Stop coddling killers.

dratec Member Posts: 5
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Every match the killer has ebony mori. Just played 10 in a row. Every killer has range like pyramid head. Can hit you even if animation has a whole 3 foot gaps. Through a window. Take 3 steps and still get hit with the killer on other side of window. Playing with friends game is tolerable. Playing with random. Impossible. Playing a killer is not even fun. Its easy mode whenever playing any. Work on balancing your game and stop coddling killers. If they need more so bad. Make it like DS and have to pass a skill check.

-hit range is not accurate. Fix hit boxes please.

- can't take 3 steps without a hook there. Makes wiggle pointless. Basically a Wasted feature.

- notice a lot of people complained in groups that even when spamming struggle. Entity glitches and still kills you with 25% meter still there.

- 85% of daily challenges are for killers.

I enjoy playing killers along with survivors but survivors are way to much a challenge and killers is way to easy mode.


  • dratec
    dratec Member Posts: 5

    Not new to game. Just notice DBD say they listen to feedback. When you look at feedback its all killer complaining. Felt it was needed to see both sides. Take it your a killer since dont see merit in any comment. I'm content chilling around rank 8. I'm usually in first or second for survivors especially when with random. But I bet you also think more is fair. People cry on DS which is a 1 shot skill get it or not in skill check. Its gone,but more is garunteed to 2 shot every survivor. Must be fun playing a game in story mode.

    PS: servers are usually set to the average ping. Look up MAG. Held matches with over 160 players and experienced no lag. DbD running 5 in 1 match and its a struggle bus. Just because someone is running aol dialup doesn't mean everyone should suffer

  • tim86
    tim86 Member Posts: 1

    Gg guys

  • JoJodownstairs
    JoJodownstairs Member Posts: 2

    I personally loved the game back in the day.It was both fun and challenging, I like the dailys and the new tome challenges.I enjoyed playing both SurvivorsAura'sAreRevealedtoAllSurvivors and killer.I especially love and miss horribly the old Chase's I used to have as both. The only thing I have a real prejudice greaviance against in the game is the endgame BS.As both players I strongly feel like it kills the idea,heart and soul of the thrill of the play.As killer if I came across someone who could easily loop me, Ring round rosey me,or etc. It made me want them that much more. If they survived it was all good as long as I was given an awesome chase, Good job u deserve it,gg.*As I wrote you gamertag in my notebook*Better believe next time I see you the hunt is on! But with the endgame, I feel like it cheapens the the actions of all players,Robs both sides of a great game,adds to much undo and unnecessary pressure and stress on the players, preemptively causing every match to being a total let down..a KILLJOY.Alot of players I used to play with have quit and banned further play of DbD until endgame is gone.. I've said it to the devs on every survey ive done,I still play both sides..once in awhile. I just don't have that"OVERWHELMING EXCITED WITH ANTICIPATION" to jump in and give it my all cause either I'm gonna die from endgame killing me or I let the killer get me at the door. As a killer I end up letting the last one or two go, it's better than letting the entity steal my chances or feeling like the Survivors just said"screw it I'm gonna die either way" Where's the fun or fulfilled challenge in that?

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482
    edited October 2020
  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    So, as for the M1 hits feeling like they have way too much range... they're working on that. They've tested Server Sided hit validation on their test server... twice now? So... it'll probably go live at least somewhat soon. Don't know when obviously, but it might help to know that a solution is in the works and is pretty close.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353
    1. Yeah, getting hit from 5 meters away is WACK AF. But they are working on hit validation. It'll probably take them half a year for it to work properly though, so we'll just have to sit and wait until that gets fixed.
    2. Wiggling isn't supposed to be a guaranteed escape. It's there to inconvenience the killer a little and give you a chance, but there shouldn't be any spots in any map where the distance of the hooks makes wiggling give a survivor a guaranteed escape. Cuz that can be abused by the survivor running back to the spot where they're far from the hooks. You'll have to rely on your teammates to take hits or bait the killer into swinging to slow them down and give you more time to wiggle.
    3. That's a bug. If it hasn't been reported yet, you should post that on the bug report subforum
    4. They spoke about this in a live stream. Currently Daily challenges are very Killer sided so they are reworking the daily ritual system.
    5. Ooof... I think you think Killer is easy because of how broken matchmaking and the ranking system is... most survivors out there are straight up bots. They either get downed in 2 seconds or run around doing nothing. This rank reset has been the worst by far. I have not been able to rank up cuz all the teammates I get do exactly what I mentioned and I have to deal with the agro since I'm the only one doing gens and not playing immersed.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Because it's once every 0.4 seconds, not once per second.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's not even 3 times per second, you're gonna break your space bar for no reason.

