Make Them Die Slowly

I propose an idea, that every time you are hit by the killer you slow down. This is to give a killer a chance. Here are some ideas:
Across all ideas: You begin slowing down after your initial burst of speed to get away
1 You get hit, you leave blood like normal, but gradually slow down. An energy bar will show this effect.
2 You get hit and it works like being hit by legion, except across all killers.
3 It works like legion, except that you leave no scratch marks for 8 seconds.
You reset your energy if you get up to full health from a med kit.
The problem here, is that when people have the ability to run full speed after being hit, the killer might have absolutely no chance. If this is wrong, correct me, maybe I and others just need to learn our killers better.
Another idea is that all killers get more energy every time they hit someone, and their speed permanently increases, or it stays fast until all survivors have healed themselves 100%
Just trying to balance things, because survivors have all gotten so many abilities now, it seems to ME, and I could be wrong, almost impossible to get more than 2 survivors.
No I don't want to walk like clown gas speed because I didn't bring a med kit.
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I don't know about this. With the game now it is, having an energy system will definitely cause a spike of rage from survivors... personally I think getting survivors are fine just challenging sometimes but still doable.
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What about Plague? Or legion? Playing against them wouldn't be possible at all if this was in the game.
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One idea was to take something of legion's method and apply it to all killers, with some variation. These could be adjusted in some way so as to create balance. Plague and pig use a tactic that you must find a repair point, so you wouldn't have to apply it to them, or that repairing would re-charge your energy.
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If DBD was way more of a hide and seek game and I mean with elements that are much more laid out about the hiding part and if there was a different system to find survivors, I could see the idea working.
With the way DBD is structured, I'm not too sure if it would work across all killers if the survivors require a med kit to get out of the state. Everyone would start bringing medkits and all other items would become pretty much obsolete as they don't benefit the overall gameplay.
When would the slowdown start (in how many seconds, etc.)? You say in a comment they could possibly recover energy by doing a generator, but if the effect kicks in early and a killer is on your toes, you wouldn't be able to get to a gen in time. It could also affect perks that are dependant on the survivor being injured.
If we talk Nurse, how'd it affect the third blink or her two blinks base kit in general? Huntress, too. You say apply it to all killers, but their powers are already limited in the sense of they an use it endlessly.
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Sometimes? SOMETIMES?! EVERY SINGLE ROUND I have played recently, like 10 rounds, every survivor escapes. They have super perks, everyone is a super survivor, and I have global turned off. EVERY survivor is looking out for eachother babysitting hooks, no matter what I do, they ALL ESCAPE. This is mostly due to the fact they are able to run full speed even after being cut.
Something has to change. I just got done with a round where they all flashlighted me every time I picked something up, and even after trying to move, I would recover and got lighted again.
Hell, I had a round where even as myers with infinite level III, someone who had been hooked twice was unhooked and even AFTER CUTTING THEM still managed to escape. Guess what. They all escaped that round. NOHTHING WORKS.
Either I am the worst Myers ever, or this game is ######### rigged AF. Something is going on, and whatever it is, is about to make me uninstall this POS unless something changes.
Even my suped-up doctor can't compete with these AI level survivors. It's ridiculous and that's why I've made the suggestion to slow them down. Not that that works when you are blinded constantly.
When I play as killer, they are all coordinated beyond human measure. When I am survivor, no one does gens and they all die. Is this game rigged? Honest question.
Did I mention random wait times between 1 min and 25? The only "horror" of this game, is how aggravating it is. Does anyone know of a better developed, immersive game?
Oh and yet finally, did I mention the mouse rigging of this game? LOL, maybe it's just me, but I've owned 4 different mice all with different options, and I can't help but notice how ONLY when chasing survivors, does my mouse not take when I click to cut. This happens frequently in every round. Could have done it, if only the game would have registered my mouse command. I just got done with yet another game where this happened 5 times in a row. This does not happen with any other games I play, or at any other time in this one, except when close enough to hit survivors. Maybe I'm alone, and I just don't know what's going on, or maybe, just maybe, this game is rigged.
