What are the Survivor's thoughts on exhaustion add ons?

Just played a trial where I got a 3k Hatch escape.
Apparently the Berus Add On on Huntress made the game boring for the Survivors(According to them). I know that most survivors have fun when they're being chased and Exhaustion Perks extends those chases therefore extending there fun but as a Killer, I don't want them extending their chase time using Dead Hards or Sprint Bursts or any exhaustion perk.
So other survivors here, What are your thoughts on Add Ons or Perks that gives you exhaustions and takes away one of your perk for a period of time?
edit: removed their names... forgot about that sorry...
It really doesn’t matter to me atleast, and it shouldn’t to anyone IMO. Also, all of them used heavy meta perks so it shouldn’t matter to them.
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They are a relic of a past time when survivors recovered exhaustion while moving. They need to be removed. Same with clown's gas bottles but clown is so meh that it's not really an issue for him.
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I'm not a survivor main but exhaustion addons are really annoying to play against especially with huntress since she can end a chase in a few seconds, hatchet then m1.
But to each their own, sorry but this is something survivor mains don't get and since if you tell them something they get upset.
You bought your game you play however YOU want.
Edit: before I commented I saw that you didn't blur their name, some people get upset because of that and I believe if you are posting an in game pic you have to censor their name.
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They're very powerful since everyone runs an exhaustion perk. 1 add-on can deny 4 Survivor perks. Pretty nuts.
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They removed the doctors exhaust add-ons during his rework. Huntress will be changed the same way when they finally get around to an add-on rework. 90 second exhaust hatchets have no place in the current state of the game. It's just too bad the devs have waited 4 years now to get around to it.
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Sorry about that... forgot to removed their names but edited the pic.
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No need to apologize, there was no name shaming or anything, you were just asking a legit question.
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My thought are that BHVR does not have a clear line on them. They had it in game, added more of exhaustion stuff with Demo and Clown, then removed it on Doc, now increased the effect on Demo perk again, so apparently they did not go down a road to remove exhaustion applied by the killer, otherwise they probably would have reworked Mindbreaker.
I think that with the current meta, exhaustion addons should definitely not be brown or yellow.
one of your perk for a period of time
Well, the thing is, most likely you don't have the perk ready during the whole chase, unless you let go of the chase. So you counter the perk entirely. When you down them, they get the exhaustion removed anyway when they get hooked. So normally the time is not relevant, as you cannot recover 30 seconds during a chase
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It's an add on that disables perks. On killer side you don't know if they even have an exhaustion perk so it can feel like a waste of time, and on survivor side if you notice you have the debuff you just play like you already used it.
It's...okay I guess?
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If you have them, use them.
I almost always run SB, so it catches me off guard when I get hit with those, as most Huntress players I face aren’t bringing them into matches.
Very effective and makes the chase much more interesting.
Who doesn’t love a spontaneous challenge
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the thing I've noticed through watching players who use exhaustion perks is that the timer still ticks down while they're running and stops at 1 second. So say they use sprint burst or dead hard; they get the boost to stay far enough away from you and just have to stop for 1 second and could burst again.
If they really wanted to make it last the timer should freeze and not do anything until you stop running
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I would rather not completely remove them but nerf the exhaustion duration to a more reasonable number like 10 or 15 seconds for example.
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annoying sure but like, game is game
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E to outplay.
The best thing about exhaustion add-ons is you don't have to worry about dead hard. But huntress' is overtuned and doesn't fit the current state of the game.
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As someone who plays both sides I think they're fine. For killer it helps eliminate the one exhaustion perk this is the biggest nuisance, Dead Hard, and for survivor I never run Dead Hard so they never really affect me as a Lithe user since I've usually used it by the point exhaustion add-ons would affect me.
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As they stand, exhaustion add-ons are extremely outdated. However, that's only in terms of duration - the concept itself is fine. Currently, they basically negate every exhaustion perk in the game, since there's no way to get rid of that exhaustion timer in a chase. They should just be reduced to around 2-4 seconds.
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I don't use exhaustion perks so I don't care.
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I play both sides.
I think they're mostly fine, they shouldn't be over 30-40 seconds though.
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They are outdated. Those addons fit with old DBD when u could recover from exhaust while running.
I think the devs will rework them at some point but it will take probaly a long time
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Outdated and should be removed. It does not even matter if it is the Common or the Rare Add On, they both do the same, since it makes no difference if it is 30 seconds or 90 seconds, sicne it does not recover while running anyway.
I mean, just imagine new Instructions (no Skill Checks) would have been around with old Ruin and old Toolboxes. Sounds too strong that 3k BPs can negate a Perk? Yes? Thats what Exhaustion Add Ons do.
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I never run exhaustion perks as whenever I am hit I get a sprint burst.
How is someone like that 'broken'?
I find most survivors only want to use the strong meta perks and anything that makes those perks useless is 'broken'.
