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General Discussions

Anyone Else Tired Of Killers Being Jokes?



  • Member Posts: 1,832

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @yeet said:
    someone could absolutely perceive it that way, you are just being insensitive and self centered

    If you perceive tbagging in a manor that is being physically beaten you should avoid the internet at all costs, to be honest.

    Actually being spat at is something you can be arrested and charged for, and you're comparing it to tbagging in a game? God help this world if people are getting that upset over things so miniscule.

    never said i was getting upset for it, all the tbaggers in my region have MLGA blocked me anyway
    other people on the otherhand may not have such a strong constitution and i believe they should be able to enjoy the game without the fear of being humiliated by people trying to recreate the epik funney moments meme they saw on youtube

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  • Member Posts: 1,832

    @Thetruth said:

    @yeet said:

    @Thetruth said:

    @yeet said:

    @Thetruth said:

    @yeet said:

    @Thetruth said:

    @Eguzky said:

    @Thetruth said:
    No its just you, youre terrible at the game. They don't care if you play or not sooooo either play the game or move on to another. Don't cry like a little #########.

    Haha, so 'git gud' with different phrasing. Meaning you don't have the intelligence to make a real argument.

    I just had a match I know was 4 people in a group because They all shared variations on the same name.

    Guess how many I actually got to SEE when everyone is together in Discord?

    Oh, sorry, you're not that intelligent. I saw ZERO because they were able to communicate and say where I was, and what I was doing, and who I was going after.

    But the Devs thought nerfing Killers was fine, because Survivors whined. Then the Devs felt a Survive with friends mode would NEVER be unfair to the LONE GOD DAMN KILLER.

    The killer has to be good enough to hit Survivors AT LEAST 12 damn times to have a chance at killing everyone.

    That's not counting when people get off hooks, when people heal, etc.

    That's AT MINIMUM.

    But no, no. I'm bad. Ok. Nevermind that Survivors have it freaking easy with Sprint Burst, and t hat newer perk that REMOVES THEIR GOD DAMNED HITBOX while they dash forward..

    Yeah, survivors can become IMMUNE TO DAMAGE.

    I bet you'd be here whining like a ######### if any Killers got a perk to insta-break any pallet smashed over their head.

    Because the Survivors are whiny bitches who need to win 100% of the time, and the Devs were stupid enough to listen when the game was new.

    I bet you only play Survivor and delude yourself into thinking you have skill when the game practically holds your hand.

    So youre blaming voice chat to excuse your incredible lack of skill and smarts in this easy game? Nah don't whine about killer perks. Game isn't even worth crying about.

    "incredible lack of skill" big words coming from you, any player with half a brain can see the tremendous advantage voice comms give, you are either so bad at the game you cant see that or straight up lying in order to keep the game in your favor

    You can bet on it I'd at least get one kill even with people in Ps4 voice chat. Ofc its a huge advantage but not to where i wouldnt kill at least one person.

    so you'd lose?
    getting one kill isn't winning anything, its a pittance

    You don't lose anything. This isnt unreal tournament death match or gears KotH match where you actually lose. Some games have players on comms most don't. it happens rarely game isnt that serious to care about losing not for me anyway.

    most do, 70% of lobbies contain at least a 2 man SWF
    i also enjoy how your argument changed from "you're just bad" to "stop taking it seriously" hmmmmm

    And this is Ps4? cause 70% is a huge exaggeration there. Might believe that more on the xbox version.

    these where the dev stats from a bit a go

  • Member Posts: 173

    One of the other big problems is Hexes. They are supposedly so powerful they need the drawback of being removable..

    ..Except, as Huntress tonight? Huntress' Lullaby has never lasted more than 15 seconds. That's not hyperbole. I have yet to get mileage out of my hex at all. It's always, ALWAYS found within the first minute of a match.

    So much for being powerful.

  • Member Posts: 1,832

    @Eguzky said:
    One of the other big problems is Hexes. They are supposedly so powerful they need the drawback of being removable..

    ..Except, as Huntress tonight? Huntress' Lullaby has never lasted more than 15 seconds. That's not hyperbole. I have yet to get mileage out of my hex at all. It's always, ALWAYS found within the first minute of a match.

