Sure that may be the case but as soon as the killer starts getting hooks and pressure they don't need to know because survivor's are forced off of gens regardless of whether the killer is there or not.
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Of course! They sit in a corner and wait till someone on the other side of the map gets injured, before they do anything.
0 -
Then they urban evasion to the hatch. Then cry when you dont give it to them.
0 -
Lol... I legit had a rank 2 send me hate over running an iridescent addon on CLOWN😂. He made mistakes and died and it was the only thing he could send hate over. I wasn't playing in any toxic manor, I didn't use a Mori.
The message was something like "iri addon huh? I guess some players need all the help they can get".
I'm rank 9... He was rank 2. I just replied that I shouldn't use the the OP clown at all so people have a chance at least😜.
2 -
I´ve actually seen that behavior way to often...
4 -
Just point out his DS. Because i guarantee you, he was using DS.
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0 -
I don't even know where to start with this.
You're saying that 1 minute of immunity that often doesn't even come into play is stronger than basically a free win half of games? Do you not know what ruin undying does to solo q games? It literalyl makes them unplayable cause you have pretty muhc no chance of escaping unless the killer is extra-boosted or you get lucky.
"Frankly I don't think the combo is even that good". Well then why does literalyl ever killer these days run it? And i doubt u don't run it either.
The argument that you have to play scummy to win is just so false its unbelievable. I don't want to go into this argument because I know it'll get nowhere but i'm going to say two things to this. 1: Why do you wan't free wins against the best teams? They shouldn't be easy to win otherwise what's the difference between a good or bad team. You should actually have to TRY and use SKILL to beat a good team. 2: There are plenty, PLENTY of good killers out there who will stomp even the best teams because they've mastered a certain killer. Sure you won't beat a good team if you're say a billy main and then go and play oni against them but that's how it shoudl be. You shouldn't be able to pick a killer or bulid and thus instantly win the match or make the game so much easier, which is what ruin undying does.
You're bascially forcing every survivor to waste one perk just to counter a potential build a killer might have. That's like saying "just put on iron will against spirit and ggez'. Very flawed argument.
I'm going to say this again because i don't think ur getting the point. Do you want to play a game where the result is predetermined based on the perks you have? No because that's boring as hell. That's why ruin undying sucks so much. Solo survivors know that they've lost, and killers know that they've won. Reason I've never used that build as killer and don't plan on. Why would i want to play a match where i don't even have to think and I've already won the game.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Actually DS, UB, Iron Will and (I think) DH or sprint burst. So very red rank meta. But my redheads pinky was his downfall and my OP crutch😳
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Then you're assuming once again that survivors instantly jump on three seperate gens and start pushing them out AND that it takes 80 seconds for the killer to find and down a survivor. Idk what game ur playing.
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I usually spawn next to a gen (or a lit hex totem, but thats a different story).
1 -
But then no totems r done if you just hop on a gen, leaving the killer with tremendous slowdown later on.
You see the problem? You do gens and ruin undying stays and makes the game insanely hard to win later on. You do bones and then no gens r done.
0 -
Stop using ds/unbreakable then
0 -
Just git gud and do bones. If you think that the perk combination makes every game an ez win for killer, something might just be wrong with your playstyle.
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Sounds like 2 things risk vs reward. And wanting your cake and eating it too
1 -
I don´t see a problem.
There is Small Game and Detectives Hunch. Those help greatly with finding totems. Don´t survivors use DS as "anti tunnel" solution? Well, those 2 perks are the solution to totems.
5 -
The bad thing about it, is BHVR will listen to salty no skill survivors. If their statistics will show, that Ruin/Undying is used by killers in more that 70% of the games (oh, I really wonder why), it will get nerfed in one way or another. Cause good killer perk combinations are obvisously not allowed.
6 -
What? There is no reward you loose the game either way.
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No one has a problem with pop, or ruin on its own, or corrupt or anything like that.
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So now survivors have half of their build if not more forced on them if they want a chance at a fun game.
I don't use ds or unbreakable and I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of them but there's a good reason why they are in the game and that's not changing anytime soon as long as you have so many scummy killer players out there.
