You gotta do something about camping/tuneling

Yes, I know that the devs said before that this is a valid strategy but honestly, at this point, I don't care. Lately every single killer that I play against spend the whole game near the hooked survivor until they are dead. And yes, I know that if the team plays right the other 3 can escape but it doesn't matter it suc*s for that one player, it is extremely toxic, and it is the opposite of a fun match. Ruins the game for *at least* one person. So please do something about it if you want us to stick playing, because at this point we are just pissed with the game.

Before someone says anything "smart": I do play as killer too. And look, you don't need to punish the killer to do that, you can offer incentives, similar to BQQ and Chilli (and the opposite of Devour Hope). And let me be extremely clear: it is not about losing and winning or about making killers weaker. It is about one type of strategy that is just ruining the game because killers are abusing it.



  • lulumujica
    lulumujica Member Posts: 1

    i agree

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183

    Use breakdown

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42
    edited October 2020

    That's not useful at all. Borrowed Time is better in these situations but that is not the point. It is not a lack of knowledge about perks that is the problem. It is about a playstyle that every survivor complains for ages and the devs don't do anything. Not only that, every time someone says anything about it here a dozen killer main show up saying things like: "oh that is a valid strategy you should have not been caught in the first place", "you are just complaining because you lost", "survivor do toxic behavior as well", "killers are having fun too", "you should use this perk", etc. Every time these same crap excuses to delegitimize a valid complaint. It is just toxic and ruins the game. Killers main can have fun not doing this just fine.

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183
    edited November 2020

    Breakdown is incredibly useful, the more survivors in a match that have it the more useful it becomes. That’s precisely why I use it, for the exact reason that it allows a survivor to at least have a chance because they can’t just be immediately put on the same hook. You just have to try and get away from basement and event hooks when about to be downed in a chase. (I wish people would stop using the pustula pedals offering, it just means more unbreakable hooks making breakdown much less useful. Breakdown should work as intended on event hooks, event hooks should be breakable after the killer gets their points when first hooking a survivor on an event hook.)

    I think everyone knows it sucks spending 90% of the time you play as a survivor in match being stuck on a hook, while a killer camps. I’m not saying there isn’t some tweaking that could be done to make this less prevalent, like better matchmaking. What I am saying is you could actually do something in your power to counteract this instead of just complaining about it.

    Post edited by DaddyFatSacks420 on
  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    "All I’m saying is you could actually do something that’s in your power to counteract this instead of just complaining about it."

    By saying that, you delegitimize my complaint because it implies that this is my fault or that I can do something about it. No, I can't. It is a problem in the game design that unfortunately the devs fail to recognize as such. They have to do something about it.

    Furthermore, better matchmaking doesn't solve anything. Most of the time I play against red ranks and tbh they do this as often as purple and green ranks (which I play against as well).

    Finally, you say that this perk is more useful if more survivors use it and if the pustula pedals offering is not used. That's a lot of ifs don't you think? Not everyone play with 4-SWF for this perk to be that useful.

  • dmhughes86
    dmhughes86 Member Posts: 34

    Honestly, I am new here but it seems that they have had this issue for a really long time. I do think it is an entirely valid strategy and you cannot blame the players for using these strats. I think it is entirely tied to the game design itself which would be why the devs have been reluctant to change anything. The game has been relatively successful and it might be hard to take a risk by fundamentally changing the game. I hope they make these changes but I fully understand their hesitance.

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183
    edited November 2020

    The pustula pedal offering situation is a completely different thing only slightly related to what I was saying that I only brought up because it’s a complaint I have about the event hooks (which aren’t going to be around for much longer).

    I’ve never played anything but solo, out of maybe 1000 matches I’ve only noticed another survivor using breakdown around a dozen times. But I always use it now, instead of selfishly expecting other ppl to not only unhook me but to also use one of their perk slots for borrowed time solely for my benefit, or expect the killer to let me get away from the hook. Breakdown would just be more useful with more survivors using it.

    There is no if’s I brought up I just stated the fact that breakdown can’t break an unbreakable hook. You’re the one who’s talking of if’s, if survivors complain enough the devs have to do something to fix it (blaming devs), it’s better if the survivor unhooking you has borrowed time (blaming teammates), if someone brings up this issue killer mains say things to try to delegitimize it (blaming boogie men), if it happens it’s toxic (blaming killers). Maybe when you grow up you’ll realize you can’t control what others do, only what you do.

