Devs deserve some credit



  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Funny because. I CRITISIZED THEM SHARE YOUR GUYS VIEWS like holy crap dude. I literally agree with so many of you, but my damn point still stands they make mistakes and should get at least a bit of credit. And if that make me a white knight i don't care. Assuming that I don't see the crap they did even though my post openly says it is so dumb. Why would you assume something so pointless when my post contradicts it?

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I Understand perfectly what you're saying... ive given credit where credit is do... the flood gates need left open this time.... I'll provide them with a thank you when they touch up the game again.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I'm not saying you did anything bad just don't get into is what I mean. I got banned for calling someone ignorant which I didn't even realize was bad and then someone personally attacked me for my view in an unrelated post and I said shut up and was threatened with a permanent ban

  • HypsterMoses
    HypsterMoses Member Posts: 15

    Dude level with me, giving them credit isn't gonna get anything done. If we keep telling them what they do well instead of what they do poorly, it'll just get to a point where they get complacent because it'll seem like the people bringing up the bad is just a very vocal minority, and that's what kills games.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I agree it has been a crap show lately. But I can still see the effort even if people dont. Also rift isnt that hard if you play the game constantly. I dont like the money aspect of it though I hate that. Also I have 1000 hours and started last august. I don't know much about the previous years except from what ive seen and heard from multiple sources. Then again I doubt people would lie about no blood lust amd double pallets

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited October 2020

    Yeah, I mean whatever the reason, it's still a fair point. People aren't likely to change their minds unless you're relaxed when you're talking to them, even if they know their point isn't very strong. And there's certainly more than enough high-tension comments on the forum anyway.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited October 2020
    1. No, it's not. People tend to exaggerate the amount of things they've done to help the game versus the amount of things they've done to break it simply because it was broken at launch. In fact, without the community's constant criticism of stupid ideas they love to put out, the game would've died at the broken lunar event (insta-flashlights and insta-dropping survivors on a pallet). They made these changes because they didn't bother to think about Game Design, and anyone with a single neuron that remembers Game Design would know that a lot of the changes they've made were out of ignorance.
    2. That's not an excuse for extreme bugs. Have play testers, and actually USE the PTB. Most of the things that break this game get through the PTB due to ignorance of criticism, or just are rolled without any PTB in the first place. As an example: If you think they touched a console before playing the game on the current patch while not even knowing the FPS issues were there in the first place (they had to add the announcement), you need to rethink how you view this company's competence.
    3. Irrelevant. No matter what your opinion is, or what mine is (which I agree with you), you don't assume that someone doesn't know a thing about game development when they make a complaint on the forums.
  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Can you elaborate on the game and his background. No doubt it's a big achievement and I in no way think the devs are the best devs as I stated

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Well I agree with you in that respect and I fully respect that stance

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I dont mean you need to suck up to them but at least admit they aren't the devil like people make them out to be

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    1. ~36 new characters including licensed characters from major horror franchises, new engine and improved visuals, rift / archives, massively improved balance, console releases, crossplay, dedicated servers, SWF (people love to hate it, but this game might be dead without it), etc. Community feedback is important, but please give credit where credit is due.
    2. I'm sure they did play the game on console before releasing the patch. Not everyone is running into the performance issues, though, and they have to weigh performance issues for some people against "sorry, we're cancelling the event due to poor performance". You can bet people would have been on them for that too.
    3. I'm talking about the collective, not the individual. I'm not saying that the person who made any one post definitely doesn't know what they're talking about. I'm saying that many, many people are complaining and most of those complaints betray no such knowledge. On the whole, then, most of the noise is almost certainly coming from people who don't know enough to comment on how well Behaviour is doing its job.
  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    BHVR has shown that they're not a company that deserves any "credit". Defending BHVR is not a hill I'd be willing to die on.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    1. Those changes (rather than the content updates) are all things that they've done in the past, yet they hardly do anything to improve upon it once they've released unless there's outcry. I give credit to devs that deserve it, and they don't deserve credit for balancing the game. The community does.
    2. Not everyone? Most, if not all, people are experiencing these issues. If they weren't, they wouldn't have so many people complaining about it. The people not having issues are the lucky minority.
    3. That's fair.
  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited October 2020

    I've defended them a ton, even when they've made huge mistakes, over and over. But right now the game is unplayable as solo survivor or as a PS4 player, and killer is boring because of the matchmaking giving red rank killers easy games.

    I don't think I need to say what's wrong with the rift, since it seems it's going to be as grindy as Tome IV (they seemed to have learnt from the challenges, though) with the number of fragments we're getting per challenge.

    I loved a lot of the changes that came with this patch, including a lot of the skins, but it became unplayable, so what's the point in new skins that you have to pay for?

    We can give them credit when the game works as intended, because right now it looks like they put profit before game health.

  • MPGamer18
    MPGamer18 Member Posts: 124

    I've been playing for almost 4 years and feel this game has improved tenfold. Can it be better, absolutely. Will they continue to improve it, yes. However, they have to work with the player base and unfortunately that's not going to make everyone happy.

