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11.79% survival rate (New stats released)



  • Member Posts: 338

    Poor Bill, Always sacrificing himself to BT save the hooked meg -_-

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    These stats just make me feel like the majority of players are casual potatoes.

    Maybe 10% or less actually know what they are doing...

  • Member Posts: 40

    I know this will make me sound like a conspiracy-throwing, douchebag killer main but basing any conclusions, whether survivor or killer sided based on these stats would be incredibly misleading. There's no context to any of these stats since they're essentially just milestone, buzz-worthy, tweetable numbers to share around. Not saying they're trying to mislead anyone or something just they're meant to be shared and look at how many people have played the game. Using it for legit discussion of balance would be like arguing that a puddle should be qualified as a land mass because data showed that a puddle is made up of 5 million units of water without specifying they were droplets. We can't just say it's all ranks and say "well that's something" either since we don't know how many games were played by low ranks or high ranks. What if most of the data was taken from low ranking matches or worse than that, an unfair matchmaking session. Matchmaking can pair a rank 1 killer against two purples, a green, and a yellow or four rank 1 survivors against a rank 7 killer. We can't account for that unless we at least know what the statistics of everything are.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    The generator math illustrated above -- which seems to be correct, based on released "data" from the developers -- means these "stats" are completely flawed, and any conclusion about game balance can't be drawn from those numbers. You might as well be pulling numbers out of thin air and using them as evidence for one claim or another.

    I play nearly 50/50 survivor/killer. Nearly all of my survivor rounds are part of a 2-man SWF, though I do sprinkle in the occasional solo game. I float in the 5-8 Rank normally there, though I have gotten to Rank 3 as a survivor VERY briefly. My friend is normally a Rank 3-4, though he has made it to Rank 1 briefly. My killer rank normally flutuates in the same 5-8 range (if I'm practicing as Nurse or Huntress, I'll be a depip machine, lol), and I briefly had made it as high as nearly Rank 3 there as well.

    Even in our WORST matches as survivor, it's rare a generator doesn't get done. Even when we're getting 4K'ed by someone, we get multiple generators done, if not all but one (or sometimes all). Sure, we get games that are a slaughter against us, but we also get many that we see multiple person (or 4-person) escapes. As a killer, I definitely have gotten a handful of games where I 4K'ed with no gens done, but those are the exception. Even in my routs, at least ONE gen is getting completed. I have a lot of games I might 4K that go down to only one gen needing to be finished to power the gates. And that doesn't count the numerous matches where some -- or all -- of the survivors have outplayed me and escaped.

    I consider myself to be an "average" player on both ends -- not anywhere close to a top-tier killer like an Otzdarva, and nowhere near a top-tier survivor like a (insert popular streamer here -- there's so many I could name) -- but I feel that I do represent the majority of the player base. Not a complete potato, but someone with room to improve in both roles. That said, there's no way those few generators are getting done per match, which the numbers being given to us directly from the developers and extrapolated thusly, would indicate. I have a friend who's just learning the game (she has played survivor more than killer) -- she's had games where everyone got slaughtered at Rank 17-20, but just as many where everyone escaped because the killer simply couldn't catch anyone, so I don't think "new" players would account for those numbers either.

    This seems to be a case where those numbers, like so much else in this game, are inaccurate in some way. Considering that this is a game with bugs and issues that have gone unfixed for literally years, where the 4th anniversary cakes were bugged for literally weeks and people got stuck on a hill or couldn't hook people properly for around a month, and where the developers sometimes, well-meaning and hard-working as I believe they may be, simply are clueless about certain things (I'm thinking of a recent developer statement in a thread about Pig where Amanda was called an "A-tier" killer, I believe it was) -- would it be any surprise that these "numbers" don't seem to stand up under scutiny and are likely inaccurate?

  • Member Posts: 9

    There are ways too many killer mains because they aren't skilled enough to do well as a survivor

  • Member Posts: 563

    I can't see .12 gens done maybe 2 if you're including the really low ranks. But I personally believe on average at and average skill level 3-4 gens would be more accurate.

  • Member Posts: 9

    I would tend to think higher ranks would lean heavily in favor of killer. With more 3-4k happening frequently between green & brown ranks. In purple ranks you’ll see it balance more to 50/50 while red ranks, especially SWF, seem to be more 75/25 in favor of survivor.

    when you first start playing, have few perks & little to no map understanding, there’s probably a 90% chance or better you won’t survive. You may have a more experienced friend that literally gets themselves killed trying to help you.

    Once perks get better, map awareness & swf strategy come in to play your likelihood of survival increases to 25%. Regardless of player skill level. If you’re really good probably 75% of the time. However, since there are more green-brown players than red-purple, overall kill rate is going to always be higher. Especially across all platforms.

