Alright, honest question: Why do you say Huntress is fine (except iri heads) but Deathslinger isn't?



    SadTEMPLAR Member Posts: 26

    If i had to guess its because huntress is old an deathsilinger is newer but thats just me

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited October 2020

    Here's the thing about deathslingers quickscope, it isn't that bad, for me at least, I kinda find him fun to play against.

    Just because he shot you, doesn't mean he is going to hit you, the survivor still has the opportunity to break the chain, the devs implemented that feature for countering him.

    However, I see why other people hate him, and how uninteractive he can be.

    You can't just say "haha remove quickscppe and make him 115% movement speed", that would make him even more weak than he already is.

    If you were to remove his quickscope, he would also need an ability to pressure the map, like a horse or something.

    Post edited by MusicNerd_TC on
  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    1) she still can't sneak up on you

    2) if the huntress fakes her hatchet and you predict it, she eats a 2 or so second slowdown of putting the hatchet away and gets nothing. Shooting from the hip is brain dead easy with a software crosshair.

    3) Iri heads are broken, deathslinger's addon is fine

    4) That's not why I (and others) don't like deathslinger

    5) Both of them have trash perks

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    @Deadeye But it's what i commonly get from posts calling for Caleb's nerf/removal:

    That he will hit you regardless, that he will win every chase, etc, that there is absolutely no counterplay.

    Even when people make suggestions TO give him a delay this is the argument people bring against it (aka 'it won't matter because he will hit').

    It's bizarre. I mean, look at this thread alone. Many people brought up the shoot from the hip (which takes practice, and even then it's not a guaranteed hit), and that giving him a delay would solve that.

    Question then is, would it be fair to the one playing him, as you'd still have the chain between you?

    A huntress who hits you with a non-iri hatched still has to chase you, with the charge up being her delay. Caleb, if he hits you, has to reel you in and, if the chain break, suffers a stun and has to reload, and if not, has the regular base attack recovery and a reload.

    I think to settled the topic we'd have to thoroughly check these two killers back to back, on all skill levels, which will take some time.

  • Creepa99
    Creepa99 Member Posts: 80

    The Dead by Daylight community as a whole are just a bunch of immature cry babies that complain about the dumbest #########.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited October 2020

    The stuff around the harpoon is not relevant. That extends the chase by a few seconds. You still can get downs within 10 seconds of chase. Add 2 seconds of reload and 3 seconds of reeling and you are at 15 seconds. I know it is not always that easy and chases are more complex than that. The main point is: You get absolutely no feedback about what he is doing and when the shot will come. You hop around like a bunny, either wasting time or you run straight and be an easy target. You get no feedback from the killer on what to do, same what is complained about with Spirit. And that is unfun.

    Of course it would be not fair to simply make his power worse, as he only has this. Which I already pointed out: His power is to end chases super quickly (shooting through holes in the wall, shooting over low loops and simply walk around it to get the hit, having the ability to shoot through windows and get the hit...). He has nothing else and relies on getting the downs quickly, so he can quickly get other survivors off gens for the unhook and probably get the next one on hook before the first one is saved. Because he has NOTHING else than that. He is slow, he has no travel ability.

    Also said it already: watch it from survivor side. Against a good slinger, you just work on gens. Once you get into chase (which is the most fun part for many survivor mains), you have like 15 or 20 seconds of action, then youre done. Not much to enjoy. Short chases and boring M1 simulator in between. That's why I said it is bad killer design.

    just as example: My favourite killer regarding fun is Demogorgon. He has a map travel ability, he has a power that gives him information and he can counter a good amount of loops with the shred. And all of that has counterplay. You hear his shred charging, allowing you to fake vaults, you can close open portals and the killer can always chose to commit to a chase even into deadzones because he can quickly get back to the gens. This allows a lot if interaction and decision making on both sides.

    And one more point: discussion about slinger is fine. Just your initial post "all can be said about Huntress" has a lot of flaws imo

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    I think the core issue is that people think all people agree chases are the most fun. If you do, that's fine.