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I disagree. Once again its 4 v 1. Now if one of your team is weak...well that's a different story. I escape a lot of the time and i do 2 gens and all 5 totems. And 2 unhooks. Im always doing something.
1 -
a couple of culprits have led to this. 1.the ridiculous rank reset we currently have 2. The fact that double depip was taken away 3. Old ruin being nerfed
#3 is a very large culprit in the lack of any running capability. Unless newish survivors learned to hit great skill checks, they had no choice but to learn to loop the killer as there would be very little gen progress. The new ruin has a bit of similar thing in that if the survivor gets downed in 15 secs gen regression is a real threat. The big difference is that simply spreading out and sticking to a gen directly defeats new ruin.
the game (without any good iteration of ruin) was condensed down to 6-7 minutes of either the survivors slamming gens, or the survivors slugged on the floor. There was no growth in looping.
the devs in their zeal to make 6 minute games restricted any ability to learn looping, and now we have boosted red ranks that can’t last 15 secs in a chase or waste every pallet on the map in the first few minutes while fully healthy.
all of this has led to a false sense of ease in the game as though it were some kind of action game. (Notice how the dc rate sky rocketed when undying was released and boosted survivors couldn’t rely on 3 gens popping in the first few minutes because the boosted ones couldn’t loop)
to add to that, the matchmaking doesn’t distinguish between a “true” red rank and a boosted. If I get a room and start a chase with a real red I’m not going to waste my time with them when I can easily down the boosted teammates they got paired with. It’s obvious that the real red gets frustrated because they will literally follow me around trying to initiate a chase but I just ignore them.
in the end, boosted survivors need to realize they are boosted, bite the bullet and learn to loop.
7 -
But but...thats not allowed. How dare you. Its tunneling and camping.... its both. Reported :( /s
0 -
Fix motors son.
1 -
Why not try out Distortion?
I mean, if you encounter the 2-Perk combination as much as you say, then it should be of great use to you.
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How do you have time to do that much stuff tho. The killer should be pressuring you and forcing you to heal, forcing you off of gens and doing all the normal killer stuff.
Killer's seemed to be winning perfectly fine before this combo, so why was it nescasery?
1 -
Broken? That's a funny one.
0 -
The whataboutism in this thread is astonishing.
You people realize not every single survivor runs DS unbreakable right? Even though that's beside the point completely but still, I think we've already established this build destroys solos and doesn't work against SWF.
1 -
Because when you know the maps you know safe spaces to hide in. Or where to loop. Also spine chill gives me so much warning. (If any perk needs a nerf its this but thats not this convo) so usually i fk off and check a spot where i think a totem will be.
Now with totems. Think of it as 2 sets of quadrants. Totems will spawn in one of these quadrants maybe. Which usually helps me find them easily. (Hense why i say totems need a better job at hiding).
By the time i cleanse a totem or come back to the gen he should of fkd off by then. Which now gives me anywhere from 15 to a whole gen to complete before he comes back.
By this time 3 things could of happened. Another gen popped. A killer found another surv is is about to down them. Or i find a second totem. Usually i memorize second totem location and go for the unhook. Because pressuring the killer = alive survivors. I then go back to totem then find a gen. Usually by this time i find gens almost complete or has some time. And basically rinse repeat as i see fit.
2 -
Question if there wasn't Ruin Undying what would be your usual perk build?
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But it isn't the TRUTH, its just his opinion.
0 -
Well, killers ARE forced to use the Undying Ruin Combo in order to play exactly as survivors have been telling them, since the Ruin nerf. Just apply pressure).
They ARE forced to use 2 perks instead of 1, because of how quickly gens go. Killers really only have a chance, when survivors crouch scrared behind a bush. But they don´t stand a chance against survivors that are dedicated to pump out gens.
They might get 1 kill, but that´s it.
2 -
Blame the topic creator.
0 -
Easy, bbq and po.....oh yeah they "fixed" pop.
Um.... Agitation and blood echo (yeah, make sense of that🧐)
0 -
I have a nice build with blood echo.
0 -
0 -
Ummm they already nerfed pop... Even though nobody took issue with it. So yes, undying will probably get nerfed based on cold numbers and nobody asking the living, breathing voices behind the numbers.
0 -
Killer Has to be "friendly "? Obviously ur a entitled survivor main.
