Oh yeah, The DC penalty is back baby!

I really don't like how many killers keep some games hostage while abusing the fact that survivors don't want to DC because of the penalty, but I also hate waiting 10-15 min for a game only to see survivors jump out right from the start after first down as was the case when there was no penalty.

What are your thoughts on the DC penalty returning?



  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    It's honestly been a nightmare for me. I had 3 games in a row yesterday where all the other survivors killed themselves on hook because they got downed trying to save the survivor trying to kill themselves. But I understand that it'll catch on and hopefully it'll be in a decent place when the new Tome drops

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    I'm glad they're back overall. The dc rate from the games I've played since has gone down to 0 (I know there will be some dc's in future, although normall it was a dc every other match before), and only 1 hook suicide.

    Those regular dc's were ruining too many games.

    However, if everyone is slugged, killers should do the right thing and hook them (unless waiting for DS to deactivate). Only an a**hole would just stretch it out. If there's a way to deal with that, it would be most welcome.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    If the people dont want to try and play they wont be much use either way the penalty does nothing.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    yes it is. when I'm a lower level then some on my team and I feel like I'm the only one actually playing the game.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Yes, Killers should do the right thing and hook the downed survivors, but the thing is, there are many who get pleasure from other people's rage and misery so they love nothing more than waste everyone's time by not hooking and keeping the game hostage until everyone bleeds out. I see games like this quite often.

    Even without trolls, there's also the well known builds that encourage slugging like the infamous knock out perk paired with some other perks that scream out the survivors nearby and allow the killer to quickly down the entire team and make everyone just wait around for their turn to be hooked, the first one getting downed naturally spends the most time on the ground dying of boredom.

    Don't get me wrong, knock out is a fun perk, but it also encourages slug victories which often are the most annoying matches known to survivors.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    It's been fine so far, though i suspect not everyone knows they're back yet.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    They still need to do something about survivors killing themselves on the hook, there is no difference between d/cing and killing yourself, you screw the killer and your team all the same.

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    Maybe a surrender system were players can vote to end the game with no penalties on either side?

  • Lucas96
    Lucas96 Member Posts: 40

    Just had a match where somebody DC’d as it started (assuming they didn’t like the map) and then somebody else killed themself on their first hook.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Yeah....no mither/tenacity or unbreakable/tenacity kinda takes care of that.

    So many posts like this go out, and the only thing I can think of is that it's just survivors that either won't or don't want to play perks outside the established meta.

    Scream perks? Calm Spirit. Aura reading issues with perks like Undying? Distortion. Seriously, this isn't that hard.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    They should award a first hook death with full point values to all medals equal to one survivor.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Now THIS makes sense and is in line with good sportsmanship.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    One problem i see with that is if the killer is actually camping. This allowing them to get a possible 2k most games and still increasing their rank.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It's a controversial feature which is loved by some and loathed by others.....so it's nice to see the developers go all out on making this work, which coincidentally always seems to coincide with rifts (can't have people disconnecting aand affecting archive challenges, there's money to be made). Meanwhile the game runs worse and worse full of stutters and frame drops, bugs that heavily affect the game like downed survivors making no noise are still in the game, and hacking is rampant.

    I've never seen such a greedy cash grab game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I had that and then the killer decides to slug for the 4k because why not. You have an awful thrown game and then some sad case decides to drag it out even longer.

    It's why I stopped playing survivor. I'm sure BHVR couldn't care less but I stopped buying cosmetics too since I don't play survivor so....

  • kyo2819
    kyo2819 Member Posts: 4

    my game keeps CRASHING and I get TIME penalizations when I’m not even DCing!!!!

    I play on XBOX ONE and got 2 minute penalties 2X today and I just got a 13 minute penalty. The game crashes on its own and it hasn’t happened to me on xbox before these new penalties so it really stinks.

    i have only been playing a few months but I have never had problems with internet, loading, or the game crashing that I can remember. SO FRUSTRATED

    anyone else?

  • kyo2819
    kyo2819 Member Posts: 4

    my game keeps crashing as it loads. Maybe that’s what was happening ??

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    That's a fair point. Honestly, redoing how the points are rewarded for certain pips/medals seems the most logical way to stop it from affecting killers via survivor abuse.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    edited October 2020

    I didn't hold anyone hostage and two players disconnected cause I downed one of them as Michael. They didn't like that I was beating the crap out of their team and putting pressure on them so they left. We all know damn well at this point, they'll bounce out if you even play a character they don't like. 😂

