Remove DC Penalty

first of all, the DC penalty should not even be in the game if you can’t fix the crashes that force people to quit. There have been a lot of games recently where, upon spawning in as a survivor the game freezes and the audio gets thrown into a loop. Moments later you return to the Xbox dashboard. Once you get back to the character selection screen the ban notice is there because you supposedly left the game. You ABSOLUTELY cannot have a DC penalty in effect until this is fixed. I would have thought that is common sense. What the heck is going on with this game? Where are the devs heads at? Fix the game first don’t worry about a damn DC penalty when your game isn’t even running properly.

*side note: there are also Moments where after using a vault as a survivor your screen will freeze momentarily allowing the killer to simply walk around and get a free hit on you. how is this not making people upset enough to leave the game? And then you get to deal with tunneling and camping after that. That’s so frustrating you have so little to defend yourself with in this game. Generator and hook simulator is what I think about this game. It’s atrocious how bad my experience is playing survivor game after game. Killer is so much more fun. Just my opinion. But fix that vault glitch seriously!

second of all, the DC penalty should not even be in the game unless you can establish a system that works. By this I mean players should be able to reconnect to the game to avoid the penalty which is very similar to how other games are that incorporate a DC penalty which is typically useful for ranked play. However, a smaller penalty will be administered once rejoining that will allow you to play once certain conditions are met or depending on what you were doing when you left the game.



  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I played Spirit earlier and one baby survivor killed themself on 1st hook shortly into the game.

    I can’t help but feel like even with the penalties on these kinds of people get what they want anyway - an early end to the game, but it’s everyone else that has to suffer. I try to play nice but I know most survivors would rather opt out when one has rage quit within the first 90 seconds of the game.

    So who really suffered the most with these dc penalties? The Survivor that had to wait an extra 10-15 seconds to be picked up, hooked, and then forced sacrificed? Or the team left behind who were down to 3 vs 1 at 5 gens?

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    This game rarely crashes. If crashing was a common problem, then the DC penalty shouldn't exsist. Quiters are the bane of games like this, and things need to be put in place to help limit. Sadly, many of these quiters will still auto kill themselves on the first hook, but at least they have to be caught and hooked

    before the penalty, I'd see too many people DC even if the killer was near them in the first 2 minutes. why they play a game like this I will never understand.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well, you have a point. I had zero DC's when the penalty was off. There's something wrong with certain playstyles but certain people won't call it unfair because they use and abuse it, since "I am not breaking the rules".

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    DC Penalty should always be on. It's not harsh for the first one but console optimization isn't good so you've gotta deal with it till they fix it or till you get the new Xbox and assuming the optimization is better there.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    DC penalty just means both sides playing scummy in attempt to make the other's life hell all the while they revel in the fact they can't opt to leave the game.

    It doesn't fix the issues that cause DCing and in fact exacerbates a lot of it; we all know it, but it doesn't matter because a certain loud minority overshadow the rest of us.

  • KasumiFox
    KasumiFox Member Posts: 117

    As killer, I've DC a few times due to household emergencies suddenly arising (my brother falling into glass, my puppy chewing on electrical coards, etc.)

    It would be nice if there was some kind of option to say there was some sort of emergency or there were some odd things going on with the game. Although I don't see too many people DC due to bugs. Of course, there would have to be a limit to that. Weird idea though.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I did get most POG game crash ever when I took the hit from freddy. He smashed my entire game with a single swing. So while Freddy OP I also perfectly accept that game crashed once or twice in the last 100 hours I played in it.

    Survivors that still DC after certain action occurs like they get downed or hooked or they miss their DS should get flagged.

    If it happens consistently they should get bans in days instead of minutes and penatly reset should never occur for them. Sure, your game can crash sometimes during random actions, but you can't tell me people game crashes every other game.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673
  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    theres this crazy new thing the kids are doing these days and it allows you to bypass the dc penalty, its called suiciding on hook

  • pandagamer1616
    pandagamer1616 Member Posts: 11

    There is only less DCs because people are forced to play against the most boring things possible.

  • pandagamer1616
    pandagamer1616 Member Posts: 11

    I agree 100%

    I agree 100% I feel we shouldn’t be forced to play in boring matches. Yes I do understand that sometimes DC’s will ruin games but like you gotta understand the POV of both sides if your just on 1 side all the time you most likely don’t know what your talking about, instead of trashing one side you should try to understand both sides.

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    This too. I can only imagine everyone whining about this change is just mad that they gave to wait to die on hook do they can ragequit and that extra 20 seconds is just ruining their day.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    like ok dc are going way down but suicide on first hook are going up yea that better.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117
    edited October 2020

    Games are much more enjoyable now because people actually play them out for the most part. Sure, you get the occasional suicide on hook, but even that is better for all involved. Killer still gets the hook, survivors still get the time the killer wastes picking up and hooking the person (rather than them just faceplanting and the killer immediately being free to get the next person) as well as the chance to unhook them before they can fail their 3 kobes, on top of the chance of actually kobe-ing in which case I'd bet like 95% of players would take it as some sort of "sign" to keep trying to win, although that's getting a little esoteric.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited October 2020

    Yeah ikr? And even more crazy then, that selfkills currently are more rare than DCs were before the penalty. Somehow seems that a penalty actually makes people recognize that they made a duck move. Pretty laughable when you fall for an easy mechanic like that right? Could be so ez to continue being selfish...