I use to have that mentality when I was a noob.
Why don't u stop playing survivor and become a killer main, and be "friendly"?
I use to do that. Got worked up about rude killers so I started killer to be "friendly" and went on a quest to show the dbd world how a killer should be played.
After a while, I found out killers are actually friendly. Its the survivors who are NOT friendly. That was the turning point i became a survivor main who defends the real victims in this game, the killers.
8 -
My luck with hex totems is always just terrible, the get found right away. I just started running Undying/Haunted Grounds, and I'm having a great time. The old traditional wisdom doesn't apply anymore so they'll cleanse before they even confirm whether I have ruin or not. I'll face teams who legit cleanse haunted grounds three times and it hasn't gotten old yet.
1 -
Sounds amazing. Spill it! (and explain blood echo in a more coherent way than the game description plz). I don't see any value in making people bleed periodically.
Seriously what does the perk do?
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Camping is over rated, I'm the only person anywhere that actually encourages camping. But I can never encourage anybody. Becuz nobody really wants to camp. They just do it becuz they have to or they are triggered.
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What truth? 5 totem, I can usually do them in 3/4 minutes on the map I'm the most comfortable on.
It's so easy to counter and barely takes any time on top of giving something else to do other than to hold M1...
Plus, if you don't cleanse totem, what about cheeky NoED?
Add to that that most killer cannot humanly protect all totem, even with info on them being touched...
I don't get all the complaining, it's not broken, it's not without a counter, unlike things like DS+UB or Delivrance + DS, it actually bring more interaction in the game and make playing a a survivor feel more engaging.
It's literally one of the only combo thar makes me feel as an actual survivor chased by a killer and not the other way around.
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But nobody wants to follow ur rulebook. U should just play However u want to play.
0 -
Bro be happy you can actually take away the perks from the killer, meanwhile there's nothing we can do about people forcing ds, picking themselves up with unbreakable and taking forced protection hits with bt. We've had to deal with it for way longer, stuck on the gens and ruin does nothing, or do the bones
1 -
All I see is survivor constantly complain, survivor being toxic in game and on the forum, and I mainly play svv lately.
Almost every solo queue game that isn't with chat impaired players (aka crossplay)
I get survivor blaming the killer for their own mistakes and being the toxic entitled crybabies they always are
Killers? They say a cheeky "GG =)" when they win and lose, or simply nothing at all and move on. Not sure we play the same game or read the same forum, literally go look at the main discussion page, look how many post are main SVV crying to see everything on the killer side nefred xD
1 -
You're assuming so many things here thouhg, this is like the best case scenario. Assuming the killer doesn't find you, assuming it's not a mobility killer or doctor. Assuming its not a hag, trapper or p head forcing you to avoid their traps, assuming the killer has not already downed some else and begun applying pressure, assuming you can actually find the totems and that they spawn in the right spots, assuming you don't run into the killer. This is literalyl just a once off scenario.
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It hasn't been even 2 months, but you crybabies already make posts about "how bored you are with killers running same perks".
Imagine playing against 1 loadout for 4 years.
2 -
- You are claiming that DS/UB is required! Because otherwise you die to camping and tunneling... so if that isn't the case as it doesn't come into play often... why is it required? If it wouldn't be that common it wouldn't be much of an issue now would it and survivors wouldn't be running these perks all the time. Like seriously, you cannot state it is a REQUIREMENT TO HAVE! Yet they never come into play... as that would allow you to swap them out. If you are worried about having no obsession in the game, use the game chat before a match to make sure someone brings an obsession perk? Like even solos can coordinate a little before the match starts.
- Half the games are free wins? If you meet potatoes maybe... I don't know what it does in solo queue.... while I only solo queue, literally have 0 experience with being a part of a SWF as a survivor? Is it unplayable... euhm... nope, it extends the game and if the killer pressures gens properly makes it harder, which means your team has to perform better in terms of loops, sticking to gens, finding totems, etc. You also act like the killer isn't doing anything and just gets handed the win, all the combo does is keep ruin up longer and making pressuring gens actually beneficial. Why isn't it an issue to face just ruin? Because it doesn't last for any significant amount of time, because 2/5 is next to gens, 2/5 is usually just out in the open and 1/5 is actually somewhat hidden.
