You've ruined mcmillan

So many safe tiles and more unnecessary breakable walls. Scrap breakable walls. Probably 99% of killer players hate them
Is this a new mcdonald's burger or something?
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I hate breakable walls
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i played one match on it so far, it looks really nice and feels fun to play. im only rank 10 so i really dont have any advice just the normal get better ahaha good luck i hope u enjoy the map more soon, maybe learn the tyles sets since it's a new layout for everyone haha good luck i hope i get better too :)
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McMillan looks so ugly now. It lost its characteristic blue hue, the trees and grass look so ugly.
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I haven't played DBD today.
Did they change it all from the PTB; where they brought back all the old infinites but with breakable walls?
So if you want to actually play the game like it's not 2016 you need to break 2-3 walls at the start?
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I'm sorta glad they changed it. That blue hue was abysmal and ugly to look at
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True, i hope they also get rid of the green hue in Autohaven, the farm one can stay if they make it realistic like the Higgins Haven from Ft13th. The only things i don't like are the lack of new landmarks and the color of the grass.
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I Hope that green hue in autohaven is also gone. I thought I was the only one.
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I miss the old look, but don't hate the new look.
There are no new tiles, so there's no way they added safe tiles outside of the god window being back until the killer takes time to break the wall in the Storehouse.
But that's a different discussion, which I agree with you on: breakable walls need to stop being forced into maps.
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Had one spawn with three jungle gyms and 15 pallets. They did something. I've depipped and been run silly every time I've gotten one tonight.
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I think it's quite nice! I only went against some scorched ghostfaces who both tunneled me, and that made my experience pretty bad, but I liked the map lol
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Me too! I thought I was going crazy for a sec but the map just seemed a lot stronger today. I ended up getting discouraged and stood in the basement the last round I was there.
Seems like my next vacay from Dbd is fast approaching.
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Op is talking about the fact that there are certain breakable walls that the killer must break or it creates an infinite.
Which is really not good design. It means that the killer has to waste a lot of time they can't afford breaking these before chases or they lose a lot of progress during a chase if they don't.
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I dig it.
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A couple of them are like that.
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Sooooo I was bunny hopping all around MacMilly’s and zooming around the outer barrier with Hillbilly...
I literally can’t complain when a map has bouncy castle potential for Billy.. but hey.. to each their own, right?
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I don't like how bright it's become. I definitely miss the "middle of the night" aspect of the realm.
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Had shelter Woods spawn with 2 pallets. T w o. Welcome to rng. (I mean technically 3 but I wasn't including Shack pallet when I counted them up).
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Is it just me or do the reworked maps all look the same? No matter if Yamaoka, Springwood or McMillan, the only differences are the map layouts and maybe the main buildings, but the rest almost looks the same.
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"we have to waste 2.6 whole seconds literally unplayable" - a killer main, probably.
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I hate it when they reintroduce literal infinites by adding Breakable Walls, leaving Killers no choice but to break them.
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As someone that just got 6 depips on 8 matches, with 2 kills total, it's a big deal. Because it's not 2.6 seconds, you either let them get distance in chase, or you break it first, it's easily 30 seconds per door.
Considering killer barely has enough time to do anything, its huge.
Yep, and every single one has shifted survivor sided after their graphics rework. At this point this point, I'm just done with this game.
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I like most of new tiles, though main in the groaning storehouse looks concerning for m1 killers (where the window&breakable wall are) from certain angle. =
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If you think it's just a whole 2.6 seconds then I don't know what to tell you. Clearing out the unnecessary walls in an area could potentially eat up a good 30 seconds of you not patrolling generators.
You clearly don't play Killer especially considering you use the term of killer main like that.
As people who have played setup killers know time is a very precious thing. Trapper for example requires you to set up traps the time it takes for you to set of these traps up is usually the time you'll find generators get popped.
Remember the killer is not in 4 places at once for a killer 15 seconds of their time wasted setting up is 60 seconds of the survivors time into objectives uninterrupted.
Hence why a Killers time is a lot more precious than a survivors time so having to waste a lot of time to prevent these areas from becoming infinites is not a good idea
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I just want the blue tint and old grass back, otherwise I think its fine.
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I like it as Trapper main, can make a dead end.
Though I dont like breakable wall is a chord for Killer and a memory test: break this for easier game, and do not break that. Breakable wall should brings strategy between breaking or not. Each should has pros & cons.
Here are some Sims 4 pics for my ideas:
2 breakable walls completely cover a room that contain a chest. Pro: Survivors not getting chest. Con: Gen distance too far to patrol
Break 1 wall. Pro: create a dead end trap to Survivor if they run into the room during chase. Con: they get the Chest
Break 2 wall. Pro: Gen distance is closer. Con: lose the dead end trap
Your case here
If Killer isnt a trap killer, they have to destroy the wall to remove infinite loops
If you're a trap killer, you have your choice not to break the wall but put a trap or 2.
Keeping the wall. Pro: once Survivor vaults, it will take them alot of time to find a way and go back to the Gen. Con: you may never able to catch them if you vault and continue the chase
Break the wall. Pro: now its easier to catch Survivor. Con: survivors have another way to access Gen
I believe mine ideas may have flaw.
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kfc chiken actually
Post edited by GreenPufferFish on0 -
I commend your creative use of the Sims to portray map layout.
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They keep buffing maps for survivors with breakable walls and the new "killer shack" is totally survivor sided even more. One of the new worst tiles is on suffocation pit, one of my fave maps and they fixed the main issue by adding a door next to the ramp but for some reason every tile has a pallet or window near a breakable wall or a breakable wall in a completely nonsensical location that will grant almost no value to a killer who kicks it
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ive only heard the word infinite i dont know what they are. as a survivor i wish i did so i could live longer against killers that didnt know about them but maybe one day ill come acrosst it and realize they cant get to me haha anyway yeah im a noob so i probably shouldnt share my opinions against angry people lol oops
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I don't get it why they update graphics when there is no optimization? It's not the game where the graphics matter the most. Quite the opposite, I liked it that way, the graphics wasn't demanding, no fps drops, no high temps. And the McMillan map was the coolest one, it was original. It is in the tutorial, it's like an icon of this game. The light, the colors... Now every reworked map is CTRL+C, CTRL+V. They are not that unique, they are way too dark. And the grass... don't even want to start. I'm disappointed.
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Breakable walls making the game more difficult and frustrating for killers? Sounds like they're working as intended.
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Well technically there are no true infinites anymore it would be more appropriate to call them pseudo infinites.
Or I guess a better term would be God loops
However back on the topic of an infinite it is basically a loop that guarantees that there is nothing the killer could do to catch up to you.
It doesn't matter how hard they try which way they run the loop or what not they will never be able to catch up to you.
Nurse being the only killer who could've dealt with infinites because she could just blink through things.
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You think the killers job needs to be harder and not more strategic? Crazy idk what game youre playing. Probably one where the killer is in control of the outcome of the match