I miss the Pustula Flowers

The first year I played dbd was back before the tomes, before the battlepass system, and the game was a few simple daily challenges and that's it. That year was the only time I played the old Halloween event and it was FUN.
I loved having to hunt down the pustula flowers, and then slowly collect syrum all while straining your ears to make sure the killer didn't find you in the process and kill you before you collected enough to keep it. Sure it crushed the pacing of the game, but for an event that only lasts a couple weeks out of the year for a game that always runs relatively the same way each trial? I don't think that's really a big deal.
I was sad to find out last year the pustula flowers had been taken out and the syrum was just an additional rift reward in the battle pass, and I'm equally sad to hear it's likely going to be the same this year. I'm sorry, but slapping all of the Halloween event stuff into the battle pass isn't REALLY an event.
I don't hate the battle pass system by any means. Unlike a lot of people, I kind of like switching up my playstyles and characters to complete challenges. It keeps the game kind of fresh after playing it for a few years. But the battle pass has taken all of the joy and fun out of most holiday events since they've just been slapped together.
I just wanna steal the Blight's gross experiment liquid from flowers. That's all I want.
I really hope they thought this through. That event was awful. Unplayable solo survivor because no one did objectives, just fought over who got the goo first then killed themselves on the hook.
A boring steamrolling every game as killer because you had ruin (now ruin and undying) aswell as a sub objectife you had to commit too to complete the challenges.
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I’m here to let you know we’ll be harvesting more flowers this year! A bit differently however. The Halloween event and the Rift are going to be linked and there will be Halloween challenges such as collecting from a pustula plant.
No pustulas will spawn on the map as far as I’m aware, unless someone has that challenge active. Judging by the nature of this rift, that means you can harvest pustulas all year long, if you preserve the challenge.
Information is from leakers so things can definitely change but it’s unlikely!
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I thought the dev stream confirmed the return of the flowers.
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They should have been part of the Blight's powers