*insert clickbaitish title about survivor responses*

Recently made a frustration rant about being a killer main, and got a lot of reassurance and good advice, which I super appreciate! During this time, I've had a few games, but many games I still devolve into tunneling and camping to get 1 kill (I should probably mention I've switched to hillbilly to level up and get the lightborn perk, because ######### survivors who flashlight mid-animation, when I can't turn away). Am I proud of myself for needing to camp and tunnel to get a single kill? Not really, I'd rather be kitted up and get them legit, but I need to earn that bp somehow.
At this point, you're wondering, "what does this have to do with survivors?" Well, I've noticed a trend: in the majority of my games, I generally got the same response from survivors after I camped and tunneled, that I did when I played nice and got 0k. Either I was called trash for having to camp and tunnel for a kill (when they could see I was WAY underpowered to deal with their shenanigans) or I was called trash and teabagged at the exit gates.
Does being called trash make me angry/sad? Yeah, I'm only human. That said, if I get the same response camping/tunneling that I do when I play nice and hinder my chances...why wouldn't I just keep camping/tunneling?
Best I would say is for picking up people get used to turning your model to look at walls so that they cant blind you. If they blind at a vault/pallet use your ears to find where there going as you can usually hear them running away or if there injured their moans of pain. But to "answer" the question I do feel that myself sometimes you just gotta breathe and realize that your giving them fuel if you tunnel and camp them
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my main flashlight beef is blinding me when I'm trying to pick a survivor up, so I immediately drop him without a chance to fight back.
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...look at a wall, or bait the flashlight by pretending to pick up the survivor. Run infectious. Slug. immediately flick your camera 180 degrees when picking up a survivor if you're on PC. You can bait survivors even better if you're playing Trapper, Hag, or Demo because you can make it look like the killer's bending down to pick up the survivor. There are so many things you can do to "fight back", flashlights are by far the worst item a survivor can bring and if you see a survivor bring a flashlight in the lobby you shouldn't ever get flashlight saved unless you're simply not paying attention to your surroundings.
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Whenever I notice a killer is having a hard time, I immediately start vaulting and let them take me. It's hard sometimes, and it sucks, but I read a comment that said slugging is a good idea and I don't think it's good game play. If you weren't having fun when they were getting cocky, why would they have fun when you slug/tunnel/camp? And I don't think killers are there for the survivors to use for bp either, I just think it's important to recognize that it's a game, and we all want to have fun <3 I recommend looking at a wall while picking people up, and don't be afraid to step far from pallets during a loop, since they are most likely following the '3 loop then drop' rule that somebody made up. And I don't think flashlight saves are bad at all, it's just obnoxious when you get the survivors that wait around you to save and blind you during a chase like you cant turn away haha. I hope your next matches are fun, and I hope it goes well! Good luck :)!
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you know you getting blinded is 99% of the time dependent on yourself
you can bait it, check for survivors, look at a wall, etc