    I think it needs some work, like some serious work because not everyone deserves to be punished, but I'm glad its back.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I'm not sure about that. DC penalties are back, it means suicides are back as well. You need to do 9 hooks for iridescent devout and you don't get it if they suicide on first hook.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    These posts are a dime a dozen but what it really reveals is that there is a rot within the player base called hubris. this hubris is manefested in the "X perk is crap, Y perk is better and Killers can't run noed" YADDA YADDA YADDA! People were complaining about sound issues and silent slugs..... (killers) and I said if you get this bug often enough that it irritates you so much ADAPT and play with the perk "DEER STALKER" I have never YET had a silent slug! but the answer was "I don't want to devote a perk to this issue, it should be base kit!" this same thing is said of survivor stuff! YES! survivors say the same of several of their perks should be basekit! lets just put the perks on EVERY killer and every survivor, kill the blood points, give everyone unlimited items, add ons and offerings! no more blood web! you buy the game and you're elevated to the rank of having every survivor you have access to be P3-50 immediately! no work necessary! oh yea and since all perks are basekit, there is no need to decide what perk to use because we'll have em all!

    this is the rot that has gotten a hold of many of this community, they think their way is the only way to play and when they don't like it they decide to dc! oh hey the killer found you right after you got on your first gen? let's run and if you're downed lets DC! yea that's right! oh yea.... perfect idea.... so now you've broken the rules, and the dc penalties are back and you have a 5 minute time out.... then another thing happens, it's now a 10 minute... now you don't like your killer slugging you for a minute while they chase the other survivor that was on your hip when you went down, so you dc now you're at 15 minutes..... eventually you work your way up to an hour and then suddenly your internet goes out.... oh yea complain you got a 6 hour ban for your internet going out. This is the other rot that is in the community there is nothing wrong with the game till you are unfairly affected. you know what? SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP! don't let your body try to write checks your eagles can't cash! (movie references!) anyways I know not everyone here is like that but that is the gist of what i keep seeing....

    People make a big deal that suicide on the hook is the exact same as a dc well it isn't. ok say each hook state is 200, plus 600 for each hook itself. and a final 200 for the actual sacrifice so that is one hook, 600 + 200 for hook state one + 200 for hook state two + 200 for sac. that's 1200 points right there. Now the dc (on down before hook): that is 0 for all these values to the killer. so yes that's a big discrepancy in the amount of points. now add in 4 people (assuming one hook sac's) thats 4800 points! if all 4 people dc guess what the killer gets for that? a big fat ZERO! now look at survivor. it's 1000 points per save, and 500 if it's a safe hook rescue. that's 1500. if you dc on first down you just cost 1-3 people 1000 or more points.

    so even if you "suicide on hook" you give the killer points and the orther survivors a chance to save your butt and get points. the game isn't about one survivor, it's about 4 survivors and one killer. now you'll say well what if the killer is taaxic? I mean they face camp and slug! that's just wrong and should be punishable by the game. Well it is not, the rules do not tell you how to be a killer just that you are to kill survivors and play the game. the rules do not tell you to not tbag at every pallet or gesture after you stun the killer as survivor so who the hell made up those rules that said this was toxic? the people that decided their game play rules was the only rules people can play by. Disconnecting should be an EXPLOIT when it is not used to stop a match from going on for ages after EGC is complete or that you're stuck in the geometry as PER the GAME RULES.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Infectious fright perk for example will reveal any survivors nearby and with knock out, others wont be around to pick the downed guy up any time soon, so you can snowball with infectious fright until everyone is down if you are lucky.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    There's very little point to your argument on suicide hook points when the core of the problem is not the points but the fun factor of a match when killers go up against 3-2 survivors when the first 1-2 hook suicide early into the game with 5-4 gens still up. You know the remaining survivors have zero chance succeeding in fixing gens so now the rest of the game is just hide and seek. It's not fun, simple.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    That's what this forum is so inadequately unable to discuss. The average post here doesn't post beyond survivor vs killer trabalistic talking points.

    SoloQ is an absolute trainwreck.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    again their fun is trumped by their inability to understand that people play in different ways and if they don't like it, they should stop playing. I don't care what anyone says the rules of the killer shalt not tunnel, the killer shalt not make it unfun for the survivors is bullcrap. it is a contrivance to make it about their own and not about EVERYONE in the game. I have been tunneled, I have been slugged, I have been left to bleed out, I have been face camped. I have seen teammates face camped. you know what? the only thing to do in these cases is keep an eye on the situation and continue to work on gens and do bones. If you want to whine about people suicide on hook then you are asking the devs to take away their CHOICE because YOUR fun is removed. I literally yesterday was in a match that I kobe'd right in front of the killer, and if I didn't have that choice I could not have continued to be part of the team and helped get people out of the match. making a choice in the game of when to try to get off the hook and when to keep working on a gen, and when to hide and be stealthy are all tactical parts of the game. IF people decide that game is not for them, let them try, if you're not in the position to save them you'd not have been in that position in the next minute anyways because you were deciding to work on a gen instead of get up and rescue them.

    Here you go I get hooked on a team that includes you, I WAIT for stage one to go, I start struggling and still YOU and the other three are not coming for me and I can tell you won't get to me, if the killer wasn't face camping me I'd let go in a friking heartbeat because you have just made the game about your experience of getting generators done over the fact my one hook could have meant i was working on gens myself or other things. it's my damn choice if i elect to do something the game offers me within the confines of the match. not YOUR CHOICE of when YOU come save me and I have to just sit there because YOU DECIDE IT IS SO. HOWEVER it is a conscious choice for me to leave the match functionality and click the leave match button which then puts me in violation of the stated rules of the game thus I must accept the penalty assessed by the game IF i take that action.

