Positivity for Everyone :)!

Hello everyone! I have been seeing a lot of really upsetting threads about people getting messed over or just some bad stuff happening by teammates/killers/bad sportsmanship, and I thought I'd share my favorite moments from this week :)!
-Me and a group of red ranks faced Piggy, and she got no hooks and the gate was open. Me and the rest of the team kept making her down and hook us before they escaped, I let myself die right at the gate and she his behind a wall (I love u Piggy lol)
-Had a match with Pyramid Head and knew I wasn't going to win the chase, so I ran up to a hook and pointed at it and he downed me, shaking his head no vigorously but putting me on my final hook (I was giggling a lot, and GG!)
-Had an amazing team on Haddonfield, nothing wholesome happened, I'm just really grateful for them :)
-Played as Ghostface at Midwich and couldn't help but tbag with the Meg, befriended them and hooked them to let them get bp-- They all sacrificed themselves at the center of the map on the cult symbol except for Meg who I forced out of the exit gate. I had no words, I was so happy I had to take a break from laughing so hard <3
-I have seen so many Felix players with the new cosmetic, goodness me that man is a glowing SNACK with mutton chops
That's all I can think of right now, but if you're having a rough time with games or not enjoying the Halloween event, I hope your next matches are great and all the luck to you <3!! And if you don't play anymore, I hope you're having fun in general haha :)
P.S. Sorry if this is dumb, but this game has changed my life a lot and I wanted to share moments from recent memory that keep me playing
It´s so nice to read about the positive stuff that happens. Pleasant as always, hope you can cheer someone up with these!
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Thank you for posting something wholesome and fun. I've been seeing so many negative and toxic posts lately that I stopped playing for a few days, but not because of the event itself or the devs. It was mostly because of the awfulness of the community and I'm glad to see someone post something good. One of the last survivor matches I played (a few days ago) was against a Ghost Face while I was playing Felix and we just tbagged for about five minutes! It was the only good match of the day.
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Absolutely!! And it's a double whammy-- Ghostface and Felix?? Teabagging? Perfection lol! And I'm sorry that your interaction with him was the only good game, I hope when you come back you have a better time!
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It's always so nice to see a comment from you! And I hope the same thing, I've seen too many upsetting posts and I had to share. Good luck in your matches and I hope they're extra fun for being such a good sport :)!
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Yeah I've only been getting on to make sure I don't miss out on the free bp and iri shards along with watching streamers trying to get codes, but not matches I can't stand it atm lol. Hopefully things are better when I start playing again.
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I had a match as Felix where GF and I tea-bagged the whole match! It was so funny. He was bagging around the map so I knew he was chill. I went to him and bagged back...and that was the entire game! 🌈
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TWO FELIX AND GHOSTFACE TEA BAG STORIES IN ONE NIGHT??? I'm so jealous!! This is adorable <3!
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I was in the Old West against a Clown this morning. This guy was a monster. He seemed to be every where at once. He got us down to the last two and decided that he was a bit out of our league and let us farm.
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It's nice to see some positivity coming from your matches. I've been doing this myself as Ghostface all weekend. Going into matches not looking to win, but just to enjoy myself. Most survivors joined in the fun with us just messing around with each other. If they had fun in their match, my job was done. There's far too much toxicity in the game, and if my one game can make them feel happy again, I'm happy too.
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I've met some really fun Clowns-- One time at the swamp, he threw tonic at me as I danced in circles for him :)! I'm glad he eased up after a bit, I've been in matches where I'm like '??? HOW DID U GET HERE' so I feel ya lol!
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Wait, was that match against Pig on MacMillan Estate??? And were you playing as Dwight? Because that sounds almost exactly like how one of my matches went this week...
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I have a lot of games that are fun.
I can have 10 fun games in a row. The 11th game is dumpster fire. That 11th game seems to carry more weight than the previous 10 games because negative outcomes affect us more than positive outcomes 😬😬😬
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This is my mentality, too! I always appreciate a fun match, and even if I get rude players, at least I got to hit the walls as the blight and screech, y'know?
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Nope, but my match had a Dwight as well! I play as a pink Meg, but recently I started playing as her in prestige to be a rat lol! But what a coincidence!!
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Positivity is always welcome...
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Thanks for trying to keep this positive, with whats been happening this past year I'm glad we can sit and enjoy ourselves for a minute.
