DwightCrow Charm is a Slap In The Face To Console Players

The title says it all. I understand the idea behind it was to boost traffic for the fog whisperers, ok. But I'll tell you this:

I am on PS4. and I have attempted at least 8 different code redemptions and I couldn't get ONE. Keep in mind that apparently each "code" is good for at least 10 people. PC players can literally copy and paste and because they have keyboards they can just type and redeem them while on stream instantly. Some fog whisperers were kind enough to leave out some code letters at the end to even give console players an OPPORTUNITY to even redeem it, and even when I did that and had the code ready, the moment i redeem it less than a second, IT'S INVALID. How is that even possible!?!!? Some of these codes must broken and it's just a slap in the face to console players because we can't even keep up. I went to two different fog whisperer streams and because I'm stupid enough I'm going to another stream tonight but that's besides the point. Plus i thought we were moving away from exclusivity now since there's cross-play and we're all supposed to be in the same boat but we can't even be treated as such. Also this "halloween event" not featuring an in-game currency to even earn any blight skins like last year is also terrible and predatory but the event issues are for another discussion.

BHVR you should make these charms available for everyone, I guarantee you the SAME problem will happen for the Twitch Rivals stream on halloween. If you want to do a form of Timed Exclusivity then maybe just do it for the Rift like you currently are and find or create more unique ways to reward players who actually grind and play your game, and that's all on platforms! Maybe have separate codes that are unique to consoles, i don't know. But this honestly terrible. Over a charm nonetheless. I put up with all of this bs and the game on consoles is already enough of a nightmare performance wise. So please BHVR hear me out with this, I am not the only once who feels this way.


  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    I understand that it’s a very rare charm and an exclusive for this “event” but this is a first come first serve deal and not everyone has time to watch fog whisperers to hand out limited time codes that someone else can take if you’re not fast enough. With that being said as a former DBD console player, I feel bad as the codes can be long and it takes a long time to type in codes on a controller. The devs already made the blight cosmetics non-earn able except for cash that is, so why not make a universal code for all gamers to enjoy the charm? Imagine watching fog whisperers all day, or all week for codes and you get one but it’s taken... that would annoy me personally tbh. Idk it all seems like bs.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    I’m not the type to make a fuss out of things that the devs do. I normally have the devs backs but I feel like it needs to be addressed because the event alone has already made the majority of the players upset which I understand and another bs thing like this is just the icing on top of the cake.

  • Lemont4rt
    Lemont4rt Member Posts: 10

    I think it would be nice and easier if they did the drops on twitch instead so it’s not so hard on the fog whisperers and console players

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    Good idea but this is just bad console players are getting totally screwed and i promise you some of these codes don't even work when i redeem the second they're revealed. It just says invalid.

  • Lemont4rt
    Lemont4rt Member Posts: 10

    It was very frustrating not being able to get a code I was doing it since 3 to 7 and couldn’t get anything and it was frustrating typing in such a long code on console countless time just for it to say it’s already been redeemed

  • Rex3
    Rex3 Member Posts: 87

    This is what it should have been or have 1 code work for 30 mins time for code starts when it is redeemed for the first time.


    You can hook up a usb keyboard to your ps4 and that might help.

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    No one on console should own a keyboard just to redeem codes as fast as pc players. But i agree they should have made codes active for a limited time.

  • Rex3
    Rex3 Member Posts: 87
    edited October 2020

    No they shouldn't have to. I just know that they can be used for typing and that it might would help. Most people have an old keyboard laying around these days.

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    UPDATE: I've tried 12 times now and i've even gone as far as downloading the playstation keyboard app and still NOTHING. This is great.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,278

    this is bs.....

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,483

    Paulie ester helps out console players with the codes when he does giveaways, join his stream and hope that he gives a few codes

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    I was on that stream of Paulie Ester's, no luck. That's the point of what i'm saying, even if some codes are cut off to help out you're still getting screwed on console. I've tried 15 times now. people have even posted codes in chat to copy/paste in store. it's bad. If they wanted to do giveaways that incentivize you tuning into a fog whisperer stream they should've did twitch drop boxes for the creators and if they wanted to give away free stuff in general it should've been a log in reward.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,483

    its only day one someone will figure it out eventually

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Incorrect, its a slap in the face to ALL players.

    This is anti-consumer, so if you don't like it don't support it. (Not implying you do)

  • Rex3
    Rex3 Member Posts: 87

    I tried 8 codes myself and I'm on pc and haven't gotten it. People have probably made bots to snag and use instantly as well. Not to mention the codes are like 400 characters long.

  • NeanderChaos
    NeanderChaos Member Posts: 29

    The DwightCrow code giveaway is a TERRIBLE idea. I just had a streamer list 5 codes (minus the last two characters of each code) and then they posted the last two characters of each code all at once. I punched it in within less then a second and was... to late? How are console people going to do this if I can't do it on PC in under a second? The way BHVR is going about this is so archaic.

    I'm personally boycotting all DBD creator content until the event is over because of how mismanaged this is. BHVR, you can't buy my unlimited attention by dangling a silly little trinket over my head. It's extremely insulting to your customers/community when you treat us like this.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Ummm just complaining that most of the fog whisperers I know are in different Timezones so I am guaranteed to miss out on the "2nd rarest charm" code giveaway.

