Share your wholesome DbD moments!



  • The most reason that comes to mind was with the hill bug a while back. The last survivor got stuck while I was chasing them. Happened right in front of me. So I "freed"them and gave them the hatch. This was despite them being a very... persistent survivor.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Just now rough game against god their nurse I’m last hook slugged I’m crawling to the last guy to be res nurse kills him and closes hatch right in front of me sees me and she knows I have a key carry’s me to hatch as I’m nearly bleed out let’s me wiggle free and escape

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352

    Mine is strange but definitely not forgetable

    I was new to the game and I was facing a piglet(I call her that bad habit) on Macmillon Estate. It was my first week on Dead By Daylight. Now being a Noob I was still scared of the Game, but new afew things for just a rank 16. But still the time I didn't spend on a Gen I usually spent hiding in lockers.

    Anyways five minutes pass and nobody even gets injured, so I gain the courage to work on a gen. But when I start working on it I see piggy crouched watching me, I run terrified and hide nearby at a loop, my Heart is pounding for real as I wait to hear that scary heartbeat, but it never came...i vault the window and I'm met by piggy on the otherside!

    Luckily I didn't scream but I did fast vault to the other side in a panic move, I begin running and I don't look back, but I run in to the wal, I turn around and piggy is gone..

    I catch my breath alittle and after another few minutes of crouch walking around I get the guts to go back on to a gen.

    Now here's were it gets strange. I didnt know why piggy let me go, but I tried to keep calm, and do gens. I get one to halfway when I see her again. She's watching me again but I don't get up and run. She's looking at me but dosent move, I'm getting more scared at what this Unpredictable killer would player would do. I try to run but she stays crouched, and stays on me.. I run around the entire map, yet she follows and stays crouched.

    Every pallet I drop dosent slow her, every vault I make she makes too, Every time I pathetically crouch behind something she gives out that cute rawr, sort of like a "Try again" now that I think about it. It felt like she was taunting me no matter what I do.

    After awhile I realised NOBODY had been hurt. So I get a nerve, I stop running and walk up to piggy. Instead of knocking me down there and then like any other killer she's gets ul, and runs away from me.

    I tried to follow her but since she was faster she got away and managed to crouch when I couldn't see her. I eventually quit and go back to my objective.

    After u give up our first gen pops, very close to where I am. And I reunite with 2 Claudette's. One was P3, The other had a store bought outfit. We danced for awhile before moving to a gen.

    I realised both had Flashlights and one tried to gift me there's, I politely declined and so did Piggy, she came out of nowhere and hit the Claudette.

    Before I bolted like a baby I seen the piggy givd the Claud a "No nod" quickly. I ran halfway away before turning around to see Class ud being chased. I didn't realise this originally as I was new to the G as md but Claud was flashlight clicking and tagging Piggy and stunning her. Curious I watched the chase while on a gen

    I had missed something else too. This pig knew how to handle herself. As not long(about 10 seconds) after the tbagging Claud was down.

    Piggy proceeded to nod "No" yet again after hitting Claud, she broke the pallet, looked down at Claud for afew seconds...then crouched and went away.

    Hoping to be somewhat useful I ran up to Claud to heal her. But just when I did I seen piggy coming back to us. I ran hoping to get away whilst pig hooked the Claud. Can you guess what happened after?

    Pig proceeded to completely ignore Claud and go back to doing what she did with our last "Chase" crawling after me doing little cute rawrs. But never attacking me. We arrived at a T loop and honestly? This is one one the scariest moments I've had in any video game.

    Piggy has stood up now and was constantly cutting me off, causing me to revault numerous times. Due to the heartbeat, red stain and creepy music I was scared out of my pants. And I didn't know if her NOT hurting me was good or not.

    I tried to look behind me as I ran. But all it caused was for me to bump in to walls. I made it to an L loop and instantly felt safer. I kid you not everytime I vaulted something so did piggy. She began crouching and rawring again as I vaulted whatever window was in sight.

    After awhile of what I thought was expert survivor plays Claus came to my rescue. She kept flashlight clicking at pig but piggy never bought it. She remained dead set on me.

    It wasn't until Claud got right behind me that piggy was forced to hit her. I guess she upset her enough to commit as afew seconds later...all was quiet again

    I actually had to put the controller down, I pondered quiting, I didn't want to play anymore after that.

    I was quickly forced put of my bubble as I heard the terror radius start up again. Not thinking I fast vaulted in to a locker. No suprise piggy opened the locker right up to find me, finally do ning me after what felt like forever

    But it didn't end here with me on the meathook. Piggy dropped me and proceeds to crouch and spam the rawr button, shaking her head in a spazzing manner. It was honestly pretty funny.

