Players holding the game hostage: DbD NEEDS a match timer



  • APopp
    APopp Member Posts: 22

    I like your idea, but I have to disagree with the end game collapse and the gates being powered after 31 minutes because Survivors can still wait for that instead of doing gens which will make 30 minute games more common because they can avoid doing objectives. I think that at 30 minutes, there should be a collapse that lasts probably around 3 minutes, but if there was one gen left or even three, they still have to do them and then power a gate. This way it's not like a key where survivors can avoid completing objectives and still win.

    AGENT_047_BIZZY Member Posts: 2

    Gawwwddd... we moan when we get gen rushed, and now because of this you would like all players to suffer and depip/lose bp? Ffs!

  • MasterManMike
    MasterManMike Member Posts: 19

    Don't know if anyone's suggested this before, but what I've thought this game needed for a long while is a concede button, if I'm slugged on the ground waiting for the killer to find my rando blendette teammate I'm stuck waiting for 3 minutes until my timer is up and I die.

    If someone has been slugged for a straight 2 minutes they should be given the option to concede and be allowed to move on to the next game, it leaves the body there for the killer to hook should they choose too, but shows the survivor remaining that they've already died and the timer continues down until the body expires and can no longer be hooked.

    Same for killers, after 15 total minutes in the match the killer has their concede button unlocked which powers all the gens instantly, disables all their perks (to avoid engame perk exploits) and allows them to open the gates forcing the EGC to start.

    I genuinely don't think it would be all that difficult to implement and don't see any major issues with it, it stops people from being able to take the match hostage by stealthing around and refusing to touch objectives, it gives people just sitting there and wait to be allowed to play the game an out if they need it, and puts a pseudo timer on the match to push people along without it being a hard limit.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Oh OK. Yeah, console players are a different type of player I guess. I also noticed that they tend to hide more.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Just make it apart of the lore. If 30 minutes pass, then daylight happens and everyone dies. Dead by daylight. U can at most black pip and you keep your points.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    But I been in games that's longer than 30 mins where me and another survivor eventually completed the last 2 gens between the 2 of us and both of successfully escaped.

    But if game ends than we would of never gotten the opportunity to finish the game. Me, other survivor, and the killer actively participated in normal gameplay. But we hid a lot. It was a epic game.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    The killer probably got so bored that they didn't really care too much that you'd escape.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    No, we were constantly chased. It wasn't a dull game where the killer got bored. He had discordance which threw us off. It was very intense. I hope the first 2 dead survivors were spectating. I'm so sad I didn't recorded it.

    I couldn't believe we escaped. We had good teamwork between the 2 of us w no comms. But we understood each other by our gameplay alone.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    I've suggested this many times.

    if like 20 minutes pass since the last gen pop, the killer should be able to hit a door open to manually start EGC. If it's been 20 minutes with no gens being popped I argue survivors are wasting the killer's time.

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    As a survivor I've seen this in action. It's why I tend to have self care on because I've come across randos who do not heal. It's worse when they don't do generators. I had a killer twice realise that I was the only one doing generators, healing and unhooking. I didn't realise this until I was onto my 2nd gen and had run from the killer a few times already. He would smack me but leave me be. Then I found the three of them teabagging in the corner. I turned and left them. Needless to say by the time I got my 4th gen done the killer had 1 more of that group to sacrifice.

    I got my left behind trophey as I had finished the 5th gen a bit after he sacrificed the last one. He then had me follow him to the trap door. It took a while to get it done as I was still playing to gain points in all categories. And it was vexing.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    Sounds like you played against my blendette after I’ve had rough survivor games tbh

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    What I don't get are those defending the hard camping by saying 'there's perks to counter that, it's a mechanic in the game, lol' while simultaneously telling people who would rather stealth to death that their preferred mechanic in the game is unacceptable and that there aren't counters to it? Being stealthy might not be fun to you, but being face camped and tunneled to death if you do manage to get saved isn't fun either, yet that gets defended to hell and back.