    Was there not any other way to get codes other that clicking on their videos or feeling like you're in a mexican standoff against thousands of other viewers? Just why...

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    Update: I'm 0 for 19. We'll see, but this is a terrible idea, they need better rewards for play time. Or put charms in the store, but to be at the mercy of a 30+ figure code on a stream that might be delayed... no

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    I just chill on the entitys left hand stream on the regular I don't think he's doing the codes don't really care I really enjoy spending time with him and the court *praise* 🙌

    It's a bad system I'm lucky I don't really care as a console player my game is unplayable thanks to the update.

    It's OK I wouldn't worry to much the game will bug out people will loose the charm and we will all be given it at some point. Just like past advent exclusives lol I thought they was not doing any more exclusives anyway?!?


  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Yeah, this will be really difficult to obtain, IMO. It's even worse on console since it takes forever to type the code.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Like they seriously couldn't have come up with a better way to distribute codes other than "whoever types in the code first on stream gets it lmao". Couldn't randomly select a viewer from their list of people watching using a command or program and DM them the code? (Which, btw, you need to actually have the stream open and unmuted to count as a viewer. There is a way around it if you just mute the tab but even then you could get the people to DM the streamer first or pop up in chat to prove they're actually watching or else they get skipped and the code gets given to someone else) It's such an old-fashioned and out-of-touch method of doing a giveaway.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Haha funny simp word funny.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    when you said simp i thought that some streamers were actually only giving codes to people who give them money.

    Don't scare me man.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Actually, some streamers are only giving codes to subs (people who pay them).

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    it's to benefit the fog whisperers and to drive traffic to twitch for dbd, that's it. there's literally no other reason.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Well thats a dark way of looking at it... Wait... Oh my god!... I NEVER MADE THE COMPARISON!

    Also I laughed my ass off when the word SIMP was in the title

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Ease off bro Cahlaflour is my waifu

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    UPDATE: On the 20th attempt, I got my Dwightcrow charm. However personally I do not support this method of getting a timed exclusive based on the difficulty, but I am stating to believe that after a day or so the initial wave will die down and people's chances will hopefully be higher. I am still nervous for the Jack Lantern Trapper Charm, that might possibly be a disaster still. But on the record I do not support this method still for the disadvantage it puts to console players. At the least the devs are aware of this and the lackluster event with trying to compensate with login rewards. thank you for that. Please continue to let me know your issues with dwightcrow or the other charm, the more awareness we bring to this matter the more expedient solution will arrive.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,187

    I managed to get this charm yesterday on PS4. Against all odds, the streamer posted the full code, I took 26 seconds to type it in (I was curious and went back to see), and I still somehow managed to unlock it. They didn't have a lot of viewers and I guess some people weren't paying attention because the streamer was going afk for a minute. (I think it's because my friend told me not to bother because there was no way I could get it with the full code posted all at once, and I did it anyway. Hah! Showed him.)

    Anyway, it is possible to get the charm, even on console. It's still a sucky way to do it, given the possibility of stream lag plus how godawful long the codes are and that it's only ten--freaking ten--uses per code. There were much better ways to do this that would reward players for watching streams while allowing them to still play the game (rather than sitting in the DbD store) and not have to stress out competing to get a charm for a code with 10 uses when some streams have thousands of viewers competing for the same charm. Such a limited-use code that's basically a gamble where the odds are not in your favor is not a way to reward players/viewers.

  • thecroshow
    thecroshow Member Posts: 9

    good promotion for their game and their partners. i've discovered some cool streamers this way AND i got the Dwight charm. Win win!

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    If they're doing that they are not following the restrictions DBD put on giving out the codes. There have been fog whisperers who have said they were told they had to show the code either in video or on stream, they couldn't post the codes in chat/discord or send in messages to people.

  • badsenseikarasu
    badsenseikarasu Member Posts: 4

    I spent practically my whole day off trying to get it. Watching annoying streamers call people whiney, and thirsty, and still didn't get it. I feel robbed.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    This entire code thingie was a silly idea. Not many people are going to follow or subscribe to fog whisperers just because they are forced to watch them often lol.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471
    edited October 2020

    I agree. The Dwightcrow charm was handled very poorly. A 10 use code when the people giving them out have hundreds if not thousands of viewers who all want that code? Not to mention the blatant disregard for consoles again. Good luck man, I hope you get it soon.

  • Herbie
    Herbie Member Posts: 9

    I tried to check videos of Paulie Esther and The King first. They had codes put in them but of course they were all invalid already even if a video was just 20 minutes old.

    I eventually got the charm while watching a Twitch stream of Vinc3ntvega yesterday night. (In the middle of the night for me.) He had it tagged as "Dwight crow charms every hour". (Or something like that.) And he did the giveaway in a very fair way also thinking of console players.

    He showed a prepared Notepad file with five charm codes on screen for seveal minutes while the last two digits were still hidden. So everyone - even console players - had time to put in the first 35 of 37 digits. Then he said "GO!" and made the last two digits visible.

    I had DbD and the code field already open. I added the last two digits and actually got the charm. Maybe try to check when he's streaming and you might be lucky.

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    It's just a freakin charm. LOL at everyone going crazy over it. I'm lmao at the chat in fog whisperers' streams. They're so mad when they don't get it. SMH

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559


    oh, wow! That's a big one. I can hear the slapping of console players from over here on the mouse-and-keyboard-user end.