Be honest, how common is tunneling and camping for you?



  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    Honestly, I don't see either of them too often.

    I think I only ran across 1 case of tunneling and 1 case of proximity camping in my last 4 hour survivor marathon.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    Camping? About every 9 out of 10 games, even if it's proxy camping. Tunneling? About 7 out of 10 games.

    Just today my first 2 matches were against Bubbas and they were reeeeeally original by camping the hook or coming back to it as soon as the hooked person was unhooked (I mean... there's no excuse for Bubba, he has bbq). I also got a Pig crouch camping and a Ghost Face stealth camping.

    Besides a Hillbilly just stopped a chase he was in to come back to my hook tunnel me in my first hook (???). And all that with 4 or 5 gens left. Killers are desperate.

    And that's just today. Killers've been eating DS like crazy (except mine, because I don't like running it, but it seems to be unplayable without it now). There were more than those, but at least here and now tunnel and camping seems like a common practice. And I just came back to play because of the double points, but even so I'm unable to make that many points. As survivor I am level 6, and I get matched with killer from rank 12-1. But I may also say that for some reason, at least one of the randoms were rank 11+ and clearly still learning basics of the game, besides the sandbagging...

    But you know what, after these games I just mentioned, I just ran key + Ormond offering for 4 games, because if I'm gonna be tunneled, at least I'll have a reason besides "the legit strategy". At least I got out most of these and got some points out of it.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2020


    Then we just happen to have different experiences.

    I have about 4.5k hours and I can tell you it is a card that many killers will play if they see a skill disparity between them and the survivors they are facing.

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    All killers do is proxy camp.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    I DO facecamp in every match for no reason, cuz it is toxic, easy/chilling and still have tons of funz

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    Be honest, how often do you have 4 man seal 6 swfs on coms with OOO?

  • The_Colonel
    The_Colonel Member Posts: 5

    I'd like to say atleast every other game if not back to back. I don't ever admit it because I hate being that guy who always says he's the best at the game but the majority of my friends praise me at how good I am at keeping the killer looped. And because of my "looping prowess" (lmao) I guess I end up annoying the killer, so more often than not I get camped on hook.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Meh its not super common but its not exactly rare

  • killakobugi
    killakobugi Member Posts: 10

    I don't usually get camped and or tunneled with out reason. I play at red ranks as well. I get facecamped and tunneled when I go into the trial knowing I'm going to be annoying and doing things killers dislike lol examples tbaggin constatnly or bringing the clicky clicky to be really annoying body blocked with bt and or trying to force my ds on a killer and don't forget keys as well. Not saying that warrents tunneling or camping but I play both sides at red ranks but I know what killers basically dislike lol but normal games for me tho I'm not toxic often myself. Usually if I get tunnelled is because I looped the killer for like 3 gens I'm like man if this guy catches me he is about to look deep into my eyes on hook.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    Yes, this is more prevalent in the red ranks for sure. It's a good thing I play both sides cause that ticks me off when it happens. I mean I got to r3 as killer and the whole way through never resorted to camping and/or tunneling, so that whole mentality of how a killer HAS to camp or tunnel to win especially as a red rank killer is a myth. It's just the way killer players who cant hold their own in a match play like and its pathetic.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I am rank 2-5 (depends on the day of the month really) and mostly play vs killers rank 1-7 when I play solo. It's very rare that I or some of my teammates gets tunneled or that I have to face a mori. Maybe 1 in 15 games. Very little toxicity as well. Though I have encountered a little more toxic killers after the crossplay release.

    When I play with my friends, they are ranked (atm) 9, 16 and 18. We usually end up playing killers ranked all the way from 7 to 18.. This is the times we face straight up tunnelers, campers and mori's the most. Maybe 1 out of 4 games there is something. We are not a toxic squad, my teammates are not even close to being good enough to be toxic.

    I believe that when killers reach a certain level of skill and gain a certain level of self confidence, this behavior will fade away. This is of course my experience.