Post edited by D_1031 on0 -
Whatever the case, something has to change here, at least for ME, the situation is unbarable. ALL that happens when I play killer, is I get stuck with the worst rounds, and it is to me, a waste of time. I have yet to play a round this week where I get anyone. As survivor, no one does gens, people lead the killer to you, or tea-bag you in a corner where you hide until the killer gets you.
If this is some way to get me to stop playing, well it's working. Other than the whole of multiplayer gameplay being toxic AF and making me move back to single player games, this one here is so rotten I can't even see it being on my hard drive much longer.
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It seems my whole post disappeared suddenly. How convenient. I guess for now on I'll just have to type everything in notepad and repost it.
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You edited it and sometimes when you edit a post, it'll land in the spam queue. I have approved your edited posts already, they're here.
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Well thank you, but, it doesn't matter. I've officially uninstalled this POS and will not further waste my time on it.
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This really sounds like your'e in a rank that you arent ready for. I can hold rank 1 fairly easily, winning around 50% of my games, another 20% on only a few kills and around 30% where they all escape. I play both survivor and killer equally so my view on both is balanced, and I would say that killer has a much greater advantage than survivor with perks/powers/offerings etc. Survivors can use unbreakable and DS which is scummy but a thing, but killers can use moris. Survivors can bring map offerings but killers can bring sacrafical wards if they suspect that a swf is gonna do that. survivors can camp hooks but so can killers, so thats not really a good argument. They can bring borrowed time, you can just leave the hook. If they save in your face with it then just go for the uninjured person, they basically gaurentee that they get hit and have a harder run. Brand new parts? They work once, killers have Pop Goes the Weasel, that works up to 12 times in a game. So yeah, adding more stuff that make survivors weaker is not the way the game needs to go yet. I have never heard anyone have so much trouble with getting a 4k, this clearly means that you are not ready for the rank you are in.
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I don't think this is a good idea, at least not as a basic package. Killers are, in general, already quite a bit faster than the Survivors. Now I do see potential in this as a Perk for a unique Killer who uses poisons on his/her weapons. We could give the word "Toxic" a new, and actually useful purpose. See below:
PERK: Toxic
The Dryad is poison. This beautiful spirit of the forest has come to hate all human life, and seeks to thin their heard. Her touch is soft and toxic. Her small size and beauty can throw one off when her strength is brutal and contact with her skin leaves welts and causes blood poisoning. Those hit by her weapons suffer Exhaustion for (15) seconds, or add (15) seconds to any Exhaustion timer already running. In addition, Survivors are slowed by 1/2/3% at Level-1, 2/3/4% at Level-2, and 3/4/5% at Level-3 until they have been fully healed.
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I don't know what the problem is, but this thing with the mouse is probably the worst. I could have annihilated so many of them if my mouse would WORK. But it doesn't. Again, this only happens when being close enough to hit survivors. I played about 10 rounds yesterday, nevermind the long wait times, I just have to go look at other things while it happens, just to get survivors with all the capability in the world and lose every single round. In order to keep a what was left of my sanity, I had to see how many blood points I could get with attacks and hookings, because I knew I wouldn't get anyone. I think after those 10 rounds I got about 4 people spread out. The most I got was two people in one round. Again, this is AFTER the 10 losing consecutively.
So I didn't have much of a problem with doctor. I got him up to level 50 prestige III not much of a problem. I've had serious issues using Michael recently, he's just now Prestige II and it's almost impossible to get Blood Points.
If I am not ready for my level I need to know why. I heard somewhere one time that when you get to a certain level, you are pitted against the most advanced people. I don't know if that only applied to killer or survivor too, it was a long time ago, not sure if it was ever fixed, but it doesn't seem like it at all.
I've tried stalking and it's everything I can to get to level II, and by then, only 2 gens left, no matter if I stalk gens and stalk different survivors, it's like every round, EVERY TIME, THEY ALL KNOW EVERYTHING.
So without losing my mind, I just have to again, see what BP I get, which at this rate, if I played 3 hours a day, I might get him up to Prestige III level 50 in about 3 months. If I'm lucky.