    I tried to crawl but she kept right up to me easily as I was down. My fellow survivor Jake tried to heal up his twin brother but piggy hit him when he tried to heal me, again nodding "No"

    I thought the piggy was an ass, they waer clearly targeting me because I was new. What a jerk. Everytime someone tried to pick me up piggy would block them and threaten them back with an attack

    After an agonising half a bleed out gauge I was got back up by the Claud, however piggy didn't knock me down immediately, instead they tried to crouch after me again. This TIME my team CHASED her.

    Piggy tried to get rid of the Claud at the shack, as Claud was bodyblocking me hard. And she nearly had her. After she tried to Ambush her at the window my dumbass ran RIGHT in to PIGGY, downing me again.

    PIGGY began spazzing like crazy yet again. But she kept hitting me when I was down, before standing up and hitting above me. I didn't know what it meant at the time but I didn't care, I just wanted the game over. After Claud picked me up I didn't move. I just waited to die. Piggy stayed crouched in front of me doing her rawrs

    Sorry for that long ass intro. But here's where the Wholesome bit starts:)

    I went afk but when I got back there was 1 gen left and piggy was still there. I got annoyed and waved at her in the (come here) gesture for "just kill me"

    She nodded no and rawred, Claud creeped in to the frame and proceeded to boop piggys snoot. Piggy rawred, I gave it a go, crouched and pointed at her, she spazzed out again and nodded "yes" quickly. Happy Piggy!

    For the rest of the natch (which wasn't long but still some time,) we sort of farmed I guess? Claud kept trying to signal at piggy to let her drop pallets on her. But piggy didn't move untill I pointed at Claud, then piggy obeyed and let claud drop a pallet on her. She came back to me and I booped her snoot again. She spaqqed yer again and rawred, before Ambushing and spinning in circles.

    We went around the map together and piggy followed me wherever I went. One of the best bits was when we W we nt back in the Killer shack, PIGGY "told" me to follow her and I did we went to the basement and she kept hitting the chest, Jake tried to take it, so did Claud but piggy didn't let them have it. I thought that was adorable. I pulled out a med kit and dropped it in front of piggy. A med kit as a gift! We started tbagging the down jake as a sort of dance party(he was Healed don't worry

    All good things come to an end though. As the last gen popped and we opened the gate PIGGY started spazzing out again. I tbagged at her and she started raring, she wanted me to follow her. But the entire group followed. Piggy nodded "no" at them and escorted them back to the gate. It took her opening it herself but eventually she got one of the Clauds and the Jake out.

    The other Claud however (store bought outfit) didn't budge, she insisted on getting the hatch. Piggy (understandably) had had enough of this Claud, they had one last chase, I think it's what the Claud wanted honestly.

    But careful what you wish for, it took some moonwalking and mind games but piggy won almost instantly, after Hooking the Claud pig rawred at me and escorted me to the hatch.

    However I had to be a hero. I ran back to the hook, Piggy hit me as a warning. But I was willing to die to get someone out. I awaited my new doom

    I only heard distant running and a Bong noise. Piggy just stood there as Claud got away. She then crouched and put herself against the wall, doing rawrs. I felt bad, but I had an idea. I crawled all the way up to the wall, she looked at me. I booped her snoot, she pulled out a bazooka and blew me to smithereens screaming in an australia accent "THATS WHAT YOU GET YOU F-"

    Ok that's not what's what actually happened.

    She looked at me, I booped her snoot and she made 3 cute rawrs. We Tbagged and made up, becoming best friends again haha

    We went back to the hatch, she hit on top of it and nodded, it was time to say goodbye, piggy backed up but as I walked on to the hatch I looked at her, took a step forward, dropped my med kit and went on my way.

    We talked a little after but I prefer not to talk about them after that match. But to put it loosely they were doing a "protect the president type of game." I just so happened to be the obsession. Still this remains the best dbd match I've ever played in and the most wholesome.

  • GuySmiley
    GuySmiley Member Posts: 33

    When ya send someone a gg message and they act like you're the nicest person in the world because most of the people who play this game are kind of mean or 12 years old.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    When I met a nice person named @MandyTalk here. 🎃🍰

  • DCh4rlie
    DCh4rlie Member Posts: 66

    Back when the sabo meta existed, I mained Nurse and had a sabo trio in my lobby.

    Well, you can imagine what happened, all hooks got saboed, though I still managed to get 2 kills thanks to the basement and irongrasp (which was meta back then).

    I was still pretty pissed about the sabo round though decided to still write gg into the endgame chat. The trio thanked me for the round and asked me to join them in a KYF round since they loved playing against Nurses (back then Nurse was the least played killer).

    I joined them with some pessimism but turned out they were like the most wholsesome persons I've met on the internet. Even now after 4 years and them quitting DBD, I still play with them regularly.

