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Hey BHVR you rock & I'm sorry everyone's so rude with their criticism

This forum is exhausting. There's so much painfully unconstructive criticism that's always just wow these devs are GARBAGE/they dont CARE ABOUT ANYTHING just because buggy stuff happens. They trash talk and pretend they hate this game but I suspect they're just dissatisfied because they wanna play your awesome game when it has issues.
But even when it doesn't have issues, they'll make issues. Everyone's a critic. A real critical critic.
Can you guys just... chill? Seriously what is the deal.
I look forward to framerate issue resolution, and the halloween event. Keep it up.
32 -
Except this time is really way more justified than any other time?
They don't really deserve the defense, the event is a literal paywall, with nothing added to gameplay core like the other events in the past, they've been getting away with some really stupid crapp in the past and still are trying to pull out the wallets of everybody for low effort stuff.
If you're grossed out at the truth then maybe the forums are not your place to begin with.
48 -
"event" except some addons and spooky gens whats changed? u can only do plants if u have a challenge equiped and all they do is give bp
16 -
What Halloween event? There isn't anything to do lol
34 -
I'm sorry but if you've developing the same game with a team of this size for 4 years, as a customed you expect them to have some degree of competence, yet they continue to not show any. It's really quite pathetic seeing their game getting more and more buggy and not functional with every single patch. I'm not even mad at them with their monetisation strategies at this point because that's clearly not the devs' doing, it's seeing their game constantly bugged to hell, fixing one or two each patch but then introducing 24 more every patch without fail. And I'm not even gonna get started on their balance changes...still don't know why they did that to Macmillan, this realm was fine before now all we have left for good maps are chapel and autohaven (sometimes, RNG can be horrific on autohaven)
20 -
What the- do you not realize what they have done? They copy and pasted this event but purposely took out the main reason everyone was looking up to the event.
On top of that the added a surv addon that allows them to gain a free sprint burst basically.
This event has been a major disappointment to everyone in the community really.
16 -
On the contrary, I've seen quite a bit of constructive feedback. However over time the devs have lost the good will of much of the community through their insanely poor balance decisions, increasingly mediocre events, and more and more transparent greed. There is no reason why the new skins should not be earnable like they were the past couple of years, through the putrid serum currency, with the exception being Ghostface, for the obvious reason of him being a licensed character. Not to mention not one bit of the event is really fun, there's nothing that really feels all that different. This event could have been one of the best they've ever had with the amount of feedback they've been given by the community, instead it's just incredibly mediocre and boring.
22 -
We’re all just passionate about this game.. sometimes we might criticise but we also do praise the devs. The ones who are creating nasty threads and personally attacking them are a minority..
3 -
They added a killer add-on that does the same thing you know. The survivor and killer ones are both not great but they're kinda fun to use, in their own dumb way. It's the only thing I like about this event
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We do appreciate this, thank you.
I just want to put out that we do welcome criticism in regards of the game. You're free to voice your concerns as long as it's respectful and not insulting. That goes for all sides, whether you like or dislike changes and you're free to discuss them with others too. Just remain respectful at all times.
5 -
Hmm... a speed increase as a surv for 20 seconds and as of currently CAN be used after this event, OR a ability that counters most killer powers as a killer, is basically the same as The Blights Power, and CAN NOT be used after this event.
Really wonder which is better, option A or B... **Hmm**
8 -
Some forum members think that the devs are not learning from their mistakes. Overwhelmingly people are asking the devs to more thoroughly test their code, consult the gamers before commiting to major changes (perhaps using the Fog Whisperers for this), and not waste development time on balance changes that people simply don't have an appetite for. There are some balance changes that are easy to implement that do not get addressed and some things that were perfectly fine get "reworked".
Much of the community is understandably frustrated and angry. But they still need to avoid being unnecessarily rude.
2 -
They absolutely shafted everyone and basically have a non-event event that you need to pay money into to ge the cosmetics you could have earned the last few events.
8 -
I invested 300e in this game, after all this phase with the halloween event and how mediocre the rift is, I don't buy anything anymore, I barely play 1 game a week
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You know when you see a post that makes you cringe so hard your ass could press a diamond?
6 -
I've seen respectful criticism resulting in a ban tho. Now that I catch your attention: optimize your game for lower hardware usage in old machines and consoles for higher FPS, no stuttering and less overheat!
