General Discussions

General Discussions




  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Not really, because the way to get usage out of ruin undying is to constantly bail chases until you catch someone off guard or in a deadzone.

    This leads to "oh hey, are you actually good at chases? Well I'm never gonna let you have a decent chase with me because I get a broken amount of pressure by doing hit and run".

    Seriously, hit and run is so boring as you never get an actual good chase with a killer, it's why I hate stealth killers.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Theoretically, yes. But what usually ends up happening is the killer bounces from 70% gen to 70% gen and never really commits to anyone. It's the one build that can force survivors to conserve map resources, which survivors have never really had to do before.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    This is because in general killers are too overpowered and maps are too unfriendly for the majority. You shouldn't need thousands of hours to extend a chase. When I check profiles after a match for curiosity, survivors with between 500-1000 hours were all going down within the few seconds you mentioned because it was a blight, freddy, spirit, oni, huntress, etc. Compound those perks on those killers and it is an impossible match always ending in a bloodbath. It is not acceptable for these killers to be that powerful.

  • Member Posts: 546

    Do bones.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Survivors are often making basic mistakes though. It's not a killer power thing if survivors run a jungle gym the wrong way or misjudge the distance and go down without dropping a pallet. It seems like every other game I see a survivor enter a jungle gym from the wrong side and then try to medium vault the window right in front of me.

  • Member Posts: 967

    So I went and ran the build u suggested. Unfortunately distortion is currently bugged for me. It doesn't always work.

    bubba came straight at me after hooking someone when I had 3 tokens. At some point, 2 tokens disappeared out of nowhere.

    Ok fine, benefit of the doubt.

    But than at the end, I had 1 token left, after hooking someone, bubba came straight at me again?! Hit me, hooked me, and I died. I still had 1 token left. The 1 token didn't disappeared when it should.

    The first token also didn't disappeared when it should. Both times when it didn't disappeared or 'consumed', bubba came straight at me and killed me.

    *Map was swamp. PS4 pro. Using Nea. It's bugged at least for bbq for sure.

  • Member Posts: 246

    Basically. Any advantage the "Power Role" has cannot be allowed. After all, they have to keep those escape rates high.

  • Member Posts: 967

    Nvmd... I watched the replay and I noticed my tokens disappeared due to nurses calling.

    I didn't know nurses calling can use all 3 of ur tokens in a consecutive manner. So if 1 heal takes idk 25 seconds? Well distortion at tier 1 only last 6 seconds. So back to back it's 6 seconds after 6 seconds after 6 seconds, all 3 tokens are gone.

    But it defeats the purpose becuz can Bubba see the aura of the survivor whose healing me? Idk but distortion kinda sucks.

    It should stop aura reading for 20/25/30 seconds in my opinion.

    Idk about this distortion build. I'm kind of disappointed. All 3 tokens gone from 1 event of healing. And it still didn't do its job. Becuz killer eventually saw my aura after the tokens were consumed.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Well its rank 1. Rank 3 has 10 secs. Also 25 seconds to heal.. wut? But yea against nurses calling its useless.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    There was a complaint about NOED awhile back. I believe everyone agreed on doing bones to counter it. Now people are complaining about Undying helping Ruin? I do the totems with or without it just because of NOED XD If the killer is pushing everyone off of gens to get Ruin to regress, he's doing his job and putting on pressure and is reward with Ruin. If everyone is on the same gen, you're doing it wrong.

  • Member Posts: 203

    There is a counter for that combo...its prove thyself... it's what I've been running along with empathy kindred and sprint burst. I find whoever's on a genny and do it w them it helps. Plus you can see what's going on as far as where injured teammates are and when anyone is hooked where the killer is headed since all of em run bbq. If ur on a genny and it's over 75% be on guard cuz he is heading towards you. Tinkerer gives off constant notifications to the killer like it's being blown over and over. Hope this helps.

  • Member Posts: 1,417

    It's half of the killer's perk slots which can be destroyed. The combo is fine. It has counterplay and it stops you from losing ruin 20 seconds into the match. I don't use the combo myself but I don't blame people who do.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited November 2020

    I just have to laugh at all the comments responding with "Whatabout DS/UB/BT?" ... 🙄

    You realize that, that is a build to counter built-in mechanics that are given to you for FREE right?

    You can critique OP's annoyance by pointing out how those are perks. The bottom line is the DS/UB combo is there for a reason. It will stay there as long as survivors have very limited choices when it comes to those bs (I repeat myself) Built-IN-mechanics.