  • Member Posts: 529
    edited October 2020

    How can these stats be anywhere near accurate? If 4 survivors start working on different generators there should be at least 1-2 gens done even if they just idle on generators without moving away from the killer. Killer should move to individual generator, down and hook every single survivor under 20 seconds without getting generators done, let a lone 0,16 gens lmao. I think these are same boosted stats that showed 80% survivor escape rate once. I've seen literally speed hacking killers where survivors managed to do 3-4 gens before they all died

  • Member Posts: 673

    Too many variables. Can't be in those because a Mori is not a sacrifice.

    Hatch doesn't count as free escape anymore since the killer is in the favour

    SWF doesn't mean anything bc in the past we always got new data how small the impact of a swf has towards a game. Currently solo survivor can be as coordinated and informated as a swf. Considered logically it is possible and I played the game for 4 years and they can, but there are many reasons why it doesn't happen that often. SWF is what matchmaking should be.

    DCs never counted. They already stated on one of their streams that DC games never make their way into statistics, except statistics about dcs.

    Rank difference? Isn't that important. Why? well even I played myself pretty often from rank 20 to 1 the one thing that was different between those ranks was that the killer at rank 1 knew what he's doing. Survivor at rank 20 and 1 were both immersed, hook rushing, doing the wrong decision even if they know things based on facts (kindred,...), couldn't survive that long in a chase, didn't make gens when they should, were very slowly, did not go full i nwhen it was needed the most, leaving their team or teammate to die for reasons. It's pretty much the same. Oh and if a rank 20 killer meets a veteran player who knows how to chase he commits and loses the game. The rank 1 killer is looking for the weakest one to 3v1 a game.

    Perks? Both sides have bs perks and they don't mean anything because perks are perks. They change a game no matter what and meta perk doesn't mean anything. If you say "yea but perk XYZ" no stats were accurate.

    And you can't make dozens of variables because you feel like they doesn't cou or sth like that... Becxause

    First off: DbD is made that if a team is very good that the team should win against the killer. That's why DbD will always watch out that there are chances for survivor teams to dominate the killer so that when the killer plays perfect can't kill more survivors than 2, maximum.

    Second off: DbD is random. Maps are random, over hundred perks and hundreds of addons, items, offerings, different killer. So many things that can change the outcome of a game. The fact that someone hitted 20 great skill checks can change a game to a 2 escapes win. The fact that someone was running No Mither so that the killer couldn't take advantage of slugging him and everytime he wasn't chased he saved ~9 seconds on a gen by Resilience. There is so much and every perk can change the outcome of a game and the killer has abilities and perks and addons to eliminate or neutralize survivor perk impacts.

    And also fact is survivors had a escape rate from 50% int he first year of dbd. 4 years later it went down to 10-25%. So MAYBE one escape, most likely 4 kills. And the devs doesn't change their way to make stats. You make first off some rules and then from time to make you make stats to see how's it going.

    So there is no coincidence that the survivor escape rate went down to 12% from 50. And It's pretty interesting. Im over 4 years in forums of dbd and I see now way more survivors complaining in forums than killer who dominated complaints in dbd forums. And when the Devs released stats about escapes rate the killer had sooo much to complain because it was so high. Everyone was quoting the numbers and that this cannot be a thing with a list of changes which need to get done. Major things like addons, items, game mechanics, core game mechanics.

    Today? I only read things like "I dont like perk XYZ please change/nerf it" or "I lost a game, buff that!" or "SWF op!" So Im confident to say that most killers, the good ones are fine with it is now and bad killer complain about the small things whose impact isn't really that high.But they feel like it does have.

    And I personally hope that the devs will do changes towards survivor so solo players can communicate via ingame tools or they get aura reading changed. So that there is more aura reading when a specific event kicks in. Better matchmaking so that solos don't have to add good single players to play swf with them because they saw that they know what they're doing. And hopefully helpful tutorials how to play the game right and not only the basics.

    And yea I know killer will always be against any stats that could risk any changes in the favour of survivor. So they will most likely act like a 10% survival rate isn't reliable so that the devs don't do anything to adjust some things to "buff" survivors.

    This won't happen at all. But they have to so something to make the survivor gameplay more enjoyable and interesting and interactive. So nothing would be a buff it would be a quality of life update which might increase the survival rate but in a way it is healthy for the game and fair for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I'm not saying it didn't use to happen but it is getting worse at an alarming rate. Ideally, the killrates should be about 50:50. 2 escaping and 2 dying. It is about 3.50 dying every round and most of those are hatch. The chance of opening the gate is as close to zero as it gets in any given match.

