Soul Guard + Unbreakable incompatible?

IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 78

Step 1 : Playing as Cheryl Mason.

Step 2 : Soul Guard, Unbreakable, Tenacity, Decisive Strike.

Step 3 : Hex Totem is up, get downed. Get myself back up with Soul Guard.

Step 4 : Hex Totem is cleansed, get downed. Unable to get myself back up with Unbreakable.

Additional information

  • Cheryl
  • Soul Guard, Unbreakable, Tenacity, Decisive Strike
  • Any map
  • Every time I get up and it tells me "SOUL GUARD" is the perk that got me up, Unbreakable does not work - game tells me to "FIND HELP" when attempting to get myself back up past a certain point.

Currently lacking any screenshots.

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