    So much for being powerful.

    it's no secret hexes are a joke, they're all risk no reward, only against new players will you get any milage
    huntress's lullaby is particularly crap, the skillchecks don't even become much harder to hit

  • Member Posts: 1,832

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @yeet said:
    even 2 people sharing constant knowledge on the killers location/hexes/what they're doing/anything is very powerful, but you will continue to be disingenuous and lie because god forbid survivor actually take an inkling of thought to play

    When I used to play comms it wasn't "constant communication" stop talking so much bull. Acting as if people have the maps drawn out and are giving tactical information on the whereabouts of the killer is an absolute joke LOL.

    even cursory mentions of their location is absurdly powerful, but there you go being disingenuous again
    "just because i don't exploit this means that it's fine"

  • Member Posts: 1,832
    edited October 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @yeet said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @yeet said:
    resorting to a strawman, nice

    It's funny because you ignored the entirety of my comment before to focus solely on the healing thing. So my points proved you wrong, you focused on the one thing you wanted to cry about, and call me a strawman because I dismissed your "ye buht waddabout healun lul only 30 xtra secnunds"

    and you continue to strawman

    Yep, totally - ignore the majority of my reply, focus on healing and then "MUH STRAWMUN BRUH".

    because the majority of your reply was nonsense, sabo isn't a fun or engaging mechanic, it soley exists to make the game more frustrating
    taking slightly longer to recover also has barely an impact when you can make someone get up in under a second

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  • Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2018

    Dead by OoOoOflight

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited October 2018

    @Thetruth said:

    @mcNuggets said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @yeet said:
    someone could absolutely perceive it that way, you are just being insensitive and self centered

    If you perceive tbagging in a manor that is being physically beaten you should avoid the internet at all costs, to be honest.

    Actually being spat at is something you can be arrested and charged for, and you're comparing it to tbagging in a game? God help this world if people are getting that upset over things so miniscule.

    It's being bullied for loosing in a game.
    It's okay to happen like 1-2 times in like 10 games, but not every game with identical outcome.

    As killer you are forced to play a style, you can't choose freely and even then you have to sweat to win.

    Here is how the game works on rank 1, when not playing nurse or billy:
    You down the first survivors, 3 gens are popped.
    You get dstriked, 1 gen popped.
    You down the dstrike survivor again, gates are powered.
    You finally hooked him, borrowed time save.

    To prevent this you have to use perks like Ruin, NOED and BBQ, just to make the game go slightly longer.
    You'll still "loose" (2 kills, pips are not winning, they are encouragment to play like an idiot and loose) if you don't proxy camp and tunnel all round

    The survivors HAVE to make crucial mistakes for them to loose and even if they already did, if the map layout is #########, they still get away with it.

    The only thing influencing your winning chances are your ping and the incompetence of some survivor players stating killers would be overpowered, because they don't know how the game mechanics work.

    The game would need some love, some skill cap for survivors, because killers not being the nurse definitely have one which is quite low for most of them and even if the skill cap is high, it's not rewarding enough.

    Running around a pallet, exploiting map designs and knowing some timings isn't exactly skill.
    You have enough advantages as survivor to totally dominate the killer.
    It would be time to "make killers great again".

    rofl thats just about a accurate description with a lot of games

    Which game ######### you over so badly, so you are getting bullied all game and bullied again before the game ends?
    (And probably then insulted in the end game chat)

    I only know Dead by Daylight being like this.

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited October 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @yeet said:
    because the majority of your reply was nonsense

    Yep, survivors having to heal longer on the floor allowing the killer to do more damage before they're within acceptable healing range, definitely nonsense... or does it find a flaw in your "SLUGGING IS GONE" narrative?

    And again, sabo was pretty much dead, was only used for dailies, now you can play around it and have some fun with it. First PTB match I played everyone of their players was saboing to test it out, I'm pretty sure i 3Kd, do I come here crying about it? No, because I still enjoyed it.

    Make a video of you playing any killer (not billy or nurse) vs a good 4 swf on rank 1 with you being happy with the outcome please.

