I am a Twitch Streamer on PS4 since the beginning Now losing the Skin for (MEG & DWIGHT) WTH!

I have been a Twitch streamer since this game lunched from PC to PS4 and I have the (Meg & Dwight Twitch Shirts) I don't feel that its fair at all to the players that you remove them after this patch!!!???
You put them in for everyone so leave it! You said no more exclusives skins in DBD and everyone will have them but Legacy so it is totally fair to give everyone these skins.
This is other reason that will make players leave the game, besides the huge disappointment of the Halloween Event. Your not giving out any good Cosmetic's anymore that is worth getting now. Instead of trying to kill your game make people want to stay and be happy in game.
The last 3 years the game is fading fast so you need be smart of what you are going to do. Taking away things like this away will start pushing more players away again keep that in mind.
If you already owned the shirts they will remain in your inventory as confirmed on Twitter.
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Like @GoodBoyKaru said: If you owned the twitch shirts previously, you're going to keep them. If you didn't own them before, then they'll be gone in the future update as they weren't meant to be given out to everyone.
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I hope they just forget to remove the cosmetics. I mean. Remove what? There was nothing to remove. Doctor needs his music back focus on that chop chop.
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How does this differ from people who owned Legacy before versus those who don’t?
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It was a mistake so it makes sense to take them away.
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If you earned it don't worry, I would be more afraid of what could happen when they take them back, imagine that another bug can happen and they could take your cosmetics for x characters.
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I knew someone would poop their pampers about the removal the INSTANT I saw paulie had two twitchies in his inventory, lol.
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Errybody out there getting all uppity about having certain skins to show off and here's me preferring to look as default as possible to bamboozle the opposition 😃
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honestly I'm fine with having the twitch, play, and panda shirts taken back but I would like to keep the crew shirt. can I get an application please?
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thats not how that works
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you really hope they'll answer that?