    The fact is as the game is now you can’t do anything to stop a killer who camps you on the hook, or make your teammates risk themselves to unhook you. Yet you can give yourself a chance to get away if you do get unhooked, at the same time making it harder for the killer to do the same thing to the teammate that just helped you (and most likely got downed, where you were just unhooked, doing so). I’m in no way delegitimizing your complaint I know the situation well, and I gave you advice on what I do that helps. You’re the one that keeps trying to delegitimize what I say. There is things you could do but you just seem to refuse to do anything about the situation except complain.

    Quit acting like a victim, I literally said you had a legitimate complaint. The issue is not your fault, but that you choose to only complain and place blame on everyone else is. “They have to do something about it.” Maybe eventually they should, but they don’t have to do anything. Would you like the devs to wipe your derrière as well?

    Post edited by DaddyFatSacks420 on
  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    Wow. I should grow up? Dude this is a FEEDBACK forum. Not a "stop complaining and do something about it" forum. I am giving my FEEDBACK about something that I think needs to be urgently done because it is ruining the game. That's just my feedback, deal with it or don't come to this section. I didn't ask for a random dude to come here to try to lecture me on how to play the game or give me moral lessons. Maybe you are the one that should grow up and be respectful of other people's perspectives and opinions.

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42
    edited October 2020

    I agree with you. I don't blame players that use a strategy that the devs implement as a valid strategy. And I understand why devs are so reluctant to change it. But honestly it is about time. In almost all my recent matches as survivor, killers are really abusing it and ruining the fun of the game. Because this change the dynamic of the game of everyone. It ruins the game for the survivor on the hook, but it does ruin the game of other survivors as well, since their only option is to gen rush all gens. And honestly and don't see this as fun to the killer, but killers end up doing this because they realise that by doing this sometimes they can win the game more easily. I admit that I have done this as killer in matches that I really didn't know what else to do, the survivors were too good for me and I had to do it to score some points. And my point is that devs could implement some kind of incentive to discourage this strategy.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Man what you want me to do about it? Im just a p3 Cheryl man i can't control what all killers do.

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    I actually agree with you. I don't blame players for using a strategy that the devs legitimize. And I understand why devs are so reluctant to change it. But honestly, it is about time for changes to happen. Because it ruins the game not only for the survivor on the hook but for the others as well because their only option is to gen-rush the remaining gens. And I don't think it is that fun for the killer as well (at least for some killers), but killers end up doing it because it is a viable and easy strategy to score at least one kill. I confess that playing as a killer I have done it on some occasions in which didn't know what else to do because the survivors were a hard match for me. If I had some incentives to play differently, probably I would have changed my strategy.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    a lot of killer are camping and tunneling and playing the most try hard scummy they can right now with the double BP event going on.

    and survivors too.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    No, with all due respect, they don't have to do anything. Camping, tunneling, slugging, and the Mori are all valid tactics for the Killer to use. They are, by in large, niche tools that will hurt the Killer more than help if used incorrectly. All of us have been where you are now. We still manage to move forward. That means that there are people who are managing to get out of their games even with camping/tunneling/slugging/mori Killers out there.

    The DEV don't have to do anything about it; you have to do something about it. You will, in time, up your game to deal with it and/or get a team of other Survivors who know how to work with you to do so. That is it. That is the entire enchilada. Nobody likes it when bad things happen to them. It is just part of this game. You adapt or you die. If you can't abide the way the game is played, you find one you like more.

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    What dirty tactics survivors are using to score more BP? Teabagging until they win?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    nothing just genrushing also using best perk they can but how killers are playing I don't blame them.

    they been some farm game tho I like tho in this kind event.

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    I said it above, I don't blame players. I think that this is a design flaw and I gave my feedback.

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42


    Again this argument that I am playing wrong. So many people complaining about it and they are just a bunch a noobs that need to learn something? Come on...

    Look, I still think that it is a legitimate strategy and I am not asking for them to ban this strategy! What I am asking is simply that the devs make other strategies work better or make this strategy less viable. It is just not fun and ruins the game because killers abuse it. And I have been playing this game long enough to know that even red ranks do camping and tunneling (a lot) because it works. Even if sometimes it backfires, most of the time it works. So asking for the devs to balance this is too much to ask? Does it really call for a "you need to overcome your frustrations" speech?

    Furthermore, I am not complaining about Mori or slugging here, so please stop patronizing me and generalizing my complaint. I am not a survivor main that wants to see the other side weaker so I can win. My feedback is specific about camping and tunneling, which is ruining the game (for me and other people as well). I don't think that slugging ruins the game. 

