I wonder what BHVR will say when they take away these cosmetics.

Apparently after update everybody has received some "still exclusive" skins like Twitch tops, PandaTV shirt, crew 2017 (DEVS ONLY) and etc.
So, how are you going to determine who originally had or didn't had these so you could take it away from those who didn't earn them? And if you are going to find a way, which I am 100% certain in, why aren't you going to apply the same to legacy and event skins, because I'm also 100% certain you wouldn't?
EDIT: Guess they not only can determine who actually owned skins when they want, but they also decide to forget about their "no more exclusives" promise again.
Bug or not if they really think exclusives are bad then they should stand by these being given out tbh. This should be the wake up call to them and everyone else who owned these now they get to feel what it was like to see things people earned stripped from them off some petty bs. On a good note though free cosmetics gimme gimme. Also they could careless about legacy good luck dude they'll just ignore the issue like they have for years.
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Pretty sure this was intended, it was leaked a while back that these were added into the game in a different manner than before, and given different names, I don't know why they didn't tell us but I think adding them was intended.
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Their way of storaging player data wasn't really good back then so they couldn't keep track which player had legacy or not
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I'm sorry for anyone who actually earned these cosmetics and feels upset. I didn't earn them, but I'm really loving them.
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Wait is the deathgarden mask now released for everyone?
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They're just talking about the shirts, OP probably unlocked the Deathgarden mask when it was available.
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No, it wasn't included.
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Honestly I'm 100-percent wondering if they're actually going to take it away if they do it goes against their stance of moving away from exclusives.
If they keep it then it brings up the question of are they going to to do the same for the things like the death garden masks
5 -
Please don't promote something that's technically an exploit on this thread. Thank you.
1 -
What a mess.
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Im on xbox and i got everything in the pictures except for that cool ass mask lol
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Fun fact: Literally any cosmetic can be removed from your account at will. Even those you have spent money on. The EULA allows this. Going back on the stance on exclusives is entirely possible.
Virtual Goods are licensed to you, not sold. You do not own the Virtual Goods, and you acknowledge and agree that all Virtual Goods represent a limited, personal, nonexclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable and fully revocable license to use the Virtual Goods, for your individual, non-commercial, entertainment purposes only. You have no right, title, interest, or ownership in or to any Virtual Goods. We may terminate your license at any time and at our sole discretion.
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How do you know we didn't all win the PandaTV tournament?
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For the OP's Defense, Exploit or not everyone has found out about this. Either from DbD Leaks on Twitter, From Reddit, or here. So the damage has already been done.
Yet those who have recieved this makes a fantastic point as well how would devs take away these items? Some could have been legitimately recieved or has been given in this intentional or unintentional bug.
So I understand that exploits should not be popularized yet this exploit happened for everyone. Consoles or not (I assume). So at this point trying to minimize spread of this Knowledge is nearly impossible. But thank you for staying true to your title as Moderator.
Much Love.
Myers at Law Firm.
Motto: Slashing just for you!
(Hopefully you didn't take offense if I did super sorry ๐ ๐ป)
15 -
EULA also allows Pay 2 Win in most horrible ways it could be.
Just to show how predatory this agreement is and why devs or anyone else should never use "EULA allows" as an argument, because if we do everything that EULA allows, we will kill the game, burn it to ashes and then ######### on its corpse all together.
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Can you specify what are you talking about? I'm not taking advantage over any bugs or loopholes willingly or promoting such.
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Sorry but, how does one know this is an "exploit?" I thought I had free merch until someone said these clothing was a bug? Otherwise I wouldn't of know, seems a well thought and put together set of clothing for it to be an exploit or bug, just my two pennies.
22 -
I don't think the OP is promoting an exploit. Dressing Dwight in a bright yellow T-shirt is the opposite of an exploit since it allows the killer to see him better.
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Using the items is not an exploit. Telling people about it is also not an exploit. As per the forum rules doing either of those things or revealing how to do it results in an immediate permaban, and OP was not banned. The thread was also not closed or deleted.