  • Viciusaurus
    Viciusaurus Member Posts: 407

    Had a game with Clown on MacMillan, and they played quite well. As the match progressed we got to a point where nearly everyone was on death hook, 2 gens left, and one player sacrificed. I was injured and trying to locate my team, when I see the both of them in the distance being chased. I'm next to a gen (located right next to a gate) and start working on it, when all of a sudden the EGC starts. Confused, I look and see that my party fled using a key and left me for dead. I start opening the exit gate, but the Clown was speedily on their way, when they down me and pick me. They stop and then start juggling me until I'm off. They allow me escape, and said they felt bad that I'd been abandoned, and that really made me feel all fuzzy inside.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I have a few I could share and a few funny moments.

    My first wholesome moment is when I was playing survivor and I could kind of tell I had a fellow new player with me and they could not do a gen for the life of them. I followed them around as best I could trying to guide them and keep them safe. When the gate was finally opened the poor little newb was on a hook but I quickly ran in unhooked and let the killer sacrifice me. I mean as a new player nothing gives more hope for a game then actually winning so I did not mind taking the loss.

    I also do this for killers though that are doing bad or just having a bad game like when a killer gets a map horribly designed for them and they can't get a kill or hook. I will let the killer hook me and most the time even sacrifice me. This has actually got me a few friend request from the killers. I think as a kind of thank you for being a nice person.

    I mean the game is only fun in my opinion if we all treat each other with respect and treat each other the way you would want to be treated. I know how cheesy that is but I love when a killer camps a poor survivor and says oooooh that is fair play. Then that killer tries survivor and gets camped and cries how toxic it is and how cheap it is. They quickly forget though 2 games ago they just did the exact thing to many people and loved it. This goes the same way with survivor but a little less. It is more about survivors who play with comms and abuse the killer with second chance perks. You would never want to deal with that as a killer so how is it fun doing it to another killer/player and really where is the challenge if you can literally abuse the killer and just keep tabs on them. We need to stop thinking about I and think about the game as WE.

    Now the funny moments in my gameplay. My first time learning to play Spirit and Nurse scared the poop out of me. I was hiding and boom they were in my face and I about fell off my couch from jumping. I sense then have played enough to not get scared but I still have my moments. The other day my husband was watching me play and I was quietly moving and I guess kind of zoned out from so many games. Well a survivor came running up and vaulted a window and the sound and just the instant alertness of waking me up and seeing someone in front of me. I yelped and my husband again laughed but the headphones made it even more scary. lol I love this game and the community. =)

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I had a dance off with a clearly nooby survivor group the other day as Ghostface. They were dropping pallets before I was even at the loop, slow vaulting everything, exploding gens left and right, stabbing eachother in the butt with failed healing checks, and so on. I made sure to scare the bejesus out of them. Took close to twenty minutes for them to finally pop all the gens, when I could have finished it in three at five gens.

    We had a dance off at the gate. The Dweet won when he busted out the head nodding mid crouch. I was so proud.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    Just now I had a Blight match against purple-ranked solo survivors with about 100 hours experience apiece. I am a rank 1 killer with 2k hours experience. I was also using Blight's Iri Blight Tag (his insta-down addon) after maining Blight since his release.

    It would be sufficient to say that the match did not go well for them. I got at least 3 insta-downs and had such a blast that I happily gave the last survivor hatch. Then comes the post-game chat:

    "Gg <3", I said.

    "gg :(" one of them responds.

    "Sadface?" I asked incredulously.

    "You kinda f****d us," another quips.

    "I hope you at least enjoyed getting f****d" was all I could think to say. This launched a long, animated, and friendly conversation in which they ultimately vowed to gain more experience and return for a rematch. I'll be waiting for you, mates.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Use to heavily play PS4 and went against a P3 Bubba who started to immediately face camp a random (when there was no swivel hooks). I stood next to the hook as he revved it and pointed at him then moved left and right a few times before pointing at the hooked Feng. Bubba looked at me then the hooked then at me again while still revved and backed up. I got the unhook and the random ran away as Bubba walked up to my face, chainsaw ready to do its job. I waited to die and instead, he backed up and ran into a tree into a tantrum then slowly turned and looked at me before walking away.

    I leave and get on a gen, and we get all of them done and they start opening the gate. I walk inside the basement (this was Mothers' Dwelling) and loot the chest. I turn around to see Insidious Bubba staring at me with Insidious in the corner. I walk up and take screenshots with us together. I start to walk up and another survivor comes down and see's Bubba and starts to flashlight blind the guy so I step in the way to block the beam. The guy moves and tries again until Bubba revvs up and chases him then downs him. He takes him back into the basement and makes love to his face with the chainsaw, daring anyone to touch him. I nodded and walked out. After the game, I get a message from the Killer saying, "Thanks for being cool. I usually face camp but you had me laughing so I let the guy go just for him to come back later and try to be toxic". I told him it was all good and he'll only get better if he actually tries to kill.

