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Yui is lesbian, right?



  • Member Posts: 827

    BUT JANE DID! Wasn't expecting that... Startled me and I dropped a survivor.

    I did check the locker after anyways, for dwight 😳

  • Member Posts: 329
    edited November 2020

    You believe that.

  • Member Posts: 236

    As an LGBT person, I agree. Like I said in a previous comment here I used to be that LGBT person screaming for all things to have LGBT people in it, now I'm like eh. This is a game that I use to get away from life's bull that it likes to throw. Like gaming is my escape from stress and I don't care about a pixelated character liking someone or not.

  • Member Posts: 1,652

    Woke up to 22 notifications and thought..uh oh, what did I do now?? 😊

  • Member Posts: 750

    yui can be anything and everything we want her to be.

    lesbian rights? hell yeah

    trans rights? hell yeah

    nonbinary rights? hell yeah

    while we shouldn't push lgbt rep into everything, its good to have personal headcanons!

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Given that the game already has heterosexual representation, why not LGBT representation as well?

  • Member Posts: 801

    Lol no, she was in tome I

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    As an LGBT person, I disagree. There's no reason to exclude LGBT people when non-LGBT people are already in the game and have been in the game for years without anyone making a big deal out of it. I also don't see how excluding LGBT people serves as escapism, unless what you're trying to escape from is the existence of LGBT people, which seems weird for someone claiming to be LGBT.

  • Member Posts: 750
    edited November 2020

    oh i'm not saying "absolutely no lgbt rep!!!"! nor is it a bad thing, i just say we shouldn't (personally) push it because it really comes up to the dev's decisions, and sometimes some people don't want to misrepresent something they aren't too knowledgeable about or don't know how to incorporate into a character without stereotyping.

    i'm not saying that the devs don't know, though, because i don't know where their stance is on this and all, it's just one of the many reasons!

    and this is coming from an lgbtq+ member myself (trans ftm and pan, hello fellow trans+pan individuals <3), so i can understand that some people may not be as keen or feel like such a thing could be just easily slapped onto a character if they're going for a sexuality or identity that requires some research.

    also, you have to take into consideration the community too. i don't know exactly how received that sort of thing would be, and i personally wouldn't risk it if i were a dev, so maybe the devs also might see that as a potential issue too.

    there's a lot that can go into this aside from just saying "hey this character is mlm/wlw/trans/ace/etc."

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    It was never stated that each character won’t be included in multiple tomes..

    but maybe it will just be like Adam now, getting some charms/cosmetics but no new lore entries. We will see.

  • Member Posts: 750

    fair point! i'm just more-so thinking in terms of respect as to why people possibly wouldn't want to get their universe involved with LGBTQ+ topics and identities. i'm glad to hear the devs want to confirm who's part of the community though! that makes me a little excited. :0

  • Member Posts: 750

    out of curiosity, may i be linked the tweet? i don't think i've seen it yet since i've been on and off twitter!

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    No respect is owed to people who complain about LGBT "topics and identities", but didn't complain about the same things when applied to non-LGBT, at least IMO.

  • Member Posts: 14,890
    edited November 2020


    edit: seems like the hate responses (and therefor the direct responses from BHVR I mentioned) can’t be found there anymore. I guess Twitter deleted hate tweets?

  • Member Posts: 236

    Not escaping from LGBT people, I use games to escape life which is usually full of homophobic abuse for me living in a small town with small minded creeps. I'd rather not have it on a game like DbD I love games like life is strange, but they have a story. Games with a story yeah I love LGBT characters in those games, but to me dead by daylight is an online game with challenges to complete so I'm not really interested in a characters sexuality as a background. Don't get me wrong, the lore is cool and I'll look up a characters lore but that's it.

  • Member Posts: 1,238

    plot twist - all characters are asexual.