    Survivors have to play around annoying builds like killers do. Survivors however do not have any built in mechanics to provide options in countering excessive Camping, Slugging, Tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Well that’s why I’ve said I use pop an corrupt on lower tier killers. Why? Because yes they having gen slowdown does significantly help with them. If no killer ever needed game slowdowns perks, then what would the point of having them in the game be? Ruin undying just takes slowdown to freddys level and is just way over the top.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Well that’s where I disagree, if a survivor is good and gives me a long chase then it much more of an enjoyable experience e because I’m having to think and be really smart about how I play the chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Look all I want when I play survivor is for killers not to blatantly camp or tunnel, because that just completely ruins the experience. Sure quite a few killers out there are nice but u gotta remember how fun the game will be ultimately lies in the killer’s hands. Sure you may have one annoying and toxic survivor but you can just leave them or deal with them early, it’s not going to completely ruin the experience for everyone.

    Also do u not find survivors who abuse infinite’s or hide all game boring? Those r the types of survivors I hate to see just like I hate to see scummy killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    the problem with ur argument is that ur not taking into account the realistico of a match. How often will a killer leave you be to go running around the map five totems, or not punish you for doing so? Sure you’ve popped all the totems good job, but now one person on ur team is dead and another is on hook.

    Totems were never designed as a secondary objective, thus the game isn’t balanced for survivors to have to cleanse all every single game. I’ve said numerous times on other forms totems is not the way to go for a secondary objective and never will be a true secondary. If killers want one, then it needs to be designed far better than just holding m1 and wandering around the map.

    Also doing totems requires even MORE m1 holding which is another sucky part about it, and although I agree survivors need to stop just sitting on gens all the time as their only method of winning, atm there’s not a whole lot more you can do when ruin undying is in play, otherwise should risk throwing the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Pop weak asf? I’m sorry what? Is that cause enough actually hav do actively use it and it doesn’t give you free gen regression like ruin undying.

  • Member Posts: 951

    Excuse me? I quit playing the game because 95% of the time i was getting death threats from the survivors for whatever reason. Sometimes its cause i was too close to hook when they got saved, once it was because i didnt leave hook FAST enough. Of those games, 3 gens would proc in the first 90 seconds, sometimes i got someone sometimes i didnt, didnt really matter because gens go that quickly. I get that you dont like killers who facecamp and tunnel people out of existence, i dont like them either and we both hate survivors who hide all game or abuse infinites. To say the killer is supposed to carry the fun of the entire game is kind of entitled, the survivors need to go out of the way and make the killer WANT to play the game more too.

    I get people dont want to play nice because the other side doesnt, but its the mentality that the killer determines the entertainment of the game is one of the biggest underlying issues plaguing (hah get it) this game.

    Sorry for the rant.

  • Member Posts: 383

    I bet its fair when ruin gets destroyed in 5 sec at the start of the game lol at least undying lets it stay up for 5 extra seconds before being destroyed

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    there are perks to find the totems

    use them meta gamers

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    No, because it's effect is so ridiculous small that it doesn't make a difference with the requirements it has.

    25% gen regression = 20 seconds if a survivor works alone on the gen or 11 seconds if there are 2 survivors.

    Now take into account the time it takes to reach the gen from the hook. Most of the times, the gen isn't next to the hook. So the killer loses more time of pressure by having to walk there.

    Now take the requirements into account. 1 hook per use. Means, that either you won't get many uses, because you get gen rushed (and can't really waste time by going to specific gens) or a lot of uses, but in that case, you are already dominating. So it's not making a difference.

    To keep the comparison with DS, which gives a health state or extra life. In order for pop to be equally efficient, it would have to reset a completed gen.

  • Member Posts: 967

    I get it, but I still don't think ur experience overpowers the experience of others.

    I just played a game of killer and got bullied pretty hard, I'm actually kind of ashamed of myself. I was playing trapper w a meme build, w brown add ons.

    Who cares about my experience? Nobody. I want to have fun too. It'd be nice if at least 1 of the survivor offer himself for a free kill just to make my day better. But that doesn't happen.

    Survivors already have too much fun, killers live a hard lonely life getting guilt trip at every corner, get bullied, than come to the forums and read about entitled survivors complaining about killers not playing fair.

    U really have to consistently play killer to truly understand their point of view.

    It's the nature of diverse ppl playing killer that makes this game so great, to include camping and tunnel.

    Playing survivor is fun, or most of the time it's fun. Playing killer is a sweaty game of getting bullied or eat ur prey. Again, this is why most ppl play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    I wouldn't really say that ruin+undying is free gen regression.You have to actually pressure people of generators to get the regression going or otherwise they will hop right back to the gen once you leave.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Killer is meant to be the harder role and it always has been. Survivor is meant to be the more relaxing role but as a result ur actions don’t change the game a much when ur survivor. The problem I have with all this stuff is that I’m genuinely concerned for the survivor gameplay health because it’s becoming way more stressful especially when ur dependent on random teammates. Have you seen killer ques recently? They are horrid. You wanna know why? Because more and more people are switching to killer because survivor just isn’t cutting it for them.