  • dratec
    dratec Member Posts: 5

    Must not play survivor much. Always loosing my teams to mori, and stuck on gens myself. Or killers just camp whoever they hook first and camp/tunnel. Neither side gets a lot of blood that way. Although a killer can have a bad game and get 20k-60k BP. As a survivor. With a good game and win. ill get about 30-25k. But keep telling me how thats fair.

  • dratec
    dratec Member Posts: 5

    PS i honest don't feel wiggling should work that much. More so it hardly ever works. Hooks are so close.

    As for them working on the hitboxes. Thank for that info fire.

    Like hearing the feedback from both sides. Honestly felt every post on feedback is how killers have it so rough. Which I don't feel the case. Back sides need some work but felt survivors had next to no posts compared to killers. Had to throw our 2 cents in.

    Usually run survivors with 2 friends. The random always just hides in a corner. I def know survivors can be annoying as well. I also def know not all killers are toxic. Just matchmaking putting you in game after game of it is rough.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Hits are being worked on. That’s all we have about them.

    Wiggling is supposed to force the Killer to take you to a non-basement hook, not help you escape.

    Pretty much everyone has a problem with the struggle mechanic. The devs insist that it’s fine though. It gets even worse for console players due to lack of buttons. We don’t have a mouse wheel to remap the button to.

    Daily challenges are supposed to encourage you to play characters that you don’t normally play. Maybe you haven’t been playing enough Killer recently (according to the game)?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Daily challenges are supposed to encourage you to play characters that you don’t normally play. Maybe you haven’t been playing enough Killer recently (according to the game)?

    Nah, this is an issue of numbers. There are just more killer dailies than there are survivor dailies, which the devs are working on.

    Side note, I find it odd that even though killers are "coddled", it seems nobody actually wants to do the dailies, even though they'd be easy (some would say free) BP.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    1. hitboxes are not used to get hits. thats only accurate for ranges Killers such as the Huntress, whose Hitboxes are working fine. the only problem that exists here is latency - if you want those hitboxes to be more accurate, it would need a survivor hitbox rework first, which would basically delete looping from the game (you wouldnt be able to squeeze past objects as you currently can due to the pill shaped hitbox)
    2. hook are ~24m apart. you are not ment to wiggle off the killers shoulder, that feature is only ment to force the killer to use a hook nearby instead of bringing you to the basement every single time. wiggle isnt a "wasted feature", its working just as it was intended to.
    3. that one is definitely a problem. hook stages in general need to be looked at, and that entire spacebar mashing needs to be removed.
    4. thats just RNG. there are also quite a few survivor ones, so it should be somewhat even. then once again, this is something that should get looked at and be updated - imo it would be a lot better if instead of having 3 random challenges you'd have 3 random killer and 3 random survivor challenges.

    for your last point, thats only going to be that way in lower ranks.

    once you get to high ranks you'll find killer to be a lot more challenging than survivor.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I log just as much time as a Survivor as I do a Killer. I'm a much better Killer than I am a Survivor so I'm trying to improve so they match up. I'm a Rank-4 Killer but my Survivor Rank seems to float between 8-10. Most Killers, who know better, don't love the Mori. It is a specialized tool. It also costs you points. Over use is likely to cause you to lose a Pip.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    nerfs Ruin and Pop

    won't nerf Decisive

    survivors claim killers are coddled


  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I'm gonna disagree with you on the playing any killer is easy mode part. I don't really think they coddle killers either. They seem to focus on balance towards one side at a time. They'll do some nerfing or buffing for killers and then to survivors. They also balance survivor around the top players so if you don't fully understand the best ways to loop killers you won't have the best of time. While it's not always fair to the lower rank players if they don't do it that way then high tier would be impossible to catch survivors. Even at this point it can be real difficult to catch them.

    As for the mories just wait until the nerf comes in. I'm hoping they make it a hook all survivors thing. Though as a killer that can be bad since it could lead to more IMMERSED survivor plays and then you not get to mori anyone though I hardly use mories as a killer so it won't matter much for me anyway.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    lol. I escape like 85 percent of the games I paly as survivor. Get real

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    Just to add onto this, of course killer will be easy in low ranks, bad survivors will always lose to killers. However once you get to higher ranks with both sides you'll realise killer isn't easy. Especially against a swf with meta perks, where certain killers can't even begin to compete well.