    Since then, I've seen him a few more times but he plays as Nurse on PC and still one of the best to this day. He can snipe a fly in a dark room lol. Still doesn't face camp to this day. Great guy, honestly. Next time you see someone getting face camped, try to be nice and make the killer laugh. You might save someones' life.

  • G1ng3rBreadMan
    G1ng3rBreadMan Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2020

    My Friend said I wasn't enough (it was all joking around) so I went to a corner to cry in the match and just stayed there all match, the killer did end up killing me but in end game chat he asked what was going on. So I told him what my friend said and he asked if there was anything he could do to make it better, I said just love me so he friended me and gifted me a game.

  • G1ng3rBreadMan
    G1ng3rBreadMan Member Posts: 27

    Here's another one that happened recently, I was streaming and before the match the killer came into the stream and said he doesn't really play this killer much so will be just messing around. we got midwich and he was playing billy, my friend gave him a down in the beginning, but he came back to stream to say he's actually playing just not gonna do real good. So I played the match like an actual match, gave him some good runs and he was actually quite a decent killer just not too good with the chainsaw, anyways I'm running him about to go down when the last gen pops and my adrenaline goes off completely saving me and making him whiff, most clutch adrenaline I've ever seen. We got the gates opened and I was in the exit gate but I decided to let him kill me anyways

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I played against a Streamer and some of his friends tonight, using a Killer this particular Streamer mains. It was my first match of the day and I honestly didn´t do too hot. I only realised it was him after the match.

    I played another couple matches and went to watch ours. He made a couple very positive comments during the game, it really helped brighten my DBD day since I´ve been so upset ever since the last Dev stream. A shame he didn´t stick around long enoug to read my appreciation message though, but it felt great :) Needless to say these guys weren´t ######### to rub the L in, 1Ks aren´t that bad with such good sports!

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    Just now we lost a team mate at the very end (cause of noed).

    The Meg and I squatted down at the exit gate and hung our heads and lifted them slightly up and down, like we were crying. Then just hung them unmoving in sorrow. Its was sad and also heartwarming to mourn together. 🎃

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    Assuming the survivors were nice, I'll usually give the last guy hatch. Rules:

    -No clicking

    -No Teabagging

    And it's that simple. Just don't be a toxic freak, and you get a free carry to the hatch.

    Got to do this twice as Myers tonight, and it felt really great.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    I facecamped from start to death on hook a Nea and she DC'ed on hook, then their other 3 SWF did it as well really fast pointing at her

    pretty satisfying for the good job done so far, they were not even toxic LMFAO

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    Brain hurts from thinking on when I actually had wholesome moments. Seeing as most of the time it's either just a normal match or there's just a bunch of toxicity or other ick going on.

    Uhhhh... I'd have to say when we had a hacker in our game... friends and i were in a 3 stack and we ran after the rando hacker trying to help the killer get the get them (unfortunately we couldn't accomplish our goal to trap the hacker). We felt sorry for that killer, but due to the hacker the killer let us live despite me pointing at the hook in their face and trying to let them have a kill.

  • imthebaby
    imthebaby Member Posts: 5

    I'm new, but I've had a lot of wholesome moments. They actually outnumber the toxicity, just that toxic matches last as long as the attention span of the group.

    I mostly play killer and I'm extremely mediocre, but I let people go if they're struggling to just hit gen skill checks or it's a solo q in a group of potatoes. This has led to a lot of cute moments with my killer guiding baby survs around. For the first time, I had a red rank survivor sacrifice himself for me and the whole group was respectful in game and very nice in the chat. If you read this, sorry matchmaking is broken and I hope you get challenging and fun matches in the future :)

    When I play survivor, I am an absolute potato (sorry team) and I've had lots of killers let me go free, too. Latest was a pyramid head who carried me to the gate after I kobed off the hook.

  • TCBCamron
    TCBCamron Member Posts: 1

    It was a while ago but I was losing horribly as hillbilly and I saw them all waiting at the exit gate. I thought they'd be toxic but we spent like 5 minutes chasing each other. We got so many bloodpoints and I had a fun time. Was laughing the whole time as I ran after them and they ran after me

  • Doritoarts5
    Doritoarts5 Member Posts: 6

    I was playing hillbilly for the first time, and, long story short: I sucked. Only got one sacrifice before the gates were open. I didn't care much, I was just having fun. I went to the gates and started spinning around as a "congrats! You guys absolutely wrecked me!" to the survivors and they joined in! It was the most fun moment I'd had playing since winning my first ever match [I was real proud of that one, still am!] and I added them all as friends. We play together sometimes! [Quick note, this happened on mobile, if anyone involved is reading this: Hi!! You guys are great!!]