    I hate Demo with a passion for example, and I take no joy out of chases. I didn't had a single demo match I would have enjoyed. And I know I'm not alone. That demo telegraphs its attacks doesn't make it different. Spirit telegraphs her stuff too, and look how much hate she's getting cause of how people play her.

    Sure, the post is flawed, but it's not outright nonsensical like some arguments I see against Deathslinger.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Huntress is not fine. She is far from being fine. She was added when survivors could replenish their sprint burst while running and there was a lot more pallets on the map. She needs nerfed just like survivors have been nerfed. 5 hatchets and almost no cooldown is not balanced.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    what is this thread!?!?

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    By worse, do you mean more fun to play against?

    Also, what? You're dismissing people's arguments like they're just opinions? There's nothing wrong with liking to play Deathslinger (there are some people on the forums here that both like and heavily criticize him, and it's okay if you're not one of those people). There are definitely things objectively wrong about how Deathslinger functions in a game where survivor gameplay is almost entirely reactionary when in chase, but that apparently doesn't matter?

    If you haven't, definitely play more Huntress before comparing her to the likes of Deathslinger, and more specifically: compare your thought processes when deciding what to do next or when reacting once you've missed or hit a survivor, because those thoughts you don't really analyze will tell you quite a lot.

  • Robotman200
    Robotman200 Member Posts: 49

    Ds' main problem imo is that no matter where he is if he can see you he can hit you, even through windows (with the only exception being used pallets and barriers you can see over) and it is almost instant with no warning.

    Huntress on the other hand with her charge up time and audible warning gives you enough time to prepare for a hatchet and shes punished if she doesn't use it.

    Deathslinger can just ads and un-ads with no punishment and his ads is so fast that the argument of adopting a different playstyle doesnt work because most of the time if he sees you your getting pulled in. Aka not very much counter play.

  • InsidousEqualWin
    InsidousEqualWin Member Posts: 36

    Huntress and Slinger are equal its just personal preference

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    I had a few Deathslinger matches today. Compared to the last time i tryed, i did pretty well and made a few good shot's.

    However. Even with addons survivors often manage to break free. Especially on long distance shots there is very little chance to get a good hit. Getting a hit with Huntress is much easyer. She telegraphs more, but at least a hit is a hit and not something other survivors can squeeze in between for protection. He is fun, but doesn't have the same potential as other killers.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    This seems like a thread just made to say how much you like Slinger and how everybody needs to back off because they're wrong wrong wrong. Multiple times people have brought up why they feel huntress is more fun to verse than slinger, or how they feels she has more reasonable and reliable counter-play, but you constantly dismiss them, or bring up this false narrative that: "Everyone who hates him just wants him removed from the game and that's your only motives no ifs ands or buts!"

    Just because a percentage of people don't like a killer you obviously love doesn't mean you have to take things so sensitively and seriously my guy. It's only a game. (Though honestly it would also help if you actually argued in good faith, but that's another problem entirely)

    Play Slinger, have fun, push the little arrow next to the endgame chat so you don't have to see it, boom, problem solved.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Deathslinger has audio clue for aiming as well. It's a quiet metallic sound if he far from you. When he is far, you can react. Harpoon has travel time and needle size hitbox. When he is close, he will just hit you normally.

    Yes, he has much better zoning potential if he catch you in the open area. But every 110 killer should compensate his movement with his power. 110 killers always have better power than 115 killers. If you nerf his power, you will make him absolute trash killer. And he is already in bad situation. Helpless on big maps. Harmless against more than one survivor.

    Only Deathslinger that doesn't fail his shots is dangerous. It means player is good. But actually any good killer is dangerous. So why so much complains about good Deathslinger?

