When will the Bing bong boi become the Bing bong man?

I've been playing dbd since it came out for xbox. Ever since then I was a wraith main. However, about a year ago I completely stopped playing wraith. I stopped playing him for a few reasons which I will be discussing here. I hope you're ready for an essay because he has many issues.
1. His add-on dependency.
Wraith depends on his add-ons as much as blight relies on his serum. Playing wraith without add-ons is absolutely awful. It's literally loop city the entire match. I believe that the wraith cube increased his need for add-ons. Unless you're an absolute God at wraith, you'll typically get smashed by even the most pea-headed survivors. About only half of his add-ons are even decent, the rest are pretty bad.
2. His map dependency.
Most maps for wraith are very bad as they are very open and make the wraith very easy to see, completely removing his stealth. He can be good on indoor maps, but there's like hardly any of them. Even on maps where he can be good, he relies on rng to make cover for him to sneak with.
3. Spine chill and premonition.
These 2 perks can completely counter the wraith, pretty much making his ability useless. Now, I know they don't tell you if he's actually going for you or not, but all you have to do is hide for a few seconds and if he never shows up then you go back to the gen. I don't think they should work when undetectable, but that's a story for a different time. (I don't know if premonition works on undetectable or not but I think it does).
4. His outdated ability.
His ability consists of slightly faster than usual mobility and stealth. He has nothing for gen slowdown, or during a chase, or anything else most good to average killers have. This makes wraith games last 2 seconds. Not to mention how boring his gameplay is. The typical wraith game goes like this: Find survivor, uncloak, chase survivor, get looped forever, down survivor, hook survivor, 3 gens pop, find corner, cry. There's nothing engaging about his ability, it's only useful when not in a chase. The only time you use his ability is during the most boring part of the game, finding survivors.
5. His perks.
His perks are pretty garbage. Shadowborn is pretty useful, I use it on most killers because console has fov lock. Predator and blood hound however, are absolute trash. I guess they're ok for newer players but after that they're useless. They only have use if you've been stabbed right in your occipital lobe.
6. Wraith is bad? Always has been.
Wraith has always been pretty bad. Even at launch, chillbilly and trapster were better than he was. As the years went on and on I kept hoping wraith would receive a change. And he did. But it was absolutely awful. The wraith cube was a total joke. It did nothing and left him in the same position. It was like putting new windows in a car that got blown up. Does it fix some issues? Yes. Did it fix the biggest and main issues? No. After that, the devs left him in the dust. His gameplay brings no joy. Joining a trial as wraith is like walking into into work everyday expecting to be RKO'd by Randy Orton. There's just no reason to play him.
7. What if you're a smelly killer who smells?
Maybe I do smell at killer but that doesn't make these issues any less so. I know there are better wraith players than me. But honestly, they can't be that much better considering his skill cap is about as high as a midgets doorway. He's such a simple and easy killer to use. But he's not like Freddy McLongarms who has a good ability and is easy to use. You can only do so well with a killer who has a very low skill cap. Once you hit it, that's it, you peaked. You're not doing much better.
8. The devs.
The devs need to focus on buffing weaker killers instead of worrying about our wallets. Killers such as wraith, nurse, spirit and Freddy all need buffs to make them viable. Not many people play these weaker killers and I don't see the numbers getting any higher anytime soon.
9. The conclusion.
Wraith bad.
Thank you for coming to my Thread Talk.
(Don't act like monkeys or I'll get the zookeeper)
yes pls buff bing bong boi so i can simp harder <3
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🐒did you saw the op killer in the game needs a buff. Entitled killer main🐵🐵🐵
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Wait? Nurse, Spirit, and Freddy need buffs too? I've done a triple-take on that sentence and I'm still not seeing it.
Otherwise I agree. More bing-bong buffs would always be welcome, so long as he remains a fun killer to play against too.
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While Wraith does need an update, I don't think he's in a terrible place atm. He's just addon dependent. After killers like Trapper, Clown, Pig and Huntress get looked at then definitely I think he should be improved.
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When his bing balls drop.
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wraith is op he goes invisible
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I’m hoping the next chapter introduces a bug breaks Bing bong Boi and allows him to attack while invisible! He and Trappi Boi have been neglected for far too long.
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Would be nice to have yellow windstorm built in base kit as well as him being completely invisible and undetectable from a certain distance away somewhat similar to freddy
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Excuse me, Wraith is OP because he can ring a bell.
This is 2020, not 2016. Nobody cares about his lame invisibility anymore.
I mean, how many other Killers have musical instruments?
Does Legion get a kazoo? Where are Trapper's bongos? Why doesn't Huntress have a guitar?
No, Wraith gets all the love and adoration of BHVR and people still want to give him buffs? SHM my head.
It's almost like people think he doesn't need to be Lightburned or could do with a higher movement speed while cloaked. All his many penalties are obviously there to offset the amazing power of music.
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spirit has a flute, and the legion has a bunch of mixtapes
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But can they use them in-game?
My point still stands
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the flute is an addon so technically yes
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It's a joke my friend
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Not a very good one then. Sarcasm translates poorly to text.
