When nerfing Decisive Strike?

Hello mates! Probably you are killer just like as me or survivor, maybe toxic, maybe not. We're gonna see here on this discussion what we will get feedback about Decisisive Strike.

  • Why I am thinking that DS is kinda op ? Because when Enduring still didn't have nerf BHVR decided to buff DS and then nerf Enduring but they totally did nothing about DS and one thing, this one perk is strong and with combination of unbreakable, dead hard, adrenaline it's just to easy !

From perspective of normal main Killer it's irritating that one ######### uses DS I dunno, in locker. Yes DS is working even when you are not getting tunneled, repairing gens, hiding in lockers. Like I know some of you maybe are gonna be salty about it. But did you know that 2 workers is working on balance of the game and BTW - They are survivor main. Maybe some of you know that DEVS aren't really good at game and they know it but still they are thinking about them as GOD of this games and when they duck up they match, they are like "ok, (killer) is to OP we have to nerf him". I know that NOED is OP and maybe other perks for Killer, but still you need skill for them (NOED is for low skill).

I would really like to what you are thinking about it. But please don't be salty survivor complaining how Killers are Over powered because you are bad in this game.
