What is the worst designed perk in your opinion?

AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

In my opinion the worst designed perk is Hex: Blood Favor, it's completely useless if Survivors have a brain, they can just run to next tile, not to mention that it is a hex perk that does have a cooldown, only works on basic attacks and on top of that has a range limit, but that's just my opinion, what do you think is the worst designed perk?



  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    Mostly poorly made, but if it's poorly made then it's most likely useless aswell.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    dont worry they said that about DS back in 2018 and then they finally nerfed DS. OoO will get a change but not at this time.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571
    edited November 2020

    Leader. All the things that it buffs are one man actions aside from healing and they don't buff you. So you're just standing next to somebody watching them do something all for a 25% speed increase if you want the perk to have value.

    I do agree though that Hex: Blood Favor is pretty god awful. It has no right being a hex perk with how weak its range and duration are.

    Wanted to edit in that Off the Record is pretty awfully designed too. 80 seconds of Iron Will and no aura reading on you when you get off the hook but why not just run Iron Will at that point?

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    Mind explaining why do you think it's badly designed? (I probably know the answer I just wanted to hear the reasoning)

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    Iron Will has been bugged for a very long time, it's only supposed to remove the injured noises, not your breathing entirely.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2020

    I run Monstrous Shrine in my meme Trapper build.

    Agitation, Iron Grasp, Territorial Imperative, Monsterous Shrine.

    "I smack you, I bring you half-way across map to basement and you gonna stay there... BUT I NO CAMPER. hee hee hee."

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    do you have any commentary from the devs? because im pretty sure iron will is like that from release

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Camaraderie for me. I fail to see a situation where this perk could make the difference. I'd rather use No Mither than Camaraderie.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Dead Hard because it relies on the state of the game server

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    Not from the Devs, I heared it from some streamers, also It's written in it's description:

    • You're able to concentrate and enter a meditative-like state to numb some pain.
    • Grunts of Pain caused by injuries are reduced by 50/75/100%.

    It doesn't state that it makes you a zombie while injured, so you should be breathing.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    sadly streamers are not devs. And even if it's supposed to not make you dead silent, it always been like that. Also even if it wasn't "bugged" it's still super strong and needs some conditions to activate

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571
    edited November 2020

    Camaraderie serves an alright purpose of countering camping but it could really use a couple changes:

    The first being that the extended hook time should be based on the killer walking near your hook and not a survivor. Other survivors have no idea you have this perk unless you're in a swf.

    It should also work on first hook imo.

    It could even be somewhat interesting as an exhaustion perk that you can activate at will on the hook.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    I have it come in clutch numerous games where I got hard camped, end game collapse camped.

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 308

    I personally just don't like the stacking of aura reading perks. I think it can be a bit too much.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Solidarity, being that it doesn't work with a medkit.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    I’m not gonna go with the obvious ones both killers and survivors will say. I personally think dying light is complete trash due to the negatives attached to it.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Its hard to name so I came up with 2 low tiers on both sides and 2 high tiers on both sides.

    low tier survivor perk: Self care, unless you have a synergy perk with this like botany knowledge, desperate etc it will ######### your team over so hard. 32 seconds healing? GET ON A GEN SON STOP WASTING TIME. Bring a medkit, inner strenght, bond, pharmarcy. Self care is not a perk, its a drug. Its a drug that blind inexperienced survivors and hinder them to get better at the game and develop good game sense and decision making. You cant make a singel argument that this perk is good on its own and can save you from certain situations sorry not sorry.

    Low tier killer perk: Insidious. You most stand still to get some value out of this perk, only good for basement bubba and certain 0 TR meme builds thats about it.

    High tier survivor perk: Borrow time, Its supposed to counter campers but yet its worthless against stealth killers, worthless against Freddy if you get put into sleep mode. Its also being abused as a farming tool. Then we got killers like Bubba who can just stay close to the hook and insta down anyone who comes near it. The perk is good, it will most time do its intended purpose but it really need some adjustments.

    High tier killer perk: NOED is not exactly a very high tier perk but you know the drill. It limit killers down to 3 perks 90% of the match. You may not even get to use it if survivors cleanse totems. It rewards killers for bad gameplay aka not putting enough pressure on survivors.