Also, you guys are going to have to use full names of Perks instead of initials, I admit I don't know them all. I will give this game a try but I can't seem to find any youtube videos on how to catch advanced survivors. It has driven me insane, and the way I see it, this is like a gambling game or a slot machine, where your only real motivation is to alleviate your aggravation by getting one last good round, then when it happens, back to a losing streak. It's not even about a win. It's about manipulating your aggravation to keep you hooked. No pun intended but there it is.
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I've played as killer a few times and I always catch up to the survivors at some point. Many walking speeds of the killers are like 30% faster than survivors, and theyre bound to mess up and get hit at some point. I'd recommend using sloppy butcher or hemorrhaged, since it slows healing a good amount!
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Two Kills is a tie game in my opinion. Also, killer speed is already faster than survivor speed. Tired of being outrun, get a chainsaw or a wicked blight flower infection. ;)
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Not a chance have you even played survivors or just talking out your a**
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I mean.... I don't know about your mouse because I play on a controller even though I'm PC. Other than that, your post comes across a bit ragey. Most killers are already faster, and if you keep chasing the survivor they get bloodlust and get even more faster.
It looks to me that you don't want to give survivors a chance to escape at all.
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No because killers need to stop being babies when they get looped and actually work for a kill. Especially tunnelers. All killers want to be babies so they don't have to work for kills, no actually work for a kill and you'll get them. Survivors really have no perks to get away and if they do use DS or Lither or whatever, they still get followed
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It will break the game TBH, but I do like the idea. It gives the survivors and actually challenge. And if we are being realistic. being stabbed wouldn't give you a real life speed boost. But this is a game and it has to be fair on both sides. I honestly feel like they should create a perk when you get stabbed by the killer. The killer movement speed increases. As I say it out loud it would be to strong.
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Yes, my post is "ragey". This game has been pissing me off.
So I've done some more playing. I uninstalled this game and then re-installed it, and not too many bad games. But I did take screen caps (I will post them later) and what I found was that I've been pitted against groups who have all purple perks, with a lot of Decisive Strike and Borrowed Time everywhere, plus many speed boosters. Not to mention "flash-light-swarming", as I call it. I on the other hand, am only playing with green and yellow perks. Maybe this has something to do with it. Also, if I use a pink perk, say, Judith's Headstone, even with stalk speed increase, I get slammed with super-survivors and can't even kill one. These are some of the most annoying rounds, and of course, they will make you wait and wait and won't leave after the gates are open. The final turd on top of the whole crappy round. I just look at my phone or go on the web while I wait for this to end.
I should say, I have until recently played as a survivor, sometimes for weeks without touching killer. That is another probelm which I've metioned above, where I get stuck with incompetent people. My mouse and all the others before it, and never on boxes, or anything like sabotaging, only when chased by killer again, does this seem to happen where my clicks don't register. I also get stuck with people who are nothing like the survivors I play with as killer. These fellow survivors don't do gens, bring the killer to me, trap me in corners and other trolling, idk the frustration never ends. I am focused on killer right now because I need to be better at it.
I think people should slow down after some time of being chased within the killer's sight, or make that a perk for the killers, because it wastes way too much time for killers to have to deal with one super looper after another, or make it so you are not pitted against people who out rank you so much, idk. I'm trying to refine the process here, because going through 10 rounds of little douche-bags taking you through the go-a-round just to tea-bag you at every turn is not fun, it's a waste of time, and life. Maybe that's what the devs aim for, idk.
Post edited by D_1031 on0 -
Dude, you've prestiged. Go play someone else until you've got enough bloodpoints to level up your prestiged killer again.
Unlike survivors, the matchmaking for killers is separate for each one. So if you played a ton of Meyers but not a lot of Wraith, then you'll face easier people with Wraith usually.
What you're suggesting would make the game unplayable as survivor at low rank.
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Surely bloodlust is enough?
Speed reductions on survivors would surely lead to inevitable hits and make it really unfair for them.
If you get hit you know it is only a matter of time before you go down because now you are slowing down and the killer is getting a speed boost from bloodlust. Guaranteed you get that survivor.
This doesn't sound challenging for the killers and sounds like an utter nightmare for survivors.