17 -
That's the smartest choice. BHVR only care about money. They've made that clear as day.
6 -
I mean I'd argue the entire game has become a giant pay wall. They've strayed from the path and it finally caught up to them hopefully the community won't get short attention span again then stay on them.
9 -
I dunno, I saw a pumpkin conveniently placed on a generator last night 🤔
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So one of the mods responded here saying they do accept critisim I also made a post on this event topic. In the hopes behavior reads and addresses this I understand why many players including myself are disappointed and we should show that. However when they make good decisions I'm also someone who will point that out so no I'm not always negative about them.
1 -
I just want to put out that we do welcome criticism in regards of the game. You're free to voice your concerns as long as it's respectful and not insulting. That goes for all sides, whether you like or dislike changes and you're free to discuss them with others too. Just remain respectful at all times.
Good, have some then. I think it is very telling that you thank people for positive feedback, but not negative one. A lot of threads about the Halloween event have no moderator posts thanking the people posting there for their negative feedback.
Why is that?
My expectation is that if the feedback in those threads was not respectful and / or insulting the threads would be closed or deleted and the violators warned / jailed / banned. I know that warnings and post deletions are not public, and that I should not base my assumptions solely on those. A thread being locked or a moderator posting a warning to get back on-topic in the thread is visible publicly however, and I expect to see that if a thread is not respectful and insulting, I don't see that happen.
To me it looks like the feedback in those threads is therefore respectful and not insulting, again, on virtue of them not being closed or deleted. But no one is thanking those people for their respectful and not insulting but negative feedback. This gives me the impression that you only care about positive feedback.
I hope you disagree with me saying that you only care about positive feedback because I am wrong about that, but that is nonetheless the impression I have regarding the communication from the developer side about the Halloween event.
4 -
There are some legitimate complaints now but i agree that moat forum members are being the usual drama queens about it.
Yes the event is somewhat lackluster compared to the past and yes the performance issues on console are becoming really problematic.
No BHVR has not become evil cause they decided to not give out the new blight cosmetics for free
0 -
If it's feedback about the game specifically - we're moderators, not devs, so we can't tell you much about changes or whatsoever, but what we do as a team is respond to threads about the game. Engaging with the users is important too, like I said, we're players too. I've posted my opinions on too, others have too.
Our job isn't just simply dishing out warns, bans, locks and etc. We do so much more than that. If it's negative feedback, typing on every thread "Thank you" would look condescending in the long run, especially as those threads are meant for the game developers. The devs do see the threads and they do check them. We're here to keep the forums running and to also engage with the users.
1 -
I don't even have words for this... 😅 I envy people who don't see issues and ready to buy everything the developer gives them.
I love this game and will continue play it (not that often tho), but this black spot is there to stay for a while. What they did is unacceptable. And even defenders know it, don't lie to yourself, guys.
6 -
I don't think people have realsied that past events have been the same right? It's not like ppl were honestly expecting a new gamemode or anything srsly.
0 -
I never argued that one was better than the other, I simply said that killers also got a similar add-on and they were both quite meh and I haven't seen anyone use one yet. Just wanted to point it out since you wanted to solely complain about survivors. But sure keep being a sarcastic dick if it makes you feel any better?
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As said previously, they took out the only things that set it apart from other events and made it feel very unique and rewarding to play.
Being the vails to acquire skins of Blight.
2 -
Legit, besides this thread here, all I have seen you do is ban, lock, and warn, ect. I don't think you really are winning over anyone with you saying you are just another player either.
You are a mod, therefore you have authority and I am unsure why you are trying to downplay that otherwise.
3 -
No, past events were not the same. The first hallowed blight, the second moonlight event and the anniversary event all added new objectives to unlock cosmetics.
I personally was dissapointed from the Halloween event a year ago aswell, but it was the first rift and while I hate the rift you can still argue, that it changed the gameplay too. Just not in a good way imo.
3 -
Yes you did, stop being disingenuous. You literally said "They added a killer add-on that does the same thing you know." implying that they are on the same level when they aren't.
The great part about this is not only are you using adhominems (calling me names) but you have the audacity to create a strawman in the same sentence.
If you aren't going to pay attention i'm not going to bother reminding you every five seconds why people that you call "whiny" are upset about and why they should be. This event was an embarrassment, that was my one and only point.
0 -
I'd say say this thread has run it's course by now. You're free to voice your concerns as much as you want, just remain respectful and civil.