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    You mean endgame collapse? Im not exactly sure what you mean by endgame.

  • bluedog1116
    bluedog1116 Member Posts: 27

    I read this entire post, and it sounds like your just nit picking at this point. Yes some hits shouldn't hit, but they are working on that. Yes pyramid head is strong at pallets and windows, but they are nerfing him for that. Just because you got unlucky as survivor because moris because mean to just rant about everything that you think is unfair.

    As a person who plays both survivor and killer, I can say the killer ( at least to me, and a lot of others ) is underpowered. Disagree or not, swf can make killer match unfun. That's why killer bring annoying adds on, or mori. So they can try to get there the swf team. Killers point is to kill the survivors AT ANYMEANS. Just because you see it as "unbalanced" doesn't mean you should make a ranting post about how bad your games were, and that's not hbvr fault or problem. They work hard to balance the game. For goodness sake they are nerfing moris and keys.

    And playing killer isn't easy, it's difficult dealing with survivor like you that can only win by using swf teams. Sorry but is true boo boo.


    Hook spawns are dumb. That is what makes me the most annoyed playing survivor, I can deal with it.

    I'm a red survivor and a red rank killer. I deal with great players either on killer or survivor side. Yes I get killed, and yes I survived. I can get easy 4k or get destroyed entirely. It's just depends on the skill of others.

    Next time, realise " mmmh Maybe it's a game people work hard on every day and maybe I shouldn't be an entitled survivor. "

    If you don't like game. Don't play it. BOOM! Great idea. Use it.

    Thank you

    ( sorry I went off 😀😀😀 )

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    It's been this way since release.

    The games marketing and promotion is all killer. (Survivors are just reskins at this point). All the 'influencers' are killer mains. Just spend an hour in Tru3 stream and watch him whine how easy survivors have it while he 4k's after 4k's.

    The forums are killer dominated.

    The devs have created an entire class of entitled killers at this point that there's no real push back on because of their collective nerd rage.

    Go back to the hex:ruin nerf that was an absolute trainwreck at lower levels. That 100% was NEEDED to keep the flow of new survivors into the game. Read the amount of stupid that had no perspective then and you see that the coddling is just going to keep happening because the devs can't manage the bad PR.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    The fact that you fail to even distinguish soloQ vs SWF shows me the extent of your insight.

  • rugzez
    rugzez Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2020

    The game is survivor sided in swfs I agree but for solo and maybe duo I think its killer sided agree or disagree. most of the time I have played the game I have played solo. and I was rank 1 every season I have played aside from this current one and my first one. I have played better killers and had better survivors has my team. I have only played with a 4 man swf like 2 times. and you can really tell the difference. but I think they should more nerf being a swf rather then buff killers. but depends on what killers you want buffed because a few killers def need buffs and I think loops need be changed. because most loops are unfair to the killer the most fair loop for killer would be T/L walls. and yes the OP is newish to the game. I understand what your saying but what changes/buffs do you want for killers? and nerfs for survivors if you disagree with what I said that's fine.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334
    edited October 2020

    For the simple people;


    For the more critical thinkers out there;

    A group of coordinated players on comms syncing play is not even remotely comparable to a player that's playing solo.

    EDIT: See my original post regarding 'insight'.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416
    edited October 2020

    I don't see why I need to distinguish the two. They both fall under survivors. Sure, there is a big difference, but it isn't like the killer can choose to play against SWF, and there isn't a built in feature to tell if you're playing against SWF anyway. All the killer knows is that they are playing against survivors. I know this might sound a little incoherent and rambly but hopefully you understand my point.

    Besides, Survivors are coddled just as much as killers, if not more, just because SWF exists. The option to have a game on easy mode sounds better than rolling the dice and leaving it up to chance, which is basically what happens when you play killer.

    Not to mention that half of your main argument is literally just bugs.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Have you ever seen a high rank match, where the killer does everything in his power and still gets owned by that 4man swf (or sometimes even a good solo squad)? I bet not.

    I've seen plenty of these matches. Killer is easier on lower ranks because people don't know all the counterplay. Killers like Freddy, Spirit and (a good) Nurse destroy survivors on lower and mid ranks if the player knows what he's doing.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    'I don't see why I need to distinguish the two. They both fall under survivors. Β Sure, there is a big difference'

    Like i said, not exactly a pinnacle of insight.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    If only luck existed and our world was not based on probability.