Killer not loading properly into map

rwbmachine Member Posts: 8
edited October 2020 in Bug Reporting

I have been having tiny killers in games. My character can't see over a generator they are so small. THe animation for blight loading in has him stantding tall stiff with his feet at least a foot under ground.

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  • Surreall
    Surreall Member Posts: 9

    lol I've had that happen too. looks weird when the game is loading and the cam circles you

  • SnikkiSnek
    SnikkiSnek Member Posts: 3

    This has been happening with me as well, but I've only noticed it with the blight. I hadn't used him before and assumed he was just very short for like 10 trials.

  • feralheart
    feralheart Member Posts: 3

    There is a Twitter post about this bug where The Loom collects clips about the animation:

  • ineedsleep
    ineedsleep Member Posts: 24

    I’m having the same thing happen too lol. Usually there’s a sound effect during the loading in, but I don’t get that anymore. If you play on PS4 like me, it’s probably the new update messing us up.

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