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General Discussions

do you think OoO is ok?

Member Posts: 789
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

title, just want to see peoples honest opinion on this since the new dev stream where they said "those people that do use it don't exactly escape very often, so it doesn't seem like an amazingly effective perk."

Post edited by Kumnut768 on

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  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Do you have a link to the dev stream, or will you share what they said about OoO?

  • Member Posts: 789

    "those people that do use it don't exactly escape very often, so it doesn't seem like an amazingly effective perk."

  • Member Posts: 5,501

    I have not experienced any problem with it myself

    Has it been demonstrated to significantly improve 4SWF Teams survival chances compared to one that does not have it?

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    No, it gives too much information, both for SWF and Solo.

    However, I think that the problem is not as big as some people claim it to be. If I get 1 OoO in a week, this is much for me. But we are talking about those who ALWAYS go against Top Tier SWFs, so I can imagine that players exaggerate with OoO-Usage as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    no. it gives too much free information to a good survivor

  • Member Posts: 879

    OoO is not ok that perk is so broken no nerf to the perk will change that. When you think about it the survivor know where the killer is 100% of the time meanwhile the killer know where 25 % of the survivor are when the survivor decide to look at the killer

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Played against it once as Trapper and it was awful. He was rank 1 and I managed to hook him twice but he just disabled all my traps. It's pretty toxic when they blatantly use it to wind up the killer.

  • Member Posts: 522

    I honestly don't feel it's an issue. If it was as OP as people want you to believe then every survivor would run it. I have been playing for 3 years and main killer and i'm being generous with stating I may see object once every couple of weeks. Every survivor runs DS but OoO is the strong perk and is a problem? I don't buy it.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Hag is harder to notice but its more on her M/S than her traps. Due to Hag being a 110% killer if you saw she left a trap, destroy that trap and go to her other new one and do the same, multiple trap burns are what causes Hag to suffer against OoO as she has to place all her traps back together 5% slower than trapper can

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    I feel most revealing perks are bad when in a swf group Alert or Spine Chill don't forgot OoO.

  • Member Posts: 12

    I think it just depends on the survivor and how they want to use it. I've played against OoO swfs and as trapper and barely noticed a difference.

    The majority of people who run it too arent great at looping from my experience.

    That being said it can be extremely broken, especially on certain maps and against freddy in the dreamworld.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    No, I don't think its okay. Its a bit too powerful and not fun to play against. No, it doesn't guarantee an escape. In fact, many killers will go out of their way to make sure the object dies. It's kind of like Spine Chill and Premonition merged into one perk and hopped up on steroids.

  • Member Posts: 246

    And the devs are being deliberately obtuse in quoting numbers that don't even tell half the story of the perk, meanwhile ignoring mountains of feedback from players across all levels of play. (and some of their most popular streamers at that)

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Hell no it aint

  • Member Posts: 522

    This is one thing I will agree with. Against freddy in dream world it's pretty broken.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    No. I don’t think it’s OP on its own, but I do think it’s extremely anti-fun and should be reworked because it’s badly designed.

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    The perk needs a rework it is way too strong when it's a team of swf or on maps like Midwich.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    free because the survivor controls whenever they want to see the killer, almost anywhere on the map, with no counter for the killer other than ignoring them

    And, the trade off of revealing your aura to the killer isn’t enough since you gain so much distance by just holding W once you see the killer is coming to you

  • Member Posts: 906

    nah. there is no reason for this perk to exist.

  • Member Posts: 66


  • Member Posts: 789
    edited October 2020

    as of current there is 40 responses and only 1 said that it was balanced, ik this forum can be killer sided at times but this shows that it needs some kind of rework and yet the devs dont want to

    Post edited by Kumnut768 on
  • Member Posts: 984

    And here is the problem - when people see someone with OoO, they lose all capability of rational thought and their vision turns red. Tunnelling a decent player who's using OoO and then camping them out is the best way to get 1 kill at most, and that's if you're lucky, regardless of whether they are playing solo queue or not.

    That's fine if you're a rookie, but the amount of people who've put countless hours into the game and still have this problem is astounding.

    When you load up in a match against an OoO user, try to think about the big picture, instead of developing tunnel vision and only being able to see that one Survivor's aura

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited October 2020

    No. It's very problematic against certain killers and on certain maps. Any killer against OoO on an indoor map, Haddonfield, Preschool, or Gas Heaven will have a horrible time. Especially a 110ms killer.

  • Member Posts: 554
    edited October 2020

    No one cares about the big picture of a 6-13 minute match. I would rather tunnel the living crap out of an OoO user and make their game insanely boring (for trying to make mine insanely boring/frustrating) in the hopes that they get tired of it and not be anti-fun.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Depends on the team, to be honest. My SWF is a tournament team. We don't use OoO, but it would be lethal if we did. We have drawn out maps, specific room names for the indoor maps, and determine true north on each map. Plus we always call out which gen we're on. Would be fairly easy to say "killer is heading clockwise of music room upstairs" if we're on Midwich.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    Object is not fine. In my opinion it´s the strongest asset a SWF can bring apart from comms. It´s strong vs all but the very strongest Killers. It´s broken on some maps. It´s broken against certain Killers. The alleged downside isn´t really a downside since the circumstances are always dictated by the Object. In the hands of a good team it´s power potential surpasses anything else.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I'll be honest. While in concept i agree that it's utterly broken on swf. I have maybe one or two matches in total where i can say i lost because of OoO and slecificly because of OoO.

    In short while i don't think it's fair. I really wouldn't care less if they decided to leave it as is.

  • Member Posts: 258
    edited October 2020

    It is annoying when an SWF has it because it makes their group play even more effective, and for a game that relies on the survivors not having that kind of information to hand (information = exactly what the killer is doing and where they are going at all times), it isn't enjoyable unless you are a stealth killer.

  • Member Posts: 4,699
    edited October 2020
  • Member Posts: 2,418

    If this Solo match answers your question for you, wonderful.

    ”I think we’ve done a pretty good job so far” against them

    I see nothing wrong with using them, and I don’t mind them used against me.

    If that puts me in the minority, so be it.

    I refuse to join the complaint squad on everything that presents a decent challenge in this game.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    How nice, I played a solo match yesterday and we all made it out against an iri head ebony mori huntress. It was a great game, really tense and fun.

    I´d argue though that playing Trapper against a good object team is more than a "decent challenge".

  • Member Posts: 2,418
  • Member Posts: 1,811

    It really should be :D to be fair though this Huntress wasn´t Umbra level or sth, if she was we would have been screwed.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    I mean, come on... it’s Umbra.

    Those are the matches you walk away from when it’s all said and done, knowing, no matter how it plays out, the iri head doesn’t always make the player, it’s more often the player that makes the iri head.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    As long as I dont play Trapper, I wont really have much issues with OOO

  • Member Posts: 102

    i would not say it's balanced but it's not cracked for sure, more like it's just annoying when u play Hag or Trapper, otherwise i don't have any problems with it

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I don't think the issue is Object, per se. I think the issue is comms and the game not being balanced with the expectation that the survivors are using them. That's kind of a Forever Issue with DBD.

    I also think there's a secondary issue with Object in that the people who tend to run it are people who WANT the killer to see them constantly, and those people tend to be trolly. Again, not a problem with the perk on its own -- but a pattern in how it gets used.

    So, I can see how, from a developer's POV, if you're just running the stats, it would look like it's balanced and fine. But, from a player's POV, every time someone has Object, you have one of the worst, most annoying matches of the day.

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