)

    4 survivor objectives in a nutshell:

    • hold m1 (gens)
    • hold m1 (heals)
    • run in circles (maybe the points were switched with the killers objective, and no one noticed)
    • spam ctrl at the exit gate
  • Member Posts: 5,304

    I don't see Lithe at all.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Ok, so not everyone teabags at gates. Shock and horror, I know.

    Some of us also have different crouch functions. I happen to have LT for my crouch.

    Generators are also controlled by the killer more than you let on.

  • Member Posts: 16

    Well when it comes to genrators. That depends on a number of things. Map size for one. Does the killer have mobility or not? Are the survivors stacking together on a single gen or spreading out and doing gens solo? All of these factors can effect how much control one side or the other has over their ability to defend or get gens done. That is before taking into account any possible rng with gen spreads, that can make them worst or better for one side or the other to get their objective done. Any case someone could make up for gens, might be true for a single match but on the same map, that case can no longer be true, due to the rng. Since one match, the gens could spawn very close together favoring the killer and than on the same map in a different match, the gens spawn massively spread out. Not taking into account pallet and loop spawns. It's hard to say any element is really true in 100% of matches, due to not only the rng of the map but also the rng of who you might be going against. You might be going against brand new players or people who have been playing for years with 6000 plus hours.

  • Member Posts: 985

    This is the case. They twist and turn and morph data and statistics into something that's no longer valuable.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    A little confused. Are you mad about how prevalent DS is, or how difficult Evil Incarnate is? Because Evil Incarnate doesn't even require hooking or downing survivors - therefore making DS a non-issue.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Not sure if it has been answered yet, but they said that during a Q&A I believe when they nerfed ruin.

    There was a question about nerfing survivor perks and they said that no survivor perk was as much used as ruin was.

    Only lithe came close, according to the devs.

    The devs are just ignorance about what is really happening.

    They switch to much from across all ranks to ranks specifically back to all ranks combined.

    At which point they lost track of what numbers they are tracking.

    The old ruin was because I believe 80%of the killers in red ranks were using that perk.

    Than they come with a survivor perk across all ranks.

    Like how can you compare a perk you have numbers from only 1 colour rank to a perk with numbers from all colours? 🤷‍♂️

    At least look in the same rank colour and what perks are used a lot there, cause if they did they would see lithe is barely used in red ranks.

    Back then and still to this day I only see it on rare occasions.

    About the achievement try doing it on the game map.

    And use tinkerer, it is very fun when tinkerer pops and you are tier 3.

    Also,and you probably do it allready, when following the obsession, turn away for a token, than start follow them again, there is no need for nemesis there.

    The perks i used (and this was a long time ago) was old ruin, spirit fury, enduring and play with your food.

  • Member Posts: 673

    Why not autoheaven? Way less high walls = easier to stalk and some maps are very small and central

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