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  • Member Posts: 767
    edited October 2018

    @Thetruth said:

    @mcNuggets said:

    @Thetruth said:

    @mcNuggets said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @yeet said:
    someone could absolutely perceive it that way, you are just being insensitive and self centered

    If you perceive tbagging in a manor that is being physically beaten you should avoid the internet at all costs, to be honest.

    Actually being spat at is something you can be arrested and charged for, and you're comparing it to tbagging in a game? God help this world if people are getting that upset over things so miniscule.

    It's being bullied for loosing in a game.
    It's okay to happen like 1-2 times in like 10 games, but not every game with identical outcome.

    As killer you are forced to play a style, you can't choose freely and even then you have to sweat to win.

    Here is how the game works on rank 1, when not playing nurse or billy:
    You down the first survivors, 3 gens are popped.
    You get dstriked, 1 gen popped.
    You down the dstrike survivor again, gates are powered.
    You finally hooked him, borrowed time save.

    To prevent this you have to use perks like Ruin, NOED and BBQ, just to make the game go slightly longer.
    You'll still "loose" (2 kills, pips are not winning, they are encouragment to play like an idiot and loose) if you don't proxy camp and tunnel all round

    The survivors HAVE to make crucial mistakes for them to loose and even if they already did, if the map layout is #########, they still get away with it.

    The only thing influencing your winning chances are your ping and the incompetence of some survivor players stating killers would be overpowered, because they don't know how the game mechanics work.

    The game would need some love, some skill cap for survivors, because killers not being the nurse definitely have one which is quite low for most of them and even if the skill cap is high, it's not rewarding enough.

    Running around a pallet, exploiting map designs and knowing some timings isn't exactly skill.
    You have enough advantages as survivor to totally dominate the killer.
    It would be time to "make killers great again".

    rofl thats just about a accurate description with a lot of games

    Which game ######### you over so badly, so you are getting bullied all game and bullied before the game ends?
    (And probably then insulted in the end game chat)

    I only know Dead by Daylight being like this.

    lol i meant matches in this game

    Oh sorry, misunderstood that.

    A long time I only played billy and nurse, because this bugged me a lot, but I was getting tired so I began playing different killers again.

    My last 10 games with normal killers however was like this, so yeah, it's pretty accurate.

  • Member Posts: 770

    @Eguzky said:

    @Thetruth said:
    No its just you, youre terrible at the game. They don't care if you play or not sooooo either play the game or move on to another. Don't cry like a little #########.

    Haha, so 'git gud' with different phrasing. Meaning you don't have the intelligence to make a real argument.

    I just had a match I know was 4 people in a group because They all shared variations on the same name.

    Guess how many I actually got to SEE when everyone is together in Discord?

    Oh, sorry, you're not that intelligent. I saw ZERO because they were able to communicate and say where I was, and what I was doing, and who I was going after.

    But the Devs thought nerfing Killers was fine, because Survivors whined. Then the Devs felt a Survive with friends mode would NEVER be unfair to the LONE GOD DAMN KILLER.

    The killer has to be good enough to hit Survivors AT LEAST 12 damn times to have a chance at killing everyone.

    That's not counting when people get off hooks, when people heal, etc.

    That's AT MINIMUM.

    But no, no. I'm bad. Ok. Nevermind that Survivors have it freaking easy with Sprint Burst, and t hat newer perk that REMOVES THEIR GOD DAMNED HITBOX while they dash forward..

    Yeah, survivors can become IMMUNE TO DAMAGE.

    I bet you'd be here whining like a ######### if any Killers got a perk to insta-break any pallet smashed over their head.

    Because the Survivors are whiny bitches who need to win 100% of the time, and the Devs were stupid enough to listen when the game was new.

    I bet you only play Survivor and delude yourself into thinking you have skill when the game practically holds your hand.

    by whine you mean "continually review bomb the game" then yes...yes they did.

  • Member Posts: 767

    @Global said:

    @Eguzky said:

    @Thetruth said:
    No its just you, youre terrible at the game. They don't care if you play or not sooooo either play the game or move on to another. Don't cry like a little #########.

    Haha, so 'git gud' with different phrasing. Meaning you don't have the intelligence to make a real argument.

    I just had a match I know was 4 people in a group because They all shared variations on the same name.