  • Menexia
    Menexia Member Posts: 4

    Yeah the other people in the game I was just in got mad at me for running to the killer and dying on first hook immediately. :P

  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100

    if you have crashes and freezes then check your PC.. something is wrong on your side..

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    I play on PC, so I've not had the glitch you've had. However, to say survivors have nothing is kinda eh, survivors have windows, pallets, various perks, etc. that give survivors not one, but many chances.

    As for the DC penalty, I agree, until they can discount genuine DCs from "I'm mad because..." DCs, they shouldn't have it. Which they should be able to do most of the time, since you have to hit "Leave Match" to leave the match intentionally in most cases.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    If its happening to the point were you're crashing upon loading every game then there's something going on on your side. Dc penalties are needed in this game whether people like it or not. Survivors shouldn't have a free escape card and use it anytime they want just because "they are not having fun".

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Eventually someone will hack a streamer and DC penalties will once again come to a temporary halt. These things are inevitable.

    Until then, try to remain calm, and game on

  • BleedingCarousel
    BleedingCarousel Member Posts: 2

    DCs would be less of a problem if everyone knew the match they were going into.

    DC penalties aren't actually needed for the game. If you're a survivor you're probably going to die anyway{that's why people voluntarily DC, game is lost, killer tunnels and/or you're just not into it}. If you're a killer being crazy looped because it's not easy enough. Just move on to the next game and maybe get a win. If you care about people DCing in your game when there's another you're going to have you don't have problems.

    Or hey, play a balanced, skilled game. This isn't anything to be serious about.

    If there are connectivity issues with your game/bhvr/system then, yeah, you shouldn't be penalized anyway. But regardless, DC penalties are about control.

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    No way, penalty must stay. Too much weak players. Even when I wanna play stealth killer in indoor maps, some nerd usually always DC.

    Or generally, match going wrong on survivor's part can make them do hook suicide or DC.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited October 2020

    yeah let me first respond to your last paragraph. A system to allow you to reconnect is stupid in a game like dbd as it can be exploited and in games with that system you usually can respond or there are multiple rounds in the game. that system just can't work in this game so the only way to punish leaving games is to time those players out of matches.

    the dc system itself works, yes players can still suicide on hook or dc but players truly frustrated with the game that dc are more likely to dc in their next game so timing them out is a good way to prevent that and discourage dc'ing all together. Even if that player suicides its way more unlikely then them just straight up dc'ing so in all it lowers all forums of leaving the match combined so again it works.

    edit: also all players that complain about dc'ing probably, no more than likely dc a lot themselves so yeah the system works against you WOW. there is no reason to hate it because its stopping players from dc'ing in your matches so unless you play on a platform that crashes a lot than you have no reason to complain. Before anyone responds to this i play on console and it barely crashes, in fact the last time the game crashed was over 2 months ago so unless you play on mobile or switch which i assume are the platforms that crash the most you can't use it as a point on why the system sucks.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Id rather have the dc penalty with a few people get slapped with a 2 min ban than have thousands of people dc for no reason and get away with it.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited October 2020

    Til your one of those people getting punished for no reason while almost all the rest just suicide.

    Oh, and by the way, it's not a 2 minute ban, it starts at 5 and escalates rapidly. And it takes about 24 hours to reset. So a single crash a day could lead to a day-long ban at the end of the week.

    The penalties are stupid and don't actually work. If you split the difference between DC's and suicides, that number won't justify the number of people that get screwed over.

  • Menexia
    Menexia Member Posts: 4

    Generally the only time I DC is when the killer slugs me when there are 2 survivors left so they can prevent a hatch escape. I consider it toxic, and don't mind the penalty to give them a chance out.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited October 2020

    looks like we got a rage quitter and one that possibly does swf often, crashes don't happen daily and for me its not even weekly and i play on console. sure back in the days crashing was common but thats not the case anymore so stop using it as an excuse.

    if it is crashing and your on pc than get a better pc, the health of the game shouldn't be lowered because you don't play on a reliable source.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Dont strawman.

    I have fibre internet at 100mb/s. My connection is stable. I don't play SWF, and I don't DC. And I used to think DC penalties were great, til last time they were enabled and I discovered literally all of this. And it's probably going to happen again, because screw anyone that's not near a server.

    So take your assumptions and eat them. You're doing nothing but causing problems with false information.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited October 2020

    so whats the problem? there is literally no reason to complain about then unless your on a bad system like mobile or are a liar and dc a lot.

    crashes are rare nowadays so you don't have an argument here. sure someone can crash but if they don't dc the timer will be short, this is better for the general health of the game and that's not refutable since it reduces the frequency of players leaving the match in any forum.

    also the only assumption i have is that you dc a lot, so unless you can prove otherwise and you can't i can have them. the fact that your not really saying why you don't like them kinda supports it.

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