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What's your "Can't Live Without It" Perk?



  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Kindred is often in my builds as well, but not always.

    As for killer, none. I like using different builds on different killers.

  • Member Posts: 832

    Spirit Fury.

  • Member Posts: 161

    Killer: Undying/Ruin, always. Gens are a bit ridiculous otherwise and if it holds up, it really gives you a chance to play the Killer.

    Survivor: DS. Outside of that, I feel like I can switch around my build, but DS gives me a chance to play Survivor without worrying about getting tunneled out of the game too fast. DH is close to mandatory, but I have fun with other exhaustion Perks, too.

    So basically, anything that keeps me in the game longer, for either side.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    DS. I already know everyone is going to hate me for saying this, but almost all games I play, tunneling is the most common playstyle I go against. If I were to play 10 games, 8 of them are matches where I got to use DS. Before anyone asks, I don't even use DS just so I can run into the killer's face on purpose and be toxic as possible. I just keep running into killers who tunnel me as if theres no tomorrow.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Usually Coulrophobia because of the amount of slugging I need to do as Clown.

  • Member Posts: 827

    Survivor: Spine Chill. Can't do anything without it (I play killer 90 percent... So I suck at chases as survivor).

    Killer: none that I have to have because they're all build based for me but I love MAD GRIT! I love hitting body blockers and getting extra time to carry too😆

  • Member Posts: 7,669


    Pop Goes The Weasel

    Kindred is just amazing for the reverse BBQ effect on the killer. knowing where they are heading after they hook someone is incredible, PLUS you get free wallhacks on your team! and when you are hooked everyone else has that effect aswell, allowing even solo survivors to coordinate their rescue and not run headfirst into the camping bubba!

    Pop is just pop, i dont think there is much to say here. Its an amazing gen slowdown perk and its incredibly good at allowing you to protect a couple of selected gens. plus it heavily rewards you for doing well. though another hot contestor for Pops place would have been Discordance, due to all the map knowledge it provides. its another one i miss dearly whenever i dont run it, however Pop usually ends up in my builds, even when Discordance doesnt, therefore i had to give it to Pop.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Survivor - Kindred

    Killer - Bamboozle

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    Killer: bbq because I love bp and when playing huntress I can try to do cross map hatchets.

    Survivor: bond, the times that it has helped me loop somewhere else instead of where other survivors are is insane.

  • Member Posts: 716

    Soul guard cuz I just love those clutch plays

  • Member Posts: 552

    Curious about "any female survivor." Jeff is loud af o-o

  • Member Posts: 552

    I just tried this out and it worked insanely well for me, lol, thank you!

  • Member Posts: 1,417

    Whispers. Bet you never would've guessed.

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    Alert and Surveillance.

  • Member Posts: 348

    Bitter murmur

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    Monitor on michael

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    Try battle pig with the drill or use mad grit on demogorgon.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Spine Chill. My eyes are not what they used to be.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    If you hit Jane she sounds like she is moaning in sexual pleasure.

    My friend used to have to turn his game volume down when playing against Jane, because he didn't want his parents to think he was watching porn.

  • Member Posts: 69

    for survivor spine chill

    for killer No Ed

    I am a simple guy...

  • Member Posts: 36

    Plunderer's instinct. I completely love getting unexpectedly nice items, and the very few amazing times where I find a key when I really need it and manage to escape by the hatch. Even when I die with a key and someone else manage to find it and use, its also awesome.

  • Member Posts: 1,060
  • Member Posts: 11

    Enduring and Brutal Strength. I like having a killer that can completely disrespect pallets, and thus bait survivors to drop them early. Brutal Strength just adds to that, and makings clearing them out even faster.

  • Member Posts: 4,427

    Yah and it's a fun build! Sometimes it comes in clutch and you're just out of their grasp. Someone suggested me on the Forums to exchange one of the perks for No Mither, I think it was exchange Boiler Over for No Mither. Still have to try that.

  • Member Posts: 221

    Dead hard and decisive strike..

    when I took of decisive i always end up tunneled and camped..

  • Member Posts: 70

    For survivor it's spine chill cause I play solo most of the time.

    I don't really have one I run on EVERY killer but Monitor and Abuse is a personal favorite.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Spine Chill is definitely mine for survivor. I still look around, because if I can physically see the killer coming towards me, I know which way to run. But, like you said, there’s so many generators that are in rooms with no way to know when the killer is coming in your direction. I have the worst luck and whenever I take off Spine Chill it’s a Deathslinger and those matches are just terrible lol.