    If a killer is running a meme build or struggled tremendously I’ll almost always kill my self for them or at least muck around with them. I find it stupid when survivors tbag or think they r good when a killer is clearly paying chill or using a meme build so I can agree with u on that.

    I would say I’m a killer main and hardly ever play survivor these days because the experience is just getting worse and worse especially as solo, but you probsbly wouldn’t believe me.

  • Member Posts: 967

    I'm a solo survivor. I've always been. Nobody is more solo than I am. Camping and tunnelling is only happens like 1/5 games. If that. Sometimes it only happens like once or twice a day. It's extremely overrated. Unless ur forcing the killer to do so.

    And hopefully we see more survivors like u, however, I have yet to see a survivor offer himself to me when I play killer when I totally lost. Survivors tend to smear stuff at u every chance they get.

    I try to offer a free kill at the end, and sometimes the killer saids no and lets me go. So I just leave. I mean he keeps swinging at the gate and hitting the metal so ..

    U are a rare survivor and do not represent the majority of the survivors out there. Survivors in general just are not good ppl.

    If a complaint is there, it should be on the survivor, not the other way around.

    Also killer queues are just what time u play and what event is going on. Right now ppl play killer due to the BP event.

    As a fellow solo survivor, If u want a survivor buddy, let me know. It also helps me out.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    its meta.... people use what is meta. META will exist in pretty much any comp/fps/moba game or whatever the ######### DBD is.

    Suck it up and deal with it

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    I'd be ok with ruin + undying if it didn't have aura reading.

    90% of my matches now in solo q are against someone with ruin+ undying + tinkerer

  • Member Posts: 83

    OK, I can see your point again and get where you coming from.

    To be fair, I almost always manage to get the totem, if you go at it quick and leave the hex for last, the killer usually doesn't understand what you are doing until it's too late.

    As for losing teammates so quick, don't see how it has to do with me on totem, I could have saved them, but if they needed me to survive then, that would still mean that the both of us wouldn't be doing gens on top of the possible regression from the gen they left while ruin was up.

    I guess it's a matter of perspective.

  • Member Posts: 618

    It's become so overused, the first minute of the trials result in probably 4 out of 5 totems simultaneously cleansed, basically wasting the killers' 2 perk slots. This is the reason I use other hex perks like Blood Favor or just any perk that's not a hex in general.

  • Member Posts: 529

    I personally think they need to nerf meta perks from both sides. This means that we need to look at to DS, DH and unbreakable combo as well. Some perks in the game are no brainer to run at, while others are trash tier. I mean why wouldn't you run ruin, undying while as DH and DS and far superior to other survivor perks?

  • Member Posts: 170

    I don't think anything is going to be done to change undying and ruin if we're going to be perfectly honest. It has counterplay the exact same way that noed does. DO BONES. Theres absolutely no reason to believe there will be a patch on the perks again. They already defended the fact undying let's you see auras by saying it was essentially a weaker version of thrill of the hunt in that aspect and that most killers won't see your aura during the 2 second time period unless they are camping totems.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    The bones are calling.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    Also this thread is great because I love drama, but can we just stop and admit we all suck? I'm tired of all of you . With the exception of a few people of course, and if you've had a pleasant encounter with me you are safe.

  • Member Posts: 199

    Undying is a god damn king

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    At least Ruin and Undying has a counter and cannot be denied counterplay unlike DH for distance, jumping in a locker with DS, UB with DS!

    If you want something about Ruin and Undying nerfed

    1. Look in the mirror

    2. Play killer to understand why it's used so much

  • Member Posts: 48

    Enough with exhaustion ds and flashlights.

  • Member Posts: 402

    Lmao it's not even a good build

  • Member Posts: 338

    If a horror game where 4 people are being hunted and the survivor role is more relaxing, then that is a critical failure of the game..

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    It's a pretty braindead comp. It works against bad survivors and gets rekt by good ones. On top of that they nerfed PGTW and removed the totem meta's only contender.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Well it’s a 4v1. Of course the team with for is going to have it more relaxing because the single player has to rely on their own ability to win the game not just their teams.

    Also ur trying to tell me that it’s a failiure that the side which involves holding m1 70% of the time should be less relaxing than one which actively has to be doing things.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    True you do have to pressure them off of gens but it’s also not that hard to do so. Survivors aren’t glued to gens they have many other things to do.

    Healing, doing totems, running from the killer, getting unhooks, dealing with a killers power whether it be plague cleansing or doctors madness or pigs traps,

    Survivors will loose the game if the killer is downing people and using their pressure and they just stick to gens.

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