  • Freesham
    Freesham Member Posts: 262

    I'd like Unrelenting to be changed so it's not the worst perk in the game.

  • Icery
    Icery Member Posts: 199
    edited November 2020

    OoO, not balanced. Knowing a survivor's location is useless because they can still loop you. But the survivor can tell the killers exact loaction to his/her friends. That completely ruins killer's game.

    Edit: I am not talking about useless perks because at least they dont ruin the game.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Just to add something new to the list: Insidious

    On the rare occasions that it does get used, it's pretty much only used for camping (especially when the basement's involved). Sure old Freddy had some crazy synergy with it, but he's changed and the perk has returned to being an extra camping tool.

    Trail of Torment is basically just a better-designed version of Insidious in modern DbD.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Insidious. It has absolutely no use outside of camping, so it’s basically a perk that... encourages camping. Wow.

    I feel like a lot of the perks others have listed could be buffed or changed slightly and see improvements, but the very concept of Insidious is flawed and encourages gameplay that people hate. It serves no other function. I wish they’d rework it or even just delete it so it would stop cluttering up my bloodwebs.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Sole Survivor, for making you want your fellow Survivors dead if you want the bonus, which is already quite meager.

    I like Up The Ante's design way more despite having extremely little use, since that one makes you stronger with alive Survivors.

    Furtive Chase.

    So firstly, you can only gain strength by hooking your Obsession.

    Secondly, the reduction in Terror Radius is while in a chase.

    Thirdly, the Obsession gains a form of immunity if the Killer wants to keep their Tokens, a.k.a. they'll let them live for less Terror Radius.


    Standing still, riveting gameplay!

    Overwhelming Presence.

    Just don't use your Item, Perk beaten.

    "But if they don't use their Item, it's as if they don't have one, so it's kinda good."

    Only where you are at, if you're in one corner of the map doing whatever, then Survivors who are far away will just use their Items.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    I am amazed Insidious exists in its current state. The bug they had in that one patch actually possibly made it remotely useful outside of just camping, then they fixed that. Such an unhealthy niche perk that has no place existing in honesty

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited November 2020

    Ones that come to mind:

    Monstrous Shrine

    Territorial Imperative

    Beast of Prey

    Object of Obsession

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Insidious. Only used for camping, will never see use in a "normal" game.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Very cold, common takes:

    Survivor: Object of Obsession

    Killer: Hex: No One Escapes Death

  • narf
    narf Member Posts: 68

    Object of Obsession and Hex: Blood Favor. Honorable mention to the original DS, the second version of DS, and the current version of DS.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I think the point of Off The Record is it gives the player the opportunity to heal after being unhooked without worrying about BBQ when the killer next hooks someone, or worry about A Nurses Calling.

    Well, these are my theories anyway.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Beast of Prey.

    It can SOMETIMES be useful if whomever you are chasing leads the chase near other survivors free an easy hit in a switched target, but the conditions for that to happen aren’t usually worth it.

    But its a perk that presents a conundrum for balance purposes. How it be buffed to work better in a chase without it becoming broken?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited November 2020

    Monstrous Shrine. It doesn't do it's one job, not even poorly. It just may as well do nothing. I'm surprised it even still exists.

    Edit: It's one job it to make camping the basement more productive, btw.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Old MoM

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Anything that removes immersion or any sense of situational awareness.

    Spine Chill i have a hateboner for. Premonition at least invites the fear of an approaching danger. Spine Chill removes all doubt then rewards you for it. And you still haven't seen the killer.

    Unpopular opinion but all aura perks. All of them.

    They're bright and gaudy and out of place in the dark brooding atmosphere it attempts to create. I'd say they're placeholders that never saw any development seeing as how the auras themselves have no other details. Just a colored outline.

    Is also extremely distracting when trying to focus on details like shuffled birds or other types of movement.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Furtive chase

    It's attached to the condition of hooking your obsession to power it up. fair enough

    It can reduce your terror radius by 16 at max stacks. Awesome can't wait

    But only in chases. Wait...... what why

    Oh if your obsession dies or dcs the perk deactivates and you lose all your stacks. I'M SORRY WHAT

    Don't worry we have an obsession switching mechanic when somebody saves the obsession. Alright that's slightly better.