  • Member Posts: 236

    Honestly, I don't even pay attention to the stories from the tome I don't really understand the cut scenes at all and I've rewatched them so many times and I haven't seen anything to do with sexuality. I didn't say I'm okay with exclusion, I'm just not bothered with a characters sexuality in a game like dead by daylight where the story kinda comes last? Life is strange, dbh, the games that follow an actual storyline I get wanting representation in those because I was genuinely happy when dbh had a robot lesbian couple because it was sweet and fit with the story. Like maybe if the character had it in their lore that they had a horrible homophobic family and it turned them into a killer or a survivor who ran away from it, that would be interesting as lore, but like I said to me the story comes last in this game so LGBT or not, I don't mind I just like certain characters.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Totally valid opinion.

    just interpreted it as you don’t want them to include LGBT+. If you really don’t care then that fine of course. It’s just the case that many that say they don’t care actually don’t want lore inclusion but are okay with heterosexual relationships mentioned in the lore.

  • Member Posts: 236

    Nah, I do love seeing my community represented in things but horror games like this is meh. Although, I do love the idea of Wraith being very camp thanks to Samnation.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Homophobes are playing the game as we speak. Confirming LGBT characters would just prompt them to out themselves (because they can't leave people alone), which would prompt them to be banned, which would reduce the number of homophobes in the game and make it better for everyone.

    Adding/Confirming LGBT characters to a multiplayer game with proper moderation doesn't make it worse, that's just propaganda. Indeed, it makes it much better by banning a significant source of toxicity.

  • Member Posts: 236

    That's a good point, it would be nice to weed out homophobic players. I just feel like it would fit better in a story based game like Until Dawn was full of straight drama to me, I mean love the game it's great but I would have liked an LGBT couple in there somehow (even though I've heard theories that Josh is bi?) The last message I had on PS4 was full of homophobic slurs because I beat their team so weeding them out would be great, like I said to someone else I'd like it to be in the lore maybe like a survivor runs away from a homophobic family, starts a new life and the entity takes them for whatever reason. Stories in DbD don't interest me much but I can see why other people would be interested, I just play the game for the characters in my favourite franchises like Saw because Tapp is my man.

  • Member Posts: 927

    Honestly never really got those vibes myself. I do think that she might be trans, though. The strong jaw line, the high hips, etc.

  • Member Posts: 927
    edited November 2020

    Well, my trans girlfriend agrees with me, so... And what I was getting at is that someone assigned male at birth tends to have a taller, more narrow pelvic bone.

    I suppose facial features are more me stretching it cuz I rather hope she is revealed to be trans, and contouring being a thing can make your face look virtually however you want...

    I get where you're coming from, though.

  • Member Posts: 546

    I honestly think bhvr is going to keep the whole "make your own headcanons" sort of route. I don't think we'll see any LGBT characters confirmed anytime soon. I prefer it because really it is a horror game and, while the lore of the character may be an appeal, it shouldn't be the sole focus of a character.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    So what’s your opinion on lore of Nurse, David, Legion, Felix?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    They haven't been on that route since the Nurse and have already confirmed they're going to confirm LGBT characters in the lore.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    sorry to have misread you.

    Just very used to getting the line of 'they don't look trans' from bastards when doing character designs and getting the whole 'you should dress more like your gender' irl... (surprise, I don't have one, what am I supposed to do? go naked?)

  • Member Posts: 274

    Is orientation confirmation necessary in any way to play or enjoy the game?

  • Member Posts: 274

    I'm sure that if people don't go out of their way to make it a topic of discussion within that community, as such a thing is irrelevant to the gameplay itself and should not influence how one performs in the match.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    What is this?? A normal buttercake post????

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    Gotta tick off those diversity boxes, I guess. This kind of stuff is a huge meme every time it comes up. I'm just here to cut people up and get camped, not think about whether or not the character I'm playing swings every, opposite, or conventional way.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    That's none of our business, now is it?

  • Member Posts: 131

    Does it matter? They'll be dead on hook anyway XD

  • Member Posts: 145

    ^The last paragraph is the best thing I've read on this topic, I mean David and Jake literally have 30s outfits and people still gives a fudge about what's canon and not in a game that literally has multiple timelines (sort of, survivors dying and dying on end to feed the entity counts as multiple timelines)? The devs made their own story but so can we, we control our characters in game after all, right? That was the devs' initial plan all along but then the tomes came and they realised they can't find a loophole to keep everyone happy anymore, but that doesn't mean s**t in the end, if you want Dwight and David together, nobody stops you.

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