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    Last week on ormond i was pig and two people dc on survivor side. I think we had alot of extra bloodpoint offerings up. So i followed one of them around and they led me to every pallet i broke it. I let them do a gen then i kick it then they do gen and i kick it and we just kept giving each other points. Eventually let them finish gen. I open the gate and let the one crawl out.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Today I just had a rollercoaster of 3 matches. I was going for the Evil Incarnate achievement, but since I always go for the cheapest bloodweb items first, I only had enough for 2 attempts. The first one went pretty poorly. I brought my only indoor map offering (Lery's) and by chance the survivors brought Red Forest, so that game went down the drain fast.

    Second attempt, I used a Black Ward for my last set of tombstone + hair, and the random map was Hawkins, which is pretty good for that. 2 survivors even realized what I was doing and let me stalk/kill them for free after a while. *Then the game crashed* when I was about to kill the last survivor. Since a game crash technically counts as a DC, I lost my addons and the Black Ward couldn't do anything to help.

    Begrudgingly, I launched the game again since I hadn't done a survivor game yet. Since I was so heartbroken by last game, my plan was to just take my 300 daily XP and f**k off, by spamming vaults then killing myself on hook. But by chance, the killer was a friendly Ghostface with the new Halloween outfit. This inspired me to not kill myself on hook.

    I still need a few hours break, but that last game made me much less salty in the moment, which I'm very grateful for.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Erm... I know the Evil Incarnate achievement sucks badly.. but you were going to repay a non-survivor initiated DC by BMing three other random survivors? Assuming you were not doing this in a four-man SWF.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Yeah, it's not like me to do that. I was very tilted at that time, and now that it's been several hours, I can't believe I was gonna do something so selfish.

  • WestX
    WestX Member Posts: 120

    I've been working on my challenges as a killer recently and I was pretty easily able to convince the survivors to help me by making it clear I wasn't trying to kill them. ITs made a lot of what would've been painful challenges super quick and easy, along with enabling the survivors to get what they need done too.

    Unfortunately this doesn't transfer over well to my survivor challenges... I have yet to meet a killer who's willing to just let me do what I need to do

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I was trying to do the 6-hits Blight challenge. I’m absolutely terrible with Blight (on console btw).

    Found a David who realized what I was doing and let me hit him. He’d take the time to heal up with self care each time so I could hit him again. When I missed (yeah, I know, and he was standing still too!) he’d dutifully work a gen while my power recharged. He did this for all 6 hits. I gave him some pallet stuns and rushed everyone else out the gate so he could take hatch.

    What a guy!

  • mrcrumbb
    mrcrumbb Member Posts: 8

    I'll throw away a four kill every time if someone I slug manages to crawl to the exit on their own grit from half a mile away. Will even happily escort them to the gate or even pick them up to help them along sometimes depending on how far they crawled lol.

    Not sure if that counts as "wholesome" as I'm sure the crawl isn't as "fun" for them, but I can't bring myself to deny such a hard earned victory. Doubly so if I can tell they're new, and they didn't overspec to hell and back.

  • Jollykins
    Jollykins Member Posts: 43

    I always have my name set to "Doctor's Girlfriend" because I obviously love Doc and I like to face him. A little roleplay doesn't hurt in the match to break the sweat fest and just have some fun.

    I had one doctor down me when he could, but he would just nod at me and leave. I knew he was playing along and the other survivors caught on. At the end where I was the only survivor, my teammates were suprisingly amused and we all played along with the survivor x Doctor joke. Cringy I know, but I was happy to see that people in the community have a sense of humor and don't resort to salt every match y'know? It's a game, we should all have fun🥰

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    I just murdered 4 survivors in basement after initially planning to only do it to one. Then out of nowhere they tried to save and one by one they all died on the exact same hook.

    I welcomed them into my home but my love could only hurt them.

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    I had a game where I was Oni. I demolished 2 survivors and they were dead at 4 gens. Patrolling gens, I saw a David. And guess what? He was running no mither. Against Oni. Well, he sat on the hill giving me blood while I did loops around the map, because the last survivor was a blendette. I must have gotten my power about 5 times before I found her hiding near a gen. Downed her, hooked her, gave David hatch. Idk if this counts as working with the killer for him, but he was just vibing so I didn’t want to kill him.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    I was playing trapper on the sanctum of wrath.. was chasing a Dwight around a loop where the pallet was down and trying to mind-game him into my grasp. On this map, the loop had 2 rocks next to the pallet and funnily enough.. I was able to walk UP the rock and OVER (literally walked on top of the pallet) and straight into the Dwight's arms for an easy down.

    I found it hilarious, obviously a broken spot or ''glitch'' that allowed me to get that down, which was even funnier when I see the other survivors in the distance just staring at me after what I had done.

    Needless to say the match turned into farming simulator with all of us running up the rock and over the pallet, like we found a new toy to play with.