Examples would be :
PH power can negate DS
Undying brings other unwanted perks into the game like small game or detectives hunch
Exhaustion perks usually DH waste more killers time so anything that can make those redundant are 'broken'
Most survivors only want to run the same strong perks and don't want them affected... you could say that is 'boring'.
I run small game and totally changes games I'm in for the team but I have to play without a 'meta' perk for the team
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“Waaaah! you didn’t let me press E to invalidate your hatchet throw 😭” - that’s all I hear.
I don’t use exhaustion perks as survivor anymore because I got good at chases and dont need a second chance so I couldnt care less about exhaustion add ons.
Ironic they complain though given their BNP, instaheal, multiple second chances, unbreakables and even a soul guard combo. Yeah the exhaustion add on was unfair 🙄
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I'm uncertain that an add-on like that should be a common one, due to the strong potential it has. Maybe the time it effects for could be reduced perhaps, but I can also see that it's a good tool and I cannot help but feel the reason those survivors said it was boring was because it was an excuse as to why they were beaten.
So maybe nerf the time and commonality, but it certainly has its place and usage. It also only works if you land the hit, so any other time the perk can still be used.
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Exhaustion Add-ons are great against Dead Hard and mid chase Lithe and Balanced Landing. They are not the greatest but they are not as bad as some people make them to be.
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I think they are OK. Missing a hatchet due to DH or SB can be very fatal to your pressure.
These Survivors all use meta perks. They should not complain when you disable their DH like they can disable a Hex perk.
I play both sides and have realised that I don't need an Exhaustion Perk to loop well. DH makes you very greedy around loops and walking with SB takes a lot of time and even sandbags others when you try to bait a killer into swinging while the others want to run away (happens a lot to me).
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I don't mind them existing or anything but it's pretty clear their design is the same as it was when survivors could recover exhaustion mid-chase. Right now even low-"quality" ones with durations of like 30 seconds are basically the same as high-quality ones that last for 90 seconds or something.
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IMHO there should be two changes to them:
-They are available on more killers. For example, current there's huntress, clown, Pig, and Demo. It should be on more people, like Hag and Trapper and everyone.
-The time they cause Exhaustion for is significantly reduced. The timers are relics of days past and have to be reduced. 90 second Exhaustion hatchets from huntress? Excuse me, this isn't it chief, especially considering how huntress just yeets a galaxy at you and somehow hits you around two corners and through a wall. Her common should be, like, 10 seconds at best, clowns yellow should be 20, and huntress' green should be 30. At most. Maybe 5/10/15 idk.
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If your using Demogorgon's addons as a basis for your argument for nerfing other addons you have already lost that argument.
Demo's add-ons are near universally accepted as being vastly under-powered and if anything their exhaustion add-on needs to be buffed heavily.
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On the flip side is there an argument that maybe exhaustion perks like Dead Hard and Sprint Burst, etc, are too powerful and that’s why they’re so popular? If fewer survivors used exhaustion perks in the first place then using an add-on to cancel them would make those add-ons less effective as well.
Personally I’m for anything that encourages a wider diversity of loadouts to help avoid a meta becoming stale. If anti-exhaustion add-ons encourage survivors to think outside the meta box and start using no exhaustion perk in their build then that’s probably a good thing.
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I think exhaustion addons are ok in some contexts. For example pigs is fine and demos is fine because conditions have to be met by the killer in order for them to work and you can avoid it as survivor. Huntress and clowns however does not work, as they literally just need to hit you and gas you and there goes one of your perks.
it also dumbs down killers and makes them play as if exhaustion perks never existed.
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The thing with Pigs Exhaustion-Add On is that it just teaches a bad way of playing Pig - tunneling the guy with the Trap. This person cannot do Gens anyway, so there is not really a reason to follow them once they are unhooked, because they cannot progress the game. But the Exhaustion Add On (and other Add Ons like Mangled) basically invite to tunnel the person with the Trap.
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Yes, because multiple things cannot be unfair, so whattabouting is clearly the way to go. Who cares about one problem when another exists of unequal comparability.
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The only thing fun for survivors past about 250 hours is the chase (or you're just boring). I feel anything that cuts into the chase inherently affects how fun the game is to the survivors. I personally don't care about exhaustion addons because they're only potent once on a smart survivor. If I know Huntress, Clown, etc is using the addon I will just adjust my playstyle to compensate.
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Pretty much exactly what I was going to say.
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I think the exhausting add-ons are needed
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I don’t like them and I think if they were a few seconds of exhaustion to match the current state of recovery for exhaustion that would still be ok
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Against 4 DHs, I'd say well played my friend!
Overall they are strong. As a killer I don't mind them😎
As a boosted survivor using DH, they are completely OP and should be removed. /s
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As a huntress main, and someone who plays survivor a lot as well, I think they should very much shorten the time 90 seconds is too insanely long. Maybe down to 30 with the green one and 5 with the brown one. I think that'd be much more fair than the current time.