    And you know what, one thing you are right though, maybe I will stop playing it eventually if things don't change because I find myself playing less and less every time I enter the game and face killers like this. My friends are annoyed about this as well and other people in this forum are too. I may be wrong, but I don't think that the game will thrive if it frustrates more people than it pleases. This is a game, it is supposed to be entertaining and fun, not annoying and toxic. I don't play the game to overcome my frustrations and learn to deal with them, I play it to have fun.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    What are you suggesting the devs do exactly? Camping a hook mid-game is already not a good strategy, for instance, in terms of average kill rate and bloodpoints and even the rank system. Yeah you get one kill but that's it, assuming the other survivors aren't just rushing in blindly. So is there is already disincentive in the game for this, even if some killers just camp anyway for whatever reason. (I don't do it personally so I can't really speak to why someone does.)

    I get it, being camped is boring, as is being slugged. I'm not sure what you're suggesting though to mitigate that.

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    In all my posts here I specifically mention that the devs could make other strategies more interesting (offer incentives) or make camping less viable. They already done it with BBQ and Chilli, it is a perk that incentivizes killers to leave the hook area. With the devour hope perk the situation is the opposite, killers have more incentives to stay near the hooked survivor, which is bad. BBQ and Chilli is a meta perk but it is obviously not doing enough to incentivize players to leave the hook. So what they could do is to implement more mechanics like BBQ and Chilli and change the way that other mechanics, such as Devour Hope works. They could also implement new mechanics to the core play, for instance, when the killers are near the hooked survivor other survivors have like a 5% boost to repair gens, and to balance this out when the killers are near a survivor repairing gens, the repairing speed decreases by the same 5% (or even more), or the survivor gets more skill checks or narrower skills checks (like Unnerving Presence). I even created a flavor text for it "when the killer is near a survivor they get more nervous and when the killer is near the hooked survivor they know they have time to complete the gens" 😅.

  • Jgoodman182
    Jgoodman182 Member Posts: 23

    Tunneling isnt as bad as cordinated swf in this game, its a legitimate strategy survivors that actually try in the higher ranks don't care if killers have fun as long as they win so why should we care in return?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I don't understand your comment about Devour Hope. Devour Hope literally won't trigger unless you're a certain distance away from the hook, camping while using that totem is completely counterproductive.

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    Sorry about that. I got it wrong. I understood the opposite (that the killer needs to stay within 24m of the hook). The way it is written kind of leave a margin for double meaning interpretation. I don't use this perk as a killer.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    If you and I face the same statistical chances of facing a camper or a tunneler, and I'm not having a problem, and you are... the inference is obvious. Plenty of people deal with the situation fine. At some point you have to face the fact that it YOU that is the common denominator of YOUR problem.

  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    Genrushing is counter to farming BP.

    Longer matches = more BP for each survivor still alive.

    But that's the same with "tunneling". The best killers have the skill to hook juggle survivors and not kill until all the survivors have been hooked once or twice.

    Obviously, the rush to "win"/finish the game (via 4K as the killer or all gens as the survivors), is the reason to play as well as the bane of enjoyment for the game.

    If the killer just quickly manages to 4K, that's boring for the survivors (and it's boring to just get 1-2-3 hooked as an individual survivor), as well as it's boring for the killer if the survivors manage to get the gens done and get out with little killer interaction.

    I don't know how it would be fixed but this sure seems like a block to making the game enjoyable to me.

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42
  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    Complain away. Just don't expect people who deal with the same thing you do every day, and get by just fine, to have much sympathy. I have made suggestions as to how to make it more enticing to make Killers move off, i.e. don't try to punish them but rather reward leaving the Hook, sort of the Killer's version of Bold (what Survivors get for staying in the Killer's terror radius). I think that only by making it worth the Killer's time, will you ever see a significant shift. That or you could make Barbecue & Chili base package so that the Killers have a direction to go. Many don't move because they don't want to gamble with no target in sight.

    I made these suggestions in good faith, but not because I think they are truly necessary. Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes he eats you. Everyone gets camped and tunneled now and then. If you find it happening to you constantly, well, I think you need to accept that you might somehow be a factor in it. People complain about it rather than accepting responsibility. Remember, the first step forward is to get out of denial and own one's own problems.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I don't have Laurie and don't want to level her up for DS in all honesty... I've seena lot of teammates use it only to get tunneled the rest of the match! My advice for camping and tunneling is to just try your best, and if it's a bad match, I hope the next ones are more fun. One way I entertain myself during these matches is by dancing on the hook and struggling as long as I can just to upset them, it's even better when they start hitting me lol. I've heard soul guard is great, since it has multiple pick ups with curses active! A lot of Cheryl's perks seem great, so I'd look into her for these types of matches. And before I get the people saying that I need to bring Unbreakable or smth, I don't prepare for slugging and tunneling, I prepare to avoid the killer altogether haha! So, in short, good luck in your next matches and I hope they're fun and free of negativity :)!!!