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    I'd say I get tunnelled 3 out of every 5 games and face camped 1 out of every 10 games and proxy camped 1 out of every 5 games. I'm rank 1 most, if not, all the time and I would say I am decently good at looping. I also bring flashlights and get flashlight saves but I usually don't click my flashlight or t bag or anything unless I'm legit asking to be chased so that the survivor he is chasing doesn't waste all the resources or go down quicker than I would. I would say tunnelling is pretty common though while camping is not as common.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    I've no idea, as I certainly don't keep track. I don't tunnel in the traditional sense. I simply hit whomever pops back up in front of me. If it happens to be the same person I had on the hook before, that is on them. More to the point, I'd rather get DS out of the way early so I'm not hesitant at all about downing the same person if/when they simply are the next person I see. So, it isn't really a strategy or a plan. If it isn't by intent, it isn't tunneling. It is simply their bad luck.

    I don't camp without intent. Sometimes I do it to lure other people in and sometimes there is little else to do if it is late game and all the Generators are done our lost (about to be done and I can't get to them). Why go somewhere else when the only objectives I have left are nearby. All in all, I'd say I camp every half a dozen games or so. Normally I'm in a position where it isn't necessary. Bear in mind that I am excluding any situation where I KNOW their are Survivors nearby. I'm not camping if my new prey is already there. They can't expect me to leave to look for them when I already know where they are located.

    Post edited by Moundshroud on
  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I'd say 1 in 10

    The other 9 are either my mistakes, me being farmed, or just left to die

  • Facture
    Facture Member Posts: 284

    I use to keep track of my survivor games, so this data is a little old, from about a year ago.

    In 137 games 48 games the killer tunneled

    In the same 137 games 64 game the killer camped.

    Slugging took place about 50% of the games with only 5 games being "full game slugs" This mean killers with 4 man - 5 gen slug builds (i.e. Billy with infectious fright) The majority of the games where slugging took place were situational slugging where the killer would slug a bad hook save or would see another survivor after downing the first and would chase 2nd survivor instead of hook the 1st.

    Like I said this was from about a year ago, but I would guess my games have been pretty similar recently.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    There's some nights every single game we are face camped or proxy camped just so the killer can come back and get the person fresh off the hook. If it's a Bubba game I can nearly guarantee I'll be camped because if anyone saves they'll also get downed from his chainsaw. It's an absolute nightmare. It's turned us into pretty toxic survivors. I've had no choice but to learn how to save someone from making it to the hook at any cost. Flash lights, pallets, body blocking. If there's say a 90% chance they're going to be face camped and tunneled then let's play impossible to get on the hook. This was easier before with 99 ING a hook but that's gone. Smol pp energy camps the life out of you every game. If the killer even assumes 2 people are swf they're going to camp because they assume the swf will save. They're dead ass wrong though. I'll leave my team on the hook and fire gens on and trade spots next game when I'm hooked and the life camped out of me. Not swf? Good luck, you're not only getting camped the killer is going to farm you and non swf people will unhook you to burn more time for others to fire gens on because they know they're safe with a tunneler.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    In a match without obsession? 10/10 matches.

    In a match with obsession around 4,5/10

  • SnackPac
    SnackPac Member Posts: 11

    They're both pretty rare except for when the killer camps during egc to secure a kill

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    85%+ of my matches in the red ranks - not including during end game.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298
    edited October 2020

    People exaggerate how often they get camped and/or have a really flawed definition of camping. Tunneling happens all the time though. You can usually tell who is going to tunnel and who won’t just based on their skill in a chase.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I'm usually quite shocked when a red rank killer tunnels when there is an obsession as they may potentially be throwing a game out of spite.

    That said while I almost always avoid deliberate tunneling if theres no obsession I'm usually dead first hook. I think most killers would liike to take the more boring easy way out even when the match is currently in their favor. I don't do it but cant blame them. It's a flaw with how the games designed.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    I'd say two out five games on averages if we're talking hardcore face camping through all hook states or hard tunneling (killer will literally run around other survivors without hitting them to get to whoever they're going after). I see some Killers who will hard camp through first hook phase and then leave, though they seem to be rarer. If there's a Mori in play, tunneling seems to always be on the menu.

