Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Are the devs a joke?

This post is not meant as an insult or a hoax. Its fair criticism about what is being done in DBD along the time line.

After all the obvious things that make DBD nearly unplayable anymore I picked the most, which I personally think highlight that something is going very very wrong when it comes to the way the devs change/create DBD content.

-The whole joke begins when you literally watch any DBD youtuber. The ingame settings dont allow to change the contrast (for a good reason) but when you see the streams and videos the game is brighter than the sun itself (even my default NVIDIA driver tool would allow me to change the ingame contrast). The devs made a very good start when they removed offerings affecting lightning years ago but they literally ignored all other issues since then and you HAVE TO think this is on purpose.

-After all the very awesome ideas (especially perks) that are posted in this forum the devs however decide to create their own perks (which is also not a bad thing in general) for new killers. The outcome is more than disappointing from my pov. Basic perks with little to no fun to play with. I wouldnt buy dlcs anymore because its just not worth a penny if you play for fun.

-But the biggest issue ever is that the devs ignore huge parts of the community because "they did a pretty good job so far". Jokes aside, this cant be real. There are loads of gamebreaking issues, especially when it comes to swf (which is the funniest part of the survivor gameplay) which are just ignored FOR YEARS. Not even a word about them like they dont exist. But ignoring is one thing. The devs seem to be like "f**k the community, thats our game, we do what we want". Im talking about the Alchemist here. Well, the idea was very nice BUT have you ever read like ANY posts in this forum? All people want a Legion buff because this killer is trash and its ability is not fun to play against or even as the Legion its not good because you just walk fast and hit the survivors like usual, congrants. And what do the devs dare to create as the new killer? A guy who can run fast and hit SOMETIMES when he runs. Like, literally, what the ...

Dear devs if you ever read this (what I dont assume as I just said above), my request is that you hear out to what the community wants. You even nominated fog whisperers who abuse the contrast setting to the limit, so please dont tell me you dont know about all the issues. Take the best of the best perks/killers/survivors out of the forum and create them ingame. I havent played for months now because the Alchemist felt like an insult from you guys in my face (as a player since the beginning).

See you (if you get your game together) in the fog

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  • Member Posts: 341

    BHVR is doing an "Ok" job they are not failing or succeeding which I think is the most frustrating part cause it gives people the feeling that nothing is being done with the game. Who knows maybe in the next year or so they will step it up and actually push out hearty good content consistently.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    You do know that there is a community member for every possible critique? They cant just grant when people want whatever.

    They do listen and they hear us wide and clear, Problem is, They have to base their changes on facts according to the data and statistics.

    Its kinda funny to read your post, because you ask BHVR to take the "best" perk ideas, but that is subjective.

    Surely you understand the subjectivity here?

  • Member Posts: 192

    I get your point here but the most frustrating part of BHVR is that they listen to the minority. They fix the small and easy problems and call it a day, completely ignoring the things that every single player complains about, like moris and keys, trapper's ability to only carry one trap by default, clowns completely ass power, decisive strike being the worst possible method of anti-tunneling ever, the list goes on and they do nothing about it. But hey, cosmetics everyone!!!!

  • Member Posts: 375

    Yes. it's been obvious for quite some time that they don't understand their game, and the few who play are low rankking survivor players. it's clear from even they way they talk about the way they think the game is played.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    Problem is we dont look at the data, So we dont know the priorities.

    Also Clowns Power is next in line for updating/changes, Why because the data indicate he is performing poorest.

    Even tho I main Clown and get 4K every game :P Hes so easy and powerful, hopefully ill be even stronger now.

    Trapper performs well enough for now. I have heard, so its all a numbers game.

    Also, You gotta learn by now, the Cosmetics Team does not do Killer Changes or re-balancing. ok?

  • Member Posts: 192

    If you are getting 4Ks every game as clown im scared to see you playing freddy lmao. Clowns chase power is strong but hes general map pressure isnt the best. Im no professional though I main mikey and deathslinger

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    I do play a mean Freddy, but most the time I just fool around and surprise Survivors.

    The secret to Clown is to ignore lack of general map pressure to squeeze the survivors twice as hard.

    Use all the tricks in the book.

  • Member Posts: 118

    but dont u see that the devs pay people to create cosmetics? and they could pay one less of them and one more of the coders who actually work on stuff that matters

  • Member Posts: 118

    first of all, there are people who vote and say if perks on forums are good. The dev team does the same i guess, so there is a few "best" perks out there. Second, game breaking bugs are ignored for months now and they do affect a high percentage of people, but rather adjust the time of Undetectable of Pyramid Head in this update, why the fkk not .... why would you adress issues that makes the game unplayable as groups or in general when you can change some numbers for red ranks

  • Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2020

    I loved this game a year and a half ago. Now? Not so much. It's still fun but the developers don't seem interested in actually improving their game or even making something fresh and new. It's like they are scared to touch the formula and experiment in any way -- and that is disappointing.

    I mean, look at this Halloween "Blight Event" we get this year. We used to get fun events all the time it seemed like. This new one just seems lame. I don't know what is going on over at Behaviour Interactive but the last six months has been a consistent slide in quality from my point of view.

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