I get your frustration but this isn't a solution or really a problem with the game, killers, for the most part, are faster than survivors.
(I don't play enough per rank season to go beyond rank 16 with a killer so my perspective could be skewed and could be more your rank than anything else that is screwing you over)
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Honestly if you take bits and pieces of what you're saying, I don't think it would be a bad idea for some of these thoughts to become perks at least. Little nudges to make killer gameplay better and if balanced right could really mix up the perks we see in killers. Things like getting a very minor speed buff for every hit, which could tie in nicely with perks like Play With Your Food to just play cat and mouse with the survivors. Plus, this style of gameplay would give survivors a better chance to work on gens rather than being hooked immediately.
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Branching off my original post, in order to balance it better the killer starts off slower than their typical speed so they need a couple hits just to get up to normal. That way you don't start out the game with being faster from the very first hit but gives survivors a good bit of hope if they are decent at evading and can avoid getting hit at all. Like The Shape's basic ability, you can only hit each person maybe 8 times for a maximum effect of 24 hits with 24 tiny speed boosts.
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Yes you and others just need to learn killer better in general because this idea is a no overall.
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If you want vidoes on how to play killer effectively then my number one suggestion would be Otzdarva on youtube and twitch. His vidoes are half educational and half showing funny games he gets on stream. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of the game and he is very good at teaching it too. Just know that he is an exceptionall good killer, and a lot of the plays he makes took him hundreds, even thousands of hours to master. But trust me, watching some of his vidoes and actually listening to what he has to say will make you a better killer. Just make sure that your build is good and you arent relying on overpowered addons, as they will get you nowhere.
So yeah, I understand your frustrations, survivors can be reall dicks sometimes but they are just playing the game. While the game does have crazy problems with balance with moris, keys, op addons etc existing, the base game is actually fairly balanced and a system which would slow down survivors when they are injured would make it very unfun for survivors.
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It sounds like you're just running into a bunch of toxic survivors. All the games that I've ever played I've had to work my tail off to loop killers and 9/10 I still end up on the hook. Personally, from someone who prefers playing survivor, I think having something that slows me down with hits would turn me off the game- unless you are near a decent loop or already have and escape route planned then you're essentially dead in the water if the killer chases, especially of the team is a "me- myself- and- I" team.
It may be a better option to be a hide and seek style as an option where you can choose this style of play vs normal play? But have limited perks to choose from, kind of like how in custom games you can choose. But make the ones available balance out so that no one side necessary has an upper hand outside of strategy and skill.
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Low-key I am hella down for survivors to be slower n stuff.
My ranking is super super low and I still get paired with really really high level survivors who it seems like they've been playing since launch. At this point I barely play because as a killer main, I don't find it fun to have to deal with toxic survivors like you have. If Nintendo did refunds, I'd be annoying the hell out of them for one honestly. Unfortunately, they don't, and Ive wasted my money on a game I thought I'd love.
This is a game mostly meant to be played with you and your friends or else you'll have to deal with toxic people on both ends
1 - Killers are mostly fine where they are at and the ones who arent shouldnt have that kind of buff.
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How is it toxic to win? Its not their fault matchmakings broken.
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That would be a nerf. Leave movement speed alone.
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No the matchmaking is the same. They removed mmr.
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Ok here are a few pictures of my recent games from yesterday. *Mods I wasn't able to find a limits to pictures, so if these are too big or you have another preferred display for them let me know.
I had a good day yesterday, one I have not had on this game in a while. I think it has to do with some of the perks I acquired. I only had two really bad rounds. Before I reinstalled the game I was getting stuck in a loop with the same players every round. I don't have pictures of that, but if it happens again I'll try to get it. I don't like pointing to videos for this stuff because 1, if I'm not good enough I won't record, 2, why wait through a video or have to skip to the end anyway when you can get a screen shot? So here:
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Umm, it's not that hard to play killer. I've played killer games on my friends account and I have only like 10 hours of killer, he was rank 1 and I was able to get AT LEAST 2 kills every game. Most games I was getting 3 or 4 kills. It just takes a lot of game IQ and a lot of skill depending who you play. If you want some educational advice on killer, head to Otzdarva's channel. He does a very good job at helping people learn along with Dowsey. They are both very good educational killer mains. Also, this game is the most balanced that it has ever been so I don't think a mechanic even close to this is needed. Hope this helps.