    Guess how many I actually got to SEE when everyone is together in Discord?

    Oh, sorry, you're not that intelligent. I saw ZERO because they were able to communicate and say where I was, and what I was doing, and who I was going after.

    But the Devs thought nerfing Killers was fine, because Survivors whined. Then the Devs felt a Survive with friends mode would NEVER be unfair to the LONE GOD DAMN KILLER.

    The killer has to be good enough to hit Survivors AT LEAST 12 damn times to have a chance at killing everyone.

    That's not counting when people get off hooks, when people heal, etc.

    That's AT MINIMUM.

    But no, no. I'm bad. Ok. Nevermind that Survivors have it freaking easy with Sprint Burst, and t hat newer perk that REMOVES THEIR GOD DAMNED HITBOX while they dash forward..

    Yeah, survivors can become IMMUNE TO DAMAGE.

    I bet you'd be here whining like a ######### if any Killers got a perk to insta-break any pallet smashed over their head.

    Because the Survivors are whiny bitches who need to win 100% of the time, and the Devs were stupid enough to listen when the game was new.

    I bet you only play Survivor and delude yourself into thinking you have skill when the game practically holds your hand.

    by whine you mean "continually review bomb the game" then yes...yes they did.

    Someone has to ask for change after 2 years of buttf*ck.
    I'm glad someone does.

    SWF is really unfun as killer and you don't even get something out of it. I would be fine, if I get some more BP for it.

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited October 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @mcNuggets said:
    Make a video of you playing any killer (not billy or nurse) vs a good 4 swf on rank 1 with you being happy with the outcome please.

    Unlike the rest of the people on this forum, I'm fully aware that when people load into the game they aren't SWF, there'd be no way to prove they are.

    ALSO - people always have bad games, if the survivors are better than you then you get over and you get better, me wrecking some rank ones or being wrecked by rank ones proves absolutely nothing.

    How exactly are survivors better than me?
    All they do is running in circles, using unfair perks and exploiting the map design.
    I am playing survivor myself and it's the baby mode of the game and I would never compare the skill a killer has to put in the game to the skill a survivor has to put in.
    There is no challenge for survivors anymore after unlocking the meta perks.
    You can just rely on your perks the whole game and get away with it with not even fearing the killers presence.
    Without perks you atleast have to know the game mechanics a little bit.
    I saw people on the red ranks getting downed within 20 seconds, just because they got carried by perks.
    (And they still won, because the game is balanced...)

    Like if the killers had these opportunities, this would be a thread about survivors whining about killers with the same argument.

    Also you can tell if people play together.
    Because they all join at the same time without a slight delay, usually freezing your computer for about 1-3 seconds.
    As a experinced player you should know that.

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  • Member Posts: 173

    @mcNuggets said:

    @Global said:

    @Eguzky said:

    @Thetruth said:
    No its just you, youre terrible at the game. They don't care if you play or not sooooo either play the game or move on to another. Don't cry like a little #########.

    Haha, so 'git gud' with different phrasing. Meaning you don't have the intelligence to make a real argument.

    I just had a match I know was 4 people in a group because They all shared variations on the same name.

    Guess how many I actually got to SEE when everyone is together in Discord?

    Oh, sorry, you're not that intelligent. I saw ZERO because they were able to communicate and say where I was, and what I was doing, and who I was going after.

    But the Devs thought nerfing Killers was fine, because Survivors whined. Then the Devs felt a Survive with friends mode would NEVER be unfair to the LONE GOD DAMN KILLER.

    The killer has to be good enough to hit Survivors AT LEAST 12 damn times to have a chance at killing everyone.

    That's not counting when people get off hooks, when people heal, etc.

    That's AT MINIMUM.

    But no, no. I'm bad. Ok. Nevermind that Survivors have it freaking easy with Sprint Burst, and t hat newer perk that REMOVES THEIR GOD DAMNED HITBOX while they dash forward..

    Yeah, survivors can become IMMUNE TO DAMAGE.

    I bet you'd be here whining like a ######### if any Killers got a perk to insta-break any pallet smashed over their head.