- I have tried it, it is inconsistent with its performance. Some games it is amazing, some games it is complete trash and anything in between based on the survivors you meet and some luck the quality of the perk combo is very volatile. I personally prefer Pop goes the Weasel for a more consistent gameplay, but this just gives an alternative and is great on high mobility killers as they can zoom around and pressure most of the map. These are the killers where the combo shines and it makes the game a lot more difficult.
- I don't believe you need to play scummy, but to do so you need to have either an extreme snowball, the ability to end chases extremely fast (which based on who you are meeting, map rng and your own experience can be really hard) and/or have gen slow down. Games go so fast if you aren't snowballing out of control, if the survivors play anywhere near decent and aren't throwing themselves at you. I do believe that gen slow down perks are nearly a must to be running at higher levels of play if you are facing anywhere near similar caliber skill or higher survivors.
- Free wins against the best teams? Euhm... no matter what perks I use, the best teams will crush me and yet I also don't dodge teams, I win some I lose some... it really matters how good they are, if they are near my level I do alright, still no guaranteed victory or anything, if they are overall significantly better than me I get crushed. Once again you are ignoring the fact that survivors can counter the build and good teams can simply win against the undying/ruin combo. Nobody is instantly winning matches against good teams. That is the difference, good teams beat the combo because they know how to play against it. Bad teams aren't handed a win and get dominated by it because they are not playing well. Survivors also need to become better, play well, adapt to the meta and simply become good? This isn't exclusive for killers.
- Perks combos that are meta make the game much easier, that is why they are meta; Survivor meta perks are seen as crutches, training wheels, as they make the game easier: give you extra time, compensate for mistakes and buff your performance. Run the best perks and the game becomes easier... same applies to Killers and why wouldn't it? Running Corrupt Intervention and Pop also makes my life easier, running detection perks make my life easier, that is the point of them?
- You don't need to use a perk to counter it, you can also bring a map, learn the totem positions, simply search for them... most aren't really all that hidden. Like if you struggle, use a perk to make your life easier! According to you the perks you deem necessary aren't needed often, so why not swap it out for one you think is? Why do killers need to waste 2 perk slots to slow down the game to counter the speed at which generators are completed? Why are these gen regression perks meta... like undying/ruin ruffled the meta for survivors, you don't have to adjust to it and stick to your UB/DS/DH/BT build. Like feel free not to adjust, but there are a lot of good survivors that did and they are very good at hunting down totems and winning against the combo.
- Perks don't predetermine the outcome. If you believe that is the case it just showcases your inability to adjust and improve. Solo survivors, SWF ... doesn't really matter man. If you believe that simply putting 2 lit totems in the game stops you from thinking and playing then it just shows how biased you are. Ruin/Undying does nothing if the killer doesn't apply pressure properly and if survivors respond properly they can counter it.
Frankly to me it sounds like you play one side only or don't play killer at high ranks. I play survivor, I play killer and by no means the meta on survivors is less oppressive than the one on the killers end. You are the one that needs easy, free wins as a survivor... the moment the killer brings in meta perks that force you to perform better, adjust, find totems... just to hard, unbeatable, predetermined outcome! Simply put, get good and you can beat the meta combo. It is what everyone told me to do as a killer, just play around DS/UB, just pressure gens better, just be good... why wouldn't that same logic apply to survivors? Good survivors can beat hex perks, bad survivors struggle...
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I don't care if nobody wants to follow my rulebook, since it's my rulebook, that dictates how I play. Last I checked there wasn't another GoodBoyKaru on the forums, though do correct me if I'm wrong here.
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That just completely false. I don't run gen pressure at ALL on blight, nurse, spirit, freddy and huntress because you don't even need it to win. SURE i don't win every game but do i main any of these killers apart from blight? No. Most other killers ill usually only have corrupt and pop which sure as hell does the job far better than i'd ever need.
Killers were actually getting better at the game after old ruin went did u not see? Most killers actually knew how to rotate and stop throwing the game through stupid plays because they were finally punished for not playing well. Now you chase someone and loose the chasee? Oh well you've got ruin undying tinkerer so just go over to another gen and watch it regress.