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    Please stop patronizing me or players that have the same opinion. A lot of people see this as a problem and it seems that you just cannot accept it for whatever reason (probably because you are a killer main that doesn't want changes) and want to dismiss our opinion as a lack of experience. Not everyone sees the game the same way you do. If you are ok with camping (again probably because you play as killer more often), good for you! But accept that other people see it differently and please treat our opinion with respect. Don't say to us that we have to suck it up or that we need to play more.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    You know the old saying about assumptions right? I'm playing as a Survivor right now. I even play Solo Que, we few, we proud, we fighting an uphill battle. I log in just as many (if not more) hours as a Survivor. So again, are you going to take ANY responsibility for your problems at all? You are stating that your issue have nothing to do with you whatsoever, and that you play Survivor perfect? :)

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    Dude this is a problem with the game design, the only thing that I can do about it is asking the devs to change. I don't control the killer's decision. And I don't control how the game rewards their decision to camp. 

    Making the game harder for the killer won't make me happier. Even when I play around it and I escape the killer I am still annoyed by it. One thing that you are not understanding is that it is not about winning or losing, it is about this strategy being toxic. I have managed to escape some of those killers with most of my party, yet I did not have fun.

    And my apologies if I assumed wrong and you are not a killer main. But if you are a survivor main and you are ok with camping and tunneling, good for you. Just respect people that disagree with you and are fed up with the game allowing toxic gameplay. I have sunk hundreds of hours into this game and I don't think that a couple of hundred more hours will change my opinion about it. I just get more and more annoyed that this behavior is getting worse by the day.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Dude, no its not. I suggest taking your cues from the man, the myth, Lebowski.... and abide. There is a difference between disagreeing with you and disrespecting you. Trust me, if I wanted to show you disrespect, I would take out a rhetorical sledgehammer and have my fun. What I'm doing is disagreeing with you EFFECTIVELY. Instead of answering the questions I asked, you are playing the victim. Don't you think it is "just possible" that perhaps there are things you could be doing differently? I'm not saying you will never get camped or tunneled. What I'm saying is that it won't happen to you "all the time" as you seem to say it does.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    No worries. I'm kind of a fan of Devour Hope personally, Hexes in general feel like they should be high risk/high reward and this is definitely that! The survivors can definitely destroy it before you get anything out of it, but if they don't then watch out. 😄 And it further rewards me not wanting to stand around a hook waiting for people which is cool.

    The only real downside to it is, in the current meta, survivors are hyper-focused on cleansing totems so it's even less likely to pay off now. On the flip side, I'm using Haunted Grounds and Redemption a lot more to punish that particular behavior. 😉

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    You have been accusing me of "playing the victim" right from the start. That's pretty disrespectful in my world. But that is your whole argument isn't it? That I am doing something wrong and that if I just take some responsibilities for the killer camping and suck it up, like a tough man such as your self, all would be better.

    I have responded your rhetorical question a thousand times. But here we go one last time: No it is not a problem with me. Other people seem to be bothered with this as well. But for you we are all a bunch of noobs that need to learn to be tough like you, right? Because you adapt and you are just fine, so everyone should do the same.

    I don't like toxic gameplay. Adapting to toxicity seem to me an incredibly stupid idea. I much ratter have the game reward non-toxic gameplay so that the game environment slowly change for the better.

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    I really hope the devs make more mechanics such as this that reward killers to stay away from the hook. That's the whole idea of the OP btw.

  • PatWesker
    PatWesker Member Posts: 252

    like if the killer couldn't hook you to another hook...

    Even with 2 or 3 petrified oak, the hooks are always too close to each other.

    That would be useless

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    That is the difference between you and I. When I fail, I take responsibility for it. I don't scapegoat the game, other players, or anything else. I generally don't even use the word "toxic" because I think it has been made meaningless by anyone and everyone throwing it around for anything they don't like. I don't claim to be perfect; when I get killed, I know I'm AT LEAST 50% responsible (if not more).

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    Such a tough boi aren't you? I bet your parents are very proud.

    Mine, on the other hand, they are just disappointed with how weak and pathetic I am. I just put the blame on other people. Especially when I get killed in the game. Because that is what I have been complaining from the start: that I get killed a lot 👍️

    Thanks for helping me figure that out.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Well.... I can definitely confirm that a lot of killers tunnel, camp or tunnel mori just because they can and without reasonable reason. I don't mind defending the hook during EGC or when someone is clearly there. I don't mind getting tunneled if I would use Object or No Mither. I don't mind moris if they are on death hook or after a fair amount of time after the unhook, so the player could at least try to blackpip.