    Because the Survivors are whiny bitches who need to win 100% of the time, and the Devs were stupid enough to listen when the game was new.

    I bet you only play Survivor and delude yourself into thinking you have skill when the game practically holds your hand.

    by whine you mean "continually review bomb the game" then yes...yes they did.

    Someone has to ask for change after 2 years of buttf*ck.
    I'm glad someone does.

    SWF is really unfun as killer and you don't even get something out of it. I would be fine, if I get some more BP for it.

    Honestly, if a Killer is put up against a SWF, they should get more bloodpoints depending on how large the group is (2, 3 or all 4) because it's stupid obvious this game is balanced to let Survivors win, or they whine.
    Add voice on top of every Survivor buff and the Killer has to be insanely lucky to even HIT a survivor in a SWF with voice comms.

    Either give the Killers a BP boost when it happens, or let us OPT THE HELL OUT.

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited October 2018

    @Thetruth said:

    @mcNuggets said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @mcNuggets said:
    Make a video of you playing any killer (not billy or nurse) vs a good 4 swf on rank 1 with you being happy with the outcome please.

    Unlike the rest of the people on this forum, I'm fully aware that when people load into the game they aren't SWF, there'd be no way to prove they are.

    ALSO - people always have bad games, if the survivors are better than you then you get over and you get better, me wrecking some rank ones or being wrecked by rank ones proves absolutely nothing.

    How exactly are survivors better than you?
    All they do is running in circles, using unfiar perks and exploiting map design.
    I am playing survivor myself and it's the baby mode of the game.
    There is no challenge after unlocking the meta perks.
    You can just rely on your perks the whole game and get away with it with not even respecting the killer.

    Like if the killers had these opportunities, this would be a thread about survivors whining about killers with the same argument.

    Also you can tell if people play together.
    Because they all join at the same time without a slight delay, usually freezing your computer for about 1-3 seconds.
    As a experinced player you should know that.

    So that happens on PC as well with the delay? I thought that was a Ps4 thing only.

    Yes, of course.
    We have the same version of the game, the only difference is we are have much better > @SenzuDuck said:

    @mcNuggets said:


    As a experinced player you should know that.

    How exactly are survivors better than you?

    Lol, killer bias here we go.
    Yea dude, survivors couldn't possibly be better than you, you're a killer! They're clearly just cheating and exploiting to get to the exit gate.

    All they do is running in circles, using unfiar perks and exploiting map design.

    Yawn, stop complaining about what perks people use, they can use whatever the hell they want.

    I am playing survivor myself and it's the baby mode of the game.

    Good for you!

    There is no challenge after unlocking the meta perks.

    Again, complaining about which perks people use, just play the game, get better, you'll find out in due course just how easy it is on both sides.

    You can just rely on your perks the whole game and get away with it with not even respecting the killer.

    This is a game where someone kills you, why would you respect it? Survivors and killers both see crap from each side, stop making such a big deal out of "respect". So childish, and once again, complaining about perks as if they're impossible to beat

    Like if the killers had these opportunities, this would be a thread about survivors whining about killers with the same argument.

    I play both, I don't whine about either side, maybe It's because I play the game for fun and see the funny side in flashlighting and tbagging.

    Also you can tell if people play together.
    Because they all join at the same time without a slight delay, usually freezing your computer for about 1-3 seconds.

    Simply untrue, I've had "teams" of four join a match on me before and I've checked their profiles and none of them are friends, killers will look for any excuse to lobby dodge or complain about SWF, them joining all at once does not mean anything.

    As a experinced player you should know that.

    2300 hours of experience reporting for doody.

    If 4 survivors join immediatly without a slight joining delay the chance is like 99% they are SWF.
    You almost can rely on it. I nearly never was wrong with that in my games.

    Also I never dodge those.
    I just adjust my loadout to be viable. (Even though it's just a waste of blood points, because it just slightly helps)

    So having 2300 hours makes you a good player?
    I actually played against you like 4-5 times.
    I completely dominated you every time, so don't come with time makes you a viable player.
    In fact you weren't even a good player (~2-3 months ago) when I versed you.
    You tryharded and relied on your perks more than everyone I have ever seen, so don't throw the "you play for fun"-argument at me.

