How the demogorgon could be made so much better.

Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Demo at the moment, is very much an analog to freddy, much like billy is to hillbilly - However demogoron has several drawbacks and shortcomings that nerf his capabilities to be a good killer, and make it easier for him to be beaten by top tier survivors.

His similarities to freddy and how they differ -

Freddy and demo both have forms of stealth, freddy with his lullaby and dissapearing upon a survivor being awake and outside of a certain range, whereas demogorgon has the undetectable status effect upon going through a portal. both are unique enough forms of stealth that can feel fun, however the demogorons stealth is ruined by both his height and his gigantic footstep sounds.

Freddy and demo both teleport, with freddy being restricted to generators that haven't been completed, and demo being restricted to portals. The two biggest drawbacks behind demos teleport are that he cannot do it from anywhere (he has to go to another connecting portal) and that he announces it globally, making it so that even though he gains stealth from it, players are tipped off very early to his teleporting.

Freddy and demo both have an anti-loop tool built into their kit. Demogorgons shred, vs freddys snares (or false pallets.) Both of these are very good and unique enough in what they do, however shred has currently got weird addon synergy, and no real addons that change it up, whereas freddy has addons that affect his secondary chase ability and what it does making every match different.

How to bridge the gap between freddy and demogorgon, and make demogoron not neccissarily buffed so much as easier to make useage of and more viable with all of his addons?

  • Upon teleporting, the global indicator is only active for people next to a portal, or within the demogorgons terror radius. similar to freddys teleport where you have to be able to see a gen, or will hear his whistling when your near him.
  • Have demogorgons footsteps silenced, or lowered when he is undetectable. (could also be done to 99% of the killer cast if im being honest, as it seems like a nice buff to undetectable, but demo currently needs it most.) he could also have an animation change for when he is undetectable, having his head lowered more towards the ground in a prowling state, in order to make him not as visible over objects, and also to indicate he's entered stealth.
  • Demo's shred could have more addons attached to it, altering range, charge time and giving it the possibility of a "charges mechanic" where if he has addons, he could shred instantly after another shred, in another direction giving him a giant skillcap to using his shred. also take away rat livers speed boost, and have it on his base kit, or make his basekit more functional without the requirement for rat liver.
  • And finally the biggest buff besides just reworking his addons to be better and more functional. allow him to teleport to any preset portal from anywhere. this could go inline to his other changes, or be in addition to them. Teleporting from anywhere could even have downsides over teleporting from a portal to balance it out (ie teleporting from anywhere could have no undetectable status effect, or a very short one, whereas using a dedicated portal setup could give him a longer undetectable and silent footsteps.) teleporting from anywhere could also put him on a longer cooldown in comparison to using a portal to teleport to another portal.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Demo really needs help with his teleporting ability. It isn't as scary as it could be.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Bingo. being able to teleport from anywhere with reduced footstep noise would be an amazing change.

    it would turn him into essentially a very differently played hag with mint rag of sorts.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291
    edited October 2020

    Overall the Demogorgon's sounds need to be adjusted or reduced and I feel like he would be better. However regarding your last suggestion on teleporting anywhere. I partially agree but here's my take on it.

    Allow the Demogorgon to have one seamless action of creating a portal and then going into it if he chooses to teleport to another portal. Overall just a quality of life change but a big one. If he's already standing on a functional portal he will use that instead to teleport instead of placing a new one. It would be a change on par with Trapper re-arming traps already on the ground. Instead of picking them up and placing them he just leans down to set it. It would be the same mindset with Demogorgon.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I like most of these ideas but I’ve been consistently advocating against too many demo lunge addons. They could very easily break him and make him like pyramid head and his lunge is already plenty strong as it is. I also however think that it would be nice if portals automatically spawned at the start of the trial but they could be picked up if you weren’t happy with the portal placements.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Demo absolutely doesn't need changes he's fine. I would even say to remove rat liver but eh it's not all that bad, I don't ever run add-ons on him anymore and the very, very few demos I see don't know how to use rat liver well anyway so overall it's not a big deal.

  • Bowls_of_Chili
    Bowls_of_Chili Member Posts: 25

    I like all of the ideas that you put out on this post, but my favorite is the prowling animation while undetectable. I'm an absolute sucker for cool thematic animations.

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    IMO, Demo is the most balanced killer in the game but he just needs an add on rework.

  • crow13312013
    crow13312013 Member Posts: 61

    And get rid of the redlights with all killers......the should be heard not seen

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Demogorgon needs to lose 99% of the mapwide cues. Only the teleportation one needs to stay. I like your idea for it.

    The footstep sounds need to be the same as all of the other Killers. 16 meters is too loud, especially on a Killer that uses the Undetectable effect. The lowered head animation sounds awesome.

    I love the idea of more Shred add-ons. I've always thought that Demo's add-ons need a change because they lean too much towards its portals and the numbers are painfully low (especially for the rare and above add-ons). It feels like Demo has a bunch of Common and Uncommon add-ons with only one slot available because of how important Rat Liver is. A charges mechanic for Shred could help a lot with map pressure.

    Teleporting from anywhere sounds like a cool idea.

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    1) rat liver base kit and addon updates.

    2) definitely fix the stealth ability to match other killers, not soo scary when he screams and then stomps around while undetectable. no value ever gained from that.

    3) I <3 demo... update him

  • Funchal
    Funchal Member Posts: 43

    (Google Translate)

    Here's what I would do to fix the Demodog

    • -Killer Instinct must play without the need to hold M2 when the survivors remain on them (Dying state exception)
    • -Increase the Killer instinct duration to 3 seconds after the survivor get out of reach of the portal
    • -Increase the duration of the Undetectable to 3 seconds after leaving the portal
    • -Mute the sounds of the steps while Undetectable
    • -Allows movement of the camera while moving upside down and also while leaving the portal
    • -Allow the Demo to destroy portals to put them somewhere else
    • -When looking at a portal you want to teleport, allow Demo to create a temporary portal and address what you were looking at. The portal would be considered open and would be destroyed 10 seconds after the end of the teleport.
    • -Increase the teleport CD to 25 seconds. Teleporting using a common port would return 10 seconds. Teleporting using a temporary portal would have the standard 25 seconds.
    • -Increase the M2 movement speed to 95%, the Rat Liver addon remains the current numbers.
    • -More Shred addons
    • -Deer Lung basekit
    • -Shred must cause Deep Wound
    • -Remake on most addons
  • KasumiFox
    KasumiFox Member Posts: 117

    I was going to say a hat. He'd look cute with a hat.

  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    I made a thread on full reworks and changes on his addons a while back but it never got any attention. I do agree that Demo needs some buffs and tweaks to be made more viable with the current meta