    But getting tunnel-mori'd, camped or tunneled without any reason match after match is just frustrating.

    I dare say I'm a fair player. I don't use Object, I don't tbag or clicker with a flashlight. And as killer I only play like a dick if the Survivors do. Else I try not to tunnel or at least give that person a second chance if a team mate messed up, since you can't always choose your team.

    I know there's perks like BT, UB and DS, but I don't want to be forced to use meta perks just because of some bad people. I would like to be a good player without these crutches, but sadly they are necessary. If everyone would play with/against others like they would want to play against themselves while having fun, then nobody would need all the "unfun" stuff and this game would be a better place.

    I like this game really much. 3.2k hrs since 09.2018 tell that much, but this behavior drives me away more and more.

    Where are all the honorable and nice players that used to be here?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    That doesn't mean that the can't be fun for everyone. I can get 4k with 30k and let the Survivors end the match with 20k and above. And all of that without all the cheap tactics.

    Why do I need to be the only one to have fun in a MULTIPLAYER game?

  • Toxic530
    Toxic530 Member Posts: 39

    Dude it's bs to complain about it. As a killer main I know there are several toxic things that survivors do all the time to cheat the killer that's legit taking advantage of how the game works. Alot of survivors would say it's strategy, get better but it's ######### that literally can't be prevented such as body blocking, constantly looping around the same pallet or vault location. ######### I had a match where I downed someone and every survivor went and body block and healed each other while picking up the down survivor so I couldn't get anyone, definitely not a fun match it's bs. Killers get dinged in the post game for camping and tunneling is a legit strategy like if I already hooked someone why does it not make sense to try to hook the same person so I can take them out early and up my chances of getting all 4 ppl. As you pointed out there's ways to work around it for the other 3 survivors so instead of complaining about the killer why don't you question why the person being tunneled keeps getting caught?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    you don't but all players play different have there only kind of fun which may not be fun for others

    I try to play fair.

  • stubbornDwarf
    stubbornDwarf Member Posts: 42

    Most of these arguments I already answered in this thread. Please read it, because I don't want to explain for the 9999th time that it is not about getting caught or winning or losing. And I also specifically addressed your main argument here - that also happens to be a common argument. Survivors being toxic is no excuse to keep rewarding killer's toxic gameplay. Two wrongs don't make a right. Moreover, about these types of survivor behavior that you mention, not only I don't do that but I also believe that the devs/game designers should address this as well. Except for looping. That's not really toxic, is it? I would only consider toxic if the survivor starts to teabaging in front of the loop (has happened to me as a killer, very toxic).

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    But then I ask myself: Do I want to be treated like that? Do I want to get tunnelmori'd? Do I want to face an Object user? Etc etc.

    To most of these questions the answer is No.

    I know that some people don't care, but these shouldn't play multi-player games then.

  • Toxic530
    Toxic530 Member Posts: 39

    Touchè I would agree 2 wrong don't make a right but killers aren't rewarded for camping we actually lose points for it. Tunneling I can see being irritating but it is a strategy that's worth doing from time to time but it's also costly to the killer in the long run if not done correctly. I feel like alot in the game needs to be reworked but the devs just slap a band aid over it and call it good tbh. And I mean looping the same thing over and over yeah it's like stun me with a pallet and go to the next one that's why there's more than one it's kinda ######### to keep me going around the same one lol but at the same time usually it ends with that person getting downed

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    The bad thing is when the killer abandons a chase and goes after the just unhooked survivor again. You use your DS and then? If you are unlucky you were in a bad spot or it's a ranged or high mobility killer and you get hooked again only to be tunneled to death because your DS is gone.

    I lost count of those matches I did not even touch a single Gen or totem or chest or whatever and got tunneled right away. 5k BP and a depip because the killer just wanted to. Because he didn't care about other people's fun.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Camp, tunneling, slug, genrush and bad maps design ruin the game. Perks helps but dont solve design issues, and both role abuse it to not lose to the bad game design.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I play both side answer is No too but there nothing we can do but play differently........

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Not directly. But maybe showing people what their actions do could. I think sometimes we forget that there is another person behind that character. Being toxic in a game is like spilling some stranger's coffee just because you can or find it funny. The only difference is, that in a game you can hide behind your monitor and don't need to fear a reaction from a real person.

    If someone would just spill my drink because he thinks it's fun, then I would at least make him pay me the money for a new one. Some people would start a fight.....

    So maybe we just need to think that there's real persons behind all of these Survivors and killers, before we make our move. I think the majority of us are nice people in real life or at least not general #########.