LGBTQ+ representation pls

since my question was ignored and the popular twitter question was also ignored during the q&a livestream (and previous livestreams), i'll just leave this sentiment here: we still expect yall to keep your word and bring us LGBTQ+ rep as stated during pride month in the tweet below. i hoped for greater transparency and a willingness to discuss particulars, but since the subject is being skirted for fear of backlash i'll keep looking for opportunities to ask and wait patiently for an answer.
thank you! 💜
if you wanna know why rep matters, read some of the comments in this thread.
We make our own minds with characters, if we so please and choose too, this is a horror survival game, we don't need anything in this matter represented as if we did BHVR would have to take a moment to take a look on others.I am not disregarding anyone in this matter, we dont' need it, it's just a horror game, if you wish to believe character is of a certain sexuality then fair eneough but no, sorry and beg pardon I personally don't think it is needed here.
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you didn't read the tweet did you? they said originally they hadn't represented ~any~ sexualities, then did so for heterosexuals only. they've committed to being inclusive and righting that wrong, which is admirable. i don't mind if you don't want it. this post wasn't for you.
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That ship has sailed many years ago.
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No I didn't as I am not on twitter, devs say a lot of things, I think they -have- in a way but left it up to people to determine, the post wasn't for me but perhaps know people can reply to said posts :)
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Maybe they are all bi
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Get over it. Sexuality means literally nothing in this game and none of the survivor lore is even interesting enough to start careing. You don't have to be represented everywhere and on all things. It doesn't diminish who you or anyone else in the community are just because you don't have a character with a back story that labels them to your choosing.
Just let it happen as it happens.
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I would love for DBD to add more representation into the game, but sometimes games try to hard to add representation and it becomes weird.
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Im surprised it hasnt happened yet, just seems like something that would be naturally added.
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I'd rather have greater race representation than sexuality representation. In fact I don't want to associate sexuality with characters that are going to get sacrificed to the entity.
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While LGBTQ+ representation is important in the real world, this is just a horror game. The characters have very fun lores right now and changing them would have a negative overall impact on the game in my opinion. If behavior were to add new characters with an LGBTQ+ background it would be nice, but also not important. Of all the issues in the game right now, I don't think a made up character's sexuality really matters. They don't really have relationships of any sexual orientation anyways. So yeah, it is just a game, not real life. Their sexuality literally means nothing. And to be honest, why do we need to know their sexuality? We play as them to run from a killer or use them to kill other people. Their sexuality has absolutely no impact on the game what so ever. Adding sexuality to the game can and probably will happen, but it really isn't a pressing matter.
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why do you feel like it's one or the other? i'm not asking specifically for white LGBTQ+ characters.
i don't have time to teach you why LGBTQ+ representation in media is important so i'll just say this: i've been called so many slurs in endchat just because the other side didn't enjoy how i played. DBD, specifically, especially, needs representation to normalize diverse experiences because so much of this community is so toxic and gross and ignorant and that culture thrives when there's nothing to oppose it. the devs know that and the sooner they follow up on their own commitment to represent us the better for everyone.
i'm also unsure why you think adding gay people would detract from 'very fun lores' rather than enhance it; diversity is fascinating.
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You honestly think adding diversity will stop toxic behavior? Are you knew to the internet?
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There's a reason to why forced LGBTQ+ movies fail so hard. Its forced. Forcing something that should be a natural thing makes it awful.
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Why do characters sexualities matter in a game about sacrificing people to an eldritch god who sends psychopaths to hunt people to later on feed off their hope
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The developers wont even bother to include colourblind people. And you expect these people to include LGBT?
Dont be ridiculous.
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Theres a way to visually show a characters' orientation, witjout using nehative stereotyping?
Sorry but both lazily declaring their orientation in the lore OR using (negative) stereotypical clothes are kinda bad.
Ass free chaps dwight when? Could celebrate pride month with village people skins for the original cast. /s
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This. I am still so salty about not having color blind mode.
We the gays don't claim behavior after events of this year.
....But and its a big but, if they wanna try and do them, we wouldn't complain. We already have 'straight' characters and side characters, depictions of hetero relationships/couples in the game and afaik canon ships are also a thing. Those things have zero need to be depicted and explored in game and rifts, and have zero affect on gameplay. So they're not for everyone. They're just stuff that adds tid bits into a character's background. So across 50 something people characters in the game, statistically it would be more weird by the time we get to 80 something characters in two years that we don't see anything but hetero depictions in the rifts/tomes.
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I always thought David was LGBTQ. There are hints yeah, but BHVR is letting us interpret these characters how we wish. Though concrete representation is always nice.
