Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Another Legion rework idea: Wearing the Mask

Member Posts: 8
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been mulling over some ideas on how to implement the kind of Legion character that was teased in the lead-up to the killer's release, using existing mechanics from other killers. Here's what I've got so far: let me know what you think.

Power: Wearing the Mask

The Legion wears many masks in order to get closer to prey and deliver the fatal strike.

The Legion can crouch, and vaults pallets rather than breaking them.

By holding the Power button, the Legion can stalk a survivor, filling up their power gauge. When the gauge reaches 100%, the Legion becomes Masked and will appear to be the survivor who was being stalked at the time that the gauge was filled for 30 seconds, or until they press the Power button again to Unmask.

When the Legion is Masked, they have the same movement speed as a survivor, have no Terror Radius or red stain, and do not enter chase. Keen survivors still have some ways to detect a Masked Legion: Spine Chill still triggers in their vicinity, and they only change visually - their breathing sounds do not change, but they are 50% fainter.

Dropping the Mask: If the Legion Unmasks, there is a 1.0 second animation (similar to the Wraith's decloak) during which the red stain and heartbeat fade back in, followed by 3.0 seconds in which the Legion gains a 130% movement speed and the ability to put a survivor directly into the dying state with an attack.

If the Legion fails to hit a survivor when they Unmask, they fatigue for 2.0 seconds, as the other members of the Legion psychically berate them for their failure.

Like The Evil Within, there is a limited extent of "stalk points" that the Legion can get from a given survivor, and the Legion may only appear to be each survivor once per trial.

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  • Member Posts: 1,719

    It won't work.

    There is no amount of buffs or nerf that will make this concept work. The idea of a disguising killer will not work.

    Why? Simple, unlike me, people do the smart thing and play with friends.

    "hey, it's X killer! Split up!"

    "is that you by the crane? No? Okay, I'll stay away from this guy then."

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2020

    Let me clarify:

    I don't play with comms. My friends don't play with comms (unless we're just doing a custom game for fun). A lot of the DBD streamers I watch who play survivor don't use comms. Lots of other players do solo queue and aren't on comms.

    Also, even if the survivors know the killer is disguised, a killer with the ability to turn off your heartbeat and headlight for 30 seconds to sneak up on a survivor, with an instadown after decloaking, would probably be a welcome addition to the toolbox of killer mains.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    A killer who can insta-down and disable with red-strain/TR? Ghosty does that.

    I'm not trying to be rude. It's just that a killer whose power revolves around disguising themselves simply won't work.

  • "This killer is weak against certain meta-game factors" is not the same as "simply won't work."

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