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General Discussions


Member Posts: 275
edited February 2021 in General Discussions


Post edited by WalkedMoss92 on

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  • Member Posts: 1,503

    It depends on the situation, if the killer is around the hook and very close by sometimes you can't get there because it's unsafe. However If the killer isn't there and you're just ignoring the person that's a different story. I've seen it, sometimes people sit right next to you and do nothing or just hide in a locker all game and do nothing. then get out with the hatch and survive while you die

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Well I was half joking when I wrote that, but I can see what you mean when that situation is brought up. It's frustrating to see your teammates not go for the save despite it being safe, but sometimes it really boils down to in-experience, selfishness, or etc. In-experience in knowing if the Killer is camping or not, selfishness in terms of not caring at all, or something else entirely.

    Sometimes Survivors don't go for other Survivors until they know the Killer is somewhere else, since the Killer will naturally go back to the hook if they know someone rescued that Survivor. This usually results in the "unhooker" getting chased immediately, which usually deters players from a immediate save. Or in some cases, it results in the "unhooked" being downed immediately and hooked again, which is something some players try to avoid as well.

    All in all, I understand what you mean, but in some cases there isn't much they can do or they just don't care.

  • Member Posts: 576

    It's never that clear cut. There are times a rescue is a bad move strategically for the rest of the team regardless of whether it will save someone a hook stage, or even dying for that matter.

  • Member Posts: 231


    Being hooked can be very demoralizing and frustrating. Not because you got hooked, but you see what the others have been up to while you where running the killer for 2 minutes. One gen done, one is doing bones, one is crouching in some corner. On your second phase maybe someone get's for rescue and immedietly manages to be seen by the killer and downed.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I agree in principle. There are times where it does make sense though. If the killer is hard camping then it's better for the team to just work gens. If I'm across map and the killer has Hex: Ruin and I have significant progress on a gen that I'm working on then I'm finishing that gen. I'm not going to risk running across the map to only have another survivor do the unhook before I get there and lose all progress on my gen. That doesn't help anyone. If there are only 2 survivors left and multiple gens need complete and I've located the hatch then I might let the other survivor die so I can get the hatch. I would sacrifice myself if I was hooked and the situation was reversed. That last example really does have a lot of influencing factors though. If I'm working on a challenge that requires escaping or unhooking survivors or how that other player behaved the whole game or how the killer has behaved the whole game. All I'm saying is that there are circumstances that make it not a simple decision.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Agreed. But they don't care. They're oblivious. If you tell them they caused you to die they'll just regurgitate "well I lived and you died so it's your fault". Real caveman mentality, right? But sorry to break it to you: everyone acts like that when confronted on their poor plays.

  • So if your being camped by a bubba in suppose to save you? ASAP? More survivors waste time by waiting for a moment to save than actually doing gens.

    If you die so the team can get 2 or more gens done, your sacrifice was a goodie.

    Yes of your team isn't doing anything productive and the killer isn't camping then I don't see why they can't but again. In game the rules change to how we lay them out.

  • Member Posts: 2,924
  • Member Posts: 70

    Easy solution : increase the time it takes to reach each stage so killers don’t face camp or proxy camp and are forced to go out and patrol generators again. It’s kind of ridiculous how killers just hover around the hooked survivor because they don’t have to wait long until you hit 2nd stage. They need to increase the time it takes! You might be thinking oh well, a survivor would abuse that. How is it that the killer isnt abusing that too though? It goes both ways. Survivors can’t abuse longer hook times anyways. You as killer need to do your damn job and find someone else to kill. What kind of game does that turn into if you don’t? Generator simulator where everyone just does gens because it’s impossible to do the hook rescue before you hit 2nd stage? Killers got it too good man I’m telling you.

  • Member Posts: 2,246
  • Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2020

    I would rather they don't safe me if the killer just camp in front of me. 🤦

    Just finish the gens.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's purely situational. If a survivor is the other end of the map, it makes sense the other 2 that are nearer make the save. If Cannibal is camping, then it's a fool's errand. The best they can do is everything to distract Cannibal (or any other killer) and that requires co-ordination; something that non-SWF don't always have.

    However, if it's SWF or there are people just crouching around doing nothing, I agree. It depends on the individual andvarious issues around it.

    Not to say it can be bloody irritating seeing people ignoring you for whatever reason though!

  • Member Posts: 340

    From my experience at red ranks, it is too true that most people don't seem to understand how saving hooked people works.

    Too often I see people running in straight line to the hook just to be discovered by the Killer and have to run away.