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It does help, thanks for the references. I am going to watch them, and to everyone else who gave like advice.
To refer to someone else, it does seem like at lower levels of killer, you have easier rounds, but when you get up a little bit, things can be very difficult, and may have something to do with matching. I don't know exactly but I'll tell you, 3 days ago it was 10 rounds of the same few groups of players, and I went many rounds where no matter what they all escaped. I don't know what causes this but it's gone away since I did a re-install. Not sure if that did something, or coincidental.
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I will admit I prefer survivor gameplay to killer just for the little extra adrenaline rush, and I get at the very least rank 12 each season for both. But I have never, ever ran into these problems that you are speaking of. Sure, here and there you'll get a match where you get beat but with everything you are describing you may need to just grind on different killers for better matchmaking in order to earn BP for Michael.
As a long time Michael user and, imo, a pretty damn good Executioner player, I can say without a doubt The Shape is the easiest character to get kills with aside from Ghostface and Plague.
As for the mouse issues I cannot relate, I am a console gamer. However I also play with Crossplat enabled, meaning I match up with PC gamers all the time. Whether as survivor or killer, I feel the game is fairly balanced. A speed reduction like that, making it to where it's like a permanent gas effect from the clown, would make nearly all survivor mains quit the game regardless of experience.
Most survivors I play with, myself included, use aura sensing perks over anything else except for adrenaline or lithe, and the occasional Decisive Strike. I personally go for Spine Chill, Kindred, Dark Sense, and I believe it is called Resolve (repair/heal/sabotage speed increase while injured). Honestly it just sounds like you need a bit more practice in learning maps and maybe consider getting a controller to plug in instead of the mouse, seeing as its 24 you've been through I believe?
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It could be a perk then, something teachable or bought from the store idk. You guys are right though, with some killers and their perks it might be impossible for survivors if it's all across the board.
I've played mostly as survivor in all my time, and I get rounds where everyone dies within minutes.
Michael was easy for me until I guess I was around level 40, then everything went kind of nuts, and I prestiged and it was hard again until the reinstall.
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I never meant that it was toxic for them to win. I'm calling them toxic because they're trolling. More often then not I'm dealing with the same kind of people as OP. Flashing you a bunch so you can barely even exist, tbagging you when you can't move, I've even had people just hide all round and avoid me to drag the matches on for no reason whatsoever.
By no means is them properly playing toxic, nor is winning. But trolling is extremely toxic, and at this point that's what it is
The same people who complain about killers tunneling and camping hooks are the same people who sit there and hide all match or troll the killer till they leave. I don't even care about any sort of penalties anymore, it's too frustrating to deal with being constantly trolled that at this point I'll just leave the match.
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Here's one:
If the gates open, and you pass through them, you only have five seconds to go through the escape border. If you don't, you get killed by the entity, unless the killer knocks you down. This will not replace the countdown phase, only add to it. So the countdown phase should be reasonable, as in after the gates open, you have 40 seconds to get over there. It will stop players form dragging on the match.
To counter this, I usually just stay where I am and don't follow, especially if I know they have already reached the gates.
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To prevent meat blocking while hooking: any hit from killer is automatic down, and that person cannot be revived while in the killer's terror radius.
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Here's another. When someone gets stuck in a locker, or doesn't move a outside a certain radius after a certain amount of time, they are dropped from the match and lose their points.
I just had a round where somehow, two people got into a locker. One of them would not come out, or couldn't. I thought it was a glitch until I noticed that in the game menu, the other player spectating the match. I waited a good half an hour, the spectator would not leave, and the person in the locker would not DC. I will post a video link to this. I also have screen caps. Needless to say, I think I would have waited until morning just to see the two of them still connected. I don't think these r333tards have any limits anymore. This game proves to be founded on never ending BS. Is this even a game or just a tool to see how long people tolerate frustration?!