    Why is it okay to tell people 'camping is a mechanic, use your anti camping perks' but not 'stealth is a mechanic, use your anti stealth perks/killers'? Especially when the anti tunnel perks do ######### all in reality if the killer is determined to kill you. Even DS can be entirely ignored, especially with a mori. The bias is real, I'm looking at you, 'mod'.

    I agree with the guy that said we need to be able to just concede and take what we've gotten, leaving a husk or even a bot in place so we can move on to greener pastures. If you're getting camped/tunneled to death, you can take your current points and dip to a new game while potentially leaving a bot to play in your place or at the very least a husk that the killer can hook and survivors can save/heal. If you're killer and the survivors are hiding, you can leave them to hide against a husk/bot killer to their hearts content. Everybody wins.

  • qwopper47
    qwopper47 Member Posts: 40

    Just make it so that after 10-15 mins, the killer can CHOOSE to open the gate and force EGC upon survivors.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    At least you get brutal.

    I get people that do their gens but also do their absolute best to never interact with me.

    Crap like this is why I would quit, I'm sick of getting trolled every other game.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 646
    edited October 2020

    I hate it when this happens. This usually happens to me in Springwood because there’s a million places to hide. The only way to mitigate this is to use BBQ and Chili, Iron Maiden, Spies from the Shadows, and other perks that expose survivor locations that are good at hiding all day. Adept players usually don’t hide like this.

    End Game Collapse should start the moment all the generators become powered. It doesn’t make sense that it happens after opening the gates because by the time you open a gate you should be out the door. Not running around finding chests, tbagging the killer, and sliding over pallets for 2 minutes.

    After powering the gates I don’t feel the sense of urgency. Even after opening the door I don’t feel the sense of urgency. Not as survivor I don’t. I feel more urgency as the killer surprisingly enough.

    The devs probably need to add WAY more rituals that affect the map more. Like rituals that produce/reduce pallets. Rituals that produce more crows. Rituals or even a perk that places crows on or around generators. Rituals that produce more totems to break. Rituals that add/reduce the timer of the end game collapse. Rituals that increase/reduce hook times. Rituals that, when survivors combine them, has some wild effect.

    This would change the whole game around and give all players more incentives based on the rituals played.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911
  • Emeraldheart12
    Emeraldheart12 Member Posts: 1

    Or have a survivor who is idle for too long (example: 6 minutes) get DC and if they keep doing that they get penalized. I would not have them lose a tick everytime it happens though because people do have emergencies.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I can't see this being a regular occurrence for you though, right? As crappy as it is when it happens, it probably isn't THAT often. I'd take the W (even if it took an hour) and move on.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747

    My problem with the Extended Matches, and the End Game Collapse in general is this!

    Survivor; especially the SWF Blendette Squads can abuse this by simply refusing to do any Gens and go for a Long Hide and Seek Based Game; in which they try their hardest to not get spotted by the killer! It can be quite unfun for the killer, as they do not have solid Night Vision or increase Brightness with their limited 1st Person perspective; to spot the dark clothes! It's one thing if you have aura reading perks and good awareness perks like Whispers; but for those that do not have those in the match; it can be quite the struggle!

    Especially the worse and most commonly scenario; in which 2 out of the 4 Survivors are dead and there are only two left! Instead of gen rushing or distracting the killer; they go fully immersive mode; and avoid being spotted by the killer; until one of them dies! In fact, they used the opportunity to search for keys or hatch; to try to escape together or until one of them dies and get out scotch free! In SWF; one of them can DC and unlock the hatch instantly for the other; regardless of the penalties!

    As for the End Game Collapse; it doesn't matter if you open the gates and start the 3 minute timer! Because all 4 decent Survivor can do, is 99% the progress of the gates; and leave it alone until they are ready to leave; while avoid triggering the Collapse!

    A couple of smarts ways to fixes the problem!