    Too often I see people running straight at the Killer when he's carrying someone, take a free hit then run away, leaving the person on the Hook alone.

    Too often am I the only person on the team capable of performing safe unhooks, then I get hooked and the game ends. Like literally ends. The person that was supposed to save me gets discovered in less than a second because they've been running around the hook (learn some stealth, please), then they decide to loop around my hook, get downed and hooked right next to me. Then the third person comes to help (runs in straight line at the Killer), gets downed. Then the fourth person bravely challenges the Killer and gets downed. It still amazes me how often this happens.

    FYI, I run Kindred 24/7 and everyone can clearly see their teammates and the Killer.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Tried and abused. Increase the time too much and survivors will just leave their teammate on the hook to finish the gens first.

    It's suppose to create pressure to get them of the gens. If you extend the time you're just punishing non campers

  • Member Posts: 340


    How do You feel about increasing Hook timers IF devs nerfed DS at the same time?

    It would discourage Killers from just loitering around the Hook and force them for more active gameplay, but at the same time it would buff their 'hunting down the unhooked Survivor' gameplay more, since they don't have to fear the DS so much.

    And with longer hook times and nerfed DS, I feel like DS would be used less and perks that help with safe unhooks would be used more (We'll Make It, Off the Record, Breakdown).

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    You do realize the objective of killers is to sacrifice the survivors and prevent them from escaping. If you say camping and getting 1 kill is too good for killers idk ######### i can say to change your mind. And increasing the times can be abused, if you are actually playing optimally, you do gens until another survivor gets hooked or the hooked survivor is gonna go into second stage, so you then run over and grab them right before they hit second stage, this way you optimise gen speed and the hook stage the survivor lost. But the only time camping ever gets more than one kill is when they have noed and you don't do all the bones or you hook bomb, both are dumb mistakes made by the survivors. The killer's job isn't to make you have an opportunity to get away, it's their job to kill you, sometimes camping works sometimes it doesn't, i'm pretty sure there's a perk for this but idk cough cough kindred cough cough. Sorry excuse my lumbago it's a very serious disease.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I don't care about DS so i would still not like that.

    2 minute death timer should be 3 gens including travel time and the time to realise the killer is camping

    The tools to beat camping are already in the game. People just need to actually do it

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Yea... I am usually the survivor who dies on first hook...

    Also I am a survivor whom tries to get the save (without bringing the killer with me)

    But I won't save if: the killer pitched a tent and has a campfire going, there's another survivor nearby, or if I have a gen almost done

  • Member Posts: 994

    People are selfish. I run kindred and even then i was left on the hook, because finishing a gen, were there was not even ruin, is more important.

  • Member Posts: 40

    This is why I hate being hooked as I swear I always get the most brain dead teammates. It’s really not that difficult to get towards a hooked survivor without being spotted on the way. If I do happen to get caught and I know the person is about to go into struggle, I’ll purposely get hit and use my sprint boost to get them and then trade places on the hook. I’d rather just hope that they have DS / won’t get tunnelled down than let them go into struggle.

    I’m almost convinced that a lot of people don’t play using a headset / headphones as they’ll run straight into the killer so many times as if they couldn’t tell that the terror radius was as close as it was.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    it really depends on the situation like if the killer camping like hard.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I've definitely had those games before -- do three gens by yourself, break the hex totem, heal everyone, and then die on your first hook while everyone crouches by the wall. I actually find it kind of funny. Not in the sense that I think it's a good thing for them to do, just in the sense that it's usually because they're not good at the game. I just hang there going, "Hey, remember when Kate came and unhooked you?" and watch as they scuttle back and forth, thinking about whether to run for me.

    On the reverse side, I always try my hardest to grab people before they get to stage two. Partly as a courtesy to them, and partly because we need people to be able to be hooked as many times as possible so we can stay a four-person team. There are times when the situation makes it impossible to do that, but there are also times where I've messed up. The most common reason (solo queue) is that I think one of my other teammates ran in that direction, and then I don't realize in time that they didn't get there. Another time, the person was hooked in the basement, and I'd never tried to find the basement in that building before, and the building was full of traps, so I had to go slow, and I got lost. It was a Nea and the Nea was mad.

  • Member Posts: 493

    Even if the killers camping, i will go for the save at the end of stage 1, they could have DS, and i’m happy taking the risk for that.

  • Member Posts: 1,075

    If I'm soloqueueing, my team mates could easily unhook me (not getting camped) and I go second phase while I see them not gettting chased by the killer, I'm not even bothering with struggle.