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I honestly destroy with Wraith, now I'll admit he is addon dependent, but I honestly just play so great with him.
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I think it's a you issue
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No killer mains are not entitled. Playing survivor is easy af while playing killer is stressful, competitive, and not fun at all even though I keep playing. Not as much as I used to though. I used to play all day everyday and now I quit because of how ######### playing killer is with all the survivor metas.
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dbd killer band when?
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you missed the joke
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Obviously you don't have the world record on bowsers big bean burrito, otherwise you would have been the rank 1 champion at Wraith.
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While I agree with buffing Wraith, I just want to say that OoO is the only perk that hard counters stealth. Spine Chill has counterplay - the activation cone is smaller than your FoV, so you can walk slightly sideways with them just in your vision and Spine Chill won't go off.
Edit: Not sure about Premonition. Maybe it does.
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When he stops skipping leg day.
In all seriousness Wraith is like a few other killers like Micheal/Clown and other low tiers.
He's limited by the design of his power. Compare a top tier Wraith player to a intermediate or even beginner Wraith with a grasp of Red Stain/pallet mindgames and there's very little difference outside of gimmick builds like the hit and run build.
Outside of basic 115% killer base abilities his power doesn't allow much room for improvisation or high level play. Sure, windstorms base kit now but its pretty worthless without add ons that decrease decloak time or increase the speed boost.
Freddys a better stealth/ambush killer ironically because at least he's completely invisible from a certain range. Heck Deathslingers a better stealth killer on most maps.
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I have a question for you that you might not be able to answer: how does the Wraith open his fridge without going blind and screaming?
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Trapper has arrived to make him a man! 😱
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The Pig unscrewed the light bulb from his fridge for him. Mandy's a true friend like that.
Unfortunately, every time Phillip wants to make a sandwich he has to stick his hands into a Jigsaw box and feel around for the right ingredients, but it's a small price to pay.
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Trapper first please 😁
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"Find survivor, uncloak, chase survivor, get looped forever, down survivor, hook survivor, 3 gens pop, find corner, cry."
You're not supposed to chase with Wraith for longer than 1 or 2 pallets. I also main him and i think he is not that bad if you play him with good add ons. No upper tier for sure but not the worst. Yes he can be seen when cloaked but that's not even the point of his power for me, his missing terror radius is the best part of it and you often can come dangerously close to survivors without getting noticed. He hard counters OoO, that's extremely cool, but Spine Chill counters him very well. You can play around it but playing against 4 SC is annoying.
He has great map pressure with Windstorm, when i play Ghostface i miss this so much, just sprinting from one side of the map to the other With purple WS is so cool.
He is not the type of killer where you should expect to win every game. Some maps have enough pallets to keep you busy for 5 gens even if you surprise the survs. Good survivors know they don't have to do anything till you're uncloaked and just camp the vaults. This is annoying, but as i said, if you want to win with him against good survivors, you need good add ons (Windstorm, All Seeing, Bone Clapper/Silent Bell), good perks (Nurses+Sloppy, also Ruin+Undying synergizes very well with the hit & run-playstyle) and then don't chase for too long. His power lies in the surprise attacks and playing unpredictable, being everywhere very fast while cloaked. Some buffs would be nice, like some basekit changes so you don't have to grind so hard for the add ons, also making him truely invisible over distance would be nice. But other than that, i think he is a fun killer simply because of his straightforwardness.
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Wraith was also a favorite of mine in the beginning and I genuinely never had any issues with him..
Sure, you get the occasional string of bad games but everyone has their definition of a "bad game"..
I do agree, Wraith needs a bit of a touch up as far as visibility on some well lit maps goes, but nothing completely overbearing..
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Never, because of alliteration.
Seriously, though, I think he needs to have some form of Windstorm add-on, but without the unnecessary drawback, be basekit in order for him to compete with other killers. I feel like his some of his add-ons have so many drawbacks for no reason, tbh.
I don't think Spine Chill, and certainly not Premonition, are in any way an issue; if you think a survivor might have it, you are able to circumvent it by simply looking to the side as you approach them.
Also...nurse, spirit, freddy...those are the killers you chose to name in the same league as the Wraith...really? Freddy is busted; if anything his pools need their radius and slow time reducing. And nurse is fine as she is apart from the bugs; the bugs get fixed, and she'll be destroying every game. Spirit kind of speaks for herself, tbh. The sound bug that's in now needs to be fixed and replaced with a fix of the bug that stops her footsteps from being audible in phase walk.
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Wraith is the only one on your list of killers that need buffs.
Freddy is probably getting nerfed, lets be honest.
Spirit already HAS been nerfed in the last patch and I personally think shes fine now.
I main Nurse, and I think it would be overkill to buff her, and I'm on ps4 too, so I don't even have the advantage of a mouse, or even fps not being bad ALL THE TIME. Nurse is the best killer in the game.
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I think the first place to start would be for people to stop calling him bing bong boy. that might help
It's the Wraith, calling him Bing Bong is just stupid, my opinion
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That or somehow fix his window deficiency.