I read the comment as a sort of preemptive warning not to discuss another exploit that may or may not exist and may or may not have been introduced with the same patch that erroneously gave people access to these items. Don't discuss this hypothetical other exploit that may or may not exist and don't go looking for information on it.
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What about this exactly is an exploit?
I saw these cosmetics today in my inventory and thought they were freely given away, just like the other event cosmetics before.
How should anyone know this was a bug? Does this mean it is bannable if someone uses those cosmetics which they have in their inventory?
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I saw these cosmetics today in my inventory and thought they were freely given away, just like the other event cosmetics before.
I saw someone using one of the items in-game, checked my own inventory and saw that I also had those new items and assumed the same thing: That they were given out to everyone, like former exclusives have been given out in the past.
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Eulas are always such a ######### thing. Like "oh hey you bought our game and that means you own it! But if you don't agree to this contract you literally cannot use the product which you own because we say so!"
Pretty sure there's something illegal about that, I remember someone who used to create Eula's for companies talked about how a lot of what they put inside of them isn't actually Legally actionable, i.e. they're not actually able to enforce it, they just want you to think they can.
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A good way to add them would be through the Store for auric cells only.
I have the Deathgarden mask but I honestly don't care if other people get it, too. I think everyone should get a chance to get all cosmetics if they want to.
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She didn't direct that comment to OP. It was towards me and one other person...
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The masks ended up being free ages ago when Deathgarden itself became free. So it wouldn't be anything new.
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It was nothing to do with the OP's post, it was to do with the comments that I deleted off this thread
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It was in relation to comments that I deleted from the thread, discussing an exploit
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Ignore this comment.
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Oh alright, sorry. Thank you for clarifying.
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@Golden_spider it's been asked and answered in my posts above yours.
I've deleted the comments about exploits obviously and we wouldn't let them stay on the forum. Hence the OP's post is still up, because that is not an exploit.
Apologies for the misunderstanding
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It was directed towards comments she deleted. Not original post.
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I never bought Deathgarden, although played when it was free and still have the masks.
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The developers said there would be no more exclusives, and this new glitch gave ALL players exclusive cosmetics. for what reason would they take away those cosmetics if they no longer want exclusivity?
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That has always been a lie, the battlepass has exclusives and they are perfectly fine with that.
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But Mandy Talk how do WE as the public know this? perhaps it's good to place in your post of why, how etc?
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Let it go, lol
I made a remark someone replied to it with an exploit and both comments were removed. It didnt have anything to do with the cosmetics everyone just received. ๐
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Why many skins (legacy for example) still remain exclusive in that case? Battlepass charms? Please don't start with "this is totally different", I'm sick of that nonsense argument
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The comments that were "removed" I had no idea about until now, just perhaps people should be a little more clear in posts before the pitch forks come out lol :)
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Yes, I agree! ๐
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Okay thank you i didn't mean to be a prawn, but it's confusing and people should clearly specify things <3
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Also, it sucks I didn't get back here in time to read the exploit. ๐
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i wish some posts weren't deleted, it may give an insight of some things *s
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Ah sorry for misunderstanding ๐
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Because finding who had and didnโt have legacy takes time and money since it goes WAY back, which BHVRโs financial accountants have determined it would cost more money than it is worth. Until a newer easier way appears in the future that is, such as an advancement of technology of some sorts.
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He's helping with finding bugs and you're telling him to not promote exploits? Lmao what, so every bug is now gonna be exploit?
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it's still available, but people just need to know how to obtain it. it's nothing illegal, it's part of the Steam program.
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While this is true, a lot of people had video evidence showing them earn them, etc., and they still used this line. It's very stupid, imo.
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Oh,well then i absolutely understand why people are upset
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Typical BHVR. Update one thing, then break something that isn't even related to what they updated to begin with. Take how the hooks were broken a few patches ago, as well as the original hill bug (Which I'm also sure there is a similar bug on Dead Dawg on one of the sides of one of the buildings)
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If it's an exploit that players can't promote, why do you behaviour just announced we can enjoy it while it lasts in the forum top banner and on the twitter line?
Edit: my bad, just saw your second comment explaining what you meant