Update broke Ps4/console



  • kingovbattle
    kingovbattle Member Posts: 10

    Yeah ps4 pro playing with friends and everyone is having same issue...

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    It’s pretty bad on ps4. It was good before update though. WTH happened

    PPRINCEE Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2020

    Frame rate is really bad in every match on ps4, its almost unplayable at moments. Sucks when new updates come out, it has you wondering whats going to get screwed up this time.

    Post edited by PPRINCEE on
  • stufoot99
    stufoot99 Member Posts: 47

    Same here, the frames are horrible for like ten seconds, then it smooths out, and I’m on a normal PS4. Also what is with the killer stance when you load in? All the killers I have played have their arms outstretched, holding their weapons.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Just played first game as killer since update. That was horrible. It’s unplayable.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    Can confirm, it's obvious on every level immediately on starting as both killer and survivor. Slightly improves after about 2 minutes in, but still broken, and reverts to unplayable once you get hit/start a chase.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    3 games into the new update on PS4 and I've already got a DC penalty on a game I did not disconnect from. I touched a regressing generator on new coal tower and I was disconnected. The post game lobby showed the killer had disconnected and the 2 other survivors still in the match. I retained all blood points but had a 4 minute penalty.

    I saved the clip but if this continues won't my disconnection penalty grow?

  • bakedmyers
    bakedmyers Member Posts: 3

    hey so ive never made an account on dbd forums as ive never run into issues i couldnt solve by reading other posts on here. after the graphics update as im sure some of you are aware, it dropped the fps on ps4 to a point of unplayability. i havent seen anyone touch on what is happening on switch. the fog is forming weird like polygon shapes and is near impossible to see through. ive tried restartinf my game playinf as both hunter and killer after checking twitter i determined it is a issue with all dbd switch players. any updates on patch? i was looking forward to the next tome too :/

  • Dacrenon
    Dacrenon Member Posts: 207

    This was happening to me quite a lot, too. My ping would be roughly 40, but then as soon as the match starts my PS4 was lagging me everywhere and I was getting disconnect penalties without ever intentionally disconnecting.

    Is your PS4 connected via wifi? Last week I picked up an $8 ethernet cable and ran it from my PS4 straight to my router, changed settings to LAN connection, and I haven't had an issue since then. If that's in any way a possibility for you I highly recommend it, because I was getting frustrated to tears previously, but I haven't had to stress on it since I switched over.

    That being said, I haven't had a chance to play on today's patch, so there's a possibility my fix was only temporary.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    Really bummed since the new Legion cosmetic got me to tune in and play. Than I could barely play. Ah well, at least I didn't pay any money, just used the free ACs the Devs gave me.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Unfortunately I don't care to run all that Ethernet through my house to fix a issue that started today. Yes I am on Wi-Fi but this seems to be an issue with dc penalties and optimization. Both things out of my hands.

  • TrialByFire476
    TrialByFire476 Member Posts: 100

    I've had this issue a few times before but not recently. Now, I wouldn't bother playing on PS4 after the update. The patch has completely broken the game for a vast majority of PS4 players. I only played one match after the update because I had a solid 3 frames the entire time.

  • tylerdiablo
    tylerdiablo Member Posts: 27

    Yes today after the update. The game is more lag than I've seen it.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    Thanks for the footage I couldn’t bare putting myself threw it again to grab a video it was painful XD

  • KhaineGB
    KhaineGB Member Posts: 10,623

    Someone else reported that too and I'm pretty sure the team are aware of it, at least from what i've seen

  • ashie
    ashie Member Posts: 5

    im having the same issue on switch! its so hard to play on switch, even on maps its so hard to see stuff because of all the white polygons. i hope it'll get resolved soon

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    My friend had the same problem yesterday. 2 dc's without a reason. 20 mins penalty.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    The fps on this latest patch has been horrible.

    Almost a PowerPoint presentation for consoles, can we expect a hotfix within the next day or two? If not, an extension of the event?

    Please don't screw console players out of enjoying the event.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Yeah, this is making me wonder if they even test on console or if they just trot it out. Like, I get that they can't do a PTB for console. That's fine and completely understandable. But they should at least test the game on consoles themselves before going live with it. There's no way someone tested this game on PS4 and thought "This is fine." I'm sure they're working on a fix, but hopefully it won't be 2 weeks-a month before they fix it. The game is pretty much unplayable right now, even at 720. It'd be nice if they at least told us "We're aware of the issue, and are working on getting a fix ASAP."

  • kingovbattle
    kingovbattle Member Posts: 10

    Running on Ethernet cable with gigabit speed and still choppy. I don’t believe connection is the problem

  • JLew
    JLew Member Posts: 160

    Anyone who said its kinda or borderline unplayable is way off...it is completely unplayable....it was just killer that was all over the place but somewhat playable but now both survivor and killer are done....it is fully an unplayable game...needs to be fixed like now...######### do you devs not play this game on console before you release all this trash...friday the 13th plays better than this garbage now...and thats embarrassing.

  • Dacrenon
    Dacrenon Member Posts: 207

    My original comment was made before I'd played the new update, and after a number of matches I played today I agree with you, my ethernet cable doesn't appear to be making the difference I had thought it did at first.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited October 2020

    So I played four games today on PS4.

    Hallowed Blight Doctor on Pale Rose: It went ok, but I could tell that the frames were not ok and the map was saving them. Just swinging my weapon or entering would make me lose a lot of frames. I’m scared to get an indoor map or MacMillan.

    Laurie on Hawkins: Frames dropped at the beginning when walking.

    Freddy on Midwich: Surprisingly, it didn’t go too bad. Frames didn’t drop to unplayable levels. They weren’t perfect but they were better than the Doc game.

    Laurie on Torment Creek: Little to no FPS problems.

    First impressions seem alright, but I have a feeling that I just got lucky. Still, the fact that so many people are getting hit with unplayable FPS is unacceptable and it needs to be fixed ASAP.

  • Miraak
    Miraak Member Posts: 240
    edited October 2020


    The Devs are aware and investigating issues with frame rate on the PS4 after the 4.3.0 patch. We will keep you updated.

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeadByBHVR/status/1318999200533708800

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Played for about 30mins there, the stuttering is to much its even making me fail skill checks. Had to come off.