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[Poll] Should There Be A Ban System on PS4?

Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
edited October 2018 in General Discussions
Poll :

The general attitude of players on PS4 is that they know they can get away with almost anything. And this has encouraged the harrassment players face in-game. Most players already know that DBD has no moderation at all on PS4 and are taking advantage of this fact. One thing that is happening more than often is that, players who are already friends with the killer, and are of the same rank and belong to the same region, team up against other survivors. Feed bloodpoints off them till the entity kicks them out of the match. If that wasn't enough. They mock you in chat. They mock the game's ban system. They even boldly declare that they'll do it again. I have just three questions for the developers.
1. How long is this supposed to continue?
2. Isn't moderation a big part of any game?
3. When will we have that kind of moderation on PS4? @Patricia_BHVR @not_Queen

Edit : Removed chat. It seems like it's getting more attention than the actual problem, which is no bans on PS4. 

Post edited by Khalednazari on


  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    I know you want these people to be punished for their actions, but you can't name and shame, man. You should cover up the name of the other player.

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    edited October 2018

    I know you want these people to be punished for their actions, but you can't name and shame, man. You should cover up the name of the other player.

    Don't worry. I already did that. The post is updated even before you posted this. I am aware of this, it's just that I accidentally missed out on the tiny ign above every reply. Sorry. 
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    Yeah the console community has gone completely nuts since they are announced that they dont even have an ETA for console moderation.
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    Yeah the console community has gone completely nuts since they are announced that they dont even have an ETA for console moderation.
    This cannot continue. I'm not asking for something that's unreasonable. Fair play should be promoted and discriminatory play should be punished. 
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited October 2018
    Yeah the console community has gone completely nuts since they are announced that they dont even have an ETA for console moderation.
    This cannot continue. I'm not asking for something that's unreasonable. Fair play should be promoted and discriminatory play should be punished. 
    I have 14 messages calling me a nig-ger since August, among them 3 voice messages, and im just counting the ones that called me a ######### for some reason.
     I never contacted anyone first.

    Granted such salt equals like a badge of honor for me but this ######### just cant stand.

    Since they dont even have an ETA it can take a whike though.
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433

    I play on the PS4 and this kind of thing isn't rampant. It's pretty rare really. You are putting way too much mental energy and effort into this. Just move on to the next match. You just make yourself look silly trying to bait them into saying something. You and they both know there will be no punishment and frankly, it isn't that big of a deal to begin with. Seriously, just take a deep breath, relax, and move on with your life.

    You don't face it often doesn't mean it's not happening with others. Not that it hasn't happened before, or that I will stop playing this game. I will move on to the next game. And yes, we already know there's no punishment, that's the reason I am asking for moderation on PS4. 
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,847

    @Khalednazari said:

    You don't face it often doesn't mean it's not happening with others. Not that it hasn't happened before, or that I will stop playing this game. I will move on to the next game. And yes, we already know there's no punishment, that's the reason I am asking for moderation on PS4. 

    Percentage wise, how many times out of how many games have you experienced this?

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited October 2018

    @Khalednazari said:

    You don't face it often doesn't mean it's not happening with others. Not that it hasn't happened before, or that I will stop playing this game. I will move on to the next game. And yes, we already know there's no punishment, that's the reason I am asking for moderation on PS4. 

    Percentage wise, how many times out of how many games have you experienced this?

    You could ask Sony, BHVR or start a poll if you really wanted data, and even if it would occur once a year that would not suddenly justify it.
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433

    Percentage wise, how many times out of how many games have you experienced this?

    Happened twice today. And in general, atleast once, every other day. I have videos on my YT channel. I still send in reports, even though I know it'd do nothing. Also, for a change, let's question those who indulge in such kind of gameplay than questioning players who actually care about the game, the fairplay and the community. 
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    The fact that you engaged with and provoked the situation makes you part of the problem. Either disconnect, or submit a report via first party services and move on. 

    I used to combat toxicity like you, but then I realized that it’s not worth the energy. It stopped being fun because the game is already stressful enough. 
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I never reply and just report to psn

  • CodyJia
    CodyJia Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2018
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Khalednazari said:
    The general attitude of players on PS4 is that they know they can get away with almost anything. And this has encouraged the harrassment players face in-game. Most players already know that DBD has no moderation at all on PS4 and are taking advantage of this fact. One thing that is happening more than often is that, players who are already friends with the killer, and are of the same rank and belong to the same region, team up against other survivors. Feed bloodpoints off them till the entity kicks them out of the match. If that wasn't enough. They mock you in chat. They mock the game's ban system. They even boldly declare that they'll do it again. I have just three questions for the developers.
    1. How long is this supposed to continue?
    2. Isn't moderation a big part of any game?
    3. When will we have that kind of moderation on PS4? @Patricia_BHVR @not_Queen

    Edit : Edited out the portions of the chat where-in the player's id was visible. 