  • Member Posts: 4,620

    Uhm, situational? If Ruin isn't done, people will stay on Gens, if the other 3 all think the other is going for the save (if not in SWF) if the Killer is camping, or they have a daily or rift mission to do they will want to do that first. I wouldn't say team mates are selfish, I have had it happen a few times, the game can be turned around, second phase i have gone into but then i have survived and left. If it's feeling terrible, well don't take it to heart, it's a game, it happens, like team mates just leaving you when you are on the hook on end game collapse.

  • Member Posts: 283

    I solo q mostly so its not so easy to judge everyones situation, but usually if they’re close to the next phase ill start making my way there are or if i see someone get injured or into a chase.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Once upon a time I fell in love with a Bubba who punished my team for letting me hang of first hook til near the end of struggle phase.

    No camping. No gens popped. Just two Megs in the corn running around like headless chickens and a Claudette crouching in the corner. Eventually she's the one who got me after slowly creeping her way over.

    In the end game chat they all got a scolding from him.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Console players do this a lot, I've noticed since crossplay. They run off and self-care in the corner of the map and leave you to die even though someone is in chase across the map from the hook. They're just immersed.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited October 2020

    As a killer, I generally leave the hook area completely after every hook, I like the challenge of trying to get 12 hooks and find it far more satisfying than just farming the same person until they're forced out of the game, and I guess I just like playing overly-nice because if I win then generally no one has anything negative to say, because the team will still have gotten tons of points.

    That said, if I notice people letting someone transition on the hook (or worse, die) when I'm nowhere near the hook and it's not an immediate pressing matter to win the game (makes sense for the last gen, makes a lot less sense for the 2nd gen) then I will actively try and punish those who I know didn't at least attempt a rescue, if I can manage it.

    Your biggest strength is numbers, sacrificing those numbers for progression (or worse, sometimes people will be sitting in corners or doing dull totems) screws over your teammate as well as yourself. Unless, again, it's vital to ensuring the majority of the team escapes. That's totally understandable.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    I think it is pretty obvious, and I would bet that you won't teach anyone by creating a thread about it. There are just people that don't give a ****

  • Member Posts: 287

    You're thinking about one situation. There are other situations where we kinda have to let them go to second phase.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited October 2020

    I'm not gonna lie I've accidentally let that happen cause I'm on a center gen or I could've swore someone was going to get him. But if they reach second stage I get them. And those reasons are why I now usually run Kindred on everyone. Helps with getting me off the hook and getting others

  • Member Posts: 827

    Exactly... Survivor is TEAM based. If I'm being camped I'll give the team as much time as possible to complete gens before dying. If they all stop gens and start heading my way I'll kill myself on hook so they don't get slugged trying to rescue me.

    We should have a signal system... If someone tries coming to save you, and it's not safe we should spam the unhook to flail to let others know it's not safe. Stay still (on first hook) to say it's safe...

  • Member Posts: 80

    Sounds like me I've been trying to get the Adept Claudette lately. Sorry but if you are on first hook we are going to use that time wisely. If you get to second hook sorry but play stealthy after being unhooked. That's why Lightweight is needed, stay low but if you get into a chase try to get out of it or get the killer to a person that's not been hooked yet.

  • Member Posts: 242

    Yes, there are so many terrible survivor players that leave me to get to the struggle phase when there isn't even a killer close by. This happens very regularly. Let's stop making excuses and pretend that most survivors are not potatoes too lazy to get off a gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,528

    Dude i just had a match where this claudette sat in front of the hook tempting at me until I died. I ######### hate solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 833
    edited October 2020

    it depends on the situation, sometimes is stupid and not coordiantion wich happens a lot in solo Q, in SWF never happens, unless the jkiller is preventing the unhook in an scummy way.

    sometimes is just the better choice your teammates are setting up everything 99ing the doors and the most nearby to rescue with BT or so, it doesnt matter if u go to second state as long as you escape, also not everytime there is something to do, sometiems there isnt. Also sometimes is a killer with an insta down or whatever, is nost that simple everytime.

  • Member Posts: 122

    There are unique situations to where it would be foolhardy to do so, but I completely agree with you. I will never let them get to second phase on first hooking if I can help it but will get so frustrated when it happens to me.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Noooooo. What's worse is when your teammate is being chased by the killer while your hooked and then unhooks you to save their own ass and then you get rehooked and automatically go to 2nd stage or die.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Theres always something to do about a situation like this. It's risky but it gives the teammate a chance.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    It's as if survivors dont need other survivors to escape themselves, regardless of repair progress.

    Actually, you're a worse teammate if you rescue survivors too early. You gotta squeeze out more than 5 seconds out a hook timer.

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