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Same way we know she is neuro-atypical... and the LGBTQ character may already be in the game.
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Ah yes I don't see anything that could go wrong if a straight white character would kill a LGBTQ+ character in multible horrific ways.
No one would have a Problem with that, not at all.
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Yes, just leave it to general public to think and wonder.
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While I am always up for the LGBTQ representation in anything, I don't see the point in this game.
Characters don't have unique interactions with eachother, neither lines of dialogue or proper personality in-game, they're just the same female/male animation set and behaviour.
It simply adds nothing of interest in the game.
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This is an horror game but still ppl want to treat it as a disney movie. lol
ho my... the hypocrisy on this topic and the ######### comments are beyond belief.
I agree with you. But two wrong things don't make it right.
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this is the argument against any sort of inclusion at all, why have black survivors if white killers can target them specifically? ah #########, they're already ingame. what about fat characters? wait, jane exists. damn. oh and there are tons of women, what can be done about the inherent misogyny of killing them? you're just forgetting one massive detail.. we're in the entity's realm where 'death is not an escape', it's simply losing a match. it's not a hatecrime that permanently strips a character from the very fiber of the game -- they come right back in another trial.
yall are reaching for anything to avoid representation the devs have already said is coming. 'get over it', as one reply generously put it. 🙄
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nope! but the thing about communities that allow bigots to thrive is.. they're full of them. i fully expect 'heated gamer moments' regardless of the quality of representation because at this point expecting better from ALL gamers is just too much to ask, although much fewer if the devs keep to their word. the most intolerant among the community will be so outraged there are now LGBTQ+ characters in their video game that they stop supporting it and leave; good riddance to smelly trash.
they've already said they would include us, please read the tweet i attached instead of commenting like all i posted was the title.
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I have nothing against the LGBTQ community, I'm fine with them however I don't really care too much about them, my opinion is: "If you love someone and they're the same sex as you, fine it's the personality that matters." I'm saying that so that you don't possibly get all sensitive and butt hurt because the topic can come off as touchy to some people.
This is a HORROR game, I don't believe that the characters sexuality should be a main focus, in a H O R R O R - G A M E. Because why would anyone want to care what their opinions are on a subject that really don't matter to the basic game itself. Why is this a discussion at all, for a game that doesn't need to discuss this specific community. I don't remember in recent horror games and films where the characters just stopped everything they're doing to state what their sexuality is and who they "identify" as.
I'm annoyed at seeing stuff like this because of how unimportant it is in certain genres and media, and how badly people are trying to shove this down our throats. Again, I'm ok with anyone who loves someone part of their same sex, it's not my problem if they like someone of their own same sex. But seriously, this stuff needs to stop. Keep the pride month, and the support for the LGBTQ people where it belongs: in the protests and media that DIRECTLY have something revolving around the subject. If it doesn't revolve around the subject, then it's just a waste of time.
Just take this comment with a grain of salt. But don't get too sensitive about it - is all I'm saying.
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"Listen, I'm not homophobic, but I don't care about LGBTQ+ rights. " - Homophobics 2020
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You know what I'm annoyed at seeing? This comment and reactions alike. No one would bat an eye if all the survivors and killers were straight. No one would argue that sexuality should be passed over in the game, no, they'd just carry on. YET when we ask for some representation (Like there ALREADY IS for heterosexuality) we get bashed and shamed. Do you genuinely think pride month is sufficient? "You get a whole month to be gay, keep it in June" I assume you think the same of black history month too.
Please, if you agree with the quoted comment, do not vote. It's mindsets like yours that keep us from the evolution we so desperately need, and if possible, don't breed either. Another one of you in our future generations is the last thing we need.
Just take this comment with a grain of salt. But don't get too sensitive about it - is all I'm saying.
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They have confirmed some of the survivors to at least be heterosexual. They talk about partners of some of the older survivors. David King as a example had a ex-gf. Just because this has been so normalized and is the main focus in most medias doesn't mean it's not a sexuality.
BHVR has also released a statement which is posted in the OP about their stance. The original statement was that they'd not represent any sexuality, but then there were references of hetereosexual relationships. This is why the statement was released.
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It doesn't matter and if you feel that it does, then I suggest you stop reading the paragraph and a half of poorly written lore and pick up a novel with actual depth and character development. "Adding it in" just amounts to tokenism, which isn't righting a wrong or being inclusive, it's just cheapening the idea with a superficial shoehorn.
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So, instead of BHVR unlearning how to write super specific fanfic-style lore, BHVR is doubling down on forcing a "true" version of the story on all of us. Whoop-de-doo.