    Developing a game like this is not a simple task. BHVR has to take into consideration player skill levels or lack thereof and strike a balance that works for everyone. When Freddy first released, I was perfectly fine with his design. But most weren't. BHVR listened to community and made him more accessible for a wider audience. This happens with a lot of MP games when they first release. Developers have to adjust difficulty to accommodate lower skilled players.

    Which sucks because instead of working to get better at the game, people tend to complain about designs that simply don't fit their play style and want it changed so it does. Which can hurt a player who could have benefited from a new killer that worked better for them.

    Video games are competitive business and the fact that DBD has no rival after all these years says a lot about the state of the game and their dedication to improve it.

  • HelterSeltzer
    HelterSeltzer Member Posts: 68
    edited October 2020

    They can try to skip a chapter. I haven't spent any money on DbD since the last rift because I'm not playing the game as much. It might help in the long run instead of increments... but I guess investors wouldn't want that?

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    1. They've been continually improving visuals, continually releasing and tweaking killers, perks, etc., releasing cosmetics for new and old characters, they're in the midst of a push to refresh all old maps, and they've been making lots of perk updates lately, mostly to really trash-tier perks to make them more viable again. I think they've been doing a lot. The community and the devs both deserve credit.
    2. I've seen posts on here from console players and PC players complaining about performance, and I've seen posts on here from console and PC players who have noticed no difference. I don't think anyone knows how widespread it actually is. I haven't noticed a difference personally. If most people's performance is actually as much of a slideshow as I've seen on some posts on here, BHVR would be shooting themselves in the foot to release this patch, which is why I'd assume it's only some people. Even if all they care about is money, they don't make money by releasing a patch that most people can't play.
  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677
    edited October 2020

    I used to give the dev's praise and defend them but not anymore. This new update has really shown bhvr's true colors and I can't give them any credit anymore.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    If you reas my responses and my post you can see that im only slightly defending them. I still feel the same as others but I refuse to demonize them

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I just played on ps4 last night and it was fine. The issues are relative to peoples console and wifi for half of it and the other half is just bad optimization

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    People also fail to realize they deal with so much pressure no matter what they do they get ######### and that takes a toll on productivity

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I feel they might secretly be working on that. There is no way they dont know about the issues and they probably are trying to figurw it out. It will be hard to fix this game

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Hmmm I do agree that they need to rethink their approach but now they have to find out what to do. Also this map change is a BIG improvement and then the graphics still need to be updated I believe right? If so a total game changer could be in the works

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Took them months to fix things they broke and they've screwed killers over. Not giving them credit for that.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    No they dont not at all. Console sucks, killers still have gross gen speeds stopping them from getting pressures survivor is boring as hell rn, bugs every patch, cant fix bugs consistently. The devs will deserve credit when they get their ######### together.

  • nytkim
    nytkim Member Posts: 102

    I think paying for the game is credit enough

  • They dont deserve the credit because don't listen to player feedback, the only feedback they listen is cry baby survivors

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    The first Hallowed Blight event, players were originally only going to be able to earn 1 full outfit. After complaints from the community, they increased it to 2 outfits. Players were happy about that. This year, they decreased it to 0.

    The old events weren't perfect, but I liked them. Especially the pustula plants. The lanterns weren't terrible, but I liked the plants and hooks better than competing for lanterns. The plants have never come back. Events were pretty much replaced by the Rift.

    People were upset that the Rift was so grindy. The devs lessened the grind a tiny bit by adding more Tome challenges, and people were happy for that. Even if it wasn't enough, it was better than nothing. Guess what, since then the grind for the Tomes has been increasing.

    Yes, give them credit where credit is due. Thank them when they do something good. Criticize when they do something that sucks.

    I'm not thrilled about the PS4 framerate drop. Bugs happen, though, and they've acknowledged it and said they're working on it so that's something. However, this event and the charm codes and the Rift, those aren't mistakes or bugs, those are decisions, and players have every right to be furious that those decisions were made.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Sorry but some means some. As I stated above there are things you cant deny and things you have to see that they have done that suck.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Ha not even. No more infinites, instaheals, insta blinds, double bt, double pallets, window and pallet vaccum, entity blockers, bloodlust, breakable walls, fixed ds ans hook bug and hill bug. Nerfed thana and buffed the others and reduced timer in pop which isnt that bad. Dead hard still is finicky. Killer side hit validations. Broken hitboxes. Hatch priority. Ability to tunnel and camp and fast gen speeds. Hmmm seems like its either half and half or favorable to killers

  • GuySmiley
    GuySmiley Member Posts: 33

    One year Microsoft emailed me a printable, paper birthday cake that you'd print out and then fold up into the shape of a birthday cake. I thought that was the lamest birthday present I ever got from anyone, ever. Maybe you could create something like that and email it to the dev's? I will sign it. I'm sure everyone would be more than happy to sign it too.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I dont think they deserve any. Amatuer devs who neglect their community.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Yes me a white knight over the fact that I can see them trying and having to deal with a whole community of people where. Nothing is ever good enough and that they have to constantly deal with babies. So thats why im saying people are giving them too much hate

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    No I just am a person who believes in fairness. Also I didnt know we lost ways to earn tokens. And still my main point has never been to say they arent bad. Just that with what they put up with and what they are trying to do they deserve some credit

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    TLTR: Devs deserve credit they do becuz not much teams cant make such disaster.