    I have like 1100 hours on my main account and I can say, I am a decent killer/survivor.
    I know the flaws of the game and the inbalancements btw. survivors and killers.
    I don't want survivors to be nerfed entirely, I just want a fair ground to play on.

    Your arguments regarding respect are pathetic tbh.
    Why should I accept being bullied in a ######### online game?
    Games are meant to bring fun, not for being insulted.
    Why should it be fun to be dominated as killer player without any counter play?
    If you think, that's fun, you must be pretty messed up.
    AND why should I t-bag and disrespect someone who is about to kill me and has mystical murder powers?
    OH yes, because I am in a super ultra safe position to do so, because YES, killers are totally underpowered and not capable of actually killing the way they should.
    Why does critizicing make me childish?
    Oh yeah, because your arguments are nonsense like people already pointed out.

    I don't wanna argue about perks.
    We all know you're talking nonsense.
    Survivor perks are not equal to the strength of killer perks!!! That settles it...

    For your last argument, why survivors can be better than killers:
    I just said, you can't compare these two, because you literally can't.
    Two entirely different play styles.

    Listen, you are a clearly a entitled survivor main not respecting anybody and abusing your overpowered perks given you by the entity which apparently wants killers to be tortured and not survivors.

    I am gonna sleep now, having nightmares about your terrible arguments.
    You can add me on steam, if you really wanna discuss this out. I am always open for discussion I only can win.

  • Member Posts: 615

    I was tired of killers being jokes before it was cool.

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  • Member Posts: 767
    edited October 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @mcNuggets said:
    If 4 survivors join immediatly without a slight joining delay the chance is like 99% they are SWF.

    Simply not true, move on from this argument it means nothing.

    So having 2300 hours makes you a good player?

    You mentioned "experience" I simply stated how much time I have in the game, didn't say I was good at all but if it makes you feel better, we can pretend I said I was good.

    I actually played against you like 4-5 times.
    I completely dominated you every time, so don't come with time makes you a viable player.
    In fact you weren't even a good player (~2-3 months ago) when I versed you.
    You tryharded and relied on your perks more than everyone I have ever seen, so don't throw the "you play for fun"-argument at me.

    I'm just going to ignore this section because without proof this means absolutely nothing. Considering I let my chat chose which perks I use and which survivors I play as I'd say that stands as a pretty good defense that I don't rely on anything, lmfao.
    I use what is given to me, I don't try hard I just play, but yea dude, lets go with you totally dominated me and that I rely on my perks, LOL.

    I have like 1100 hours on my main account and I can say, I am a decent killer/survivor.

    Calls me out and says that me merely stating my hours means that I'm saying I'm good, you literally state your hours and claim you're decent, what a hypocrite.

    I know the flaws of the game and the inbalancements btw. survivors and killers.

    Yet all you do is cry cry cry about how hard killer is, when in actuality, it's very easy.

    I don't want survivors to be nerfed entirely, I just want a fair ground to play on.

    Sure buddy, you want that ez pz 4K.

    Your arguments regarding respect are pathetic tbh.

    What, because I think tbagging is actually hilarious whether I'm the "victim" or not. It's a couple of pixels man, there's actual things in the world to be upset about but you're going to come onto a game that clearly triggers you and endure it more.

    Why should I accept being bullied in a [BAD WORD] online game?

    Yep, 4 strangers going into a match and tapping CTRL a few times is bullying, LOL.
    I guess getting shot in COD is bullying then or something idk.

    Games are meant to bring fun, not for being insulted.

    Hide chat, report, move along - just like every other video game on the internet, except it seems people actually get really upsetti spaghetti on DBD and make a huge deal out of it.

    Why should it be fun to be dominated as killer player without any counter play?

    I mean, if you're bad you'll absolutely get dominated, it's fine though, with some practice you'll make it through.

    If you think, that's fun, you must be pretty messed up.

    Except I don't get "dominated" I play for fun and mess around and hit rank one every season and keep coming back because I have fun.

    AND why should I t-bag and disrespect someone who is about to kill me and has mystical murder powers?

    because it's a video game and none of it is real, oooooohhhh spoooookyyyyyyyy.