    You could say that it is because rank 20 is spoiling the stats and they don't know how to do their objective. That simply means it is too ez for killer to do their objective and too hard for survivor to do their objective and avoid the killer. Anyway you look at it, it means killer is definitely way overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 158

    Mine as well. Keeping with my own stats from last 6 months I escape 14% of the time.


    1. I’m always solo
    2. All in red ranks except when rank reset happens and there is 4 or 5 games in rank 5.
    3. MANY Blendettes were harmed in collecting this data.
    4. Escape ratio went up after crossplay was enabled. Before crossplay I escaped 12% of the time.
    5. Even though I am a meg main I’m not a meghead (most of the time). More of an opinion than fact but let’s not judge.
  • Member Posts: 239

    If I'm not mistaken I believe the stats being posted to social media are for only 1 year, since the Rift came out.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Rizzo posted this in the gen time post...

  • Member Posts: 742

    And 4K entitled killer main hypocrites still crying here in the forums about weak killers and genrush op. Can't smh so much as pathetic it already is.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I wonder if they are including survivors DCing or deliberately killing themselves to derank?

  • Member Posts: 18

    Haven't read all comments yet but I'm sure someone else said the same but...Survivors DCing from the start for any reason or another ( map,killer, many dumbass excuses) doesnt just fck up the survivors but wastes killers time,items and being killer main feel sry for those that stay.Handful of times the 2 try and I try to make it obvious that I'll build up BPs for everyone before I start to be serious and go for the kill.Least something came out of it but usually one will go suicidal or just wait for the hatch.ANYWAYS...not saying anything new, just "played" 5 games back to back and maybe got enough BPs to replace 2-3 common items.Playing Hag (main pig/PH) I get 3-5 traps placed before they go, one after another on every game. Does crossplay help lower the risk? Wait longer but rather play and not waste the time I have on this BS. Just saying, DC'S effect both sides, I give props to those that stay and play when 1 leaves and I know there chances of living really drop.Kills the fun for those decent people playing killer that like to play against others that make it a challange .Dam this is long, DCs should have more punishments and those left behind more compensation or dam bots that I keep hearing about, play this game for the Human vs Human..the mind games where every situation is different because of there skill,style..I better stop ranting now, bought few survivors but with no friends to play with and dont like killing the team from my rusty skill,few perks so feel stuck as killer till I lvl them up..stopping now

  • Member Posts: 18
    edited October 2020

    I don't think ranks really matter to the data.

    At low ranks you can befriend the killer, killer would just be doing a Daily, killer would be AFK, I would even get messages from Killers just asking me to help them with an achievement, it could be their first game trying out a new killer they have never played, etc.. At red ranks these scenarios almost never happen. The killers typically try every game, whereas if just 1 of the 4 survivors decides to throw the game at red ranks via. DC, being too altruistic, or pretending to be a bush, it decides everyone's fate.

    Players pip up a lot from not escaping, just to get to red ranks and go against harder killers. That's how I originally got there in solo queue, running We're Gonna Live Forever, not really giving a damn.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    You didn't read peanit's comment?

    He said these are purely the stats that counted towards the archive's challenges not overall(Which is why they don't add up).

  • Member Posts: 321

    Here we go again. Killers will ignore these stats when it doesnt fit their, "agenda." Lol.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    When they fix the ranks so red ranks is actually red ranks then id like to see those stats at high level play until then there isnt a point. like everyone says this will count bad matched games, bad players that dont do gens and hell it even counts DC`s so it doesnt surprise me the stats look like this. if i had 3 randoms my level of skill in each game i could easily see 50% escaping, thats not being cocky or anything but i know every tile, map, totems spawns etc. not to mention i can do chases and gens which most randoms cant lol. just ignore the stats, all pointless.

  • Member Posts: 724

    There's too many variables for these numbers to really mean anything:

    How good were the killers? How good were the survivors?

    Were meta builds used or meme perks used?

    How many moris came into play? How many items came into play?

    How many sacrifices were survivors suiciding on hook?

    Big map or small map?

    How many were freddys, spirits, and nurses, and how many were trappers, wraiths, and clowns?

    Were dc's counted as sacrifices or escapes or neither?

    How many of the survivor sacrifices were from when mmr was active and experienced killers were stomping new players?

    Is this across all platforms?

    When did they start and stop collecting the statistics?

    I could go on, but you get the point.

  • Member Posts: 21

    This, people cant d/c without penalty so they hook suicide, meme builds, solo que shitstorm, the "wonderful" mmr system, mori, tomb myers, devour hope, swf/no swf. But yea don't worry ,point out how ds is abused. OoO or spinechill ruins stealth killers and you'll get slapped with a terribly flawed stat-sounds about right.