    Everyone says that PSN are so toxic, then I read stuff like this and wonder whenI had a polite conversation like this on PC......

  • Unicorn_scarecrow
    Unicorn_scarecrow Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2018
    Unreal that people are saying it should go ignored.
    It happened to me two nights in a row. A fellow survivor tried to bait me to the killer. I seen the Claudette point to where myself and other survivors we're hiding. 
    Keep spamming them with reports, maybe they will actually give us our money worth.
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    @DeadByFlashlight @DarkWo1f997

    The problem here is not the chat. It's the only fact that there's no moderation for that kind of behaviour ingame. If I knew I could report that guy, and some kind of action would be taken, I would not have bothered with messaging him even. Secondly, I do agree that the toxicity on PS4 is way less compared to PC, but only because there's no post-game chat window. But ingame, it's the same. In no way, it means that it should be ignored. 
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    edited October 2018
    I fixed the harrassment problems by griefers on my ps4. I blocked all messages while playing dbd. I haven't been cussed since. Lol
    The cussing isn't the harrassment here, the unfair gameplay is. Cussing outside the game isn't BHVR's problem. It's Sony's problem. 
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522

    You don't need a poll, console bans are already on the way. Can't say when just yet, but it's being worked on.

  • blaahval22
    blaahval22 Member Posts: 64
    edited October 2018

    Is there any point for us in using the rate match and or thumbs up/down system for other players on PS4 as of now?

    I always report intentional disconnects for unsportsmanlike behaviour, but if the game is not moderated at the moment I might as well spare the effort.

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    edited October 2018

    Is there any point for us in using the rate match and or thumbs up/down system for other players on PS4 as of now?

    I always report intentional disconnects for unsportsmanlike behaviour, but if the game is not moderated at the moment I might as well spare the effort.

    They maybe still using that data for statistics, but nothing else other than that. As for the moderation, I guess, it's just another soonTM. 
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522

    @blaahval22 said:
    Is there any point for us in using the rate match and or thumbs up/down system for other players on PS4 as of now?

    I always report intentional disconnects for unsportsmanlike behaviour, but if the game is not moderated at the moment I might as well spare the effort.

    Everything is still logged in the backend, it's just not possible to place a ban on consoles at the moment.

  • blaahval22
    blaahval22 Member Posts: 64

    Aight! Thank you for the response. I'll still spend a couple of a seconds making a report then, with the hope that one day effort will be taken against people with concerning amounts of reports.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Peanits said:

    @blaahval22 said:
    Is there any point for us in using the rate match and or thumbs up/down system for other players on PS4 as of now?

    I always report intentional disconnects for unsportsmanlike behaviour, but if the game is not moderated at the moment I might as well spare the effort.

    Everything is still logged in the backend, it's just not possible to place a ban on consoles at the moment.

    The matchmaking server should be controlled by you. Why is it not possible to simply remove a player from that matchmaking pool? sure it wouldnt be an actual game bann, but it would do the same job

  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    Peanits said:

    You don't need a poll, console bans are already on the way. Can't say when just yet, but it's being worked on.

    Unless you get dedicated servers or pay Sony reps to deal with the reports it won’t happen because sony doesn’t have the best network and the first thing that will happen when someone gets banned is they will call them and blame their faulty network servers they are known to have , say they just bought the ps plus for that game and then ask for a refund for the entire year of ps plus they bought along with call centers being overwhelmed with callers just to complain about a ban they got that they felt wasn’t justified and they may even ask for a refund on the game if digitally purchased  and say it’s not the game they bought at first and has changed too much, there are plenty of variables that could go wrong without dedicated servers 
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I play on PS4 and don't find it that bad. The occasional insult but that's usually when you have a good game.

    I have yet to see a survivor aiding the killer.

    How is it even possible for friends to get in a game as killer and survivor? Just by luck? Meh I can live with those odds.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Is it bad I purposefully prove any hate mail salter to continue, usually by saying for them to stop (lol), and get them banned on PlayStation? 3 validated reports, and that’s all 3 strikes! They’re out!

  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    Yeah the console community has gone completely nuts since they are announced that they dont even have an ETA for console moderation.
    This cannot continue. I'm not asking for something that's unreasonable. Fair play should be promoted and discriminatory play should be punished. 
    I have 14 messages calling me a nig-ger since August, among them 3 voice messages, and im just counting the ones that called me a [BAD WORD] for some reason.
     I never contacted anyone first.

    Granted such salt equals like a badge of honor for me but this ######### just cant stand.