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You know the berus combos with the venomous concoction right now that's a big 2 min f u to them and most often of hit I've had people run at a hook so they can get there DH back lol or in one case went up against a player running the Meta perks of DH DS ADR with SC and I just 1 shot them lol besides a meg that entire round was 1 hooks. (Iridescent head huntress that game)
First hear a gen see no one but see scratch marks at locker grab the meg basement right after I basment hooked and leaving shack there unhooked slug the meg on a window hop chase away Claudette rehook meg Claudette tried to insta save deliberately missed the throw to scare them off they try to corner loop me so I can't hot them with hatchet meg suicide's on hook Claudette then runs in a straight line easy kill basment refill hatchet's catch a Quinton (Mr meta build) down him Claudette suicides as I hook him chase down Kate and let her go to refill hatchet's again Quinton suicide's and Kate gets 1 hit next to shack trying the save and I see his perks and I'm like man must feel rough running meta perks and not even getting to use any of them not even self care because you was a 1 hook
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How would you nerf exhaustion?
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Kinda like hex perks. I think most killers should have exhaustion addons, just because of how powerful the perks are.
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I don't use exhaustion perks as a survivor, so they don't bother me, nor do I have an issue with them. From what I can see, the only survivors that really have a huge issue with them are survivors that do use such perks.
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Let's just say it feels bad to use an exhaustion perk and never being able to use it against Clown.
I also don't appreciate playing against huntresses using it. It's not like it stops us using our perk for 30 seconds, 1 minute etc. It stops us using the perm for the entirety of the chase because we have to keep running.
It's annoying, to be honest.
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I would still like to see exhaustion add ons as i would think they would be some nice add ons to run sadly we are seeing the death of exhaustion addons, which is a huge shame would love for killers to have some exhaust add ons for example freddy z block could be where if survivors run over the snares or drop fake pallet have a 6-10 seconds exhaust. Would add some more varity to add ons instead of having a purple add on for hemorrhage.
I think if we are to have exhaust add ons two things need to be certain regarding them
1st they need to be a high rarity they cant below purple
2nd they have a short duration max 10 seconds (the max duration could be changed but thought a max of 10 for add ons seems fair) considering how powerful exhaust can be but cant be like 3 seconds otherwise why make them a purple add onso looking between 5-10 seconds.
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I also very seldom use exhaustion perks, so if a killer has these addons that is very good for me. Means they only have one addon against me.
If I play killer I have to say good addons to have. Not OP in any way but survivors will always complain about anything they can think of, so killers should not care.
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Totally fine addons and we need more of them.
Currently Exhaustion perks have near zero downsides or skill requirements bar some small exceptions and for a game swinging effect that can be used multiple times on multiple survivors. There's a reason every single person runs them.
There is currently zero reason not to always be running an exhaustion perk other than just meme'ing for simply not caring about winning. That isn't good design.
I should look at the exhaustion perks and start weighing the pros and cons to decide if it fits my build or if I want to play around them. This currently is not the case.
If exhaustion perks are going to be kept in a win/win state there needs to at least be more counters for them.
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That's a fair point actually never thought about it in that way. Personally i like to go for the people who don't have traps on because it forces the trapped people to go for unhooks and stuff and potentially resulting in a head pop if they are forced to do too many other objectives but i can see why people would tunnel those with hats.
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Honestly it can be inconvenient especially if they didn't notice that the hit have them exhaustion and they think they are gonna lithe or DH last second, I have been there lol also its an add on and all add one are fair play, it's not like it's a natural ability especially since its assumed you are chasing, you hit them cuz they aren't close enough and boom they can't further that chase. I still think it's hella unfair a huntress came throw a hatchet and then immediately hit them with axe. Its literally a double hit and renders the whole damage speed boost useless.
Also complaining about all survivors using meta perks is ridiculous. The object is to survive, escape chases, avoid being hooked to third phase, finish gens and escape. Alot of the perks are good ones in many situations and would make it incredibly easy for a killer to down a survivor and hook them if they didn't have them available Sorry that these perks make you work for your kill but it's balance. There's even certain perks that are limited to one use. Even as a killer main, i wouldn't want them to not have it. It's just becomes frustrating when its a group team and they all have the same ones but then again you can see it in action and plan or predict for next chase.
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After playing survivor for a month and only dealing with 2 Solvent Jug Clowns! Exhaustion addons are not a problem imo! Though they did make me realize that if you have to depend on second chance/exhaustion perks you probably not good at the game! When I took off exhaustion and second chance perks, I realized that all they did was cover up my lack of skill and chances to get better at survivor and learn from my mistakes!
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I wouldn't want it every match, but it doesn't bother me if the killer has can cause exhaustion occasionally. To me, part of the point of the game is that you load into it not knowing what you're going to get, so finding out your perk isn't right for the situation is just part of it. It's not so different from coming in with healer stuff and finding out it's the Plague.