  • Oreo7
    Oreo7 Member Posts: 56

    A couple years back, I was solo queueing against a trapper on mother's dwelling. At 5 gens, teammate 1 steps in a trap near basement and gets hooked in basement. With kindred, I watch as teammate 2 goes in for the save, but he doesn't make it in time-- teammate 1 kills himself on the hook and teammate 2 gets stuck in the very same trap. Upon getting picked up, he dc's. And finally, teammate 3 dc's because what's the point? We're not winning this game. Meanwhile, there's still 5 gens left, and this is before the endgame update, back in the days of hatch standoffs and having to complete one more gen for each person alive before the hatch is even an option--- so I set off to find the killer. I manage to find him and I think he was looking for me; I wave him toward me, trying to tell him to just slice me and get it over with, but he doesn't. He swings but doesn't hit me (telling me to follow him) and this trapper leads me to each gen and lets me do all 5 of them. In return, I let him chase and down me a couple times, and he lets me pallet stun him for more points, but he never hooks me. He even lets me open the door and still gives me hatch.

    I play on xbox so he and I had a conversation afterward via messages. I thanked him for letting me get my points and escape and he told me it was no problem because he felt bad for me and said he couldn't believe they all left me like that. He even mentioned being more disappointed since we were at higher ranks (he was red and I was purple).

    I don't remember your name and I don't even know if you remember me or that match, but I still remember lol. You're a legend, keep doing what you're doing👍️

  • Terr0rwrist
    Terr0rwrist Member Posts: 67
  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295

    No other way of putting it but totally dominated a Myers, and we all escaped. I was the last too, but before I left, at the exit gates, Myers put on a moonwalking dance show for me. I shook my head in approval 😅

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    The most wholesome moment I have experienced in DBD was actually the very first time I played a trial. My first trial ended on January 10 @ 12:00am (per the timestamps of the 3 achievements below), but my journey to get to that first trial literally took weeks. If you don't feel like wasting your time, skip all the way down to where it says "my first time:" as that part describes my first DBD game. However, the backstory part will likely shed some light why my first impression of DBD was likely very different from everyone else's and why I will never ever forget my first trial.


    Backstory: Getting DBD, and all it took to get it to run for the first time

    Up until recently, I was strictly a Linux user, who once upon a time actually held full developer status for a particular distribution, and who has not used any Windows version in any substantial way after Windows XP. In fact, up until recently, the last Windows version that I purposely installed on my own system - even if as just a secondary OS - was Windows XP and this happened in the days where you either used Windows, or you simply didn't get to use that particular piece of software. I am not talking about games or even running MS office; you absolutely had to have Internet Explorer at your disposal to work with anything built on top of ActiveX. Even today you really have to do some ridiculous heavy lifting to get anything built on top of that framework to work, as even MS Edge browser doesn't support it out of the box (active X is one of those underlying reasons why many large companies with "stable" infrastructure already in place cannot easily migrate, migrate or in some cases even patch their systems without going offline until a brand new rework is implememnted).

    I got hurt towards the end of last year, to a point where I couldn't walk for about 2 months. After running out of Netflix, one day I decided to get a new video game. Now, these days Linux distributions are no longer at the mercy of their closed-source big brother. While many older games can simply be installed and ran with Wine under Linux, this approach can take a lot of time, energy and countless useless packages to get a newer title going. However, Valve Corp actually allows for Linux to now be a more-or-less viable "native" platform for Steam games. I already had Payday 2 from before and that ran beautifuly with Steam, under Linux.

    It was time to get a new game....and I already vaguely knew what game I wanted to get, but I just couldn't remember the exact title nor much details about it. I definitely knew it was a horror game, you are in a group of friends, and the title had something to do with the morning. I don't remember how I worded it in the search box but the first game I found was Dying Light.

    I already had, played, may have actually beat ( I think?) and ultimately gave up on Dying Light. I was heartbroken... I couldn't believe that the game I was thinking of immediately buying just now, and was looking forward to playing happened to be this lackluster clone of Dead Island - a game with far more originality at release, as well as scenery that didn't make you want to jump off of the nearest building.

    I decide to give google another shot, but this time make the search even simpler and typed in: "Horror game killer with friends", and on the very top of the page, there was some sort of a reference to DBD (checking it now, there are two videos that come up before the text search results) and the title "Dead by Daylight". Bought it right away, (afraid it might morph into the Dying Light if I don't)

