All of Quentin's perks need some buff


Vigil- Recovery rate should be increased up to 40%, in it's current state it is not worth running.

Pharmacy- The received medkit should come with the gel dressings add-on, the given medkit let's you heal up only once, it's not much viable.

Wake Up- Opening speed should be increased up to 30% or maybe 25%. The current Wake Up saves you only 3 seconds.


  • Demon_Swords
    Demon_Swords Member Posts: 68

    Though Vigil is weak, buffing the number may be a bit much for its synergy with exhaustion. I think its biggest problem is that it was never updated to interact with more effects and many killers cannot cause the status effects that Vigil does covers in a duration based way.

    Pharmacy: I think the perk is fine as it is a good tool for farming med-kits while reranking after a reset.

    Wake up: Yeah it just needs a number buff. Or maybe another effect so it can do things in more scenarios.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    While I agree with a Vigil buff, 40% may be too much. Perhaps 11/22/33%?

    I'd be ok with the Pharmacy buff. I think it should also unlock chests even faster too! 100/150/200% faster?

    Wake Up should definitely be stronger as well. Apart from increasing the gate opening speed, it should also:

    • Wake you up against Freddy (duh)! I mean, it's in the name of the perk and goes along with their lore! After powering five generators.
    • Because the devs don't like perks that only target one killer, it could also remove torment and any existing statuses upon completing five generators. (if combo'd with Adrenaline, the exhaustion would be applied afterward).
  • quentinsimp
    quentinsimp Member Posts: 46

    I was talking about reworks for Quentin's perks with someone a while back, I agree. I think that Pharmacy should guarantee you a medkit in EVERY chest you search. There's really no reason that would be unbalanced imo, and it fits the name better. After all, you don't go to a pharmacy to get a brown toolbox.

    Vigil, I'd like to see completely reworked, and I had some ideas for that, but I won't mention them here since we're just talking about buffs.

    I'd also like to see Wake Up reworked, and had ideas for that too, but I think that a good buff would just be to make it faster opening, as you said, and make it so that you can see the aura of other people opening the exit gates, instead of just them being able to see you. It would come in handy in solo to make sure both gates are 99d.