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2020

    Nerf the Killers, people don't buy the game to get slaughtered in seconds

    Also, we, Survivors, are the majority, suck it up #justice4survivors

  • Member Posts: 239


    Is it a safe conclusion to draw that survivors are basically throwing matches when they have Archive challenges to complete? The "escape rate" and # of gens done during challenges seems to indicate that is the behavior being shown.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I'm saying if the game is balanced where both sides have equal and fair chances then the sacrifices will equal the escapes. How is that not reasonable? The last time stats were released for red ranks (competitive rank btw), Freddy had near 80% killrate. Billy and Spirit was over 70%. Since then, maps were significantly reworked to benefit killers even more, they nerfed gen progression so the skilled skillchecks can't get the additional progression, and I believe it is when toolboxes were nerfed along with medkit addons. Killrates are definitely higher now. Undying and Tinkerer is also here now, two perks that stop the objective and it hurts average and new players even more. I have a good gut feeling the killrates at rank 1 is well over 3 kills per game so that means hatch is their only hope to getting out. This is where all five players have played a lot.

    I have played plenty of killer, I've only been playing solo a lot more the past few months and it is mindblowing to me to see what I see and how quiet survivors are about the issue. The issue is most survivors are the ones that are not vocal. They are afraid to speak out against the grain because they think they just suck. No. Killers are simply so overpowered that it takes a well coordinated and highly experienced team to beat them.

  • Member Posts: 453

    The problem with the stats is that it's very very vague, and there are too many variables that can cause stats like these.

    Three big variables that can cause this are: Survivors Dcing, Killing themselves on first hook, and when MMR was intoduced and rank 1 killers faced new players.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    I know people who do, and can confirm that I get motivated to run builds for quicker challenge progress rather than throwing games. I hate to throw games. And I'm pretty sure that there are also people throwing games for dailies as well. Like urbaning behind the killer for the whole game to be the first for insta unhooks with BT to get 3 unhooks. So just in case you want the rift challenges to disappear because they cause game throwing, you should be against dailies as well. And I think these are not the only reasons for people to throw games. In the end, it is always a player decision, and for me not a reason to blame the archives. There are of course some bad designed challenges, but you can totally play every of the challenges in a normal way. I would rather ban players for stupid play rather than remove archives for how people play them.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Classic killer main response haha. That's all this forum is, killer mains in denial about how easy the game is for them

  • Member Posts: 681

    Oh I diden't saw that. Can you exlpain me that. Because I don't understand what that mean.

  • Member Posts: 45

    So many killer mains in denial acting like statistics mean nothing. They shouldn't be the only thing considered when balancing but they are literally average values of what happens, of course they should be taken into consideration

  • Member Posts: 136

    The game is survivor sided though🥴

  • Member Posts: 2,917
    edited October 2020

    Effectievly only escape challanges escapes are being completed counted and only if the challenge is completed.

    Aka if your doing the healing X teammates challenge and escape 10 times none of those escapes count towards the stat.

    Or if your doing escape as the obsession challenge and you escape 10 times but only on the 10th time you escape as the obsession will only count as one escape.

    So out of those 2 examples using a total of 20 escapes only 1 counted towards these stats due to how they are set up.

    Edit: What I am getting at is that the survivor escapes are hyper deflated and showing potentially less then 5% of the total escapes.

  • Member Posts: 830

    I don't think OP meant that these statistics were super reliable in any arguments, I think it's more the surprising amount between the two. Yes, a lot of killers get at least one kill per match, that's the point of the game, but it's interesting to see the numbers! That's a lot of deaths, be it from moris, hooks, or even the EGC. I won't use it in an argument, but I think it's kinda funny!

  • Member Posts: 45

    And he's totally right. He's not acting like he's entitled to it, he's saying he will leave the game if his teammates are bad. He specifically said in a scenario where he wasn't being camped and was using kindred so teammates could see eachother. If your not saved before 2nd state your teammates are just bad and selfish and guess why you #########? If your teammates aren't supporting you and you aren't having fun. There was no boasting, he was making a fair point, if his teammates didn't even attempt to save him while the killer wasn't camping then he wasn't going to make an attempt to help them win and that's fair enough, they already lowered his escape rate massively by getting him to 2nd state

  • Member Posts: 188

    WOAH THAT FEELS SO GOOD I THOUGHT I WAS JUST TERRIBLE AT THE GAME BECAUSE PEOPLE SAID SURVIVOR IS OP AND IS EASY TO WIN. I really didn't know that but ive practiced so hard and hardly ever escaped no matter what I do. Good to hear sometime the internet is wrong about things.

  • Member Posts: 3,099
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