    But if that person who saves the obsession happens to be on death hook and you don't have full stacks you can go suck a follicle lemon. Of course ..... what was I expecting...... thanks devs.

    I've said this before but layering a perk with conditions upon restrictions upon even more conditions only serves to make the perk extremely bad. Normally this could be mitigated if the effect of the perk is really strong (Devour hope) however the effects of furtive chase are terrible a terror radius in a chase is not worth it.

    It's decent I guess for Killers who switch targets a lot but these Killers are usually strong enough they don't need the perk.

    Hell if you want it for it's obsession switching qualities nemesis just does a better job.

    Furtive chase needs to be taken back to the drawing board

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    Is there even a point to running monstrous shrine? I know it's supposed to summon the entity faster in the basement and make escape attempts more punishing in the basement. but that's about it from what I can tell. Am I missing anything?

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I'll give two for both sides, cause why not?


    Monsterous Shrine: Do I even need to explain why this poor boi is bad? I mean, I get why it's bad, but still, kinda sad imho.

    Insideous: I honestly think that this just encourages poor behavior in the game. The only time you're ever going to use Insideous is when you're camping- which, while I know is technically a valid way to play, I think everyone can agree that it's not fun to be facecamped from the start of the game.


    Self-Care: The Self Care nerfs were definitely necessary back in the day, but so many perks and items just do it's job so much better, and it requires way too much to get decent value out of it.Not really sure how they can help this one though without making it nasty to verse again.

    This is Not Happening: You know, I waned to give this to Premonition, but at least Premonition has a use. This is Not Happening is a waste of a perk slot, and it does nothing but crutch new players who are scared of skill checks.

    I know some people also mentioned Object, but imho OoO isn't that bad to verse unless they're a super coordinated SWF or you're playing Hag/Trapper... then again, I'm also one of those where I think it's perfectly valid for someone to run the perk so they can get better at looping, because I've done that before myself, so 🤷‍♂️

  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    In my opinion, I think Die Hard is one of the worst designed perks in the game for survivor. Why? It does way too much for way too little. I think its fine when used to reach a pallet or a vault, in fact I love it when its used that way, but the problem is that you can use it as a "oh no I messed up the chase and I am going to get downed" panic button with no downside. This makes it very annoying to deal with, epically because you can use it to dash through a pig ambush attack. If they were to rework it so that it can't be used as easy option to gain some distance I think it would be fine. Heck, they could make another perk that takes over that role as a panic button, as long as it takes away of some of the versatility that Dead Hard can give you for a single perk slot.

    For killer, there is quite the list.

    Furtive Chase takes too long to get and once you get stacks is still useless

    Monstrous Shrine is completely worthless

    Dead Man's Switch takes too long to get

    The problem is that a lot of killer perks tend to either take awhile to build up, do not give enough benefits, get overshadowed by a better perk, or a combination of all three.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    I feel like Leader is the worst perk. After it's nerf I don't think anyone will run it because it only works on anything else than gens. It only lasts a little while after the person has left the area. To me Leader is the worst perk

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Wow there are so many...

    Monstrous Shrine - sure it's bad. Killer perks overall just seem badly designed...vary too wildly from useless to giving too much.

    Mettle of Man after the rework - sucks royal. Three protection hits is hard enough, then it gives the killer an aura read on top of it. No thanks.

    We're Going to Live Forever dropped off my list as there is actually a perk component to it rather than just encouraging bad plays.

    No Mither - might actually consider this a perk if grunts of pain were reduced 100%. Having the injured music playing all the time is also stupidly annoying.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    The reason No Mither isn’t 100% is because it’s the only perk that reduces grunts in the dying state.

    The point of that, in conjunction with the no bleeding, is if the chance prevents itself when you’re in the dying state, you’re meant to try and crawl away first.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    OoO (cancer)

    Buckle Up (Why?)

  • SirHamed
    SirHamed Member Posts: 14

    Camraderie would be so much better if it allowed you to pause another teammate’s timer who may not have the perk in addition to what it currently does. Similar to how kindred works.