  • Antrapace
    Antrapace Member Posts: 253

    Depends on the rank I play at, when between 2-5 happens maybe 10% of the time, 6-8 happens maybe 30% of the time. I don’t drop much further just because the issue then becomes bad playing teammates!

  • sterlingpipin
    sterlingpipin Member Posts: 10

    I dont play dbd anymore but when I did I almost every other game me or my friend/friends would get tunneled or camped (mostly being me). My guess would be because I was the one that tended to run the killer around while my friends did gens tis the story of all " toxic swf groups". So three gens get done I'm injured and one friend tries to come and take attention off of me while the other two did gens 9/10 it didn't work so I just get tunneled and camped to death. By the time I die its a 25/75 split of my friends dying or getting away.

    Honestly part of the reason why I stopped playing was cause of the tunneling and camping but it was also cause every game was the same boring routine.

  • Yanthegamer558
    Yanthegamer558 Member Posts: 93

    how common the camping and tunneling is, for me, 1 in 3 games. Maybe because the fact i bullied the killer and being toxic.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    I don't tunnel or camp too often I know how annoying it is. The only time I really tunnel is if someone pulls a teammate off right in front of me. That person is going right back on the hook. I don't actively try to do it though.

    Unsafe hook saves are unsafe for a reason.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    when i play killer i try to avoid it as good as possible, but if its the only way for me to keep my momentum, ill have to do it. i wont drop all my momentum, just because the random scratch mark trail i followed was the one from the unhooked guy.

    as survivor, sadly, its very common. almost every second killer i see ends up camping / tunneling somoene...

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415
    edited October 2020

    Might as well throw my 2 cents in, as a rank 1 killer and survivor with 1200 plus hrs.

    I would say that i get tunneled enough to warrant me bringing DS every game and using it in 90% of my games.

    With that being said do i get tunneled out of the game 90% of the time? No i dont, but thats because DS saved my life and after that i can usually get away.

    Maybe i get to use my DS 90% of the time because of my play style? I dont like the stealthy play style, im aggressive, flashlights, sabo boxes, breakout, mettle of man, im in your face all game because i know my game knowledge and looping ability is above average and i can handle myself.

    With that being said theres been plently of games where im playing the good team mate and just holding m1 on a gen and i watch people without DS get tunneled straight out the game. Someone will make a save with no BT and bam killer might want to eat DS early game and that survivor doesnt have it. Lets face it very few it any killers are about to drop you back down.

    All killers know that once its a 3v1 its very hard for the survivors to get out through the exit gates if theres more than 2 gens left.

    While it does suck to be tunneled out it makes sense as killer to kill off 1 survivor as fast as possible and then the game becomes alot easier especially when your playing at red ranks and the survivors tend to be more skilled.

    Getting 12 hooks with 4 experienced survivors without tunneling anybody is hard especially if they have aggressive play styles.

    So to answer your question i would say that tunneling someone to death happens 6 outta 10 games.

    Tunneling someone to eat their DS happens almost every game with DS being in the meta.

    Also a side note that i just thought of everything i have said thus far is assuming that fact there is an obsession in the game.

    If theres no obsession in the game tunneling is guaranteed 100%

    Edit :

    Didnt even throw my 2 cents in on camping,

    Camping doesnt really happen unless its bubba or its near end game and that's just the play.

    With that being said please learn how to make a save vs a camping killer.

    I died to a pig face camping me with all 3 of my team mates full health and the exit gate in view.

    Literally just run up let the killer hit you then make the save. Do a 1 for 1 and any skilled team mate will come back for you or at least i will every time.

    We do a 1 for 1 then i literally just resave you and im out because i have DS and hopefully you have it to.

    It baffles me how many survivors wont make a save on a face camping killer could be full health first hook and wont trade out. I understand certain killers but not pig.