  • thepyramidhead
    thepyramidhead Member Posts: 59

    They do get credit, it our money.

  • saetia
    saetia Member Posts: 2

    As a software engineer I'm going to tell you right now that what you learn at school/college is nothing like actual development. Little/no colleges teach about how real world engineering is like and you only really start to know once you get a job or internship. That is why imposter syndrome is such a huge huge huge thing in the field.

    Anyways, I'm arguing against your point #2 - we don't know if their code is spaghetti because something changes and breaks. There are so many factors in this.

    DBD is written in presumably C++ because it uses unreal - I'm gonna give a situation I've been in as a dev in c#, which is also an OOP language. Let's say we have a base class - BaseSurvivor that has base mechanics for every survivor and whatever inherits from that class overrides as needed, whatever. Let's say they have a method on there that calls a static helper class that does some business logic, and we had a bug report come in that says 'hey this isn't providing what we are expecting' and we go in and fix it, but in the process we introduced a new bug. The devs and QA team go through it and test it don't find anything wrong. We ship this update out to the customers, and bingo bango we got another bug report come in because this static helper class was also used in another part of the app and had unintended consequences. That's not spaghetti code, that's just the paradigm. One of the biggest things in OOP is reusability of code, if you need to do the same thing twice, you make it reusable.

    Sprints are also not just one thing being worked on, it's multiple things being worked on at once by multiple people. Blaming something broke because they fixed something could be a completely from something else even though to us, the end user, it seems that correlation = causation for the issue.

    In either case, I don't particularly put blame on issues on devs on a few issues (ie this event) because usually things like this are controlled by product team and priorities and initiatives usually come from the business side of things and they are told what to do. This is why it takes forever for things to happen. Remember when they changed auras and had so much backlash? It's not just as simple as a dev or two going in and reverting things, it's an entire process. Product and project managers need meetings, determine if it's a "hotfix" or if it will go out in a regular update, devs need to estimate time/effort on the tickets created, do investigations, it needs PR reviews, it needs to go through some QA (I assume bhvr has some sort of QA, but sometimes I question that).

    I think the biggest issue facing DBD is that the original devs didn't expect this to blow up and it's just had bandaid after bandaid of fixes that can only be solved by rewriting the game from scratch, and that's not a particularly easy initiative to take nor is it profitable for the business side of things to hold off on what could be a multi-year project to approve it. These are usually put in the backlogs as technical debt tickets and sit there forever and taken up randomly in sprints and not at once. Even if any new code is optimized/cleanly written/whatever, it's still on top of the base code that isn't.

    TL;DR blaming devs doesn't do anything when things like the event come from above them and the business side got initiatives to hit, deadlines to meet, blaming devs for spaghetti code for changing something and another thing breaking is ignorant we don't know what their code base looks like nor do we know if it broke because something else was worked on

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    How could you not call it Spaghetti code when updates break so much stuff, even things in areas where nothing was changed.. like the Spirit now making sounds when phasing?

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    You cannot be trying to say that DBD isn't spaghetti code, its a well-known thing lmao

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Hey OP! I have only been playing for a few months and I've had a lot of fun so far! At the end of the day, dbd is just a game. I hope things get fixed and that some perks get buffed or nerfed, but as long as I have a good time and so do my teammates and even the killer, then I'm alright! Thank you for not expecting too much out of devs, I can't make a game so I respect people that do these things. Stay positive and let's all hope for the best in 2021 and beyond <3!! Good luck in your next matches by the way, and I hope they're fun :)!

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    No I dont know bur if the guy is experienced with that stuff hr would know better

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Good point but they have done good and sometimes you have to look at that stuff to be subjective and I do agree with you

  • saetia
    saetia Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2020

    Have the devs admitted that? Have you seen the code? Has the source code leaked? Am I missing something here? Obviously, I haven't seen it, I don't know what their code base looks like, I'm just arguing you can't say it's spaghetti code unless you've seen it and bugs can happen regardless if it is or isn't.

    Please reread my example. And again, when developers do stuff it's usually in sprints where multiple things are being worked on, again: that doesn't mean it's spaghetti code that breaks it. If an abstract or base class is used for all killers, and they fix a bug from one killer in that abstract or base class and it affected spirit, that again is because it's spaghetti code. It's literally the paradigm of oop to have code being reused when you can to limit spaghetti code.

    Edit: if I get proven wrong and shwon proof it is spaghetti code, cool, I'm just offering alternative reasons as a dev and I'm giving devs at least a little benefit of the doubt because I work in the field.