    OH yes, because I am in a super ultra safe position to do so, because YES, killers are totally underpowered and not capable of actually killing the way they should.

    AKA - I think I should 4K every game and killers should be that powerful AKA killer 4K entitlement

    Why does critizicing make me childish?
    Oh yeah, because your arguments are nonsense like people already pointed out.

    Sorry that I find the game easier than you, you can continue to complain on the forums that's fine, but lets not like some people compare tbagging to spitting in people faces and act as if the devs aren't trying to make the game better for both sides, lol.

    I don't wanna argue about perks.
    We all know you're talking nonsense.
    Survivor perks are not equal to the strength of killer perks!!! That settles it...

    "I don't want to argue about perks, but they are way strong for survivor the end"
    ok buddy.

    For your last argument, why survivors can be better than killers:
    I just said, you can't compare these two, because you literally can't.
    Two entirely different play styles.

    Listen, you are a clearly a entitled survivor main not respecting anybody and abusing your overpowered perks given you by the entity which apparently wants killers to be tortured and not survivors.

    Yea dude, rank one both sides survivor main btw.

    I am gonna sleep now, having nightmares about your terrible arguments.
    You can add me on steam, if you really wanna discuss this out. I am always open for discussion I only can win.

    I really wouldn't want you on my friendlist thank you, I only add people that don't constantly whine about the game while still playing it for hours on end and buying DLC.

    If the game is so bad, why are you still playing it, why are you still buying stuff for it, if it's AS BAD as people keep making it out to be just leave..

    I am playing it because there is no competition to Dead by Daylight. (Friday is a joke)

    If you find the game is so easy as killer, hop on rank 1 with a bad killer and verse good swf and win.
    Send me video proof of that please.

    You know marth88s experiment?
    You know the devs response?
    Lol it's no secret, killers are underpowered as #########.

    Of course, you are not open for discussion in which you cannot write a reply for 2 hours to not sound completely idiotic, which you still do.
    All you do is to react to the things I said and completely put them out of context.

    I won't argue anymore, you are just getting personal while ignoring all of my strong arguments.
    So we just do some maths here.

    1 gen = 80 seconds
    4 survivors doing gens = 4 gens done in 80 seconds
    average chase time = 60-120 seconds

    When not playing any one hit killer which can instantly one hit or is extremely fast like the nurse, you don't stand a chance against survivors rushing gens.
    This only makes sense due to the fact, a round can be over within 3 minutes.

    If the devs wanted to make the game better, they would address issues like decisive strike, freddys strength, pallet looping, camping, tunneling etc. immediatly before even thinking about releasing another DLC.
    Any good game dev would fix the games problems before even thinking about DLCs.

    Btw. regarding your argument of not talking via steam.
    You can always unfriend me after discussing this out, because I don't want to be your friend either lol.
    You would loose the argument, because there is no logical reason, killers are balanced now.
    You never reacted to arguments, you just got personally on people or said their argument is wrong, because it is wrong.

    For the perks:
    Self Care = 50% healing speed, getting healed by another survivor equals the waste of time of healing yourself making the perk as good as getting healed, which is ultimatively stupid. (Do your maths again, it's not 48 seconds you genius)

    I'll stop responding to your nonsense now, I made enough valid points you'll just gonna ignore again.
    I'll stop now responding or viewing your answers. It's psychological torture for me to read your nonsense of a answer.
    (I made a giant post a few pages back with more of arguments you ignored)

    Just saw you made an argument about pressing CTRL is bullying, loooooool.
    4 people having the intention to make fun of you in an aggressive way is near the ######### definition of bullying lol.
    Survivors should be scared, but they ain't. Because the game is ez pz for survivors.

    Just search up marth88s experiment, there are 100 videos showing how easy it is to win with a full swf team on rank 1. I don't understand how people can ignore it. It's a good research.

  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @Eguzky said:
    Seriously. I log into a match, and it's like I'm the caretaker at a haunted house.

    Don't worry, little Survivors; I may scare you, but rules (Devs and bad balance ideas) state I can't actually hurt you.

    Honestly, a good start would be, if someone spams crouch past the exit gates, the Entity blocks the exit for 5 seconds. Either stay on the map or run. Don't be a little #########.