    1. Own Dead by Daylight
    2. Install DBD through Steam Play under Linux
    3. DBD is complaining about DX11. I don't get it, I know I already have all the necessary DX drivers and libraries.
    4. .....
    5. DBD is actually complaining about DX Feature Level < 11.
    6. .....(learning about differences between DX11 compatibility and feature level 11 compatiblity)
    7. Great, our GPU specs apparently allow for FL=11 and DDI=11.2 , I wonder if DBD will even star,t if we make(read brute force) a bunch of (likely unstable) "patches" to our kernel drivers, and anything else we can see is being actively read on startup.
    8. .....(Days spent on this, but still having fun)
    9. .....(Starting to feel a little bitter, doesn't seem fair for Steam to sell, and even allow the install of a game on OS running that Steam client, even when that OS apparently cannot run it)
    10. ....(progress made)
    11. .....(Steam registers game startup. Wow the loading screen looks to have gotten past the feature level error)
    12. ..... (Excitement)
    13. ....Crash!
    14. ..... (Disappointment)
    15. "What in lord's name is Easy-anti cheat????" (After more research, I realize that EAC will be incredibly difficult if not outright impossible to circumvent on a long-term basis)
    16. ....(Sulking)
    17. ....(Not installiing Windows just to play a game, no way)
    18. ....(Fine, I might install it, but I am certainly not buying an actual copy of Windows)
    19. ....(Quick. the laptop I bought few years ago, must have come with some Windows version pre-installed, I bet it still has a serial number on the back)
    20. ....Windows 7 - and i even left it as a second OS.
    21. ....Win7 apparently will not do, can't remember why exactly but at least Win 8.1 , or better yet Win10 was needed. Testing DBD on a laptop with IGPU - even one capable of DX FL 11.0 would not have been fruitful anyway.
    22. ....(By now, I somehow managed to get Steam to show that I have been playing DBD for over 1 hour because of multiple starts and crashes)
    23. ..........(days pass)....
    24. End of December, Christmas Eve, spending it with parents, siblings and family.(Everyone's a comedian this year, cracking jokes about the cane I am still using to walk)
    25. Find out my dad bought a new (refurbished) computer last year but it has gotten really slow already
    26. I copy the serial number for Win10 thats taped to the chassis, and put Elementary OS linux on my dad's comp (terrible but simple distro)
    27. ....(I forgot to check if I have enough free storage to make two large partitions, one for W10 and one for steamapps etc)
    28. .....(First I move things around, then I quickly give up and order a new HDD)
    29. .....The HDD gets here after New Year's. Waste more time getting the WIn 10 installation image, making the bootable usb, and installing the disk inside the case wastes even more time.
    30. .....Installation screen shows a bazillion versions of Windows 10 that I can install. The serial specifies Win 10 Pro.
    31. .....I see Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Pro N...... N probably stands for netwroking, yeah let's go with Windows 10 Pro N.
    32. .....Fantastic! Wait, there are no codecs installed, Windows Update does not solve the issue, MS forums are not helpful
    33. .....I learn that N in Windows 10 Pro N does not stand for Networking, but is actually the European edition of Win 10 where many default libraries are not installed by default (Perhaps going with E instead of N in the future might prevent others from making this mistake).
    34. .....(Debate formatting and installing Windows 10 Pro instead. Decide to do it. Somehow install Win 10 Pro N again, I kid you not)
    35. .....Another 4 hours for everything to update, and DBD to download and install.

    The game finally starts and I am in the main menu.