    Post edited by BillyMain77 on
  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Once or twice every 3-5 matches but usually if they brought a mori or already lost 3 gens.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 572

    I find it's pretty rare that I get tunneled unless someone unhooks me near the killer and just goes full stealth mode or my teammates just aren't touching gens so I'm the only person the killer bumps into, which feels bad but it's not the killer's fault.

    Camping is probably 1 in 6 or so to my teammates. Not face camping but a really tight patrol where you don't check any gens and I always bring kindred, so I usually get to see it.

    Red ranks, I don't do anything I consider obnoxious or toxic when I play killer, and I bring DS because I need practice hitting the skill check but I hardly ever get to use it (mostly because I don't actively throw myself at the killer like I see many others do with it up).

    Honestly I think a lot of tunneling and camping is magnified by a combination of stealth players, toxic players, and players not punishing it enough. Stealth players don't realize that if the killer can't find them, they're going to run down their teammates and if nobody shows up on BBQ then there's no reason to leave the hook.

    And if people would start bringing kindred and just crank out gens when they see the killer camping then going for a close save and/or trade, they would stop camping pretty quick as standing there for 2 minutes while you lose the game doesn't feel good. But getting free kills thrown into your arms without having to look for people because they want to rush the unhooks promotes camping by rewarding it.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890
    edited October 2020

    If I'm being completely honest in my experiences, it really fluctuates, but it happens more often late at night than during the day. And it's mostly tunneling, camping not so much.

    Idk what it is, but when I have a day off and I play any time before 7-8pm, it never really happens. If I play after 8pm on any given day, it's infuriatingly bad and frequent. Not always me myself, but it does almost always happen to one of the survivors.

    Rank 2, I run DS (for this reason, never used to), Spine Chill, Kindred, and Inner Strength

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Some people use BT to hook farm; many do not. Some use DS in a scummy manner; many don't.

    If I run BT or DS it's because I've come across a string of scummy killers and I'm trying to mitigate the effect that has on the fun of the people in the game. And I'm far from alone.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    In terms of patrolling hooks and slugging recently unhooked survivors, I tend to see that every match.

    I am the killer.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Some Killer’s I’ve looped hard seemed to have held grudges. When they see me in the lobby they must plan in advance to throw the game for themselves just to seek me out til I’m tunneled out of the game.

    Perfect evidence as to why killers shouldn’t be able to see survivors ID before the match ends... Behaviour has overlooked Lobby IDs for far too long now.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    I don't need to lie about my game experiences. I play survivor every single day and it is pretty rare. At least in my matches :)

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Almost every game if end game collapse kill securing counts.

    Otherwise maybe once every 4 or 5 games.

    Hard camping/tunneling is maybe once every 10-15 games.

  • Sanaira
    Sanaira Member Posts: 14

    I legit just got tunneled (and farmed) out of a game 10 minutes ago. It's happened nearly every game for me. And I am meaning legit tunneling. Ignoring all other survivors to go right after me. Maybe swing at the others, but directly down me to hook me three times in a row.

    This event has been Hell because of this, which has resulted in me bringing OoO to counter the bull. If I know where they are, I can avoid them. Honestly, devs, this needs to work on stealth killers too.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    I get tunneled and camped almost every game. Super boring. After 2-3 games I just disconnect, laugh about the disconnect "punishment" and am off to other titles. Bought almost all DLC's until about a year ago. Stopped spending ANY money on this trash title.

  • Laurab84
    Laurab84 Member Posts: 54

    Honesty, on xbox rather frequent, I would say about 6 out of 10 matches the killer is tunneling or camping players. Its annoying because no one wants to play that way and it's no fun for anyone. The killer gets hardly any blood points and neither do we. I want a full game, hook me 3 times im more than happy to die, but don't catch me once and then sit and watch me struggle away or see me get take off a hook and actively go for me when the person who took me off toys to take a hit. Even more toxic is the face camping and then hitting you on the hook.... that really grinds my gears

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Tunnelling a bit hit and miss for me. I think it's kind of a fair play and hard to not do if that's the only survivor you have in reach.- for example I unintentionally end up tunnelling sometimes as killer as their team don't try to take the chase or the unhooked survivor has just not managed to make distance or hid nearby.

