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2 killer gen nerfs... OoO is ok though🤯



  • Member Posts: 5

    The difference between Decisive Strike and Pop Goes the Weasel is that one can be used a single time by each survivor (so 4 max) while the other can be used 12 times in a single game. If you have ever used D Strike 1, you know how fast it goes down, which is why that perk needs to be a full minute rather than Pop being a full minute, because now the Killer has to rush to use it.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    According to the devs pop, was over preforming and discordance needed a change to incentivize leveling it and they made an effect they liked more than 12 pings across the map

  • Member Posts: 383

    The devs have finally become that which they created...🤡

  • Member Posts: 827
    edited October 2020

    So the killer should have to rush to pop whichever generator they hope has progress... But the survivor should get a solid minute of immunity to do... Whatever they want.

    Solid argument.

    No entitlement at all in that😃

    P.s. I do also play Survivor and use decisive strike. I've never been tunnelled off hook for more than 20 to 30 seconds because a tunneling killer WILL down you before that.

    The only time the 60 secs on DS seems short is if I'm trying to bait the killer for the DS stun.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    The stats match up with my own personal experience. As a red rank killer, my personal kill rate is at 60 percent. I'm rank 1, however, I don't feel like I've mastered killer. I make mistakes often, and the survivors that I verse are often better at looping than I am. However, I still kill 60 percent of the survivors that I verse. When I see how well some of the streamers play and how they can get streaks of kills where no one escapes, it seems to me that killers may be a bit too good right now. I also feel like it's way to easy to rank up with killer. I feel that I should be several ranks lower than I am.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I'd like to point out that in this 4v1 game where many of the perks have an "equivalent" on both sides "whataboutism" is relevant especially when the team of 4 version is much more powerful than the team of 1. In a balanced version of this game every match should have the possibility of a 0k or a 4k (with a 2k being an even match up) and the only real deciding factor being how well everyone played. That's not possible if 1 side is favored in any way.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    There's no direct comparison, therefore it is "whattaboutism." If OoO somehow directly sped up generators then you may have a point, but it doesn't.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    We definetly need a official tournament, where the best of the best compete against each other.

    After all, during the last (inofficial) tournament, survivors roflstomped killers.

  • Member Posts: 629

    1) Comparing DS & Pop again? The Pop nerf barely makes a difference most of the time while nerfing DS to 45s will make it useless. If DS needs a nerf it needs a full on rework, not a timer reduction which would make it useless.

    2) Admittedly the nerf was unneeded, but now they made tier 3 useful. The 96m range doesn’t make a difference considering length wise each map is 128m maximum.

    3) OoO doesn’t make too much of a difference. Chances are SWF will know your location and will be relaying it via comms anyway, OoO is literally just the icing on the cake. It only seriously negatively affects Trapper & Hag, while stealth killers are naturally immune to it when using their power. Also there’s plenty of perks that can give you the undetectable status effect & there’s third seal to counter aura reading perks.

    4) Ah yes, the typical “survivors buy more cosmetics” argument.

    5) “While ignoring an entire forum full of legitimate comparisons to DS” Again, not legitimate comparisons as you can’t just reduce the timer of DS without gutting it. It needs a full on rework.

    6) How is OoO toxic? Using perks is toxic now? Just because some players play unfavourably with the perk equipped doesn’t make it the most toxic perk in the game.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Are you standing still as killer on big maps? If not the change to discordance does not matter. As for pop, use thrilling tremors with it, much better info than BBQ.

  • Member Posts: 529

    DS needs changed so that it deactivates once you touch a generator. Cannot be tunneled if you can repair gens. Also just reducing the timer wouldn't make the perk useless.. 45 seconds is plenty of time to reach pallet or any loop which is the whole purpose of DS. Most of the time BT timer 15 secs is enough even if the killer is tunneling. 60 seconds is just ridiculously long.

    OoO is toxic perk because it removes fun of the opposite side. You don't agree that running spirit with noed, ebony and other meta perks is toxic?

    Yes OoO makes a huge difference with good SWF teams, that's why it's literally banned in all DBD tournaments. I mean we can go test it if you like. Your killer against my SWF, we will run the whole menu of survivor meta?

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    "Discordance didn't get a nerf, it just went from infinite range to not infinite range!" - Smoothbrain Squad

    96 meters does not cover the entire map. It covered the entire map before. Now you will find yourself in situations where you can't see the status of the furthest gen.

  • Member Posts: 827

    Pop was guttted just as you claim DS would be.

    How long does off the hook tunnelling last? If it's longer than 40 seconds you're in what's called a chase. Chases are normal and give survivors a chance to do gens while a team mate keeps the killer busy.

    I actually don't take issue with DS... It doesn't affect me enough to care. But ignoring the pop comparison is blind🥴.

    If OoO is just the "icing" why defend it?

    Your whole argument smells of the entitled "but that's whataboutism" that Survivor mains use to negate a conversation everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    edited October 2020

    OoO and gen speeds are incomparable, because they have nothing to do with each other. You are whattabouting by pretending they are. To be honest, you genuinely don't seem to understand the term, so I'll be blunt: It's when you look at 1 thing, see that it's fits with your definition of "unfair," but instead of talking about fairness you look at another and go "But so is this, so that's where I'll try to make my point."

    In other words, you saw 2 killer gen nerfs and went "but WHATTABOUT object of obsession?"

    And... Seriously, that is what happened in this title. You're trying to compare 2 things that aren't related, because OoO has nothing to do with generators. Now, if you had been complaining about Resiliance or Prove Thyself, it wouldnt be whattabouting, because those perks affect the issue you led with. Whereas OoO, as I have repeatedly stated, has nothing to do with gen speeds and therefore using "gen nerfs" to justify OoO nerfs is, once again, whattabouting.

  • Member Posts: 629

    Pop wasn’t gutted though, even on the lowest mobility killer it still has use. If you can’t find a gen to pop in 45s then you are the problem.

    Hook tunnelling lasts as long as you are chasing the unhooked survivor, doesn’t matter how long the chase is, it’s still tunnelling.

    How is ignoring the pop comparison blind? Pop vs DS is literally the biggest whataboutism killer mains have come up with on these forums. As I explained previously they are completely different perks.

    About OoO, all I’m saying is that if it’s an SWF, it barely makes a difference most of the time. If OoO didn’t exist people will still be complaining about SWF’s relaying their position. To me, that’s no different to an OoO user relaying your position.

  • Member Posts: 827

    I love the whataboutism lol. It's the only word you can use to defend it🤣. What you guys call whataboutism is called similar comparison in the real world.

  • Member Posts: 163

    Even by their logic it should be changed since statistically people using it die more..... Just saying 🤷

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    Ill give a good argument OoO promotes tunneling, guess what else was nerfed because it promoted tunneling? Dying light

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    its not comparing the uses, its comparing the strength. OoO is way stronger than both perks combined yet it hasn't been touched

  • Member Posts: 163

    The current problem with OoO is since it's viewed as toxic to use it now people who use it are tunneled and the devs are using it as an excuse to not change the perk. The perk is in a weird limbo where its both good and bad and also not used. I personally think a full rework would do it some good so people will stop complaining about it and maybe it'll change up the meta 🤷

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