    Alright, if we only talk about good players, then good Huntress player is way more dangerous. Huntress and Deathslinger are both 110 speed killers. In ideal conditions, when God Huntress catch 4 casual survivors in one open corner, they probably all gonna be injured and maybe someone downed. When God Deathslinger catch same 4 survivors in same place with same conditions, he would injure 2 of them at best. Or maybe down one. The rest survivors would run so far away while Deathslinger using and then reloading his harpoon. He physically can't do anything to threat them all.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited October 2020

    pretty much point 2, she need to charge up wich gives you a good time to react

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789
    edited October 2020

    the audio queue doesnt matter when he can ads in less than a tenth of a second, slinger has a much lower skill cap than hunty therefore you will come across more slingers that have mastered the power, people want a nerf to his chase oppression and compensation to his map mobility, he has no snowball pressure this is just how slinger is so he would need map mobility to gain pressure unlike huntress, no he is not an amazing killer and he is not op but he should be reworked

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    People complain about huntress a là "Waa waa exhaustion addons made me unable to press e to erase my mistake waa waa!"

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    The deathslinger can quickscope.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    I have never seen anybody use those perks since the release of Zarina, probably because there are better perks to choose from I would say.

    Also this is my personal opinion, I don't like Zarina at all, but I respect people who do like her.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Yes, but huntress has things to compensate for the windup that slinger doesnt. She can down you from range, has 5 shots base, and has way shorter cooldown after hit.

    So slinger might be able to end a loop faster, but he has to shoot, reel you in, hit, weapon wipe, reload, chase, shoot again, reel, hit, wipe, reload, hook. Huntress is more of a bang bang play, you can down someone in 20 seconds with her.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Why create a thread if you won't listen to people's feedback?

  • Bjario
    Bjario Member Posts: 313

    If they intruduce a 1.25s wind up like the Huntress for Deathslinger, then I would like the same massive hitbox as Huntress has.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I agree. Just on hitboxes themselves Huntress is worse. Hitboxes on here are less forgiving.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I got confused by the second half did you edit something? When did I said that I don't approve of Slinger?

  • HungTop
    HungTop Member Posts: 46

    You really dont get why people dont like playing against a stealth ranged killer with an insta wind up and the ability to fake their power for free zoning?

    They literally took everything that makes huntress fun to face and threw it out the window.

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    I can tell you why. First of all he's boring as hell to play against. Why? Well, as a survivor main, I know having distance is very important. If Deathslinger pulls his gun up and you try to dodge it you lose distance making it easier for him to hit u, kinda like Pyramid Head. Also, trying to dodge Deathslinger is nearly impossible unless you start trying to dodge before they even aim which gives them a better chance of hitting you and took them no skill. Why is it so hard to dodge DS? Well, it takes Huntress ~1.25 seconds to load up and Idk about you, but that is more than enough time for me to react to it and dodge it. DS on the other hand, takes ~0.15 seconds to ADS. 0.15 seconds!!!!! That isn't even close to enough time to react to him aiming down sight. Furthermore, DS has no cool down when dropping his gun which isn't OP more than it is boring bc it becomes the same mind game at every, single, loop. Huntress has a slight cool down/slow down after putting her hatchet down giving you enough time to at least drop the pallet or vault the window. Deathslinger is very repetitive which is why most find him boring. Thank you. (Proceeds to drop the mic)

  • extonjonas
    extonjonas Member Posts: 41

    That humming is everything. It honestly makes a huge difference I think it is fair to say most people dont even notice that huntress has a smaller terror radius but this is obvious when it comes to slinger. Arguing about things like perks and even addons does not make much sense and only weaken your argument. Nobody uses either killer because of perks and or add ons. It is all about base kit when discussing how annoying a killer really is unless talking about a specific build.

  • extonjonas
    extonjonas Member Posts: 41

    This makes no sense. Huntess misses out on hits all the time because of her wind up time as people can take advantage of it. How many times do you see the chain honestly break in a game? Maybe once? This does not even include how many shots a huntress will not even bother winding up for because she knows that it takes to long. This two things are not even close to equivalent

  • DicSoupcan
    DicSoupcan Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2020

    I'm thinking a chain rattle for an audio que on Deathslinger like with Hillbilly's roar would make a good fix but that be the end of it.