    Since they dont even have an ETA it can take a whike though.
    Friendly advice, remove the N word from your post I know someone will see that and report you even though you don’t mean it in any type of way , just seeing it triggers quite a few people 
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @shasta said:
    ChesterTheMolester said:

    Khalednazari said:

    ChesterTheMolester said:

    Yeah the console community has gone completely nuts since they are announced that they dont even have an ETA for console moderation.

    This cannot continue. I'm not asking for something that's unreasonable. Fair play should be promoted and discriminatory play should be punished. 

    I have 14 messages calling me a nig-ger since August, among them 3 voice messages, and im just counting the ones that called me a [BAD WORD] for some reason.
     I never contacted anyone first.

    Granted such salt equals like a badge of honor for me but this ######### just cant stand.

    Since they dont even have an ETA it can take a whike though.

    Friendly advice, remove the N word from your post I know someone will see that and report you even though you don’t mean it in any type of way , just seeing it triggers quite a few people 

    Report their messages on PlayStation, it’ll get them banned if they have at least 3 reportable messages you report. If you false report you get banned though, so don’t be corrupt

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Since it seem that you intend to ban people for stuff done before the ban system was fully implemented, I can't wait.
    This is going to be glorious :)

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642
    edited October 2018

    @Dragonredking said:
    Since it seem that you intend to ban people for stuff done before the ban system was fully implemented, I can't wait.
    This is going to be glorious :)

    This will be a gigantic shitstorm if thats actually the case because until the system is finally finished most of the players who will receive punishments have gathered so much offenses already that it will be an instant perma bann

    Also dont fool yourself about the bann system, because even on PC it doesnt stop players from comiting all kind of bannable offenses

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    Since it seem that you intend to ban people for stuff done before the ban system was fully implemented, I can't wait.
    This is going to be glorious :)

    This will be a gigantic shitstorm if thats actually the case because until the system is finally finished most of the players who will receive punishments have gathered so much offenses already that it will be an instant perma bann

    Also dont fool yourself about the bann system, because even on PC it doesnt stop players from comiting all kind of bannable offenses

    Hooo don't worry I know, I'm not even a console player, but having people that ruin other people enjoyment of the game finally getting the shaft and the chaos that will ensue when the first ps4 ban will be made will still be really enjoyable.

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    not_Queen said:

    Hello @Khalednazari !

    The answer is YES.
    And the follow up answer is THERE WILL BE!

    We are working on implementing our progressive ban system to consoles.
    In the meantime, we are logging every report / disconnects / leaves on our side which is why I encourage players to still use the in-game report system.

    If you are facing a reprehensible behavior, you can report directly to Sony / Microsoft.

    That answers my question. Thank you. 
  • NoxiousOnnyyxx
    NoxiousOnnyyxx Member Posts: 343

    I freaking hope so. Its annoying when idiot randoms dc all because they were caught.....

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    Since it seem that you intend to ban people for stuff done before the ban system was fully implemented, I can't wait.
    This is going to be glorious :)

    This will be a gigantic shitstorm if thats actually the case because until the system is finally finished most of the players who will receive punishments have gathered so much offenses already that it will be an instant perma bann

    Also dont fool yourself about the bann system, because even on PC it doesnt stop players from comiting all kind of bannable offenses

    Hooo don't worry I know, I'm not even a console player, but having people that ruin other people enjoyment of the game finally getting the shaft and the chaos that will ensue when the first ps4 ban will be made will still be really enjoyable.

    I can’t wait for the bans to start happening (I’m on PS4), but I’m terrified that the queue times will increase because of all of the players being banned. Maybe players could be banned for the more serious offenses, but only give a warning (or just say nothing) to the players who have committed less serious offenses. 
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437

    I freaking hope so. Its annoying when idiot randoms dc all because they were caught.....

    Try having 5 games in a row a obsession after being downed a second time after his ds 2 randoms (probably a swf tag team) another obsession quitting mid Mori (you heard me they had a axe in there head and quit lol) and one guy go a Mori really after I killed him but as I said to him he could have snuck past me but he had to pallet and pull a cheap shot so tunnled two hooks got 5 dh token's and moried him lesson dont be a jerk and go for a pointless pallet and OMG it was soo satisfying and my personal best kill downed at the gate there crawling and I Mori them halfway through the gate (im on about that if my Mori bar didn't fill in time they would have made it out halfway) and I was like in after game chat omg how did my Mori get you
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Sorry I got of topic but tff the bans are coming in
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    Sorry I got of topic but tff the bans are coming in
    Wait the bans are happening? Got any proof of this? 
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Sorry I got of topic but tff the bans are coming in
    Wait the bans are happening? Got any proof of this? 
    Didn't say they was I was saying thank ######### finally there gonna start coming in (should have elaborated)
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433

    Hooo don't worry I know, I'm not even a console player, but having people that ruin other people enjoyment of the game finally getting the shaft and the chaos that will ensue when the first ps4 ban will be made will still be really enjoyable.