    Some people see it as a perk for ‘scared’ survivors. But that’s not what I use it for. I still end up in chases and I can be a pain in the arse for killers, I mostly use it for the information it gives me. Like when I’m healing another survivor or heading to get the unhook.

  • Member Posts: 648

    Calm Spirit and Spine Chill!

    All other perk slots on both sides are free selection

  • Member Posts: 40

    My Jane currently doesn’t have Iron Will and she’s definitely a masochist. 🤣

  • Member Posts: 2,334
    edited October 2020

    I don't think I agree with that. The devs have at one point considered making Kindred basekit simply to help solo survivors, regardless of the state of SWF. So I don't think they would consider getting rid of it at all, if SWF was removed. In fact, they're probably more likely to make it basekit in that instance.

  • Member Posts: 338


  • Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2020

    For me it's BBQ&WGLF for obvious reasons, and Bond. It's my all-time favorite perk and provides just so much awareness. I always know which gens are being worked and can decide to join so it goes faster, never need healing perks because i can find someone easily, can plan to tank hits for mates in chases, know when to turn back because someone else is going to rescue, it shows me where not to lead the killer during chases, enables coordinated endgame plays, and overall just boosts the level of possibilities like no other perk. I feel naked without Bond.

  • Member Posts: 13

    For killer I need Monstrous Shrine.For survivor, Iron Will or Botany Knowledge.

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    edited October 2020

    The simple answer is that it would make balancing the game far easier if the original concept, which they have insanely tried to stick to, of survivors having no knowledge of their situation besides map terrain was preserved. SWF is easily the biggest obstacle to that, and Kindred is a close second only because it takes up a perk slot. Why do you think it ISNT basekit right this very second?

    Edit: There's also the fact that in a magical fantasy realm of disabling SWF communication, clearly the Devs would be trying to limit the survivors information in such a drastic manner, because there really isn't any other reason to specifically disable Comms as I suggested.

  • Member Posts: 54

    As a lot of others have mentioned, Kindred. It is crucial to have when playing solo. It gives you the ability to coordinate somewhat with the others, you see where everyone is instantly and you can gauge what type of players you are with. I'm starting play other characters to unlock their teachable perks and until I get the ability to do Kindred it is really like playing blind at times.

  • Member Posts: 79

    Spinechill because they the early warning can be really strong, especially when paired with Sprint Burst and up against a Killer who uses stealth.

    Sloppy on M1 Killers as it punishes Survivors who heal all the time and makes chases much shorter if Survivors choose not to heal.

    Corrupt in general as it makes it incredibly easy to find Survivors at the beginning and puts pressure on them early on.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    I need Spine Chill as survivor. I hate stealth killers.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    I feel like as survivor I have no choice in my perks. As killer you can pick 1 gen regression and you're set for the rest. As survivor I have Spine Chill for stealth killers, DS for tunnelers, Unbreakable for sluggers, and Dead Hard for extending loops. I pretty much can't take any of those off, except maybe switching out Dead Hard for BT or Inner Strength.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Survivors: premonition cause i suck at looping

    Killers: discordance. Absolutely necessary counter for gen rushing. I also usually run tinkerer unless its a noisy killer like nurse, bubba, billy, or huntress

  • Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2020

    Bloodwarden! it’s my fave because it gives some amazing moments like catching the one that wants to bm at the exit or endgame collapse a whole team.

    Post edited by lewis on
  • Member Posts: 942

    Survivor: Prove Thyself, I often get left with potato teammates who can't tell the difference between a generator and a rock, so I want my BP and useful when I have teammates that help

    Killer: BBQ, meta, yes, but Bloodpoints

  • Member Posts: 128

    BBQ and WGLF, i can't imagine the additional grind without them so i use those two in every loadout.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    Survivor: We'll Make It/Kindred, gonna try to add autodidact to that soon, love super fast heals

    Killer: Uhh, BBQ I guess, even though I only recently got it. I also really like Agitation, it gets you a lot of value on altruistic or overly brave survivors. It's not top-tier meta, but damn it's satisfying. Pairs nicely with Mad Grit for a fun little slap party.

  • Member Posts: 338

    BBQ for exp more then anything else.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    How? I don't run DS or Unbreakable and have no issues with tunnelers or campers for the most part. Spine Chill is unneeded if you just keep your eyes open bar a small couple maps.Dead Hard for extending loops is necessary? What? lol. You are relying on a lot of second chance perks.

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