An analysis of the current event.

So the reception to the event right now (the first day) hasn’t been positive on the forums. Infact the mods are becoming overworked with how many threads they have to merge. I’m probably in the pile of threads in there, Hello if i am :)
So let’s see what went wrong and why people don’t like it as much.
So firstly, The Halloween event is iconic to dbd and a lot of older players will remember. The halloween music, the really special lobby and the new items that were given out generously.
I cant tell a difference between the new music and the blight music (if any) they’ve just put some pumpkins around and called it a day. And they’ve over saturated the bloodweb so you hardly ever get any petals.
Let’s get to the gameplay, that was also revived badly. In the 2018 event, we had this totally new, and exciting game play where as a survivor you’d collect serum, and yes it may of been unbalanced, but events are for fun.
Now skip to today. The offerings, ( that are hard to get) spawn in a generator and hook that’s all blighted. And they give you both around a 3000 bonus. This is such bad value. The offering it’s self is 3000 bloodpoints.
The only way you can see the actual petals is by doing the rift, (something that is supposed optional). And let’s be honest it’s pretty lazy of them. It’s just the old gen animations on to the plant.
Now to the best revived things, that isn’t really saying much. But the skins. They’re greatly designed and actually feel like something that belongs in a horror game, and the ghostface one is great that they were able to do it for him.
Yet I can’t ignore that these are basically a glorified collection peice as you can only use auric cells to buy them.
The reason many people played the event was to get these skins for free, and now they’ve taken that possibility away i’m sure less people will be playing by the end of the event.
Honestly couldn’t of said it much better myself. I’m just gonna play the overwatch halloween event, more fun and for a longer amount of time. If they added like a double bloodpoint event I’d try and comeback.
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Be merged and moved to feedback with you! We cant have the players dislike of the non-event seen and talked about!
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another thread to be merged lol
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Yeah theres zero incentive. Even Killing Floor 2. With how many hungry Tripwire has always been feels more rewarding. RAndom drops of tickets that can be combined for free cosmetics. Challenges that reward an event only (returning) cosmetic.
No cap on tickets either.
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"And they’ve over saturated the bloodweb so you hardly ever get any petals."
Wait. Really? I just got like 2 petals per bloodweb back to back.
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My survivor blood webs have maybe 1 event item/add on per web. Haven't had any event offerings. Plenty of those new blueprint offerings I have no interest in though. 😒
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pretty much this
but people here aren't wrong
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I’m just getting bulbs, luckily i have like 40 petals from last year. 😌
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The lack of event currency this year really sucks. Last year, you could at least earn the serum and buy old Hallowed Blight cosmetics with it. This year, there's no serum to earn. The new cosmetics (except Ghostface, of course) can be bought with Shards, but the old Halloween cosmetics are still Auric Cell only. They're not even temporarily available with Shards during the event. There's no way to earn the old cosmetics this year.
This is also the least interesting, most lackluster Rift they've had yet. Halloween should be a big event in DbD, and yet this whole thing doesn't even feel good enough to be called an afterthought. This is pathetically bad.
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I agree, Halloween should be the pinnacle event of the year and imo should start earlier in October and have more compelling content to buy and earn. It should be the most exciting time to play yet it is a terrible event so far. The Overwatch Halloween event is more polished and exciting and tons of free content to unlock. Even the once a year anniversary event was lackluster.
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Even WoW does events so much better than this... Its shameful that a "horror" game messes up its biggest season so badly...
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Even the Overwatch event is better than this, and that is saying a LOT lmao.
Also kinda wish the devs & mods would stop trying to shove the issue under the carpet by hiding/deleting/merging threads giving negative opinions about the event lol
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I hope they act fast to fix this but I dont see how they can salvage it...
I just cant fathom how they did this after the backlash from last year. Its honestly mind boggling!
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It gets worse every year.