My highlight was a Ghostface game where everyone played godlike. Real hard fought and full of twists. A double unbreakable comeback, the whole thing ended with me snagging a 4k with bloodwarden. Real happy with it.
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Oh wow! I can only hope one day my survivor play can be called 'godlike' but I don't know how to loop ;w; lol! Also, I'm happy to hear that! Blood warden is a rare treat that makes me anxious af, because I know my team needs me but that gate is inescapable, so I gotta choose survival or altruism!
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I had a pig give me hatch earlier and I messaged her to say thanks and she said she let me go cause I booped the snoot.
So what's the lesson here? Pig players are the best.
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ALWAYS boop the snoot!! Piggy is in need of love <3!
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Honestly, it'll happen sooner than you think. Give yourself a few months of playing safe but pushing the boundaries and you'll be the bane of nearly every killer.
Of course, it's up to your teammates to capitalise on that, but who can blame them for watching the show from the sidelines?
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You sound like a main character, oh my gosh. And I'll follow your advice, I am slowly getting better at window vaults in a chase and such!! Good luck in your next matches and have fun :)!
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Thanks for this positivity <3.
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When I'm Killer, if someone DCs, I'll give the survivors the win, no matter the add-ons I'm running.. It always brightens my mood..
I've also got like 50+ 4th Anni wedges so I also try to farm with people with I throw them on..
I was playing Legion last night and I was doing fairly well, had 2 sacrificed and was chasing a Dwight on his last hook..
When I got within distance of a lunge near a hook, Dwight stopped.. I stopped.. He comes toward me and points at me then the hook.. I said no and guided him to a gen.. I let him go.. The meg that was still alive was not so fortunate..
I played Demo last night as well.. All the survivors came to me and booped me.. I couldn't help but want to let them go..
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I am a Pig main and generally close the hatch but if I see the last survivor within an eye distance running towards the now closed hatch I give them a chance to boop the snoot. If they boop it they can leave, if they don't boop it they can die. Snoot boops are appreciated. I also prefer giving survivors the door over the hatch in those situation cuz you get objective for opening the gate, survival for me closing the hatch (I think the score event is called "pressure" or something) and then you get points for escaping and I get deviousness for closing the hatch. So it's a win win if you don't upset me during matches and you boop the snoot.
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Had a game against a pyramid head, he killed all my teammates and i was the last one alive.
He closed the hatch and instead of going to an exit gate and basically just accepting my death, I went into his line of sight emoted him to come at me while i slowly inched my way towards him as he did the same. When i got close enough i threw a pebble at him
Needless to say i lived that game
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Last week, I was play Doctor to get a daily and two people disconnected so I got the last part of my daily and let the other two players finish gens. We actually farmed for a bit when they realised what I was doing, probably the most fun in a while!
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hi i love u for this <3
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Yeah don't wish me luck lol, there is none with this game lol
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Felix is definitely a snack in that outfit. I totally agree and thank you I wish you all the same @megswifey
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Yes there is-- when I wish you ALL the luck I can :)!! So SUPER EXTRA GOOD LUCK IN YOUR NEXT MATCHES! Don't give up either, it took a lot of deaths for me to learn how to properly hit a skill check and now I'm dying... a little bit less lol
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i love you for leaving such a kind comment! Good luck in your next matches and have fun :)!
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This is such a wholesome post. :)
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#########? why joking around instead closing this post and ban op?
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Maybe, just maybe because this post is wholesome, positive and doesn´t include personal derogatory attacks towards anyone. I might be wrong though.
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Well don't wish me luck.
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I love this post. That explains perfectly the reason I play DbD.
All my matches are like this. After all, we, killers and survivors, are just trying to have fun.
Specially when I play survivor with my friends, we always praise the killer in the end chat. And its very surprising, because the most "toxic" killers turns out to actually be a nice person.
People are just used to fight eachother, lets change it and make a healthy community :)
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Yayy!!! I agree, even when I have bad matches I know that the person beyond the screen is probably having a great time and that's enough for me lol! And thank you for being kind to the killers, sometimes they default to hating survivors (i can't always blame them) and it's wonderful to have a positive experience :)! Good luck in your next matches, and have fun!!
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Aaargh wholesome and niceness
*incoherent ghoul shriek*