    When it comes to face camping I would say every 5 games or so. I find it more killer dependant. Pretty much if it's Billy or especially leatherface almost 75% of the games with leather are face camp games or become that half way through.

    I'm red rank 4 to purple 5 as survivor

  • thisrandomguy
    thisrandomguy Member Posts: 142

    I get hard tunneled and camped pretty rarely in my games.

    (I reach red ranks as survivor every season) I would say I get hard tunneled at least once every 10 games or so. I get hard camped at least once every 15 games and facecamped like 1 in 50 games.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited November 2020

    First of all there is no official definition of camping or tunnelling yet. Therefore I’d like to start clarifying how I differentiate those terms.

    Camping: I define an action as camping if the killer-player would be visible most of the time (assuming the survivor-player would have brought kindred) for at least half the first hook stage.

    Proxy Camping: The killer-player stays within the heartbeat range of the hook for at least half the first hook stage.

    Face Camping: The killer-player stands right in front of the hooked survivor-player for at least half the first hook stage.

    Patrolling: The killer-player is focussed on the hook with no real intention to check on gens or find other survivors. Even if they kick a gen or hit a survivor they immediately return to check if the survivor-player is still on that hook.

    Tunneling: Any action that involves following only that certain survivor-player throughout the match until this certain survivor-player is out of the match. The killer-player has no intention to follow another survivor unless their target is sacrificed.

    I count different behaviours tunnelling actions:

    -Going for the latest unhooked survivor-player as soon as they got saved whilst the saviour is visible.

    -Leaving chases for a certain survivor-player, going for a certain survivor-player (more than once in a match) if there is another survivor with that “special one”.  

    Hard-core tunnelling:

    -Going for the unhooked survivor-player as soon as they got saved even if the saviour takes a hit and tries to take the aggro or is in a weaker spot.

    -Following a certain survivor-player every time they are spotted, if another teammate is around and injured.

    -Leaving an injured survivor-player in chase to go for this certain healthy survivor-player instead.


    Now that I explained what I mean by these terms, I rarely encounter face camping (once a week or less), camping or hard core tunnelling maybe every 3-5 days. Assuming I play 12 matches as survivor a day, I’d estimate that in 9-10 out of those matches someone is getting tunnelled. Tunneling is the most common thing it happens every day in most matches. I am counting every survivor, not only if any of this happens to me. That is at least how I experience it in my matches.

    I am playing in red ranks as survivor but solo mostly. I get killers of all ranks and with cross play on.

    Post edited by tennmio on
  • SlyPeeler
    SlyPeeler Member Posts: 6

    True tunneling? Like get him "sacrificed and gone" tunneling? Less than 10% of the time. There are many times, playing survivor, that the killer doesn't do the smart play and tunnel someone out. But I believe in people playing the game however they see fit. Wanna tunnel , camp, sandbag fellow survivors, watch a person do on first hook to get the hatch? Go right ahead. I try to play to win and and score some points along the way.

  • Igbylucy
    Igbylucy Member Posts: 47

    I’m a rank 8 and often play with my sister who is a 17 on a good day. So I often play with 15 thru 20s. I’d say 50 % of killers we play camp and tunnel. We played a rank 15 trapper who didn’t put one friggin trap down. He camped the first 2 survivors. We were able to get 3 gens up and almost save one. If I’m able to message I call the campers out. Can more people start doing this pls? Also the ability to message everyone would be nice. You guys have come this far. If your going to allow camping figure a universal message system.

  • DonZwiebel
    DonZwiebel Member Posts: 136

    Tunneling for at least 2 hooks is way more common than camping in my case. As tunneling happens almost every , at least every second game, camping is way less happening.