
This is probably just the bystander effect at work.
20 -
This is why I always run Kindred. I just wish it would always help, too. I hate it when that happens.
There are cases where the trade-off might be worth it though. If they manage to get the last 2-3 gens done while I´m hanging there, admiring the visually very well designed environment, I can kinda forgive them for it so long as they get their aces over to finally unhook me.
14 -
You are not entitled to 3 hooks. I run deliverance in solo Q for that very reason, to make sure I usually get a second chance. If the killer is running a mori? There is literally no reason not to leave you on the hook until 2nd phase, that's what the competitive SWFs do.
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You should change your forums name to baitmaster69
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I mean if you're not entitled to three hook states is anyone else on your team entitled to you having more than one? Also playing like a "competitive swf" sounds unfun for everyone involved.
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And if there’s no mori then leaving your teammate to hit struggle is extremely inefficient and annoying. If they’re running Kindred there’s absolutely no reason for it, you can see exactly what everyone on the team is doing so there’s absolutely no reason not to perform a safe, timely save.
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Anyone else get the feeling of deja vu?
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I don't play in a competitive SWF. I play solo Q. But I can tell you my experience playing the killer against competitive SWFs. I played against some of the ones that were in the 10,000$ hexy tournament multiple times. And they leave survivors on the hook against mori's while they rush the gens. It is optimal.
3 -
This happens to me often even when I DO run Kindred.
I’m with OP. If I’m running Kindred, and still reach 2nd Phase even though everyone can see the killer isn’t camping, I’m 100% NOT struggling. Screw them.
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Why does it sound like actual Kenneth in my head reading your laughter? :D
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Optimal maybe it just doesn't sound like an enjoyable way to play. Some games I get the competitive element but dbd is asymmetrical, unbalanced, heavily RNG-based, buggy af etc etc. I mean there's probably an optimal way to play Mario party but is there much point in doing so?
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Is just me or this rarely happens to me? Even in soloQ. Not significant enough to make me notice.
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Why don't you tell that to all the people playing spirit/nurse/hag/oni/freddy/pyramid head with mori's at the higher ranks? Absolutely braindead killers that anyone can pick up and do well with.
It's pretty miserable for survivors, but effective for the killer. So I don't blame survivors for adapting. It's just playing to win. Nothing more.
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Op, I can't tell you how many times I've had to hit phase 2 on first hook and still survived but if you want to lose, who except you, is crying about it?
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Don't care
0 -
That was clear from the install.
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It more depends on what they're doing to me. If they are all on a gen or in immediate chase then that seems a little selfish. If you go into second phase and they're being useless crouching around the map no where near the killer then that seems more reasonable.
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I completely agree with you. Or I'll struggle but if it's apparent noone cares then I'll let it go. It's so frustrating going second phase off first hook because you could have had more gameplay as well as been more helpful. I have seen one saved get objectives done and escaped all because they got saved. Personally as a survivor I can get alot done when saved. I don't mind being tunnelled, looping them, as long as I see two gens popped as soon as they pick me up. It is useful to leave them on hook to finish gens but that's only if it's guaranteed they are 100% being camped but it's still bad play as a teammate. I'm compelled to save a survivor before second phase and its just so frustrating watching nobody care and who wants to do pointless hook struggle.
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You are saying if you reach second phase on first hook you can't win? Things don't go your way you quit?
I'm sorry you feel that way. I prefer to think if I lose, it was meant to be. But if I turn it around and escape, it feels much better than winning when the entire match went my way.
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if you have kindred and it is not dangerous to be saved im fairly sure you should get saved
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Well that certainly makes my life as killer easier. And yeah, you are going to get low sometimes, especially if I chase you to some random corner of the map and survivors have to get past me to unhook. Hang in there! (pun definitely intended).
Firstly, if you consider Hag or Nurse to be braindead....you know, I'm not even going to finish that sentence.
Also - it's because you and your mates decided to all choose Blendettes and sent me to Haddonfield.
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.....where are you and similar minded folk when I try for my Adept trophies? :p
Sorry, couldn't resist.
In all seriousness, please don't give up like that. Your team can still use you, and a few seconds can make or break some games.
It sucks walking that razored edge, I get it, but you can still make a difference so long as you're alive WalkedMoss. It seems like you have enough knowledge and technical prowess to make that escape winning play.
Good luck out there friend, may you find your heart once more and foil many killers. :)
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I'm gunna sound like a broken record at this point, but if the situation demands you get to second stage (like if everyone is doing gens and finishing up for the door) then I don't see why you need to be saved? If it's early on, then yeah I can understand. But later in the game as long as you can keep your 4 man advantage, losing a survivor to finish is a pretty good win in my books.
It depends highly on the situation. In a swf there's no excuse, solo it tends to happen especially without kindred.
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Yeah, I mained her back in her prime many years ago because she was so OP. I still have the muscle memory to play her very well. I find it one of the easiest DBD experiences unless you load into a particularly hideous map like Lery's.
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There's definitely a few points that need unpacking here.
First and foremost you mentioned being caught early in the game, specifically within the first few minutes. In most instances, if you're a solo caught that quickly, It doesn't matter what perk you're running. The majority of survivors simply ARE NOT going to risk themselves for what they consider a bad survivor, and make no mistake; most purple and red ranks will consider someone caught that quickly a bad survivor, regardless of whether it's true or not.