    People want to say that dcing removes the chance for the killers and survivors to gain points and emblem progress and this is true no matter WHEN the dc happens. BUT if you are to decry removing choices within the match functionality you remove their choice of playing or not playing, of deciding when is enough and when to let their team have a better chance at finding hatch. You are the one with the incorrect view point, mine is from the idea that the match offers the option, your viewpoint is only along YOUR game play and how YOUR ideas trump the rules and how others can or want to play as well.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    no one is trying to force anyone to play but here is the thing if you are going to dc or quit the match by hook within the first minutes of the game no matter what it is set up I would suggest that it is not the actions that need to be talked about but the arrogance that this game must give them fun 24/7 and no one else can have fun without them. dcing is the worst of the actions, suidice on hook at least contains a choice. I have seen people play the game for 4 gens and just as the final gen pops they dc. why? they were rancor. so they had 15-20K points and litterally no hooks in the game for the killer and they DC? they get 0 points. because of DC... sure let them choose to try to get off the match functionality offers that, let them decide to struggle or not struggle. but stop decrying the dc and then complain about the suicide on hook. if you removed the struggle all together, let the game just keep you on the hook, you can't try to get off what so ever and you have to sit there for 2 minutes watching your teammates not even care you're on the hook but you can't leave the match, what's going to be the difference if someone gets you at the end of stage two, because i'd go find the killer and get them to hook me again and i'd be out of the game, keeping what points i had at least.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    it will still be less common, people tend to act in the moment, by the time they get picked up and hooked its far less likely they will suicide since they have calmed down. this is especially true for the players who dc from getting downed first.

    of course there will still be suicides but the overall rate of dc'ing and suicides compared to dc's without the penalty are less.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2020

    Survivors who want to DC will just kill themselves on hook. Not really that big of a change.

    Killers who want to DC are SOL.

    Survivors still can leave and screw their team over. A killer has to stick out a game they're not enjoying... but I don't see that as a big problem.

    Overall happy the penalties are back.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    exactly there was no point in putting them in in the first place since you can bypass it by suiciding or going afk

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    IF only reveals survivors that scream. Calm Spirit counters it. Breakout + MoM/ DH allows a blocker to assist in the wiggle escape.

    I've lost track of how many swf teams have run breakout + UE after burning oak offerings.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    I would argue there's actually even less point to what you're saying. The whole game is literally hide and seek, so saying it's a losing game when the amount of pressure that SHOULD have been on the survivors from the start is suddenly making the game completely unenjoyable is absolutely ridiculous.

    The issue with this IS the loss of points for the killers. Survivors may have a harder time with fewer players, but by no means is the game unwinnable with only three players.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    not unwinnable with 3 I seen 3 survivors do 3 gens fast.

  • I rather no DC penalty. I lag out sometimes and will therefore be banned for a few mins because of it.

    I should get better connection soon though so I'll be fine soon enough.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited October 2020

    Then we do an afk penalty, if you stay still for too long, you are kicked out of the game with a penalty.

  • SvarturSteinn
    SvarturSteinn Member Posts: 58

    90% of the time I'm happy as a clam it's around.

    The other 10% of the time I'm a sad killer when I load the match and I see Object of Obsession not participating in objectives and just playing coms.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Get kicked out of the game and penalised for being afk against a killer who just wants to slug the team for 4 minutes? Or if you get into a bug that literally makes you unable to move, killer or survivor? You know how many bugs we've had in the last 12 months alone that have done that to both sides? Or better yet, a killer that refuses to hook you when you want to get out of a match because they wanna be ######### about it? Definitely not in favour of that. Why can't people just leave games they don't want to play and people just carry on to the next? According to most people on here they don't care about the outcome of matches, and the ranking system doesn't matter so why should it matter that someone wants out of a game?

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited October 2020

    Why do people load up for games they don't want to play? It ruins the game for every other player in the trial, you shouldn't be able to do that without consequence.

    However I agree slugging for the 4K and most of the bugs need a fix before this gets implemented.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    Devs encourage disgusting play as mentioned by OP that is only enjoyed by one person for the 5 players involved. The devs don't even understand their own game with the d/c penalty.

    You will still get hook suicides and you will get even more cancer play by killers.

    *slow clap*

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    There aren't any fixes to these problems, which is why people want out of matches in the first place. There are literally no solutions to perma slugging and slugging for the 4k that don't involve completely changing how the game works. Also this is to your first point, some matches are over in the first 60 seconds of it starting, so people want out ASAP because it's pointless to play out the match. Why should they be punished for wanting to leave or afk an impossible match and instead be forced to play it out? The way killer and survivor pressure works is so unbelievably snowball heavy and unpredictable in DbD, why should someone not be allowed to get out of a match that's already been lost?