    Oh wait, one of the Devs pitched in with his view on nerfed Killers; 'Play Survivor or play another game. Civ is fun'

    Hey, your own dev said it. Guess I won't tell people to buy your game, if you can't be bothered to balance it.

    I use this as my steam profile explanation. I believe it fits the game very well:

    Dead by Daylight is not a game about a killer hunting survivors. It is a zoo keeper sim. You can play an angry zoo keeper or one of 4 monkeys trying to destroy all the zoo equipment. The protagonists of the game are the killers. The horrible antagonists are the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 173

    This video pretty much sums up how little actual terror the Killers create. Because the Devs listened to whiny Survivor mains about how the game was 'too hard'.

    What the Devs did not realize is that it SHOULD take a massive effort on the part of Survivors for more than one of them to exit the match.

    But now? Find a pallet loop. If the killer does not spend 5 seconds breaking said pallet, you are effectively immortal. This is not a CHOICE on the part of the Killer: He HAS to break the pallet, because even one pallet can keep a Survivor alive indefinitely.

    But it's really funny to watch Survivor mains scurry into any thread pointing out how the game is a joke, because they want easy BP and think they should never ever everever lose. If they lose, the Killer is unbalanced and needs a nerf.
    Even if the Killer only hooks ONE Survivor: Killer OP.

    You know what really nails it home? I played a match as The Huntress and managed a 2-hook (not a single kill, though. Because Survivor is Easy-Mode.)

    I hit one Survivor with 2 hatchets and hooked him. I went to the closest closet to rearm, and a Survivor was hiding in it to unhook the first guy when I left.
    So I grabbed him and hooked him.
    At the end of the match. A MATCH WHERE NO SURVIVORS DIED
    The closet-survivor said he was reporting me for hacks. That I should not have known he was in that closet. I mean, I DID NOT know he was in there; I was rearming my hatchets.

    But that is the mentality most the Survivor mains have 'If I get hooked, the game is broken or you cheated.'

    And sadly, on the 'broken' part, Devs have smiled and nodded and nerfed Killers again and again.

    I mean, the Survivors are supposed to be scared for their lives. But how can they fight back?
    Sabo hooks (they do repair themselves after awhile, admittedly, but this can mean the difference between a hook and an escape)
    Flashlight stuns
    Pallet stuns.
    Pallet loops
    Increased wriggle speed (offset IF a killer runs Iron Grip)
    The ability to get off a hook free (But only if they saved someone.)
    The ability to pass a skill check and get a free escape (There is no Killer counter-perk)
    The ability to sprint 150% faster (No Counter-Perk)
    The ability to dash forward with your hitbox removed (No counter-perk)
    Self-Heal without a medkit (So now a Survivor needs to be focused, which they whine about, or it takes THREE hits or more to down them)
    Self-Heal with a medkit (See above)
    Fix generators faster with a toolbox.

    I'm sure I'm missing a few, but that is a long list for a group that's supposed to be scared. And since it's 1v4, you can run into a four things from that list on 4 people in 1 game.

    And that's not counting item addons. I remember when that Brand New Part was basically a free fix. I stopped playing when I'd log into matches and 4 gennys would be done in 30 seconds. And it's balance ideads like BNP that show just how badly the Dev team has FUBAR'd balance and listened to Survivors and flat-out ignored Killers.

    Survivors Whine = Killers nerfed.
    Killers Whine = Killers nerfed.

    Part 1 of that is thus:
    If the Exit gate(s) are OPEN : standing inside or within 5 meters of the gate as a Survivor means you suffer from the Exposed status effect.
    You are not meant to plough the grass like a dendrophiliac farmer and shake your ass at the Killer. YOU ARE MEANT TO FLEE
    If you get hit because you were shaking your ass like a stripper in front of a big tipper, you deserve to be downed.

    But watch all the Survivor mains claim not being able to grief and laugh at what is supposed to be a SCARY KILLER is unfair.

  • Member Posts: 173

    That should be 'Part 1 of fixing how bad it is to play Killer' at the bottom. My brain ran faster than my fingers.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Play a different game. This isn't the one for you.

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