Thompson House Stair Bodyblocking

Devs, the hook on top of the house on the Thompson House Coldwind Farm variant has a problem: If the killer hooks someone there, they can stand on top of the stairs, and the survivors have no way to reach the person on the hook. I just had a Doctor who hooked me upstairs with his Noed in endgame, and when his Noed got cleansed, he chose to stand at the top of the stairs and wouldn't hit anyone meaning they couldnt use the intangibility frames to get past him. While I think the dropdown spots were a good addition to make this hook less powerful, the fact that the killer can prevent you from even reaching the person by just standing there is ridiculous.
They fixed a similar issue with basement stairs. Honestly there should be two routes in and out of every area.
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This could be solved by putting a hook in the room that the upstairs hole drops down into and then getting rid of the upstairs hook.
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Yeah, clearly they don't want this to be a thing or else Basement stairs would still be able to be bodyblocked. Hopefully they do the same here!
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They should make it so if killer/survivor is body blocking a survivor for 10 seconds the survivor can move through them. Killers can atleast hit survivors to get by if they are blocked.
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it's always been this way, and apparently they give no ****s.
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The perfect solution.
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One wonders why survivors are rewarded for being hit by being allowed to phase through solid matter.
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Survivors can body block on the stairs and can body block hooks. Fair play that Doctor 👏
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It's called game design and inviciblity frames.
Been a thing on most good video games so far who isnt competitive.
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It's unreasonable game design in this case.
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No it's not lmfao
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It's not invincibility frames; that would be more akin to Borrowed Time. It's intangibility. And it is incredibly important because it would allow killers to land 2 hits on survivors who are trapped in a corner by some means if they couldn't pass through them, but still allows killers that first hit. Also it's important on Meyers to prevent him from full stalking someone he blocked into a corner or room
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No, it's not fair at all. First of all, the devs don't want this to be a thing, hence why they removed the ability to do it in basement. Second, the reason survivors bodyblocking is balanced is because the killer can hit them to be able to pass through them. Don't reward killers abusing bugs; would you say it was fair play when survivors were able make the killer unable to move by standing below them in dropdowns on Blackwater Swamp?
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It's not invincibility at all though. Do you understand what invincibility is? If it were invincibility the killer would not be able to damage you; hence the comparison to Borrowed Time. Intangibility means you can't interact physically, and while not completely accurate since you can still be hit, it's a much better description than invincibility frames.
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I mean, it's not a big deal, and I agree, Mettle of Man is much more accurate than Borrowed time, good thinking on that. But yeah, either way, I think it is important that survivors and killers can pass thru each other in cases like this.
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Killers not being able to completely prevent a survivor from moving through them if they body block them in a corner and hit them is unreasonable? What???
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^ this. Said this months ago already, the Hook upstairs is stronger than the Basement.
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Isn’t that the whole point of that hook?
To make Thompson House an extremely dangerous place to lead a chase near, or in?
I thought that the stairs can be body blocked was 100% intentional, and survivors are meant to be aware of that, and not recklessly lead a chase near there, or be too bold about the gen upstairs if they know the killer is nearby.
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Instead of standing on the stairs gawping at the killer, why don't you leave the building and go and get on some gens? Give the killer the incentive to leave the stairs, he aint going to leave the stairs if survivors followed him up to them. Going into the building should be seen as a highly risky move.
I only go up there unless I have a toolbox with sabo add ons so that I can drop the hook and atleast waste a good chunk of time, or the killer carries me out to a nicer hook :)
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Game was over, dude. I was first hook but we had the exit gates 99'ed. We had BT specifically for scenarios where the killer facecamps in endgame. But because of this oversight, there was literally no perk, no strat, no technique that would let them save me no matter how well my teammates played. This is the same reason why they made it impossible to bodyblock basement.
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They specifically changed it so that the survivors could no longer be blocked in upstairs, but they forgot the fact that the killer can block you from going UP there when you need to. They removed body blocking basement, I see no reason why the Thompson house should be an exception.
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uh, no; the point of the hook is so that survivors can't hide upstairs and wiggle off before the killer can get to a hook. What you mention is a side effect.