NoED Bug


I was just in a game SWF vs Freddy. NoED proced without conditions being met. Freddy caught 3 of us and shut the hatch. Then caught up to my friend at the exit gate. Noed priced even though 3 generators needed completed. Since when has NoED proced on hatch closure.

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  • Thegamingcontrarian

    I think No-Ed gets activated as soon as the Doors are "activated". Closing a hatch activates the doors, so No-Ed should activate.

    As far as I recall that's how it's always been

  • Technician19XX
    Technician19XX Member Posts: 13

    I didnt remember it procing on hatch closure. But I may be mistaken. I wasn't the only one who was surprised by it either in my group of friends.