    You're absolutely right. Nobody can use a public gaming platform to harrass a fellow player beyond the fairness of the game.

    @DeadByFlashlight is also right, when he says it won't stop players from doing these kinda stuff. But atleast, their actions will have some serious consequences. In the end, it's just good riddance. 
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    The stupid thing is the OP thinks most people know when in reality most people do not. I did not for example. I won't take advantage of this, but some will now that you've basically told them they have free reign in the game.

    Sucks that the report system after the game that I consistently use for the lag switchers and trolls is doing absolutely nothing.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661


    @Rex_Huin said:
    I play on PS4 and don't find it that bad. The occasional insult but that's usually when you have a good game.

    I have yet to see a survivor aiding the killer.

    How is it even possible for friends to get in a game as killer and survivor? Just by luck? Meh I can live with those odds.

    I had a game where a killer was trading downs and heals with the other 3 in the basement and I was doing gens and he got mad. When he eventually got me I was unluckily near it and he didn't get the hook but the other survivors body blocked me on the steps so he could hook me and they basically got their unhooks and heals and I got screwed.

    I have on rare occasion helped out a killer with blood points who we crushed in terms of points and they would have gotten next to none by letting them chase me and maybe even land a hit since I was pretty sure they wouldn't down me. I also let a huntress work on her aim at the exit gate and healing back up if she actually landed a hatchet since unless you play KYF you really don't get a chance to practice aim that doesn't harm you if you miss. I've never intentionally harmed another player or done something like that during the actual match.

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    edited October 2018

    The stupid thing is the OP thinks most people know when in reality most people do not. I did not for example. I won't take advantage of this, but some will now that you've basically told them they have free reign in the game.

    Even if players don't know about it, it's not like anything has been done about it so far. It's clearly stated in the game rules thread, if you only cared to read it in the first place, that there's no ban for consoles. So, stop trying to make it look as if it's my fault, because I am not the one to be blamed for demanding a ban which doesn't exist yet. 
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2018


    @Rex_Huin said:
    I play on PS4 and don't find it that bad. The occasional insult but that's usually when you have a good game.

    I have yet to see a survivor aiding the killer.

    How is it even possible for friends to get in a game as killer and survivor? Just by luck? Meh I can live with those odds.

    I had a game where a killer was trading downs and heals with the other 3 in the basement and I was doing gens and he got mad. When he eventually got me I was unluckily near it and he didn't get the hook but the other survivors body blocked me on the steps so he could hook me and they basically got their unhooks and heals and I got screwed.

    I have on rare occasion helped out a killer with blood points who we crushed in terms of points and they would have gotten next to none by letting them chase me and maybe even land a hit since I was pretty sure they wouldn't down me. I also let a huntress work on her aim at the exit gate and healing back up if she actually landed a hatchet since unless you play KYF you really don't get a chance to practice aim that doesn't harm you if you miss. I've never intentionally harmed another player or done something like that during the actual match.

    Wait was that huntress with blue eyes bloody axe and clothing that might have been me I think if so Thankyou for helping me to safety pip it's good players like you help others when you know you won and are in fact just trying to help them that is stuff I like to play as (one reason y I run devour hope is for people that are playing as jackasses so they know how it feels when they get treated like jackass and killed) as to the people helping the killer did you record your game when they started healing if so then you have proof they was not playing was not trying in fact all of them bullied you for actually playing the game like your ment to and there was less issues like this when there was not swf (I think was not around before they released it) for all we know they was all friends and just decided to pick on the solo or because you refused to farm so they bullied you because you wanted to play the game and leave them to it
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    not_Queen said:

    Hello @Khalednazari !

    The answer is YES.
    And the follow up answer is THERE WILL BE!

    We are working on implementing our progressive ban system to consoles.
    In the meantime, we are logging every report / disconnects / leaves on our side which is why I encourage players to still use the in-game report system.

    If you are facing a reprehensible behavior, you can report directly to Sony / Microsoft.

    So does this possibly mean dedicated servers? 😃 that’s really the only way I can see this happening please @not_Queen respond , I know it’s in the works but I’m just curious how it could work without them
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642
    lyric said:
    not_Queen said:

    Hello @Khalednazari !

    The answer is YES.
    And the follow up answer is THERE WILL BE!

    We are working on implementing our progressive ban system to consoles.
    In the meantime, we are logging every report / disconnects / leaves on our side which is why I encourage players to still use the in-game report system.

    If you are facing a reprehensible behavior, you can report directly to Sony / Microsoft.

    So does this possibly mean dedicated servers? 😃 that’s really the only way I can see this happening please @not_Queen respond , I know it’s in the works but I’m just curious how it could work without them
    You know that it is in the work?
    Do you mind sharing your source?