Too often, Kindred = free tracker perk and is exactly why I'm NOT being saved. The sad and rather scummy truth of it, is that there are many survivors that will abuse what is undoubtedly one of its built-in purposes, especially in low mid ranks. These types of players essentially think themselves safer because they can see everything that's going on for as long as you're hooked. that means they'll purposely leave you hooked so that they have a better idea of where the killer is at. Which is exactly why I stopped running Kindred ages back on any of my survivor builds. Unless you're running in an SWF it's just not worth it to play kindred in my experience.
The last point is fairly self-explanatory but I'll say it anyway: if you're playing solo you You shouldn't go into any trial expecting that anyone else is going to save you. Ever. If they're a team and you're a rando, 9 times out of 10 they don't feel they owe anything to you, least of all that they're required to save you, especially if you get caught too quickly. No it's not particularly fair but it is reality.
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Its hard to pick her up she is the hardest killer in the Game
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Well its kinda hard to tell their rank when they don't implement that in lobbies
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Depends. If the three people are swf and have completed a gen and all gone to another gen and just left me on hook then I kill myself. Otherwise I wait. Especially if the killer is camping me because it means they get free gens with no risk.
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Yeah I'm sure we had the almost exact same thread a week or so ago
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Wow I remember that but I didn't use the forums so i didnt know people were happy
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True but when new characters come out the struggle bloodpoints would be valuable and if you don’t like your teammates the last thing you want to do is let them have hatch quicker or if someone does unhook you then the killer still has that hook to kill the person you don’t like. So killing you self would be better than DCing but I think you should struggle.
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Please stop playing. Don't get me wrong, someone should always get you just before 2nd phase starts. But this game is full of pricks giving up on hook, and it just screws over the whole team. If you can't play in a team, don't play a team game.
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Moris are stupid yes and Freddy and spirit can be a bit braindead (PH too but he won't be for much longer) but I don't get your opinions on the others at all. Hag won't do well against decent survivors by just placing traps randomly and nurse is...nurse
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Your talking about a Mori man, ofc there is exceptions but your really purposefully trying to twist his words
As ######### annoying as Moris are they are also fairly uncommon, in a casual game without a Mori you don't leave someone for 2nd phase, especially if they run kindred unless the killers camping
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Your acting like it takes killers 10 minutes to get a kill, being the first down after the killer focuses you and downs you after 1-2 minutes and I'm not gonna think your a bad survivor, I only would if I saw the injure status on the survivor switch to the dying within a few seconds of them first being hit
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They removed it because killers were dodging lobbies with red ranks. And match making was boring.
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While I can understand your grievance with it I tend to look at it as the more people down and running around even if theyre on death hook is obe more person that could distract the killer wgile your doing a gen or totem
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Seems like a “cut my nose to spite my face” deals. Killing yourself early because you are mad at your teammates is just denying yourself the opportunity for additional bloodpoints or even possibly a turnaround and win if you get rescued in stage 2. You’re hurting your own score and rank and currency more than you’re hurting your teammates to be honest.
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Image getting 1st hook and into 2nd stage hook while Exit gates powered, having DS and suicide on hook.
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Try using spine chill and avoid the Killer you're whining because your teammates aren't saving you probably cuz two of them are too far away cuz they're working on Jen's or the Killer is up their ass or my personal favorite is a killer leave watch for somebody to run your way all of them back and get both of you
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If I'm not running kindred and not being camped, I will usually struggle even if they let me get into phase 2.
With kindred and no camp, "adios losers!"
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Lol I find this funny because I always run into the opposite problem. People rushing for the unhook while the killer is standing there... And not even bothering to run BT
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I get left on the hook a lot when I play solo. These days if I see someone near me not doing anything and they have the chance to grab me and won't, then I try to unhook myself and just struggle.
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A good teammate should definitely give it their all to unhook you before stage 2, to be sure. But there are absolutely circumstances where it's actually a better play to not. I'm at red ranks rn, and if I'm hooked and all 3 of my teammates are commited to a generator, I'm completely okay with getting stage 2. Its a little unfortunate, but if all of those gens get done, or even just 2 of them, you have a way better chance to win the game.
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Oh no I I 100-percent agree nothing annoys me more then slipping into second stage of my first hook and basically being Dead if I get downed again.
Especially when it's obvious that one person is being chased and the other two people are working on a gen together. Guys I get you want to complete the gen but one of you can still come over and help me whilst the other stays on it.
Annoyingly enough I always manage to get saved when The Killers coming back to wonder why the hell I'm still on the hook. Thanks you let me get to second stage then you decide to farm me because you didn't think I got kicked hard enough whilst on the ground
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Imagine playing solo.
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As killer, maybe you aren't being saved because even though you're not being camped, I am in pursuit of your would-be saviors and, well, their hands and legs are tied up at the moment with some extra work. Hope they are brave (or stupid) enough to unhook you during the chase, optimistically with BT.
As survivor, I understand if you don't run Kindred to get better odds for yourself outside of the hook, but if you do, you're still increasing your odds on the hook on average by giving info. Sure I see what the other survivors are doing but there are easier-to-control substitutes for that effect and I don't need that info all the time. Oh, and I think I'm going to wait a little before coming to save you to be sure that the killer is not waiting for an overly altruistic player who answers the call for help too quickly.
Hi there.
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I don't blame you. If your teammates let you go second hook stage they are extremely incompetent. I used to sweat every breath so my teammates have chance to escape, but if they don't care abaut my fun i don't care abaut theirs.
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Everything the killer do and every killer we use is brain dead. Nothing we do take skill
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