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closing thoughts
yall can keep throwing me essays on how much you don't mind queer characters and then listing the reasons including us is a bad idea, but i'm finished responding to individual posts here. if you wanna keep the topic alive go for it, hopefully the devs will see it. thanks to the couple of you who are genuinely unbothered about representation; that's exactly the reaction this should warrant.
if it'd been in the game from the beginning it wouldn't seem like a big deal at all, because ultimately it isn't. it's a reflection of real life in fiction and it adds flavor, that can be it for most people. if it also happened to help this community unlearn some ######### biases that'd just be icing.
✨ representation IS still happening until the devs say otherwise. i suggest you all get right with that. ✨
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Sure. Why not? In the game Remothered it worked too and it was a fine horror game in single player.
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I get what your saying but wouldn't this have a negative effect. Imagine there was a LGBT character, a person who is homophobic could tunnel the person because they are gay or leave them to die on hook because they are gay. That would be terrible.
From someone else who is also gay and wants what's best for the community I feel doing this could cause more harm than good.
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Not trying to offend you pal or anything but it's not that big of a deal. No need to rush out homosexual lore just for the sake of it. If it happens naturally in the lore it happens and theres nothing wrong with that in my opinion, but theres no need to force it to happen like most greedy corporations do these days for a quick buck.
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We all know Meg is a fast bisexual, that's why I main her lol! But seriously, I get where you're coming from, but I like making up my own ideas about the characters and their personalities. It's nice to come up with ideas about them that aren't officially stated, and I love how the ambiguity allows you to kind of make them your own-- It helps you connect with them. I usually get character outfits to represent their personality the way I imagine it, or to make myself feel like I'm actually in the game. I always play as Meg in her pink tennis outfit and the ponytail because it looks just like me!! Have fun with your imagination, and thank you for paying mind to the LGBTQ+ community! I'm glad there aren't any homophobic comments. Love is love and that's great <3!!
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We could apply that exact same logic to POC couldn't we? If it didn't stop us then, why would it stop us now?
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Hey, I just deleted a few comments - as this is a sensitive topic, please everyone remain respectful while commenting about it. If it's not handled respectful, it has to be closed. If you care about this, this is fine, just as much as it is fine for someone who doesn't care about lore - but for both sides it's important to be respectful while discussing things.
For some players this is a important part of the game for others it might not be, which is alright.
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I can't speak for OP, but as a bisexual myself this game can be a bit of a disaster, especially in end game chats when I play on PC. I think representation is wonderful, and it doesn't necessarily have to be pushed super hard-- Like maybe in the lore a character is mentioned as being married to a person of the same sex, and they don't go out of their way to be like 'didja see that? We made them gay now give us money' y'know? It's a horror game, I get it, but lore is what makes people connect with the characters and play as them. Not everyone feels this way, but a lot of people do. It's just refreshing to see some representation, just to know that it's close to your own reality. Felix didn't necessarily have to have a girlfriend in his lore, but it makes him more interesting in that regard, since he has a child back in the real world and a woman he loves. Plenty of guys can connect with that, and I think it's a good way to make people connect. Sorry if this sounds silly, TL;DR being represented is nice, and it doesn't have to be over the top :)
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You don't understand horror movies and their purpose do you? I'd recommend getting into Ryan Hollinger's YT channel. He discusses and details like ALL the horror movies. Plus he's Scottish or Irish and has a really pleasant voice to listen to.
Anyway, that's exactly what (I think) true, diverse, horror fans want. They want to see themselves in media. Representation. Equal opportunity. The option to be a gay man getting murdered in a video game. Or a trans woman escaping the killer in a movie. Or a lesbian woman attempting to chop up snotty young adults in a TV series.
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And here I thought the sexuality of all characters were up to me, even if they mentionned them dating the opposite sex, what prevent them from dating the same sex too? Do we really need a huge neon sign saying that this or thar char is lgbtq friendly? And what if they are gay but against the lgbtq+ movement, how to be inclusive of them to? We don't have sexist character either, or homophobic for the matters, it feels weird to insist on highlighting one side of the spectrum and not the other
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Have you ever seen how the community deals with the DBD characters? There is no need for the devs to force in anything upon their characters. The only thing the DBD devs confirm, is ethnicity. Thats all they need to do. Forcing any sexuality on their characters makes this game objectively worse.
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Ah yes, a game about being sacrificed on a meat hook to a satanic spider. Let's get some LGBTQ representation.
I'm fine with it, just don't make it extremely steretypical.
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'Kay, it sadly seems like people can't remain respectul. I'm closing the thread now, don't worry - your feedback is heard.