    DBD: My first Trial

    1. (What? You can play through the main storyline as the killer too??!! That's so awesome!)
    2. (Let's play the survivor's storyline first.)
    3. (Nice, they have a bunch of different characters) Not sure why I see Bill from L4D as one of them, but this is suppose to be a horror game so less I know beforehand the better and I don't really question it either.
    4. I choose Dwight, then click on either the Loadout or bloodweb and see the initial message about perk slots.) I guess you can level them up like in any other RPG.
    5. Hit ready, there is a lobby. 60 second timer runs out before I even realize there is a chat there to use.
    6. My first trial starts......I spawn in some hospital (I am 99% I got Lery's Institute as my first map).
    7. I have no idea what to do yet (or at all), so I do what everyone does in any story-based new game. I pick a direction and walk/run forward.....and wait for that first cutscene .....the cutscene never comes.
    8. Instead I see another player running by me (They know what to do! Need to follow.....)
    9. I follow, they start doing something to some machine. They are doing it for like 15 seconds.....I get closer....oh I can help!
    10. My 1st skill check ends up also being my first failed skill check. (Not sure what just happened.... I wonder if I can die from these if it happens again. Still should try to actually hit it next time)
    11. ....(a few seconds pass)
    12. ... My survivor friend runs away from our generator..... I guess he is done with his portion. I guess I have to finish mine first because my repair bar is not full I stay....
    13. .........(What?).......(What was that?)......(I could have sworn I just saw a ghost that looked like the killer from Scream chase after my survivor friend. I guess Ghostface costume by itself might not be trademarked and in the public domain or something)
    14. .......(some other survivor got hit, I just heard a scream)
    15. ......(Oh no, the killer is running back).......(He can definitely see me)........(Nevertheless, I am gonna look away, and pretend I don't see him)
    16. .....about 5 seconds later, I realize two things a) that is indeed the killer from scream and b) looking away was not the optimal strategy
    17. ..... (I find myself crawling now. Tried to recover , but full recovery seems to be disabled..... Maybe this is all part of the intro)
    18. ......Someone helps me up....but the killer finds me right away......crawling again.....maybe I am suppose to crawl to an exit. Let's crawl
    19. ......I think another survivor is now also crawling on the floor like me now., I can see shadows of 2 more.... Let's crawl to that general area.
    20. .....(See the killer a couple of times on the way. Yep, definitely Ghostface)
    21. .....(Both the other survivor and I get healed by others. I find out I can help heal others just like I could help with the generators)
    22. .....(Helping out with a generator, feeling usefull. terrified of skill checks, they seem impossible, so much going on)
    23. .....Ghostface returns. Someone ends up crawling again. This time I run but he is chasing me.
    24. .....I see a message on the bottom of the screen. Space Bar to do something. I hit the space bar but also let go of the shift. Pallet drops in front of me. .....crawling again.
    25. ......(Some gens pop while everything is happening, but bear in mind this is still the first 5 min of my very first DBD trial with no prior knowledge of gameplay)
    26. ....while crawling I figure out that the number in the bottom left corner corresponds to the generators and shows how many are left.
    27. ....For now I keep crawling. Not sure if I should crawl or lay still and just recover.
    28. ....Get helped up again....Feeling useful by helping heal another even though I am injured myselfm. Then helping with a gen.
    29. ..... Fail another check, my survivor friend runs away from our gen (more likely me). I decide to stay by myself and at least try to get better at these skill checks. (they seem to be the key!)
    30. ....Ghostface comes back. Lets me finish my generator....then shortly after I find myself crawling again.
    31. ...(by now, I understand how this self-recovery stage works so I try to fill the health bar before crawling somewhere else)
    32. ...Final generator pops. There is a msg about Exits where the gen number used to be. This must be it!
    33. ...(What just happened....Ok, I guess that's a timer of sorts and I have to get somewhere before it runs out)
    34. ..(I crawl into some large room, with stairs going up.....seems reasonable, let's crawl up the stairs.)
    35. ...Now, It looks like 2 of the survivors have made it out of the hospital. There should still be one more. left.....
    36. ....Nevermind, they left too.......and Ghostface just found me.
    37. ....(Now I am being carried by the killer.. I am fully expecting to die a gruesome death.
    38. ....Ghostface drops me near a spot that looks like our exit gate, then ;et's me crawl through it and escape.
    39. .....(This level of confusion should not even be remotely possible)
    40. .....(The short, but very pleasant and kind-hearted post-game chat makes it clear that Dead by Daylight might not actually be the game I was originalyl looking for after all)

    For those of you who have not guessed it, (yet might have read through all of that nonesense above) the game I actually happened to be looking for when I found Dead by Daylight is called Until Dawn (only available for PS4 it seems) and if I had typed in anything else into google, or actually found Until Dawn and saw that it was not a PC game I likely would have never even heard of DBD. Similarly, if I had encountered any other killer in my first game, or some very toxic gameplay, I might have given up on trying to get better at the game.

    I never ended up getting or playing Until Dawn.

    Since my first match on January 10th, I have put in about 1700 hours into DBD, met many good-hearted survivors at all different ranks, from brown all the way to red where I mostly play these days, and even made a few DBD friends along the way.,

    .....but even all of that still pales in comparison to finally being able to consistently hit those dreaded skill checks.

    Finally, these are the 3 very special and highly memorable Achievements I got after my first DBD game.

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    My first time I played Freddy Krueger all 4 Survivors DC’d. Even today it’s my fav DBD story to tell.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I thought I was going to get in trouble reading this at work but I made it through, laughed a bit, then realized DBD needs to help new players really need a better training mode or in your case a big read arrow pointing to the super basic one we have now:)

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Had a match against Frank where he decided to spare the Meg and me. I was on death hook and downed thinking I was done for. He nodded at me and went to find someone else. He got Meg downed and carried her to me and let her break out on top of me. (obvious right?) She fled. He looked at her and chased and downed her to repeat this. She ran to a nearby pallet. He started moonwalking on me back and forth. She hid around the corner. He stood on my face and started nodding and looking down at me. She fled. He kept at it. No matter how many times he moonwalked on me, stood on my face, twirled on me, stabbed randomly in a different direction, stunned himself using Frenzy on me, etc... she couldn't figure it out.

    I almost bled out but he juggled me a little which made me wonder if I'd wind up flopping down on the ground and dying at his feet anyways after all that effort he took to spare me. But he realized and let me wiggle the rest resulting in my escaping. Though I think I'd have better odds staying with him than escaping with that Meg.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I'm not always feeling charitable when I play DbD as I've found that when you give killers/survivors an inch they'll take 5 gens and an exit gate or a 4K. However I was against a Billy the other night who clearly was trying to get one of the chainsaw challenges done. My friend and I let him get it done and he just chilled and let us escape without issue.