    *Just like Generators; The Exit Gates will regressed on their own; about 1/2 the charges or 20 seconds to open it; meaning it will take less then 40 seconds to fully regress! Incentive Survivor to not 99 the gates, ans just open it anyways!

    *Buff Shadowborn, to not only be a Increase FOV; but added benefit of increasing the Brightness of the FOV; making it a utility perk in counter Blendette or Dark Clothing Survivors that like to play immersive builds or hide in bushes!

    *A server wide Timer would be nice; but instead of punished both sides; it should only punished the side that earn the least amount of points, otherworldly the side that refuses to play the game or afk!

  • KingMyers
    KingMyers Member Posts: 57

    How about no, they gotta move around or else they get crows, just take iron maiden gg ez move on

  • Dkmainman
    Dkmainman Member Posts: 5

    There should be a a match timer, but having everyone get punished is a bad idea. The longest game I played was on Swamp. We got a 3 gen, and the PH refused to chase. Claudette and I tried to get gens, but the generators were too close and the killer refused.

    Luckily I found a Skeleton Key in a chest (Plunderers FTW) and got out after Claudette got a little too close. And where were the other two? Hiding in basement, somehow avoiding AFK birds.

    Punishing everyone for something 1-4 people did would seriously hurt game health.

    Maybe instead of yeeting everyone out of game and making everyone mad, or even starting EGC, perhaps a new mechanic: The Unstable Corruption (Name pending.)

    Basically, cracks start appearing around the map at 20 minutes. They’re just visual, but a warning. At 25 minutes, to get things done, Survivors get a boost to action speed and running speed, while killers get a boost to power cool down, ability use (Aka setting a trap as Hag or Trapper) and a speed boat, just to move it along.

    At 30 minutes, the map falls apart, everyone falls into the void, and blood points are awarded.

    This will probably never happen, but it’s better than hiring the game health by banning everyone.

    Also, one more thing. To prevent people from waiting until this happens, make sure no perks or offerings affect the Unstable Corruption on either side: it’s more a fail safe then something to try to get to.

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    What would be great is something for once to stop the killers from taking the game hostage and camping. Killers can always find us no offense but i feel like its only about what the killers want? Am i wrong or no? Im getting real tired of killers dropping me and picking me up a thousand times at the end and the camping and tunneling is absolutely ridiculous. That needs to be stopped somehow. But putting a timer on the entire game is unnecessary and defeats the purpose of the game imo

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    So youre saying after all that time of a half hour we shouldnt get any progress? Makes absolutely no sense. Would defeat the entire purpose. Idiot

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    My daughter watched a game that took 45 mins to do. I was doctor. And she was beyond angry that no generatos were done. She's 3 and has a concept of the game.

    So it was literally drive everyone insane as I hunt. The more insane the better. And thank goodness for the fake mes for that helped me find them.

    But not a single gen got done. I only had to chase survivors for 120 seconds as a challenge. And this game just wasn't fun. My daughter was very concerned that I didn't hook 1 of the guys when I was down to 2. She decided that none should leave. I told her I don't want them to leave by the trap door.

    I got lucky, it spawned by me when I hooked the one that was hiding in a locker. And luckier still that he didn't suicide as it was his first hook.

    I asked my daughter should I hook the last guy or watch him bleed. She wanted to see the Spider God grab him from the ground. The things I do for a happy child.

    Another game I had a person hiding in a locker throughout end game. I had found and closed the trap door. Meandered through the map to look at the exits, they weren't touched. I finally just stood on a hill going well, if I can't find them I can't find them. I was just done with that game too. I had been playing Huntress (my daughter loves her, has named a bunny stuffie after her). She's not even close to my strongest killer but I think she's nifty. So yup. Player got killed in one of the lockers, I saw the hand of Spider God come out.

  • mandysuxx
    mandysuxx Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2020

    I just had a game as a survivor, where the killer was AFK, and 2 SWF blocked both exit gates the instant the gens were done. Spent 15 minutes in that match, before the killer activated and hooked me. The two guys who afked btw got out and called me a ######### at the end chat.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
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